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Chapter 52 Witchcraft treatment? The demon cannot stay

These words frightened Nalan Yuanbici out of his mind.

I originally thought that Gao Shun was a loyal man with compassion and would not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

I didn’t expect that he was indeed a ‘loyal’ person.

As long as Fusu asked him to do anything, he would do it!

If you ask him to kill, he will kill; if you ask him to let go, he will let him go.

If he is asked to kill me, he will definitely obey the order and kill me without hesitation.

Why is my life so miserable!

These guys, except for General Xu You, are indeed devils.

No, I have to fight for my own life.

Nalan Yuan took a deep breath and bent his knees slightly.

"You are Master Fusu of Da Qin, right? I have foresaw your arrival a long time ago, and I beg you to forgive me!"

"Huh?" Fusu was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Nalan Yuanbici, "It seems that you can also speak human language! This will make communication easier!"

"Young Master, I have studied the language of the people of Great Qin, so I know a lot about it! Young Master, although I am a Huns, I have not participated in the war, and I have never harmed any people or soldiers of Great Qin! And the reason why I am here is just

I want to cleanse this land soaked in blood and undead! Please let me live!"

"Can you heal people?" Fusu narrowed his eyes slightly, turned to look at Ran Min, and then turned his attention to Xu You, "General Xu's wounds have not been treated yet. I wonder if you can help and treat them.



Xu You looked surprised and turned to look at Ran Min.

Although the wound on Ran Min's waist was treated, the injury he suffered was more serious.

But Young Master Fusu allowed himself to be treated first.

Isn’t this a reflection of valuing oneself?

Immediately, a look of gratitude appeared in his eyes.

"Young Master's great kindness will never be forgotten!"

Nalan Yuanbici slowly raised his head, inspected the wounds on Xu You's body, and said: "Young Master has an order, and the untouchables dare not disobey it!"

Then he opened the thick cloth jacket, revealing strange bottles and jars.

He took out a small jar filled with black foundation, and then took out a half-dead red snake from his pocket.

Put the little snake on the mouth of the bottle and force out a drop of white venom.

The white venom enters the small black jar, and a puff of smoke turns from black to red.

Apply some weird foundation with your hands on the sores on Xu You's body.

Touching the wound made Xu You sweat from the pain on his forehead.

But Xu You didn't resist and allowed the high priest to smear every wound on his body with weird foundation.

Seven or eight minutes later, foundation was applied to all the wounds of all sizes.

But the high priest took out a gong and a handbell.

"Dingle bell! duang!"

Gongs and handbells sounded together.

I saw the high priest putting on a posture, dancing on the spot, and mumbling words.

"Tenggeli is chirping, Wali is sharp, yoguwahee..."

Converted into understandable words, the general idea is:

Dear dear God, please show great mercy and save the miserable man in front of me who is full of scars! We are all your devout believers, and we will spend the rest of our lives worshiping you, honoring you, promoting your magical powers, and making your incense continue.

Although I couldn't understand it, the dancing figure of the high priest and the sound of gongs and bells that sounded from time to time were pleasing to the eye.

It can even bring people into it and marvel at the beauty of the melody.

Ran Min, Gao Shun, and Fusu couldn't help but frown when they saw what the high priest did.

What's in the little black jar? Is the red snake spitting out venom?

Is this a therapeutic drug?

Separation is poison!

Damn it.

Could it be that this guy wanted to kill someone under the noses of three people?

Ran Mingang wanted to pick up the double-edged spear and assassinate the high priest, but then he thought about it.

Wouldn't it be better if he poisoned Xu You to death?

Xu You is greedy for life and afraid of death. He is also kind to women and always goes against himself.

Let him be poisoned, not only eliminate an opponent, but also kill the Hun dog reasonably.

Hun dogs don’t deserve to live!

Ran Min sneered, then put down his double-edged spear and watched coldly.

"Lord! Is this going to be a problem?" Gao Shun frowned, "Is he really treating Xu You? Why do I feel like he is poisoning? Do you want to stop it?"

Xu You quickly spoke to persuade, "No! You have misunderstood the high priest! This is the high priest's treatment method. This method is very powerful. Young Master, please believe in the high priest!"

"Since General Xu said so, let's wait and see!"

Fusu smiled calmly.

Although Fusu had played related games in his previous life and had seen the priest’s treatment methods in the game, it was still a game after all!

In reality, Fusu has never seen the priest’s treatment methods!

As a good young man in the 21st century, how could Fusu believe in the tricks of gods and ghosts?

But since Xu Youdu said so, Nalan Yuanbici must have some tricks.

Three minutes passed, and Xu You slowly closed his eyes, feeling as if he was bathed in the spring breeze, with a natural look on his face.

It seemed that the pain from the wound was gradually disappearing.

"So magical?" Gao Shun frowned, "My lord, look, the wounds on Xu You's body don't seem to hurt anymore!"

"Witchcraft. It's definitely a witchcraft!" Ran Min raised his eyebrows and raised his double-edged spear, "My lord, this is a barbarian heresy. Let me kill him with one spear to prevent him from causing trouble."

"It's not a witchcraft!" Fusu smiled calmly, "It's not magical at all. I think it's a medicine to numb wounds, a bit like Hua Tuo's Ma Fei Powder!"

"Ma Fei Powder?" Ran Min frowned, "This old boy dares to use anesthetic to deceive the lord. My lord, the last general suggested that he beheaded to avoid future troubles!"

"General Ran, why do you want to kill him?" Gao Shun smiled bitterly, "He is treating Xu You. Even if the treatment is fake, we still have to wait until he is finished, right?"

"It would be a disaster for these aliens to stay!" Ran Min's eyes were like eagles, with murderous intent, "I can't wait to cut them into pieces!"

Fusu can understand Ran Min's behavior.

After all, he has experienced that dark history.

Any ambitious and capable person would become just like him as soon as he saw a barbarian again.

But now, it is not the time to kill Nalan Yuanbici.

I will also make him a zombie-like puppet to rule this grassland for me.

Let him be like a candle, burning out all the light for me.

Squeeze every drop of his energy to make money for me and rule the Huns!

The method of killing Xiongnu people is very simple, it only requires a not-so-sharp butcher knife.

But if you want to squeeze the Xiongnu people, it is the test of a person's methods.

Now that we have laid down this grassland, we must give full play to the role of this grassland.

Use this grassland as a place for livestock and horse breeding.

In just three to five years, this grassland will be filled with cattle, sheep and horses!

No matter how big the war is in the future, we don’t have to worry about war horses and meat.

Other countries scrimp on food and clothing when fighting, but our soldiers can eat meat and drink alcohol every meal.

This is so frustrating!

Meat and wine have to come from this grassland.

Slave the Xiongnu people and let them make money for themselves, raising horses, livestock, mining, farming...

This is so unpleasant!

Slaves are rare, and the more the better.

Only the Xiongnu people know this land better. They know which cloud will bring rain, which sunny day will bring rain and snow, which grassland cannot be visited, and where there is drinking water...

Moreover, Fusu is currently facing an extremely urgent problem.


He did not have enough food to feed an army of 100,000 people.

If Nalan Yuanbici is surrendered, he will have a way to solve the food problem.


What if not?

This chapter has been completed!
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