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Chapter 270 The Temptation Strikes, A Declining Village

The large troops left Lingnan Pass.

An army led by Fusu went down the Luanhe River.

It was freezing and snowy, and it had just rained a few nights before, causing the roads to freeze.

Many soldiers slipped and fell.

This is the winter of ice and snow, and the human body's various senses of touch have reached their peak. A casual fall can cause pain as if it breaks the muscles and bones.

In order to prevent frostbite and injuries from falls, Fusu asked the soldiers to cut several moderately deep cuts on the soles of their shoes.

These openings will not allow wind to enter, but they can increase friction.

At least it greatly reduces the possibility of soldiers falling.

After more than two hours of trekking, the spies ahead reported back.

"Report, report to the young master, a bandit village has been found ahead!"

"Okay!" Fusu showed a satisfied smile, but then raised his hand to signal the soldiers to stop advancing, "The army is repairing on the spot! I will go to find out personally!"

"Young Master?" A general stepped forward quickly, "Young Master is putting himself in danger for fear that the thieves will be deceitful! The general suggested that if the army marches over, the thieves will be slaughtered!"

"No! No no!" Fusu showed a faint smile, "We, the Qin Dynasty, are an army of justice, and we send troops with the right way to defeat the unjust! If these people have no ill intentions, how can we kill innocent people indiscriminately and become beasts?

What about the worse things?"

"Young Master is righteous and benevolent, and I will be admired by all the generals!"

"General, why don't you let the last general go? If there is any fraud, the young master can also order the army to attack. In this way, the young master will not be harmed at all!"

"No need, the generals are so muscular and have murderous looks on their faces. Even if the local people don't have any ill intentions, they will have evil thoughts when they see the generals going there!" Fusu raised the corner of his mouth slightly and turned around to look around, "It's cold today.

"It's cold, the soldiers have been walking for more than two hours, it's time to supply supplies so that the Huotou Army can cook rice on the spot, and also make a fire for the soldiers to warm themselves up!"

"Bury a pot to make rice? Make a fire to keep warm?" Another general's mouth twitched, "Sir, I'm afraid this is inappropriate! Look at the sky, it's clear and cloudless. If we make a fire to make rice here, there will be smoke.

I'm afraid it can float fifty miles away! Doesn't that expose the target?"

"So what if you are exposed?" Fusu raised his lips slightly and looked around the terrain, "The terrain here is open, and the nearest mountain is three hundred meters away! If the bandits attack, the generals can organize a large army to counterattack! Even if they can't completely wipe out the opponent,

, the other party can’t take any advantage! However, if there are bandits attacking, you must not chase them into the woods!"

"As you command!"

The generals cupped their fists and raised their hands, and responded in unison.


The generals then issued orders to Fusu, asking the soldiers to repair the area, make fires to keep warm, and cook food.

Wet firewood is not easy to start a fire.

For a time, thick smoke billowed, covering the sky and the sun.

Just wait half an hour for the thick smoke to drift southward with the wind.

The thieves within a fifty-mile radius will know that something is going on here.

Maybe it can also attract some greedy and adventurous people!

After settling in, Fusu took a sip of the steaming rice porridge himself.

Then he went forward alone.

Luanshui Village.

A small village with only thirty or forty people.

But at this moment, the whole village is in a state of decline.

The doors of each house were closed, and the broken windows let in the draft.

One of them.

An old man lying in bed coughed.

"Grandma, grandma, how are you?"

Next to the bed, a little girl of about eight years old in rags with tears in her eyes stared straight at the old woman lying on the bed.

"Girl, grandma is fine, don't worry anymore!" The old woman suppressed her cough, reached out and pulled out a piece of black stuff from the tattered quilt, "This is the half-quick sweet potato you gave me the day before yesterday, you can eat it!"


"Grandma, you haven't eaten for four days!" The little girl burst into anxious tears. "Please, eat something! If you don't eat, you won't be able to hold on! Grandma,

Eat something! Please!”

The little girl cried and begged as she broke open the blackened charcoal, revealing the roasted sweet potato with a slightly fleshy color inside.

Break it into pieces and put it little by little in the corner of the old woman's mouth.

But the old woman didn't open her mouth.

The old woman just stared at the little girl with a look of love and reluctance.

Tears flowed from his dry, sunken eyes at this moment.

Tears flowed down his wrinkled face, as if through cracks in the earth.

The tears were still hot as they flowed down to the little girl's fingertips.

The little girl cried anxiously.

Kneel on the ground and beg a little bit.

"Grandma, grandma..."

The mournful voice did not travel far in the howling cold wind.


At this time, the dilapidated door opened with a creak.

The little girl looked panicked, turned back suddenly, and roared: "There is nothing here for you to rob! If you still want to rob something, take my life!"

The little girl was like an angry little lion, but her trembling body was like a helpless little lamb.

However, the person who entered the room just showed a faint smile and took out a piece of dry food from his arms.

"I can give you this, but you have to answer a few questions!"

Seeing the dry food, the little girl's mouth watered and her eyes widened!

But he looked back at the old woman lying on the bed, shook her head and said, "I don't want any food, I just want grandma to get better!"

"You are really sensible!"

Fusu showed a satisfied smile and stepped forward to check on the old woman's condition.

I saw that the old woman was skinny and skinny, and her complexion and mental state were extremely poor.

I'm afraid I haven't eaten for several days!

If I don't eat something, I'm afraid I will starve to death.

Moreover, dry food is not of much help to the old woman.

"Your grandma has been hungry for many days! In this way, you go and boil a pot of water, soak the dry food in the boiling water, make rice porridge, and then feed it to your grandma! Your grandma will get better!"

"Make a fire?" The little girl turned pale and shook her head, "You can't light a fire, you must not light a fire! As long as one family lights a fire, they will be provoked, and then the whole village will suffer! You can't light a fire, you must not light a fire!"

"Them?" Fusu narrowed his eyes slightly, "Who are they?"

"I...I can't say it!" The little girl looked nervous and pinched her sleeves tightly with her little hands. "I can't say it. If I say it, the whole village will be massacred by them! I can't say it!"

"I suggest you go make a fire quickly, otherwise, your grandma will be in danger!" Fusu walked to the bed and touched the old woman's pulse with his hand. He only felt that the pulse was weak and intermittent. "Go quickly! It will be really bad if it is later.

That's too late!"


The little girl also took the risk and quickly ran to the stove and lit a flame.

The chimney that had been immersed for a long time once again emitted billowing smoke.

The spy hiding in the jungle suddenly woke up and slapped his accomplice next to him.

"Look, what is that?"

This chapter has been completed!
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