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Chapter 245: The Prince’s Mansion? It’s a Scene of Decline

Suddenly, an old white head poked out of the door.

I saw that the man looked extremely excited and quickly pushed the door open with both hands.

This person is the butler of this mansion.

He is also the housekeeper who has taken care of Fusu since childhood.

His name is Fu Bo!

Uncle Fu treated Fusu with respect and joy.

Once, Fusu peed into the pond in Ying Zheng's back garden, and Ying Zheng happened to see it.

Ying Zheng wanted to punish Fu Su, but Uncle Fu begged for mercy and allowed Fu Su to be exempted from punishment.

But Uncle Fu was also beaten with thirty military sticks because of poor care.

Uncle Fu loved Fusu everywhere, just like his own son.

Fusu also respected Uncle Fu very much.

Of course, this is just a memory in my mind.

But when these memories emerged, Fusu was filled with enthusiasm.

In a trance, it feels like returning to childhood.

It's a pity that things change and people change.

The years are gone forever.

When the door was completely opened, Forbes' full body was revealed.

Fusu was completely shocked.

I saw that Uncle Fu had a stooped body and was walking with a limp, leaning on a crutch that looked like firewood.

Although Fu Bo is now in his fifties, how could he look like this?

Fusu felt something strange in his heart, strode forward, helped Uncle Fu, and looked around like a falcon.

"Sir, it would be nice if you came back! It would be nice if you came back!" Uncle Fu looked excited, but his dry, sunken eyes, like dry wells, filled with tears, "Sir, it would be nice if you came back! Come, come, let's

go home together!"

Uncle Fu took Master Fusu's arm and walked towards the mansion step by step.

Fusu didn't struggle and allowed Uncle Fu to lead him.

When we arrived at the mansion, we saw a scene of decay before our eyes.

Broken branches and fallen leaves, withered and yellow leaves were scattered all over the ground.

The slate tiles that originally covered the ground became broken and broken, as if there had been some fierce fight.

The originally clear pond with lotuses planted on the side was now abandoned.

There was no water in the pond, but it was covered with withered and yellow weeds.

Wither, decay.

It looks like a house that has been abandoned for a long time.

But how long has it been since Fusu left?

It only takes a little more than half a year.

How could a mansion become like this in such a short period of time?

Absolutely impossible.

And Forbes' body.

When 'Fusu' left Xianyang, he could still follow the army heading north for more than a hundred miles.

At that time, Fu Bo's body was very tough, even tougher than the average general.

Why do you seem to have aged twenty or thirty years after not seeing her for such a short period of time?

Moreover, if you are old, you won’t be limping when you walk, and you still have to use a cane, right?

Something must have happened here!

"My lord, I am so ashamed of you! You gave me your mansion to take care of, but I let it turn into this. Old slave..." Uncle Fu burst into tears, "Please punish me, sir."


"Uncle Fu, something seems to have happened here!"

Fusu's simple inquiry made Uncle Fu tremble, his pupils dilated, and the hand holding the cane trembled.

As if thinking of something terrible.

"No...no! It's all my fault that I'm not reliable in doing things, which has led to this wonderful mansion becoming like this! I'm sorry for you! I'm sorry..."

"Uncle Fu, what are you afraid of?" Fusu frowned and strode up to Uncle Fu, with a sharp look like a falcon in his eyes, "Uncle Fu, no matter what happens, just tell me boldly.

!I will definitely make the decision for you!"

"Sigh." Uncle Fu sighed and shook his head, "Master, it's okay! I wish you could come back! I still have some savings, so I will hire someone to clean up the mansion quickly, and I will satisfy the Master!"

"Uncle Fu, your savings?" Fusu saw the clue, "Why are you using your savings? Also, where are the maids and servants in this mansion? Why have I come here and I haven't seen half of the maids?

, servants? Where have they gone?"

"Young Master..." The corners of Uncle Fu's mouth twitched, "Since you left Xianyang, changes have taken place here! Every month's money and food have also been cut off! Those servants, maids... are all gone! Now the entire mansion is...

My wife and I are two people! Now that this old slave has such a bad body and poor care, I beg you to punish me, Master!"

Hearing these words, Fusu's face suddenly turned cold and he asked coldly: "All the money and food have been cut off? Is this the father's will?"

"No, it's not His Majesty's will!" Uncle Fu shook his head and waved his hands, "This has nothing to do with Your Majesty. Your Majesty has never issued an order to cut off the mansion's money and food."

"In this case, there is only one possibility, and it is the work of those corrupt officials?" Fusu frowned, "But how could those guys be so bold? Who gave them the courage?"

In fact, Fusu knows it better than anyone else.

There are only a few people in Xianyang City who can cut off the money and food supply of his Fusu Mansion.

Moreover, he was not able to deal with Fusu.

That could only be Zhao Gao or Hu Hai.

But now there is no evidence, Xianyang is also under the emperor's feet, and people cannot be killed without reason.

Fusu took a deep breath and helped Uncle Fu to move forward.

"Uncle Fu, don't worry, I'm back and everything will be fine!"

"Okay, okay, great!" Uncle Fu was filled with joy.

After helping Uncle Fu leave, Fusu returned to the room alone.

Unlike the decayed and desolate scene outside, the room was cleaned spotlessly.

Those lotus flowers and two tortoises planted in the water tank.

Still alive now.

If they were not carefully cared for, how could they have escaped the ravages of time?

The graffiti hanging on the wall is still a feat of Fusu's childhood.

At that time, it also received praise from countless people.

But it's just a child's scribblings.

The reason why you are praised is not because of your status?

When I was a child, I thought that this painting must be very impressive to be praised by so many people, and people even had it framed in the room.

Now that I think about it, I find it ridiculous.

Fusu stepped forward, took off the drawing, and lit it with a fire stick.

Uncle Fu happened to come from outside, holding a bowl of porridge in his hand.

Seeing the painting being burned, Uncle Fu asked in confusion: "Sir, didn't you like this painting the most in the past? Why is it burned now?"

"It's good to burn it!" Fusu's lips curled up slightly, and he stepped forward to take the tray, "As people grow up, they also understand many things! Uncle Fu, don't worry, there will be a thousand people in our mansion this afternoon.


"Hiss!" Uncle Fu took a breath, with a look of horror on his face, "Master, a thousand servants? Why are there so many? Not so many, we don't have the money and food to support so many servants! Master, you just came back.

Xianyang, my wife and I are both still able to move, so just let us two take care of you! Don’t spend that wasted money!”

"Uncle Fu, they are not here to take care of me! They are here to take care of you and your aunt!" Fusu's lips curled up slightly, "Also, don't worry, I will also take care of the money and food issues!"

"Take care of me and..."

This chapter has been completed!
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