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Chapter 62 Laissez-faire? I am the master of my territory

"I know that some tribes are stationed nearby. They admire your power in Tenggeli and are your devout believers! I beg Tenggeli to let them live!"


Ran Min raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes, and moved his right hand to the sword on his waist.

As long as Fusu gives an order, he will pull out his sword without hesitation and kill the guy in front of him.

"Why do you say release?" Fusu showed a bright smile, "Now that I have conquered this land, the people on this land should also follow the land and surrender under my rule! What do you think? Big


"If you can follow Tenggeli, it will be an honor for us and other grassland people!" Nalan Yuanbici looked excited, "Tenggeli, I see that you don't have much food reserves, please let me share your worries!"

"Oh?" Fusu slowly opened his eyes and stared at the person in front of him, "Do you know how many people I have in my hands? More than 120,000! With such a huge base, a huge amount of food is consumed every day! You have channels to help me

solve this problem?"

"Everyone in Tengge said that it is the people who support the army! If we can get your protection, we will naturally help you solve your problems! I think that as long as the people want to follow you, they will not see you in any trouble!"

"There must be conditions for solving the food problem for me, right?"

"How dare we put forward conditions to Tenggeli?" Nalan Yuanbici said with a smile on his face, "It's just a little begging! I hope Tenggeli will allow us to graze freely on this grassland! This is what every nomad is doing

The aspirations of the people! Hope..."

"No!" Fusu frowned with a cold expression, "There is only one owner of this land, and that is me! Every inch of my land must have detailed planning! No one can let themselves go freely on my land!



"Look at this Tashidel Plain, which means blessing and welcome! Moreover, the terrain, feng shui, and scenery here are very good. I plan to build a city here!" Fusu narrowed his eyes and raised his hand to point around, "

I'm going to plant trees on that mountain to block the cold wind coming from the northwest!"

"There is also a river in the distance with a large flow and very clear water! I am going to build a dam upstream and open up a new stream to lead into the town so that the people living in the town can drink!"

"From the map, there is a basin in the south. The soil there is fertile and the grass is delicious. It is suitable for livestock raising! I plan to build a horse farm there to raise excellent war horses!"

"If there are minerals around here, I will also dig mines! The mined minerals can be used to make various utensils!"

"I have so many plans, how can any inch of land allow other people to be free? High Priest, there is only one advantage to taking refuge in me, and that is that you will not be swept away by the war! But if you want to make profits from me, then I will regard him as


"I have only one way to deal with the enemy! That is... General Ran!"

When Ran Min saw this, he suddenly pulled out his sword.

His thick eyebrows were knitted together, and his eyes were as sharp as a falcon.

A strong killing intent suddenly emerged, as surging as Yun Mengze's mist.

In an instant, Nalan Yuanbi's back felt cold, as if a demon was staring at him from behind.

As long as he makes the slightest move, he will be killed by the demon behind him.


He swallowed deeply to ease his nervousness.

"Teng Geli, I know it! I am willing to lobby the people for you! I believe that they will not be stupid enough to become your enemy! It is an honor for all of them to get your protection!"

"In that case, then you go immediately!" Fusu smiled, "I'm waiting here, waiting for your good news!"

"Follow your orders and move away!"

After Nalan Yuanbi responded, he was about to turn around and leave.

"There's one more thing I need you to do!"

Fusu's voice sounded behind him, and Nalan Yuanbici quickly turned around, saluted respectfully, and said: "Please give Teng Geli's orders! I will do my best to help Teng Geli solve his problems!"

"Although I am very powerful now and have a large number of troops, the soldiers are all tired and need some time to rest!" Fusu's lips curled up slightly, "I wonder if the high priest has any method to prevent the Xiongnu army from stopping during this period of time.

Go south and disturb me!"

"Well..." Nalan Yuanbici lowered his head and thought for a moment, "Tenggeli can send envoys to the Xiongnu Dragon City to lobby Touman Chanyu. It is August 13th, and next month will be the September pilgrimage for various Xiongnu tribes. Thank you

It’s a critical moment for Teng Geli to reward me! I don’t think Shanyu wants to use weapons anymore!”

“Pilgrimage in September?”

"Tenggeli, you are new to the grassland, and you don't know much about the sacrificial activities in this grassland! Please allow me to explain it to you!"

Nalan Yuanbi looked respectful, and glanced at Ran Min from the corner of his eye from time to time, fearing that if he said a word wrong, he would be killed by Ran Min's sword.

"The various tribes of the Xiongnu all believe in Samanism. From the beginning, in order to promote the friendship, development, and cultural exchanges between various tribes... they hold large gatherings in the first month, May and September of each year! While kneeling and worshiping, they promote exchanges.

! Young men and women will look for partners in September! I heard that Touman Chanyu’s daughter, Xiangling Juci, will also participate in such activities this year!”

"Xiang Ling Ju Ci is very beautiful. It's like a fairy coming to the world. No man will not be moved by her. If you travel a few miles away, Xiang Ling Ju Ci will definitely belong to you!"

"Second place?" Fusu frowned, "Touman's daughter is equivalent to a princess! Touman's daughter is the daughter of my enemy and also my enemy! I always have only one way to deal with my enemies!


Fusu turned to look at Ran Min, who pulled out his sword with a "swish" sound and danced it casually.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The sharp sword blade slashed the air, sending out crisp sonic booms.

Ran Min's murderous intent leaked out, making people shudder.

At this moment, Nalan Yuanbi was the only outsider, and his legs were shaking with fear.

For fear that the sharp sword would fall on his neck.

Fortunately, Ran Min was just dancing and did not cause any harm to anyone.

"What Teng Geli said is absolutely true, and I totally agree with it!"

"You mentioned lobbying just now. It's not that I don't agree with it! It's just that I want to make some changes!" Fusu's lips curled up slightly, and his eyes showed a treacherous look. "This time the Xiongnu went south to fight, they lost troops and generals, and the losses among the various tribes must not be the same.

First, divergent interests will inevitably create gaps. If we can take advantage of the gaps to drive a wedge between various tribes! In the future, when we attack the Xiongnu, wouldn’t we get twice the result with half the effort?"


Nalan Yuan took a deep breath and stared at Fusu with trembling eyes, full of fear.

"Through this defeat of the Xiongnu battle, we can drive a wedge between the various tribes and make them fight? What a terrible strategy!"

"Wonderful! So wonderful! Lord, in this way we can destroy the Xiongnu without using weapons. The various tribes of the Xiongnu have already fallen apart. Now that they are suffering from disaster, there is an undercurrent surging! If we can create a wedge and let the various tribes fight and fight to the death,

We can reap the benefits!"

This chapter has been completed!
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