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Chapter 156 Crown Prince Louis Trust

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"Please go first, Your Highness."

Lawrence's voice rang in Prince Louis' ears.

Crown Prince Louis was stunned for three seconds. The moment Lawrence let go of his hand, he imagined what Lawrence would say to him, whether it was a false statement, a howl that exposed his true nature, or a silent message.

The silence was as expected by Crown Prince Louis.

However, not only Crown Prince Louis, but also other nobles, no one expected that this country bumpkin from Corsica would take the initiative to draw his sword and stand in front of the toothy beast.

The she-wolf's bloody mouth was facing everyone, and nobles with good eyesight could even clearly see the strands of rotten meat stuck to its sharp teeth. No one would want to be like that piece of meat stuck to the teeth of an animal.

The nobles stared blankly at Lawrence holding a knife and confronting the ferocious beast. Then someone woke up and shouted in panic to Prince Louis:

"Your Highness, let's leave quickly!"


Although his legs were still weak, Crown Prince Louis still stared at Lawrence's back with dull eyes. A few hot tears flowed from the corners of his eyes and ran down his fat cheeks. He couldn't help but murmured:

"Lawrence, you are so brave and brave...I will never forget this scene."

Lawrence heard the murmur and turned his head slightly, but said nothing, just pointed behind him with his chin.

Upon seeing this, Crown Prince Louis closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, then turned around and fled towards the rear like other nobles.

The she-wolf's mouth was still wide open, and large amounts of saliva flowed out of it, forming a small pool of water on the ground.

The man and the wolf faced each other for a few more seconds. The female wolf roared low, used all her limbs to jump up from the ground, and rushed towards Lawrence.

"Oh my God."

Crown Prince Louis, who was fleeing back, heard the low roar that sent chills down his back, and couldn't help but slow down and turn his head to look back.

I saw that although the female wolf jumped with all her strength, she only soared more than one meter high.

Its claws should have pressed on Lawrence's shoulders to push him to the ground, but the female wolf's forelimbs were weak and only scratched lightly on Lawrence's chest.

However, the wolf's head is indeed the hardest part of the wolf's body. Lawrence's chest received this solid bump, and he suddenly felt a tightness in his chest, and he had no choice but to fall backwards to the ground.

Crown Prince Louis, who was watching from a distance, could not notice these details at all. He only saw Lawrence being thrown to the ground by the beast, so he felt heartbroken and subconsciously stopped.

After the she-wolf threw Lawrence to the ground, she brought her bloody mouth up and prepared to bite off Lawrence's neck.

However, its sharp teeth had clearly touched Lawrence's skin, but it was still unable to bite down.

Lawrence also took the opportunity to raise the hunting knife in his right hand and thrust it directly into the beast's mouth. He put his left hand on the back of the knife and tried to push its mouth away from his neck.

Although human strength is stronger than wild wolves, Lawrence's arms were somewhat sprained when he fell to the ground just now. In addition, the posture when he was knocked down was not easy to exert force, so he only had a slight upper hand. He still had a slight upper hand.

It was a stalemate with the female wolf.

"Damn...Grosso, this guy really trusts me."

While struggling to support himself, Lawrence sighed casually. Although it was only a matter of time before he subdued the she-wolf, Lawrence still regretted not asking Grosso to do more.

"Your Highness! Stop looking and leave quickly!"

On the other side, Prince Louis, who saw Lawrence being thrown to the ground by the she-wolf, could no longer walk. Even though several nobles around him tried their best to dissuade and pull him, it was to no avail.

For the kind and generous Crown Prince Louis, watching his savior being knocked down by a ferocious beast and standing idly by was a matter of great reproach to his conscience.

"Your Highness!"

The nobleman next to Crown Prince Louis was about to pull the crown prince back, but he saw Crown Prince Louis throw away his hand, and without saying a word, he took out the hunting knife from his waist.

The blade of the sword was smoothly drawn out of the sheath, sending out a faint chirp in the air.

The noble whose hand was thrown away looked at the resolute Crown Prince Louis in disbelief, his mouth wide open and he was stunned. Is this still the cowardly and timid good old prince in his impression?

Crown Prince Louis paid no attention to the nobleman who was stunned on the spot. He just gritted his teeth and rushed towards Lawrence with a knife, shouting:

"Governor Bonaparte! Hold on!"


Lawrence, who was wrestling with the she-wolf on the ground, heard the noise and couldn't help but look sideways. He saw the panting Prince Louis holding the hunting knife tightly and staggering towards him.

"Louis XVI... is such a good man."

Lawrence was stunned for a moment when he saw this. He shook his head with a wry smile and said, although this she-wolf posed no threat to him at all, seeing Prince Louis so desperate, Lawrence couldn't help but smack his lips.

Within a few breaths, Prince Louis had already rushed to Lawrence's side.

He looked at the beast in front of him that was roaring and lying on Lawrence. Before he could think of anything else, he closed his eyes, picked up the hunting knife, and slashed at the she-wolf's back with all his strength.

Because he was too nervous, Prince Louis even slashed the she-wolf with the back of his knife.

But it didn't matter. The she-wolf that was suddenly hit was a little weaker in suppressing Lawrence. Lawrence also took the opportunity to use all his strength to push the she-wolf away from him with his hunting knife.


The she-wolf was pushed away by Lawrence and rolled on the ground a few times before standing up and letting out a pitiful howl.

Its two front paws were bent out of shape, and the bones had obviously been torn off long ago. The bloody mouth that could not be closed in the first place even had a half-finger-deep scar under Lawrence's hunting knife.

"Oh my God, you are so brave."

Crown Prince Louis panted and said that although he had never seen a few real wild wolves in his life, Crown Prince Louis could see the miserable look of the female wolf at this time, and thought he had been shot by Lawrence in the fight just now.


This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Lawrence just nodded calmly and did not reply. He knew very well that the injuries of the female wolf were not caused by himself.

Even though she was covered with bruises, the she-wolf still didn't think about running away with her tail between her legs. She first let out a wailing sound, and then it turned into a frightening low roar. The green boy stared straight at Lawrence, as if he was fat and white.

Crown Prince Louis is not important in its eyes.

Lawrence was not prepared to stay here for too long, so he winked at Prince Louis, then stepped forward and hit the wolf's head with a knee.

Although the female wolf had already made evasive movements, the serious injuries on her body only allowed her to move a few inches.

With a dull sound, the female wolf rolled onto her side and fell to the ground, even her belly was exposed unprepared.

Prince Louis also immediately acted according to the opportunity, rushed up with a strong step, gritted his teeth, raised the hunting knife, and plunged it into the belly of the she-wolf.

Amid an even louder scream, Lawrence quickly came forward, pointed the tip of the knife at its neck and stabbed it without hesitation.

As the shiny tip of the knife sank into its shiny black fur, the female wolf made a few final hoarse thrashings and then completely stopped moving.

Crown Prince Louis obviously hadn't come to his senses yet. He looked at the lifeless wolf on the ground with a pale face. After a while, he slowly pulled out the blood-stained hunting knife.

Although Crown Prince Louis also participated in some hunting with his grandfather, the feeling of standing there leisurely drawing a bow and shooting arrows under the stars is completely different from the feeling of piercing the body of a beast with a sharp blade.


The nobles who had fled far away looked at the motionless wild wolf lying on the ground and the bloody blade in the hand of Prince Louis, and suddenly felt a burning shame on their faces.

According to feudal laws, these ministers should use the swords in their hands to protect the safety of the royal family. However, at this moment, all their hunting knives were still hidden in their sheaths, but the royal family's blade was the first to be stained with blood.

Crown Prince Louis glanced expressionlessly at the nobles not far away and ignored them. Instead, he looked anxiously at Lawrence's injuries and asked repeatedly:

"Governor Bonaparte, oh no, dear Lawrence, are you okay?"

Although Lawrence was not seriously injured at this time, he looked really embarrassed. When he was thrown to the ground by the she-wolf, his pants had a few big holes on the ground, and the shirt on his chest was also torn by the wolf's claws.


His body was also covered in dark red blood, making it difficult to tell whether it was Lawrence's own blood or the blood spattered by the she-wolf.

"It's okay, it's okay, please don't worry."

Lawrence smiled and shook his head. He was about to wave his hand to show that he was fine, but as soon as he raised his hand, the sprain on his arm immediately made Lawrence take a breath and gave up the idea of ​​moving his arm.

When Prince Louis saw Lawrence's reaction, he felt even more guilty. After smacking his lips, he took off his mantle without hesitation and put it on Lawrence. At the same time, he turned to face the nobles who were stunned.

He shouted rudely:

"What are you doing standing still! Why don't you come to help? Don't you know who saved your lives?"

Several nobles looked at each other and had no choice but to run over.

At the same time, they also understood in their hearts that from now on, the status of the heirs of the Duke family in the heart of Prince Louis would be much lower than that of the Corsican country bumpkin.


The sky has turned completely dark, and the hunting team has basically returned to the castle.

However, most of the nobles who returned from hunting did not enter the castle to enjoy a pleasant dinner. Instead, they gathered at the gate of the castle and whispered something with solemn faces:

"What's going on? Why hasn't His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's team returned yet?"

"You're not lost, are you? It's getting dark too."

"That shouldn't happen. They must have been led by a guide."

"Oh, forget it, the Duke of Choiseul has sent people to the forest farm to find them. Let's just wait here for news."


The center of everyone's discussion is undoubtedly Crown Prince Louis. As the future king, even the slightest abnormality in his whereabouts will make a large number of people's hearts rise in their throats.

Time passed by minute by second, and just when everyone was starting to get a little restless, they heard a sound of footsteps coming from the woods in front of the castle. This must be the return of Prince Louis' team.

Before everyone had time to be happy, when they saw Prince Louis' team clearly, they were all dumbfounded:

Walking at the forefront of the team was the Governor of Corsica, who was being supported by Crown Prince Louis himself. The Governor was still wearing Crown Prince Louis' coat, and his body was covered in patches of blood. The blood even stained Louis's skin.

On the Crown Prince's shirt.

But Crown Prince Louis obviously doesn't care at all.

Following closely behind them were the four neatly dressed but depressed-looking nobles, who were working together to carry the dead wolf, following Lawrence and Prince Louis like servants.

"my Lord."

Duke Choiseul, who had been waiting for news from Crown Prince Louis, immediately rushed out of the castle. When he saw the appearance of this team, he was stunned and frowned and asked:

"This...this, Your Highness, what is going on?"

The surrounding nobles also set their sights on Lawrence and Crown Prince Louis. Although they had participated in many hunts, this was the first time they had seen such a scene today.

As the crown prince, the grandson of King Louis actually took the initiative to help a Corsican back to the castle and put his own clothes on him. The signals revealed in this are enough for people to figure out.

Crown Prince Louis did not directly answer Duke Choiseul's question, but pointed at Lawrence and said with a small breath:

"Let's not talk about it for now. Governor Bonaparte is injured and needs a doctor."

Duke Choiseul turned his attention to Lawrence. When he heard that Crown Prince Louis' team had not returned, Duke Choiseul felt that this was something strange. Now that he saw that Lawrence and Crown Prince Louis were so close,

It made Duke Choiseul feel that this matter was not that simple.

However, he was aware of it, and Duke Choiseul was not prepared to pursue this matter any further. After all, the establishment of a deep relationship between Lawrence and Crown Prince Louis was what Duke Choiseul was most happy to see.

"I understand. I will send someone to bring the palace physician."

Duke Choiseul just glanced at Lawrence, then looked at Prince Louis and said calmly.


Lawrence coughed twice to interrupt Duke Choiseul and said:

"No need to trouble you, my subordinates can handle these injuries. Please help me find a room to rest for a while, and help me bring my subordinate. His name is Grosso."

The Duke of Choiseul nodded understandingly, waved his hand and sent someone up to take Lawrence from Crown Prince Louis, and then helped Lawrence walk into the castle to rest.


"Tsk, tsk, how did you get into such a miserable situation?"

Grosso, who was taken into Lawrence's room, smiled cynically and said as soon as he entered:

"I broke off the forelimbs of that female wolf and cut off the jaw muscles for you. Why did it take you so long? When I was your age, I could have fought a majestic male wolf alone."

Lawrence rolled his eyes at Grosso angrily. Personal martial arts was not what he was good at. In addition, in his two lifetimes, this was the first time he faced a real beast, even though it was a beast that could barely jump or bite.

The she-wolf, but Lawrence still suffered from inexperience.

However, it doesn't matter if the process is tortuous. Anyway, Lawrence's biggest goal has been achieved: to deepen the relationship with Prince Louis through a deliberately created crisis.

The wolves that Lawrence and his party encountered just now were all released by Grosso, but only the last female wolf that faced Lawrence was deliberately manipulated.

As early as this morning, when Lawrence assigned this task to Grosso, he had already had this idea, but at that time Lawrence did not expect that he would hunt with Crown Prince Louis.

Originally, Lawrence had imagined that it would be enough to use this method to build a relationship with a certain big noble. Unexpectedly, he ended up catching a big fish, Prince Louis.

"But I also admire you."

Lawrence rubbed his sore arm and said casually:

"I actually caught a whole pack of wolves here. I thought they were all hunted down by the forest rangers."

"Hey, this is nothing, you don't even think about it."

Grosso waved his hand nonchalantly and said:

"This forest farm is full of deer, rabbits, deer and so on. The wolves outside must be trying their best to get in. No matter how diligent the forest rangers are in killing them, they will definitely be found on the edge of the forest farm."

"You are quite talented in ecology." Lawrence chuckled and said casually.

"What? Ecology? What the hell, don't let me study." Grosso frowned and said as if he was facing an enemy.

Lawrence smiled, but was too lazy to explain to Grosso. He then took out the bunch of teeth and fur that Grosso sent to him in the afternoon and asked:

"By the way, what is this thing?"

Grosso glanced at the thing in Lawrence's hand and said casually:

"It's nothing, just the teeth and peeled skin of the wolf cub. If you carry these things with you, the female wolf will smell it and attack you like crazy. It won't be a threat to others.


"I see..."

Lawrence nodded thoughtfully. No wonder the female wolf didn't run away even though she was so seriously injured. It seemed that she smelled the scent of her child on herself. This maternal desire for protection and revenge is engraved in the bones of living creatures.


Grosso stood up and walked to the window and glanced at the square in front of the castle gate downstairs. The nobles gathered there had not dispersed yet, because Crown Prince Louis was still talking to everyone in front of the gate about what he had just said.

Encounter in the woods.

In any case, Crown Prince Louis was still a sixteen-year-old boy and wanted to show off in front of everyone. After all, he had just heroically killed a wild wolf with Laurence himself. Such an honor was no less than bringing back a stag.

"Speaking of which, this trick of yours is very effective. This little fat prince is probably very happy with you."

Grosso said in amazement, looking down from the castle at the nobles below. Standing here, he could hear the nobles exclaiming from time to time. He didn't know if he was infected by the brave deeds of Prince Louis or simply in agreement.


But one thing is for sure, Prince Louis will never forget the scene of Lawrence standing in front of him with a sword drawn, and the description of this scene will soon spread to the entire court of Paris and Versailles, including Louis XV

I will find out about this soon.

The benefits this brings to Lawrence are immeasurable.

Lawrence nodded to Grosso, and looked down along the window. Seeing the excitement of Prince Louis, he said slowly:

"That's right, and you should be able to squeeze out a lot of benefits by using this relationship with him."

Grosso was stunned for a moment, curled his lips and said:

"You kid, maybe someone wants to treat you as a confidant and friend, so you start to calculate his value."

Lawrence stretched hard and said completely nonchalantly:

"I don't think this is a conflict. I can regard him as my best friend in personal relationships, but when there is a conflict of interest, I will not hesitate to ask him to get out of my way."

"Hey, you kid is still so crazy. He will be the king in the future. Do you want him to get out of your way?" Grosso laughed twice and said not seriously.

"Who knows," Lawrence said with a shrug.

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