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Chapter 31 Occupy the ragged capital, a dead city

Through this battle, more than 11,000 good horses were captured.

There are more than ten thousand weapons and armors.

Because there are enough war horses, all soldiers trapped in the camp have war horses to ride.

Gao Shun and the soldiers trapped in the camp were overjoyed and thanked Fusu in unison.

"Thank you, my lord!"

"Thank you, Lord..."

Everyone said in unison.

Fusu appeased him for a while, and then led his army to Xiubai.

Before setting off, Ran Min walked up to Wang Su, cut off Wang Su's head with his sword, and hung it on his horse.

Twenty minutes later, everyone arrived at the foot of Xiucheng City.

I saw that the ragged cities were tightly closed, and there seemed to be thieves stationed there.

Ran Min stepped forward and shouted loudly: "Wang Su is dead, please open the city gate quickly!"

I called three times in succession, but there was no response, and there was no sign of the city gate being opened.

Fusu frowned and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Is it still necessary to attack the city?

Today is different from the past.

We have 126,400 glory points.

Don't make me anxious. If you make me anxious, I will convert them all into the camp.

There are 126,400 glory points, and a soldier trapped in the camp only has 2 glory points.

In other words, I can have 63,200 more soldiers trapped in the camp at once.

With an army of more than 60,000 trapped in the camp, let alone a small and shabby capital city, even the capital of the Huns, the ‘Dragon City’, can give it a try!

Before Fusu could get angry, Ran Min stepped forward.

He took out Wang Su's head from his horse and said angrily: "Thieves in the city, listen, your leader has been beheaded! If you know this, open the city gate quickly! If my army breaks the city, I will kill you all.

Cut into pieces by a thousand cuts!”

Seeing Ran Min take out Wang Su's head, Fusu couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

Why didn't I think of that?

Going too fast.

Not bad, so good!

Is this the embodiment of your 94 intelligence?

Strong, King Ran Tian!

After a while, the ragged city gate opened with a creaking sound.

More than twenty Huns soldiers ran out, knelt down on both sides of the moat, threw themselves to the ground, and shouted.

"We are willing to surrender to the general and ask the general to forgive me!"

"Please forgive me, General!"

Before Fusu could say anything, Ran Min quickly stepped forward.

A random sweep is like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

More than twenty Huns soldiers all fell in a pool of blood.

"For delaying opening the city gate, you deserve death!"

Fusu did not stop what Ran Min did.

These guys are not ‘Zhao Bianqi’, they are all Xiongnu soldiers. What is there to forgive?

If you deserve to be killed, you must kill!

Fusu led his army into the capital, only to see that the capital was extremely desolate.

The houses made of mud are about to collapse, and it seems that no one has lived in them for a long time.

Fusu raised his hand to signal, and Ran Min quickly asked the soldiers to disperse and collect information individually.

After a while, all the soldiers returned one after another.

"Report, my lord, no one has been found!"

"Report, I didn't find anyone!"

None of the soldiers found anyone.

Fusu frowned, dismounted and walked towards a house next to the street.

Before Fusu could enter the house, he heard a "bang" and a huge cloud of dust rose up in front of him.

"My lord is in danger!"

Ran Min quickly stepped forward, opened his arms, and blocked Fusu behind him.

After a while, the dust dispersed.

I saw houses collapsed and reduced to ruins.

Fusu frowned, turned and walked away.

He went to the house next door and kicked open the door.


When the door was opened, dust accumulated inside and spider webs were densely covered.

It looks abandoned for many years.

Fusu frowned, raised his hand and ordered, "Go, you must find something for me!"


All the soldiers responded in unison and dispersed immediately.

Within half an hour, Fusu received countless messages without any discovery.

"Report, my lord, my subordinates have discovered something!"


Fusu was delighted and immediately asked the soldier to lead the way.

Five minutes later, Fusu came to a building with a slightly better appearance.

When I walked into the building, I saw more than ten iron cages placed inside.

Hundreds of corpses were placed inside the iron cage.

Upon closer inspection, they turned out to be all women.

Every woman was half-clothed, with a haggard face and a skinny body that looked like she had suffered from malnutrition for many years.

There is also a little yellowish residue at the corners of some mouths, which looks like chaff.

Although it cannot be identified through clothing, it can be identified through facial features and eyes.

Closer look.

These women are not Huns, but people from the south of Yanmen Pass.

That is... the people of Great Qin!

Fusu was so angry that he raised his hand and punched the wall.

The wall trembled and dust swished down, but fortunately it did not collapse.

"Lord!" Ran Min stood in the corner with a solemn expression, "Please come over here."

Fusu stepped forward and saw that there was a pile of dregs and feces in the trough, and there was a smell of urine coming from the bucket beside him.

Could it be...

These things are women’s daily food?

Fusu was even more angry and gritted his teeth, wishing to cut Wang Su into pieces with a thousand knives.

"My lord, the blood is still wet. It looks like he was killed not long ago!"

Ran Min squatted next to the corpse, his two fingers stained with blood.

"Chase!" Fusu's pupils expanded, and his murderous intent was clear, "Even if we chase him to Dragon City, we must kill that bitch!"

"As you command!"

Ran Min answered with clasped fists and then strode out of the building.

For a moment, the war horses neighed and the cavalry trampled the ground.

Ran Min led his army to pursue him.

Fusu walked out of the building and took a deep breath.

Suddenly, a punch hit the wall, and a loud roar broke out.


The wall collapsed, and a sea of ​​dust surged in front of me.

Fusu didn't say a word, but he was determined not to destroy the Xiongnu and never return to Xianyang.

The sea of ​​dust dissipated, and all the women who died tragically were buried for a long time.

The corpse can be buried, but the hatred in the heart cannot be buried.

At the same time, heading northeast of Xiucheng City.

Wang Li led an army of 50,000 men and was resting.

According to the report from Tanma, Prince Fusu has won the battle.

Wang Li's mission was to protect him from a distance and not to show his face unless absolutely necessary.

However, at this moment, the vanguard troops captured more than 20 Huns and retreated.

The defeated troops came from the direction of the capital city.

Wang Li interrogated him personally and learned about the current situation of the country.

The capital city of Rui has long been a dead city.

Decades ago, Wang Su led the "Zhao Bianqi" to capture the capital city of Hua.

Although he is in a state of desolation, he still harbors resentment.

Always looking for opportunities to counterattack Da Qin.

And traveled around to persuade tribes in the grassland to send troops to help.

In order to gain the support of the Xiongnu Chanyu, he flattered the Chanyu in every possible way.

Hearing that Shan Yu liked to eat people with fine skin and tender meat, Wang Su thought of an extremely cruel method.

Offer a newborn baby to the Chanyu.

Wang Su's rule became more and more cruel, and the number of poor people became less and less.

In recent years, all the poor people have been wiped out.

However, Wang Su did not rein in his horse, but extended his claws to the compatriots who followed him.

Imprisoning women and encouraging his men to behave sexually towards women.

And pregnant women were separated and imprisoned.

The babies that were born were given to the Chanyu for food.

Wang Li was furious, gnashing his teeth, clenching his fists, and said in a cold voice: "Pull it down and chop it into pieces!"

"General, none of this has anything to do with me! General, you can't kill us!"

"Please give us a way to survive! We will be grateful to General in the future and worship you day and night!"

"General, we are not guilty, you cannot kill innocent people indiscriminately!"

The defeated soldiers begged bitterly.

This chapter has been completed!
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