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Chapter 281 Leave everything to Chen Qingzhi, obey orders

"That's why I need your identity!" Fusu showed a faint smile, "You and I will pretend to be soldiers of the Baiyue Kingdom and go to the Western Chu Army together to destroy the alliance between the Baiyue Kingdom and the Western Chu Kingdom!"

"You...are going with me?" Li Shang took a breath, "To go to the Western Chu Army? Young Master, what should I say? Do you say that you are a talented person and bold? Or that you are extremely daring? Or...

Are you taking it for granted? Just the two of us, going to the Western Chu State’s army? Isn’t this a sheep entering the tiger’s mouth?”

"We are not sheep, and the army of the Western Chu Kingdom may not be tigers!" Fusu smiled lightly, "Besides, aren't you still wearing the armor of the general of the Baiyue Kingdom? This is also the first time that the Western Chu Kingdom and the Baiyue Kingdom have cooperated.

?Both parties don’t know much about it! Why can’t we take this opportunity to destroy the alliance between the two countries?”

"Yes, although it is indeed the first alliance between the two countries, as long as the army of the Western Chu State enters the territory of the Baiyue State, the Baiyue State will send envoys there!" Li Shang looked tense, "Now I am afraid that the envoys of the Baiyue State will

They are already in the Western Chu army! If we go like this again, it will be too late!"

"Then let me ask you, what is the name of the vanguard general of Baiyue Kingdom this time?"

"General Pioneer? I know this well!" Li Shang said proudly, "I am from the Pioneer Army... Young Master, I understand what you mean! Do you want to pretend to be the envoy of the Pioneer Army and go to the Western Chu Army?"

"That's right!" Fusu nodded solemnly, staring in front of him like a falcon, "Now, let's see if you have the courage! Of course, don't be afraid, after all, I am accompanying you!"

"Young master, you are not afraid of such a noble status. What's so scary about my humble life?" Li Shang smiled and took a deep breath, "Fuck you! Young master, I will go with you! Just in time.

I am also very familiar with this land and can help you avoid some inquiries! Let’s go straight to Huanglong and make our way to the road that the Western Chu army must pass through in one go!”


With a smile on his face, Fusu turned to look at Chen Qingzhi and said with a smile: "General Chen, after I leave, you will be responsible for everything in Lingnan Pass!"

"Yes!" Chen Qingzhi clasped his fists and raised his hands, "Master, please be careful!"


Fusu showed a faint smile and immediately waved in the direction of the village entrance.

The general waiting at the entrance of the village saw Fusu waving, and hurriedly led his soldiers to come.

The general cupped his fists and raised his hands, saying: "Sir!"

"General, this is General Chen!" Fusu narrowed his eyes and showed a faint smile, "I need to go to the hinterland of the Baiyue Kingdom to prevent the alliance between the Western Chu Kingdom and the Baiyue Kingdom. During my absence, all matters

It will be led by General Chen, do you have any objection?"

"What?" The general raised his eyebrows and stared at Chen Qingzhi, who was calm at the side. "The general is handsome and dignified, but his eyes lack a trace of ruthlessness. Master, it's not that the general is disobeying orders, but that the general is worried.

This general cannot discipline his soldiers well!"

"You don't have to worry about this!" Fusu's narrowed eyes slowly opened, "As long as you are obedient, I won't worry about others! General Zhang, can you promise me to obey General Chen's orders from now on?


"I will obey your orders, general!" General Zhang responded quickly with his fists raised and his hands raised.

He was not a fool, he sensed a murderous intention in Fusu's tone.

If he refuses, he will probably be killed on the spot, right?

What good is a general who doesn't obey orders?

Disobeying military orders is no small matter!

Seeing General Zhang's answer, Fusu showed a satisfied smile, but...

If only one word is enough, it is obvious that Fusu cannot be reassured.

Although Fusu valued Chen Qingzhi's ability very much, he had to do things perfectly. In addition to Chen Qingzhi, Fusu also had to put some effort into General Zhang.

After staring for a moment, an interface introducing General Zhang's various values ​​popped up.

Check the various values, they are quite satisfactory!

There is nothing eye-catching or too bad.

As a general of the Qin Dynasty, his various values ​​are very average.

But what Fusu cares about is not the numerical values, but his loyalty.

Loyalty to Fusu.

Looking at the loyalty value, Fusu's heart dropped.

Because General Zhang’s loyalty to him is as high as 72!

The loyalty of 72 may not be high when compared to other characters.

But if you put it on General Lingnan Pass, it would be very good!

After all, Lingnan Pass...

It's not as peaceful as it looks.

A general with a loyalty level of 72 is enough to be used!

Fusu showed a satisfied smile and immediately asked Chen Qingzhi to lead the troops back!

"As you command!"

Chen Qingzhi cupped his fists and cupped his hands, then turned around and left.

Not long after, two soldiers came out of the village.

After a while, Aunt Li was seen, and the little girl was escorted away by two soldiers.

When the little girl and Aunt Li passed by Li Shang, she did not forget to ask Li Shang to obey her orders.

It was as if he had already made up his mind and was ready to sell Li Shang to Fusu.

Li Shang also responded repeatedly.

After seeing the two of them off, Li Shang breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Sir, I heard that if I follow you, I can have enough to eat! My mother and daughter will follow you, can you let them have enough to eat?"

"Whether you can have enough to eat or not doesn't depend on me! It depends on you!" Fusu smiled lightly, "And I believe that you can not only make the two of them eat well, but also make them live a good life! In the future, we will be better.

Fish and meat, endless enjoyment!”

"If working for you, young master, can help my mother and girl live a good life, I will be willing to do so even if it means death!" Li Shang secretly made up his mind, "Sir, let's go! We may encounter many things along the way, but please

Don’t be afraid! As long as I, Li Shang, am still breathing, I will not let you, Mr. Rang, hurt a single hair!"


Fusu smiled calmly.

Immediately, the two turned around and walked in the opposite direction.

Lingnan Pass!

Princess Xiangling sat beside the stove, her face turning red as the stove burned.

Li Chengqian on the side seemed to have seen the clues and said with a smile: "Sister, if you are so close, aren't you afraid of burning your hair?"

After waiting for a long time, Princess Xiangling remained motionless, seemingly still immersed in the imagination in her mind.

Li Chengqian let out a long sigh, stepped forward and asked, "Sister, the dry food you put next to the boiler has been burnt! Sister?"

Princess Xiangling was stunned for a moment, recovered from her trance, and asked, "What did you say?"

"Sister, there is someone in your heart!" Li Chengqian sighed and shook his head, and stepped forward to open the dry food with iron tongs. "Sister, if you miss me, you should go and look for it, instead of staying here and missing people after seeing things!"

"Little brat, what do you know?" Princess Xiangling sighed softly, "This pancake... why is it burned? I'm so close and I don't smell the paste? This is incredible!"

This chapter has been completed!
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