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Chapter 22 Accidental discovery of the Xiongnu camp, filled with righteous indignation

Meng Tian stared at the generals and scolded: "We just stick to our duties, why do we talk nonsense? Why don't you retreat quickly, train your soldiers, and strengthen your troops?"


The generals still want to say something.

But Meng Tian looked at him angrily.

The generals withdrew and returned to their respective duties.

Meng Tian then asked his soldiers to recall Wang Li.

Wang Li climbed up the city wall and sighed.

"General, your decision today is really inappropriate. You will regret it for half your life because of today's decision, and the Meng family may decline!"

"General Wang, you and my family have served Da Qin for three generations. Among the generals, I can only trust you!" Meng Tian frowned and looked at the dust gradually falling in the distance, "Of course I know the importance of the young master, but you are the only one who can trust me!"

Do you know how many treacherous ministers there are among the generals?"

"Eyeliner? Are you talking about Zhao Gao?"

"I didn't say it, and don't say it either, just know it in your heart!" Meng Tian shook his head, "We guard the northern border for the Qin Dynasty and guard against the Xiongnu. We have a total of 300,000 troops in our hands, and we guard 80,000 troops at Yanmen Pass.

If you and I are impeached and lose our posts, who will be in charge of these soldiers?"

"General!" Wang Li's pupils were dilated and his expression was tense, "Are you worried that the 300,000-strong army will be used by someone with ulterior motives? With Zhao Gao's favor in front of His Majesty, if Your Majesty asks about this matter, he will probably recommend the timid one.

, afraid of trouble, or... directly recommend his confidants!"

"That's what I'm worried about! Your Majesty entrusted me with an army of 300,000 men. That's your Majesty's trust in our Meng family!" Meng Tian sighed, "No matter what, I can't let down your Majesty or let down the high hopes of my father and grandfather.

! General Wang, you must have heard the secret from the generals just now."

"Well, some of them can no longer hide themselves! General, are you going to kill them quietly?"

"No, if we kill them, wouldn't that scare the snake?" Meng Tian raised his hand and shook his head, "According to this, thousands of miles away in Xianyang, I heard that His Majesty's condition has worsened. If it were them, I'm afraid they would harm His Majesty."

"Then what should we do? Are we going to sit idly by and ignore it?" Wang Li suddenly became anxious, "General, since you know that Xianyang is extremely dangerous, why don't you suggest that the young master send his troops south to eradicate the traitors?"

"General Wang, when the army goes south, the only ones who will be eradicated are you, me, and the young master! You and I are like straw, but the young master's body of thousands of gold, how can we be harmed by you and me?" Meng Tian's expression was cold, and his brows were inverted.

, "If there is no conclusive evidence, how can we prove that they are traitors?"

"General Meng, what should we do now? You should have an idea!" Wang Li stamped his feet anxiously, "While we can't get rid of the traitors, and at the same time we can't let the young master get into trouble, what should we do?"

"Actually, three days ago, I saw the young master's intention of the Northern Expedition!" Meng Tian stared into the distance, "I have already ordered the guard of Ningwuguan to assign 50,000 sergeants to come here. We arrived last night, and now we are thirty miles north of Yanmen Pass.

Camp outside! I want you to command an army of 50,000 people and help the young master when he is in crisis!"

"Hiss, 50,000 troops? Ningwuguan? Elites of the Qin Dynasty? Three days ago?" Wang Li took a breath and cupped his hands, "General, you are so wise! I will go here now!"

"General Wang!" Meng Tian stepped forward, staring like an eagle, "Young master's life is in your hands! The future fate of Meng and the Wang family depends entirely on you!"

"General, don't worry, as long as I, Wang Li, still have breath, I won't let the young master hurt a single hair!"

"Well! I think you'd better set off tonight. It's easy to get out at night and you won't attract anyone's attention!"

"No, General!"

Wang Li was in high spirits, looking at the dust gradually falling in the distance.

Fusu led the crowd out of Yanmen Pass and headed straight for Xiucheng.

The army marched fifty miles, but unexpectedly discovered a lost camp.

At first, they thought it was an empty city strategy, so Ran Min led the Hanwu cavalry to rush into the camp.

But for a long time, not even a single bandit army was seen.

Fusu came to the camp in person and inspected the area, but found nothing unusual.

Some tents were blown down by strong winds.

Weapons and baggage also have some rust.

This camp seemed to have been abandoned for more than ten days.

Could it be that this is the granary of the Huyanbi Orangutan?

Meng Tian was searched for five or six days but couldn't be found, but we accidentally discovered him?

If it is a granary, there must be countless grains.

"Report, my lord, the soldiers have been discovered!" Gao Shun hurriedly came to report.


Everyone walked to the back of the camp.

I saw mountains of cheese, but most of them were moldy.

Some of them were even eaten, as if some wild beast had come.

What a pity that so much food can no longer be used!

What a waste of resources.

Although, we don’t like cheese either.

But if I eat a little occasionally, it’s still barely enough.

Not far behind the granary, there are dozens of large iron cages placed.

The iron cage was wrapped in black coarse cloth, and there was a pungent stench coming from inside.

After lifting the coarse cloth, the sight in front of them made everyone take a breath of cold air.

All I saw were half-corrupted corpses inside the iron cage.

Most of the bodies were covered with maggots.

Thick, hairy liquid flowed from the corpse and stained the ground.

Countless flies were flying and buzzing.

The stench was pungent, and the scenes stung everyone's eyes one after another.

Through serving, I discovered that these people were not Huns at all.


Costumes of the people south of Yanmen Pass.

In other words, these people are all common people of Da Qin.

Why are the people of Great Qin locked up here?

Fusu was furious, gritted his teeth, and roared: "Who can tell me who they are? Why are they in the iron cage of the Xiongnu camp?"

No one answered.

But everyone knows the answer.

It is said that the Huns regarded the people from the southern land as "two-legged sheep", but no one except Ran Min had ever seen this.

Now that they saw it with their own eyes, everyone was filled with indignation.

We are all compatriots, but they are treated as food by thieves?

Those are people of flesh and blood!

Fusu raised his spear and swept across it suddenly.


The iron bar as thick as a gun barrel was cut into pieces.

Fusu took a step forward, then turned his back to the corpse and whispered: "Dig a hole and bury it!"

"As you command!"

Gao Shun responded and immediately ordered the trapped camp to step aside and dig a deep pit.

Fusu couldn't calm down in his heart for a long time. Although he knew that the Huns were hateful and crazy, seeing them with his own eyes today made him feel completely different.

After sitting there for a long time, Gao Shun also returned to report.

"Lord, all corpses must be buried!"


Fusu slowly stood up, took out the fire stick, and lit the tent on fire.


The flames flew wildly, burning the entire camp.

Gao Shunyang gave the order.

The soldiers trapped in the camp held torches high and dispersed, setting the entire camp on fire.

In an instant, the abandoned camp turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The fire was raging and smoke was billowing out.

After exiting the camp, the sun revealed a blood-red glow in the west.

"Report, my lord, there are scattered tracks on the northern road, it looks like soldiers are fleeing!"


Fusu patted his horse and galloped away to the north.

Ran Min led the Hanwu cavalry closely behind.

Hundreds of riders raised up a cloud of dust and disappeared in the dark red clouds.

This chapter has been completed!
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