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Chapter 143 Xia Diyas Allegiance and Meeting Gift

"So, you have made up your mind?"

On the next morning, Lawrence received a report from the guard, saying that a girl in ragged clothes and covered in dirt wanted to see him, and he knew that this was Xia Diya's choice.

Looking at Xia Di sitting in front of him with a slight smile, Lawrence was not surprised by her choice.

From the perspective of her personal interests alone, accepting Lawrence's solicitation would be of no benefit to Xia Dia, not to mention that she also had the interests of nearly two hundred members of the bakery on her shoulders.

Being able to receive official funding is something that almost every party member is happy to see.

Driven by these factors, Lawrence was completely certain that Shadia would return to his desk.

"What you said really attracts us."

Xia Diya's expression was much calmer than yesterday, but judging from her haggard and tired look, she probably had been considering Lawrence's proposal all night.

Lawrence couldn't help but look at Xia Di with approval. It seemed that the environment was indeed a decisive factor in a person's growth. She was really a smart person who could fight for her own success in a place like a slum.

In the conversation with Anna, Lawrence also roughly understood that this Xadia is indeed a person who values ​​love and justice, so he will take her mother to the Governor's Palace and won't have to worry about her loyalty for a long time.


However, for Lawrence, although he has officially brought this intelligence organization under his command, there is still some way to go before truly establishing a secret police.

Their loyalty and abilities have to be cultivated over time, and it is impossible for Lawrence to directly hand them over to them the vital power of violent law enforcement and direct investigation until they mature.

Therefore, the current focus of Xia Dia and her subordinates is still to help Lawrence collect and sort out information from various sources. Moreover, after recruiting them, the Bread Society can also follow Lawrence's instructions to specifically collect a certain aspect of information.


"I can see the potential in you, Xia Di, this bread will not be able to tolerate you in the future, so do your best."

Lawrence looked at Xia Diya seriously and said, although he didn't say it clearly, his words already hinted that he would give her a more important position in the future.

Although Xia Diya had never been active in the political arena, she was as smart as she was and immediately understood what Lawrence was implying, so she quickly nodded solemnly to show that she understood.

Seeing that Xadia understood his intention so quickly, Lawrence also nodded happily, thinking that it was time to give them a formal task.

"Very, Xia Di, before you go back, I need you to collect all the information about these four people."

Lawrence said in a deep voice, and at the same time wrote down four names on the paper. These four people were the members of the Parliament who came from outside Ajaccio, except for Carlo Bonaparte. They were all representatives of the interests of the landlord class.

Lawrence inquired about their letters in advance to prepare for his tax reform and future settlement of the land ownership issue.

Including the recent experimental taxation in May, although it was the church that was used by Lawrence to attack, the landowners could not help but feel the crisis, and they would inevitably have a sense of crisis that would affect the fish in the pond.


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In order to prevent them from taking advantage of it, Lawrence decided to first grasp the situation of these four most direct interest representatives.

However, to Lawrence's surprise, Xia Diya took the paper, scanned it, and asked aloud:

"Are these the names of those congressmen?"

"Oh? Do you still know their names?"

Laurence said with some surprise that after all, these MPs from outside Ajaccio did not conduct elections and elections in the city, so their visibility in front of the public was much lower than the four MPs in Ajaccio.

"In fact..."

Xia Diya nodded slightly, then took out a package she was carrying and placed it on Lawrence's table, and whispered:

"I brought you a meeting gift."

Lawrence frowned and looked at the bag on the table, and opened it directly. Inside was a pile of poor quality grass, but the paper was densely covered with words.

"What is this?" Lawrence looked at Xia Diya even more surprised and asked, vaguely feeling that he still underestimated this young man.

Women’s abilities.

"Most of the letters, or blackmails, of the nine members of the Corsican Parliament can be guaranteed to be true."

Although there were only Lawrence and her in the study, Xia Diya still tried to lower her voice and spoke.

"Have you ever taken the initiative to investigate information about congressmen before?" Lawrence asked in surprise:

Xia Diya was silent for a while. If this kind of thing was spread before today, their little bread would be destroyed in an instant. But now that she has surrendered to Lauren, Xia Diya still answered truthfully:

"Yes, I discovered very early that if the Bread Society just passively accepted letters and became an ordinary intelligence exchange group, then it would be impossible for it to develop, so I decided to take the initiative to collect intelligence. Although those powerful people are high-ranking,

They also have servants and subordinates, and we heard many interesting things from their servants and subordinates."

"The dignitaries..."

Lawrence squinted his eyes and put down the documents in his hand, looked at Xia Diya and said:

"Does that mean there is also information about me?"

Xia Diya lowered her head, deliberately avoiding Lawrence's eyes, then lightly tapped twice and said:

"No, but your dirty information... To be honest, it is much less than other powerful people, and there is almost no life information. And, your subordinates are really loyal, and our information about you is basically direct.

It can rarely be obtained through your subordinates."

As for Xia Diya, she also made up her mind to join his command after going back yesterday and carefully checking Lawrence's information.

"Really? I quite want to know."

Lawrence smiled and said that he was not concerned about Xadia's behavior of inquiring about him. After all, as the president of Corsica, there would be countless pairs of eyes staring at him.


Xadia hesitated for a moment before saying:

"You have entrusted us several times to exaggerate and publicize your wars, including the Bay of Sheep and Bonifacio's wars; in addition, you killed Ciro Laserna and the hypocritical show with the orphanage director Mario.

, I know that old Mario is not a good person at all; and the recent things you asked us to promote the Kingdom of Corsica..."


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Lawrence still listened with a smile and was not annoyed at all, because these things were almost the same as the so-called black materials he himself had summarized.

On the contrary, Lawrence felt that it was a good thing that there was no dirty information that he didn't know.

"So this information...?"

Lawrence smiled and looked at Xia Diya and asked. Although he himself was not concerned about the black information, it did not mean that Lawrence could tolerate the leakage of this information.

Xadia said hurriedly:

"Forget it, all the information about you was turned into ashes last night. Although there are still a few people who know about it, no one will believe their empty talk."

"You are so smart, Xadia."

After hearing this, Lawrence was stunned at first, and then he couldn't help laughing and said. At the same time, he became more determined in his heart to leave the position of head of the secret police to Xadia.

Speaking, Lawrence turned his attention to the pile of documents on the table, picked it up and opened it with relish.


After quickly browsing these documents almost at a glance, Lawrence put the documents back on the table thoughtfully, and then started thinking directly.

There is no doubt that these congressmen who have attracted much attention have more or less dark spots.

Including Lawrence's own brother, Carlo Bona, the documents record that he used some quite disgraceful tactics as a lawyer to fight against competitors in the same industry, and may have bribed judges in some lawsuits.

These things are not worth four ounces if they are not weighed, but if they are weighed, even a thousand pounds cannot be weighed. Although people know privately that it is almost understandable to do these things based on their status, but as long as they are publicized, they will inevitably

It will leave people with clues.

As for Lawrence, if he wanted to take action against the four congressmen who were already under house arrest, all they needed was a handle.

Lawrence carefully organized the documents on the table, focusing on the information about the four council members representing the landowning class at the top, and then asked Xiadia with a smile:

"No, Xia Di,

But I would like to know why you would use these as a greeting gift."

Xia Dia was still a little late, and only after considering that she had fallen to Lawrence's side did she dare to speak:

"Because I know what you asked the Treasury Department to do."


Lawrence's brows suddenly frowned. He really didn't expect that his tax reform was also leaked, and he couldn't help but asked sharply:

"Where did you know this? Was it leaked by the Ministry of Finance?"

"No, it's not." Xia Diya said repeatedly:

"It was a clerk from the printing house in Ajaccio, one of ours, who smuggled out a copy when he was printing the Treasury copy."

"is that so..."

Lawrence couldn't help but feel a little dizzy. Although it didn't matter if the tax reform was leaked now, the situation Xia Dia said still made Lawrence feel that there really is no airtight wall in this world.

No wonder many countries in later generations will set up agencies called secrecy bureaus. If secrets are not deliberately kept, the entire administrative system will be as leaky as a sieve.


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Silently putting confidentiality work on the reform agenda, Lawrence breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the meeting sent by Xia Dia again, and then said seriously:

"No matter what, you are indeed a very capable person. I will consider adjusting an appropriate allocation amount for the Bread Society. At the same time, I also hope you will remember that from now on you will work for Corsica."


Xia Diya nodded deeply and said, as for who the so-called working for Corsica is actually for, a smart person like her will not know.

Watching Xia Diya's back disappear through the door, Lawrence also breathed a sigh of relief.

It has to be said that the Bread Club's intelligence capabilities indeed exceeded Lawrence's expectations.

However, a large part of this is due to the fact that Lawrence is in charge of the patrol. Since Corsica does not have a serious intelligence and counter-intelligence agency, the Ajaccio Patrol, as the de facto police, is responsible for most of the counter-intelligence tasks.


If Lawrence had not turned a blind eye to the development of the bakery, it would be difficult for them to grow to the point where they are today.

Of course, Lawrence is not worried that the bread will be too strong and will backfire on him. Not to mention that he is holding Xiadia's relatives as human beings. Just if their behavior of inquiring about the information of the MPs is exposed, I am afraid that it will lead to the whole family.

The Xijia dignitaries unanimously blocked it.

With Xadia's intelligence, she would not do such a stupid thing.

After Xia Diya left, Lawrence read the document twice more, then called Wei, handed the paper he just handed to Xia Diya to Wei, and asked to bring the four people on it.


After a while, the four congressmen appeared in front of Lawrence.

And when these four people entered the book with uneasiness and nervousness, and looked at each other, they immediately noticed something was wrong.

As people who also came from the countryside, the four of them were very familiar with each other. When they found out that they were brought to Lawrence together, a bad idea immediately appeared in their minds.

"Please take a seat, everyone."

Lawrence chuckled and stretched out his hand to motion for them to sit down. After glancing around at the slightly uneasy expressions on their faces, he said directly in a deep voice:

"I have received some news, news that may not be very friendly to you."

"Not very friendly?"

The uneasiness on the faces of several members became even more serious. After looking at each other, someone asked with an apologetic smile:

"Ah, Mr. Bonaparte, the news you mentioned only concerns the four of us?"

Lawrence chuckled and looked at the person who was speaking. It seemed that he was also a good talker, and the word "only" was testing Lawrence's attitude.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Of course." Lawrence shrugged.


The four congressmen couldn't help but take a cold breath. They were certainly not stupid to climb to this position. They all understood how Lawrence could only get the black of the four of them. This must be a deliberate attack on the four of them.

"Haha...Then the bad news you mentioned is...?"

The smile on the face of the congressman who spoke could hardly be stretched, but he still forced himself to ask.


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"About the possible criminal behavior of the four of you."

Lawrence said, his tone lowered a bit and became serious.

Even though the congressman knew that none of them might have anything good to do today, he still struggled and said:

"This... we are all law-abiding Corsican citizens. Although I don't mean to offend, is your information really accurate?"

Lawrence snorted coldly and said directly:

"I would like to remind you, Si, that as a subject of much attention, in order to prevent bad publicity, even if the information I have is not 100% accurate, I will conduct a strict investigation on you."

After hearing this, several people's faces suddenly turned bitter. Who can sit in their seat and dare to say that their hands are completely clean?


Lawrence continued, and the smile returned to his face:

"If you were not in such a prominent position, there would be no need to conduct an investigation. After all, we do not have enough resources to investigate every piece of groundless news from every Corsican."

"You mean...?"

The hearts of several people suddenly trembled. Lawrence's words had made it very clear. Either he would be investigated and imprisoned after the black material was exposed, or he would give up his status as a member of Parliament in exchange for Lawrence not being held responsible for the black material.

In the eyes of a few people, since Lawrence dared to threaten them like this, he must have obtained the corresponding evidence. If they really took the chance and accepted the investigation, they would definitely check it out and get it right.

The four of them sat there in agony. Although their reason told him that immediately giving up their status as members was the best option, but it was not acceptable for them to suddenly give up their greatest political status.


Lawrence also knew this kind of psychological operation, so he did not urge him, but just pretended to remind him unintentionally:

"I almost forgot that a member of parliament needs a formal written statement to resign. Maybe you can prepare it after you go back?"

"Of course...Governor Bonaparte."

The four of them said dejectedly, and walked out of the room under the supervision of the guards as if they had lost their souls.

Lawrence didn't even look at the four who walked out. In Lawrence's eyes, these four people had already lost their status as members the moment they walked out of the door, and they were no longer worthy of him.

"Then...it's time to stuff your own people into the council."

A flash of light flashed in Lawrence's eyes, and he began to consider candidates silently.

No matter which four were added to the Parliament by Lawrence, including the original Carlo Bona, this means that Lawrence already holds more than half of the seats in the Parliament.

Not to mention that the remaining four people had a tendency to fall towards Lawrence.

Today, the Corsican Parliament has been completely controlled by Lawrence, and the landowners have lost their greatest political support.

If you like eating fat beef, I remind you: remember to bookmark [] after reading it. I will update it next time so that you can continue reading. I look forward to the exciting continuation!

Chapter 143 Xia Diya’s Allegiance and Meeting Gift

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