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Chapter 67 That guy has a different heart, kill him

Every architectural drawing is different.

Show various cross-sections of a palace.

Put together, it is a magnificent and magnificent palace.

And all the supporting points are very appropriate.

At least with Fusu's current intelligence, he couldn't find any flaws.

After some fiddling, Fusu handed over all the architectural drawings to Gao Shun and Xu You.

Wang Li was also watching from the sidelines and stepped forward when he saw the painting was completed.

When he saw the architectural drawings, he was defeated by the dense lines alone.

It was hard for him to imagine that Fusu could draw such precise pictures with his bare hands without using any tools.


it is a pity.

Although Fusu could draw the architectural drawings, Gao Shun, Wang Li and others could not understand them.

All I know is that there are many lines and they are very smooth.

As for what the lines mean, they have no idea.

This is not their fault, after all, they are not professional construction workers.

And I have never come across such detailed drawings.

Fusu had to explain little by little to Gao Shun and the soldiers trapped in the construction camp.

The process explained is extremely detailed.

But it’s very easy to understand.

It probably means what items need to be placed where, what material the pillars there need to be made of, how high they are, how wide they are...

After some explanation, the whole audience was excited.

"That's so awesome! I've never heard such a detailed explanation! Through the Lord's explanation, it seemed like a magnificent palace was standing in front of me!"

"Yes, every detail is explained very clearly. I seem to be able to see the palace described by the Lord! I seem to be able to see it, it is so bright under the sunlight!"

"It's amazing, our lord actually knows so much! Our lord is really awesome at everything!"

"I am so honored to be able to build such a magnificent building for my lord. This building seems to last for a long time! If anyone asks in the future, they will definitely know my lord's name!"

"The building my lord painted is probably the Heavenly Palace, right? We can actually participate in the construction of the Heavenly Palace!"

After everyone heard the explanation, everyone was full of praise.

Gao Shun, Xu You and others also understood how to build it.

Wang Li, on the other hand, suddenly had an idea in his mind that he wanted to stay here forever.

The night is getting darker.

Nalan Yuanbici has not yet returned to the camp.

Ran Min came to report early.

"My lord, that guy has not returned. Could he have defected? My lord, please order me to hunt him down! I will definitely bring back this thief's head!"

Cold words, full of murderous intent.

It seemed to vent the hatred that had been pent up in Ran Min's heart for a long time.

If he hadn't seen Nalan Yuanbici's loyalty before, Fusu would have agreed with Ran Min's suggestion.


Nalan Yuanbici’s loyalty is as high as 95!

How could a person with 95% loyalty betray him so easily?

"General Ran, although Nalan Yuanbici hasn't come back yet, I believe he will come back! Give him some time, he is working for me!"

"My lord, you are so kind!" Ran Min sighed softly, "He is a barbarian. Which barbarian is not like a wolf and a tiger, with a heart of snakes and scorpions? My lord, you are kind to him in every possible way, but he is likely to slander and scheme behind his back.

They are trying to harm you! Barbarians cannot be trusted and cannot be trusted!"

"General Ran, I want to rule this land. Do you have any good ideas?"

"Kill all the barbarians and let the Chinese people immigrate here!"

"It is easy to kill all the barbarians, but it is very difficult to let the Chinese people move here! Don't you know that oranges growing in Huainan are called tangerines, and oranges growing in Huaibei are called zhi?" Fusu smiled calmly, "Chinese people are used to the original life, if

It may not be that easy to let them graze in the harsh weather of the grassland!"

"Give them more time, and they will be able to adapt!" Ran Min's brows trembled slightly, his expression slightly relaxed, "I, the Chinese people, can endure any hardships! Even barren places and bad weather will never stop me.

Chinese people!"

"Yes, I can definitely adapt if given time! But how much time do you think I have?" Fusu sighed and shook his head, "What I want is not this little bit of land, but the whole world! It's not just the Huns that I want to destroy.

, and other countries! The nearest ones are Yuezhi and Donghu, and the far ones are Turks, Goguryeo, and Liao..."


Ran Min took a breath and stared at the person in front of him.

Shocked in his heart, he immediately took a step back and bowed deeply.

"My lord has great ambitions, but I will end up with superficial words. I hope my lord will not take it to heart!"

"General Ran is my strong general with both wisdom and bravery! How can I be superficial?" Fusu stepped forward and helped Ran Min up. "I will need more help from General in the future to help me unify the world as soon as possible and end this dispute."

Troubled times!"

"At the end of the day, I would like to wear my liver and gallbladder for my lord, and wear a ring of grass!"


The two were full of pride, looked at each other, laughed, and immediately had dinner together.

The night is getting darker.

The patrolling sentries turned into the 'Fusu Guards Corps' led by Xu You!

Ran Min was not worried about Xu You, so he asked the Hanwu cavalry to set up sentry cavalry around Fusu.

As long as there is the slightest disturbance, we can respond in time.

The soldiers trapped in the camp had a hard day's work and rested early after dinner.

Gao Shun followed Fusu around to ensure Fusu's safety.

In fact, Gao Shun is not so relieved about Xu You.

After all, Xu You is a reduced general.

Rebellion is possible at any time.

Not only Xu You, but also Wang Li.

Ran Min and Gao Shun were also worried about Wang Li.

At this time, Wang Li still had more than 20,000 people in his hands.

Although most of them are wounded soldiers, we must be careful.

Fusu was not at all alarmed.

Xu You's loyalty is as high as 93, and the loyalty of the 'Fusu Guards Corps' is also as high as 90!

With such high loyalty, how could he possibly rebel?

As for Wang Li...

Although he claimed not to take sides.

But his loyalty to Da Qin is unquestionable. As long as he is loyal to Da Qin, he will not turn against him.

As for the periphery...

Although there was still no camp set up at this time, there were patrolling sentries, which was enough of a warning.

Moreover, there are more than 120,000 troops here, and not everyone dares to come and harass them.

Fusu fell asleep peacefully.

Midnight watch.

Suddenly there was a strange movement outside the camp.

Ran Min and Gao Shun suddenly jumped up and came to Fusu's side with weapons in hand.

Fusu's eyes suddenly opened, his body jumped up like a carp, his right hand held the "Cold Dragon" gun beside him, and he stared straight ahead.

After a while, the commotion subsided!

After about ten minutes, Xu You led a large number of Xiongnu people to Fusu.

When Ran Min saw this, he frowned and raised his eyes, and moved his right hand to the sword on his waist.

A strong murderous intention suddenly appeared.

When all the people saw Fusu, they knelt on the ground with a thud and said in unison.

"Teng Geli, Teng Geli!"

"Almighty Teng Geli! Please don't kill us..."

Everyone shouted.

However, at this moment, Nalan Yuanbici stepped forward from the side.

"Tenggeli, these are the people nearby. They heard about your deeds and brought their families to join you!"

This chapter has been completed!
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