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Chapter 35 Hu Hai's acting skills, human face and beast heart

"Do you think it was Fusu's fault to let the Xiongnu break through the Yanmen Pass? Letting the Xiongnu break through the Yanmen Pass and trample on the territory of the Qin Dynasty was a mistake of ten thousand deaths. Fusu was new to the northern border and had no military power in his hands. How could he commit such a big mistake?


"Reporting to your majesty, the young master helped Su Xin to the frontier, and he was also worried about your majesty's punishment! So he tried every means, and knowing that your majesty had the ambition to unify the world, he wanted to establish military exploits and prove his ability in front of your majesty! Although the starting point was good, but

He was too eager for quick success and did not listen to the generals’ dissuasion and opened the gate of Yanmen Pass without authorization, causing the loss of Yanmen Pass!”

"Is this true?" Ying Zheng stood up, supported the dragon chair with both hands, and looked around the officials with sharp eyes, "Who else knows about this matter?"

Li Si stepped forward, clasped his fists and raised his hands, and said: "Report to your majesty, everything Zhao Gao said is true! Thanks to your majesty's divine power, General Meng was able to lead the army and annihilate the 100,000 Xiongnu army, nip the disaster in the bud, let the people and the territory

It is the good fortune of the Qin Dynasty and the good fortune of all the people to be protected from the disaster of swords and soldiers!"

The civil and military officials wanted to remain silent, but when they saw Li Sidu standing in Zhao Gao's position, they all spoke.

"Your Majesty, General Meng is brave and brave. I hope your Majesty will reward you greatly! Young Master Fusu is also young and energetic, but he was confused for a while!"

"Your Majesty, Young Master Fusu has just arrived at the border. He doesn't know how powerful the Huns are. It is reasonable to make mistakes occasionally. Fortunately, with the help of General Meng, he can stop the disaster in time. General Meng has been a loyal minister and good general of the Qin Dynasty for three generations. Your Majesty should reward you heavily.

General Meng!”

"Your Majesty, Young Master Fu Su has made a mistake. Since the time of Lord Shang, punishments have been indiscriminate, but Your Majesty cannot impose severe punishments! Just give him a small punishment, and let Young Master Fu Su follow General Meng from now on, studying day and night to govern the country and the army.


All the ministers spoke one after another.

Hu Hai was furious and ran to the center of the hall, angrily scolding the officials.

"What you are saying is all false! Are the ministers trying to harm my elder brother?"

"My eldest brother loves Confucianism most in his life. He has always respected Confucius and taught the people with kindness! He also respects and loves his father, so how can he feel resentment towards his father? My father asked me to go to Northern Xinjiang in order to train him and help him in the future.

He is in charge of the Qin Dynasty! My eldest brother is well-educated, wise and courageous, how could he not be able to see through my father’s intentions?”

"You guys have a beastly face and a treacherous villain with evil intentions! Do you want to destroy the crown prince of the Qin Dynasty? Do you want to destroy the future of the Qin Dynasty?"

"Father, although eldest brother made mistakes, he is your biological son. How can you punish him? If father insists on punishing eldest brother, eldest brother and I are brothers, hearts and blood, so let me do it for you.

Brother, please be punished!"

"Father, I beg you! Let me be punished for my elder brother! Even if I die, I am willing to be punished for my elder brother!"

"The Qin Dynasty can live without its son Hu Hai, but it cannot live without its eldest brother Fusu. My father, you cannot live without your eldest brother either!"

Hu Hai knelt down with a thump, shouting at the top of his lungs.

Hearing that all the officials covered their faces and shed tears, Zhao Gao was secretly overjoyed.

Meng Yi and Wang Ben were shocked.

The cat cries and the mouse fakes mercy.

Young Master Fusu was kind and righteous in mind and body, but he didn't expect that there would be such a powerful enemy in Xianyang, and he was afraid that it would be difficult to achieve anything in the future.

Wang Ben also received a letter from Wang Li and knew what happened at Yanmen Pass.

It is roughly the same as what Zhao Gao said.

Letting the Xiongnu enter Yanmen Pass was indeed the move of Prince Fusu.

But the 100,000 Xiongnu army was destroyed, and Prince Fusu also played an important role.

But if you give advice to the prince at this moment, you will definitely be jealous of the emperor.

The emperor hated the young master for gaining influence, and even more hated the young master for siding with him.

If you remonstrate at this time, the emperor will definitely think that you are forcibly siding with Young Master Fusu.

Not only could he not save the young master Fusu, but he would also be ostracized and slandered by Zhao Gao and Hu Hai, putting the Wang family in jail.

The bitter young master supports Su, and the ministers of the Qin Dynasty are happy.

I'd better not get involved in this muddy water.

Ying Zheng was also moved by what Hu Hai said, and ordered Zhao Gao to step forward and help Hu Hai up.

"I know what you mean! But the reason why the Qin State was able to march eastward from remote areas and dominate the Central Plains was because of the laws of Lord Shang! Lord Shang enacted laws to become stronger, and the Qin Dynasty prospered!"

"Before I destroyed the six kingdoms, I upheld Lord Shang's law. After destroying the six kingdoms, I did not dare to abandon Lord Shang's law!"

"The princes and nobles are guilty of the same crime as the common people! Just because I am Fusu and the son, I cannot be biased at all!"

"You don't need to persuade me anymore, I have already made a decision."

Ying Zheng looked around at everyone with a cold expression.

Although everyone was pleading for Fu Su on the surface, every word hurt Ying Zheng's heart.

No matter how you say it, Fusu is still the eldest son.

A hundred years from now, he will be the most likely candidate to inherit the throne.

But today, looking at the words of all the officials in the court, Fusu has completely lost the hearts of all officials.

As an emperor, if there are no good generals and wise ministers to assist him, the dynasty will be overthrown.

I have inspired the remnants of the Sixth Generation, vigorously pursued strategies to control the inner world, wielded the troops of tigers and wolves, destroyed the six kingdoms, and established the Great Qin.

However, I do not dare to exclusively enjoy the merits of establishing the Qin Dynasty, and I do not dare to be implicated in the faults of destroying the Qin Dynasty.

The choice of the crown prince is a long-term plan for the Qin Dynasty.

Must not...

Don't be hasty!

Ying Zheng took a deep breath and looked around at the ministers.

"Order, abolish the position of Prince Fusu, demote him to a foot soldier in front of the army, and listen to the order in peace!"

"More orders, Meng Tian has accomplished the task of annihilating one hundred thousand Huns. He will be rewarded with a reward of one thousand taels and two thousand pieces of silk. Meng Tian will be made a former general and a minister!"

After the two orders were issued, all officials remained silent.

Hu Hai was also helped aside by Zhao Gao.

"Your Majesty, Cheng Yaojin, the envoy of the Tang Dynasty, requests to meet with your Majesty!"


Ying Zheng returned to his seat and sat down like a mountain.

After a while, Cheng Yaojin entered the palace and paid homage to Ying Zheng.

"The Qin Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty have never established diplomatic relations. What is the purpose of envoy Cheng's trip?"

"Your Majesty, knowing that Emperor Qin's grace and majesty to the world is frightened by all nations, he specially sent his ministers here to make good friends with Qin!" Cheng Yaojin responded with cupped fists and raised his hands.

"Since we know that your majesty is so kind to the world and that all countries are in fear, you, a small country, should surrender and become your vassals!" Hu Hai frowned and stood in front of Cheng Yaojin, "Who wants to marry with you, a small country? Go back and warn the Emperor of Tang,

If he is wise, he should act according to nature and never act against the trend and end up with the ruin of his country and his family!"

Cheng Yaojin's eyes widened and he glared at Hu Hai angrily, but thinking that this trip was for a marriage, he suppressed his anger.

"Emperor Qin, although Qin is strong, our Tang Dynasty is not weak either!"

"My lord, Emperor Qin, destroyed the violent Sui Dynasty, pacified the rebellious kings, and established the Tang Dynasty! The heroes and generals are as bright as the stars! The people and the territory are slightly better than the Qin State!"

"My Lord wants to marry the Qin State, which means joining forces with powerful forces, using the coalition forces, destroying all countries, and sharing the sky together!"

"One can destroy all nations and make the sky together!" Li Si laughed loudly, "But don't you know that there are no two days in the sky and no two masters in man? How can there be two human emperors in the same world? Isn't it a big joke to slide the world?


"The territory of the world is so vast that a good horse can run for thousands of days with no end in sight. In today's troubled times, there are still thousands of countries, why can't we accommodate two countries? Sir, never use yourself to save others, let alone save the world!"

Li Si knew in his heart that he was scolding him for being small-minded, so he couldn't help but get angry.

"You, this is the Qin Dynasty. You are a foreign minister, how dare you be so presumptuous?"

This chapter has been completed!
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