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Chapter 56: Fighting to the death, allegiance to Daqin

But, how can we annihilate 400,000 people with 50,000 people?

And there was no adequate preparation at all.

This battle was just a temporary move. Even Lord Wu An couldn't win, right?

What to do?

This is how to do?

Am I, Wang Li, going to die here today?


There's no way to escape!

The horses of the Xiongnu army were extremely sophisticated. Although the horses of the Qin Dynasty were battle-hardened and very brave, they were not as fast as the Xiongnu.

If you run away, the other party will definitely pursue you.

How can I, the grandson of Wang Jian, be chased by the bandit army?

Wouldn't that insult the reputation of my Wang family?

Even if you die, you can't run!

Today, I, Wang Li, will risk my life to defend the blood of the Qin soldiers.

"Huh!" Wang Li took a deep breath, picked up the spear stuck on the side, and mounted his horse, "Generals, listen to the order!"

"The end is here!"

The generals seemed to have gained Wang Li's determination. At this moment, they suddenly mounted their horses and picked up their weapons.

Already ready to charge.

The arrows are still shooting, but the reserve of feathers is not much.

It's almost time to use it up at this point.

After all the feather arrows have been consumed, it’s time to have a big fight with the Xiongnu with real spears and swords.

Wang Li held his head high and his chest high, giving people the air of an unstoppable general.

Staring forward with his eyes, very little of the fear had disappeared.

What is left is only the blood, the blood of being a soldier of the Qin Dynasty.

"Although there are many thieves, we are the elite soldiers of Great Qin! Even if the jackals, tigers and leopards see us, they will have to take a detour! Facing the Huns army today, we should move forward bravely! Let the Xiongnu bastards see the strength of our Great Qin soldiers.


"The people of Da Qin, Your Majesty, are all watching us! With their support, we will be invincible!"

"I order you, if you take even half a step back, you will die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the arrows that pierced the sky disappeared.

Now, there are no more feathered arrows available.

The generals also discarded their bows and crossbows and took up their weapons.

Without the arrows to stop them, the Xiongnu army charged faster.

They were like a pack of angry wolves, eager to immediately devour the Qin soldiers alive in the mountains.

"They are out of arrows, and their death has come!"

"These bastards are finally out of arrows! They are out of arrows, it's time for our show! Kill them!"

"We must kill them, they are just sheep!"

The Hun soldiers were like wolves and tigers, roaring like wolves.

At the same time, Wang Li's narrowed eyes suddenly widened.

The leading army of the Xiongnu has arrived.


Wang Li roared, then took the lead and rushed down the mountain.

Behind him, the fifty thousand soldiers of the Qin Dynasty picked up their weapons and rushed down the mountain.

In an instant, the battle began.

The sound of weapons clashing, angry sounds, roars, wailing sounds...

It resounded throughout the whole world.

In the distance, Mao Dun saw that the two sides were fighting and laughed wildly.

"Come up to me and kill them as fast as possible!"

With an order, the remaining 300,000 troops all charged forward.

More than 300,000 war horses trampled the earth.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The earth let out a dull wail and was kicked up with thick dust.

Dust flew into the air, forming a scene that looked like a sandstorm.

Or rather the sea of ​​dust.

A total of more than 400,000 troops entered the battlefield.

There were Hun soldiers all over the mountains and plains.

Fifty thousand warriors of the Qin Dynasty seemed a little less than a hundred million.

Thirty minutes into the battle, nearly half of the Great Qin warriors were killed or injured.

Wang Li suffered many serious injuries.

Occasionally getting a chance to breathe, Wang Li turned back to look at the battlefield.

But all they saw were the great Qin warriors being surrounded.

He roared with pain and brandished his weapon.

Even if he dies, he will drag another Hun dog thief on his back!


There is a huge gap in numbers, and this gap cannot be made up with blood.

Even the warriors of Qin Dynasty marched forward bravely and fought bravely with the Xiongnu soldiers.

But two fists are ultimately no match for four hands.

In another hour, or even less than an hour, the 50,000-strong army will be completely wiped out by the Xiongnu.

Even if he, Wang Li, would die in the chaos.

Seeing the Great Qin warrior lying in a pool of blood, Wang Li was shaken in his heart.

A surge of anger emerged from the bottom of my heart.


Roar, roar.

The sound soared into the sky like a dragon.


It's useless.

The enemy is like a pack of ferocious wolves.

They won't be afraid of roaring and roaring at all, what they want is life.

All thoughts are lost.

Even if there were another 50,000 troops, they would still be wiped out by the Huns' 400,000-strong army.

Wang Li felt a little regretful in his heart that he came here to resist the Xiongnu army.

This move is really stupid and overestimating one's own capabilities.

never mind.

As a general, it is more honorable to die on the battlefield than to die of illness in bed.


Taking a deep breath, Wang Li spoke up again.

"I, Wang Li, will serve the Qin Dynasty with my flesh and blood today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Li was about to rush into the battlefield again, but saw a loud noise coming from the south.

Turn around and look south.

But they saw a group of beast-like troops attacking the Xiongnu army like a flood.

Every soldier in this army is extremely strong.

Under their charge, the Huns army could not resist and began to retreat.

At the same time, a familiar face appeared in front of me.

I saw the young man holding a spear with gleaming cold light and rushing into the battlefield like a god of war.

With a few strokes, he killed seven or seven hundred and eighty-eight of the surrounding Huns soldiers.

The wielding of a long spear was terrifying.

A dozen Hun soldiers rushed forward, but they didn't even last for three to five seconds.

He is like a god of death harvesting lives, and all the vicious villains on the battlefield are nothing more than worthless people.

His shooting skills are terrifying and his skills are fierce.

Moreover, he turned out to be Young Master Fusu!


Wang Li took a deep breath and rubbed his eyes frantically.

"Is this true? This is true! He is really Young Master Fusu!"

"Brothers, Master Fusu is here! Our reinforcements are here! We will definitely win the final victory in this battle!"

"Come on!"

Following Wang Li's roar, all Da Qin soldiers stood up with a roar.

"Kill! Master Fusu is here!"

"It's our turn to fight back! Kill!"

"We must not let these bastards go and kill them!"

The battle became fierce and chaotic again.

Everyone was roaring and howling, as if their weapons would be strengthened as a result.

Or maybe this is the momentum.

As long as you have a strong momentum, you can make your opponents tremble with fear.

In the distance, Nalan Yuanbi saw this scene for the first time, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"Young Master Fusu...he actually charged in person? Isn't he the commander-in-chief? Shouldn't he sit in the rear and let the soldiers charge for him?"

"Why is there such a reckless commander? If he dies or is injured, who will continue to lead the soldiers in battle?"

"He only had about 100,000 soldiers, but this time he faced more than 400,000 Huns warriors. There was such a big difference in numbers, but he was not afraid at all. He didn't even have the slightest battle plan! He just led the soldiers to charge and personally led the charge.


"What a terrible person! Are all the people in Qin as unafraid of death as he is?"

Nalan Yuanbici did not charge, but watched the battle from a distance on the mountains.

This chapter has been completed!
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