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Chapter 239 The liberation of all Corsica is achieved today

On the outskirts of the town of Figari, the sound of gunfire has become increasingly sparse in this land, and the white-blue smoke that filled the sky over the town has finally begun to dissipate.

The main combat force of the Landlord Group Army, the serf conscripts, had given up all resistance under the propaganda offensive of the Wehrmacht. After being disarmed, they were temporarily detained by Wehrmacht soldiers, waiting for the end of the war to begin their new life as free people.

Of course, the Wehrmacht encountered sporadic resistance as it marched toward the center of the town.

The landlords' cronies, servants, and clan members, these groups whose core interests are tightly tied to the landlord groups, still retain the last bit of fighting spirit. They fight and retreat, trying to move the battlefield to the town of Figari.

Take advantage of the terrain for street fighting.

However, these resistances were completely useless. These soldiers who lacked combat experience, lost their command system, and had internal discord could not withstand the encirclement and attack of the National Defense Forces soldiers. After several rounds of attacks and persuasion to surrender, the last resisters

He finally chose to put down his weapon and planted the white flag on the most conspicuous stone building in the center of Figari town.

A large number of National Defense Forces poured into the streets of Figari Town, guarding various street intersections and immediately began to maintain order. At the same time, they began to search for the whereabouts of the southern landlords, the top level of the landlord group.

At around 12 noon, the Wehrmacht soldiers had completely taken over the town of Figari and destroyed all resistance forces inside and outside the town.

"Lord Bonaparte, all the prisoners have been taken in, and the enemy troops in the town have also raised white flags to us... It's just..."

Outside the town of Figari, after listening to the report from his subordinates, Major Cui Farley approached Lawrence with a somewhat embarrassed expression:

"The culprits who started this civil war, the southern landowners, are still missing. We captured several local landowners, and they confessed that more than 20 people, including Justin, had fled on horseback...I am afraid they have left by boat now.



Lawrence frowned slightly. If these landowners could be captured alive and publicly executed in front of the serfs, it would be of great benefit to unite people and enhance the government's prestige. By the way, it would also shock the local city halls.

Use blood to tell them what the consequences of confronting the Central Committee will be.

However, since this opportunity had been missed, Lawrence did not pay too much attention to it. After all, in the fierce battle just now, it was difficult to notice that this small group of people secretly escaped from the edge of the battlefield.

Moreover, there is another important reason why Lawrence is not worried about these fugitive landowners, that is, with the implementation of the "Land Act" and the "Agricultural Tax Reform Act", the serfs who have become free people will never be overtaken by the landlords.

The oppressive life is not forgotten at all, so the landowners who have lost their prestige and foundation among the rural people will not be able to make any waves even if they can return to Corsica alive.

"Immediately notify the Governor's Office and order all city halls to issue a reward for the southern landowners headed by Justin, and their tribesmen will also be temporarily detained."

After simply issuing a wanted order, Lawrence was no longer prepared to spend too much attention on these landowners. Even if these people were still alive, they had been sentenced to death politically and could no longer pose a threat.

After listening to Major Trifali's report, Lawrence was about to enter the town center under the escort of the guards, when he saw Major Serurier suddenly galloping towards the place on horseback, as if he had something important to report.

"Your Excellency Bonaparte!"

A few dozen yards away, Major Serulier called out to Lawrence in an urgent tone. He held the reins tightly in his left hand and held a brand-new musket in his right hand.

"Your Excellency, take a look at this."

After nimbly turning over and dismounting, Major Serurier handed the musket to Lawrence with a solemn expression. Judging from his solemn expression, it was obvious that he had discovered something bad.

Lawrence took the handle of the gun and looked it up and down before handing it to Major Cui Farley, shrugging and commenting:

"A very new musket, it feels good to the touch."

Although Lawrence had industrial science knowledge far beyond this era, he did not see any problem with the musket in front of him.

Major Cui Farley, who was a gunsmith, looked much more professional. He carefully inspected the gun in his hand and admired with admiration:

"The cast iron barrel has almost no wear and tear, and is almost as good as new; the handle is made of oak, and the edges have been polished and waxed; the bayonet edge is a new latch type, and it will not matter if a bayonet is added.

It affects shooting; it’s such a good gun. Most soldiers in the National Defense Force have guns that are not as good as this thing. Major Serurier, where did you get it?”

Faced with Major Trifali's praise, Major Serulier's face became even more embarrassed. He sighed softly and pointed to the group of serf captives in the rear:

"These are the standard weapons of the enemy, and... I recognize this gun. It was produced by the Royal Arsenal in Nottingham. It was widely equipped in the British Army during the Seven Years' War. To this day, British soldiers basically carry

This style of musket."

As a soldier who fought head-on with the British more than once during the Seven Years' War, Major Serurier was very familiar with this weapon from the enemy. He even had no less than three of them in his personal collection.

This is the only musket that was seized.

"British Army? How did those damn landowners get this stuff? Or in this quantity?!"

Hearing this, Major Cui Farley also immediately noticed something was wrong and looked at Lawrence in shock.

Although Major Cui Farley did not know much about matters other than military affairs, he also understood that the landlord group might be able to buy dozens of British Army standard muskets through smuggling, but what he saw in front of him was a weapon capable of arming more than 10,000 soldiers.

Equipment, this is definitely not something that can be purchased through the channels of landlords in the countryside.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Lawrence looked at the musket in Major Trifali's hand, nodded slightly, and then asked Major Selurie:

"Any more news?"

"Yes, Your Excellency." Major Serulier's tone became more serious:

"Among the captured soldiers, we found several British people who claimed to be mercenaries and were hired by the landowners to train their troops."

"That's it..." Lawrence put his hand on the handle of the sword, responded, then closed his eyes silently and began to think.

As early as when he had received news that the landlord group was capable of arming more than 10,000 soldiers, Lawrence had been very suspicious of whether there was a behind-the-scenes driving force in the Corsican civil war.

It was just that at that time, Lawrence was not sure which party was funding the landlord group. After all, there were many people who wanted Corsica to fall into chaos - the British, the Genoese, the Kingdom of Sardinia, and even Richeille in France.

Except for the Duke's faction, these forces all have the ability and motivation to become spoilers in this civil war.

Now, the facts before him have almost revealed the true identity of the man behind the scenes, which makes Lawrence unable to help but start preparing further plans.

"Your Excellency, I propose to interrogate those British people. I am quite skeptical about their so-called mercenary status."

Seeing that Lawrence was deep in thought, Major Serurier tentatively suggested.

"No need." Lawrence opened his eyes and waved his hand:

"The facts are already in front of us. The British provided a considerable amount of weapons and supplies to the landowners. As for those captured, it doesn't matter whether they are mercenaries or regular soldiers of the British army."

"I see."

Major Serurier nodded slightly. He also knew that the confessions of those few British junior officers would have almost no political influence, and it was impossible for Lawrence to use this as evidence to accuse the British of trying to subvert the government of other countries.

the behavior of.

Lawrence stood still for a moment, and finally shook his head vigorously, throwing away all the miscellaneous thoughts in his head.

Although he now knew the identity of the sponsor of the landlord group, Lawrence still vaguely felt that the matter was not that simple.

Although the assistance to the landlord group currently seems to be the work of the British family, Lawrence does not dare to make a conclusion easily as to whether the participants and planners of this incident are only the British family. After all, Lawrence knew it when he was in Paris.

Well, the British ambassador to France was very close to the Duke of Richelieu.

"Is this a plan jointly planned by Baron Bertula and Duke Richelieu...or is Duke Richelieu not involved...What is the possible connection between this and the recent famine in Naples and the situation in the Mediterranean..."

If all the forces with motives for Corsica were taken into account, Lawrence felt that his brain was in confusion for a while, so he had to put these thoughts aside and concentrate on the important things in front of him.

"Come here, tell Coggero and his Treasury that they can take action; also, have Captain Mattia lead the cuirassiers to prepare to follow me into the city."

All the residents of the town of Figari know that this agricultural town in southern Corsica has reached a crossroads of destiny.

Doors were closed on both sides of the entire town's streets, and a chilling atmosphere permeated every corner of the town. Apart from the soldiers of the National Defense Forces in blue and white uniforms on duty, almost no other pedestrians could be seen on the roads.

Most of the townspeople stayed at home and only dared to peek uneasily through the cracks in the windows at the Wehrmacht soldiers standing guard outside, for fear of making any conspicuous noise.

After all, this is the home base of the southern landowners and the core base of the rebels in this civil war. No one can say whether Governor Bonaparte will vent his full anger on this southern town.

They have heard many similar stories from the bards in the tavern. The townspeople all know that the anger of a military dictator can completely burn the entire town of Figari to ashes.

Some townspeople who are cautious by nature have begun to hide bread, dried meat, gold and silver coins and other supplies in the basement, because according to rumors that have been circulating for many years, soldiers from the Northern Defense Force often break into farmhouses armed with knives and guns.

Roughly confiscated military rations and money.

Many elderly townspeople were looking worriedly at the northern sky, as if they were looking forward to seeing what happened, because their children and brothers had all become prisoners of Governor Bonaparte, and their lives and deaths were still uncertain at this moment.

Fear breeds in this land, and the townspeople can only wait for changes in the situation with uneasiness.

However, time passed by minute by minute, and it was already evening, and the scenes of intrusion by soldiers and even massacres and plundering that the townspeople imagined had not yet happened.

Compared with the memories of the townspeople, the Wehrmacht soldiers standing on the streets were a completely different group of people. They were like iron statues standing guard at the street intersections. Only when some bold townspeople tried to take advantage of the chaos to sneak into the landlords' houses.

These guards will only show their majesty when they are looting mansions and shops; other than that, their performance can be said to be flawless.

While the townspeople were still surprised by the changes in the soldiers, a more sudden news came - the National Defense Forces would hold a public meeting in the City Hall Square in the evening, presided over by Governor Bonaparte himself.

Although most of the townspeople are still a little worried about the current tense situation, there are also many smart and bold people who understand the importance of being well-informed and choose to take risks and gather around the City Hall Square early.

Under the leadership of these people and the exemplary performance of the National Defense Force soldiers, more and more townspeople began to walk out of their homes and gathered in the City Hall Square nervously and expectantly.

Around seven o'clock in the afternoon, more than 900 people had gathered in this small Roman-style granite square, and this was already nearly half of the permanent population of the town. But on weekdays, no city official would be able to organize such a gathering.

A large number of people are gathered together.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! A dense crowd gathered side by side, looking at the temporary high platform in the center of the square.

As Lawrence walked onto the high platform calmly, the originally chattering crowd quickly became quiet.

Although the residents here have basically never seen their governor before, they also know that the man on the high platform is just like the rumored governor, an incredibly young and handsome young man.

Lawrence lowered his head and looked at the people in the square. Having experienced countless political performances, he was no longer as nervous about this kind of scene as before; he cleared his throat, his expression firm and calm:

"My fellow countrymen, I send you my evening greetings..."

Lawrence spoke slowly, giving the Wehrmacht soldiers in the square enough time to repeat his words loudly so that everyone present could hear the speech.

And this simple greeting immediately relaxed the nervous mood of many townspeople. After all, no one in power had ever talked to them as compatriots before, let alone a superior governor.


"As I'm sure you all know, a terrible, hateful and shameful civil war has swept across Corsica and your homeland."

Taking a half step forward with his right leg, Lawrence stretched out his hand and covered his heart tightly, looking distressed:

"For the people of southern Corsica, you have not been exposed to the clouds of war for more than 20 years. This precious and hard-won peace should have lasted forever, but...some shameful scum went so far as to save them.

This peace has been shattered by selfish desires. I really don’t want to mention the dirty names of these scum, but I must say that they are the southern landowners headed by Justin Bartley!”

Lawrence paused and lowered his voice:

"You may have bowed to them before, knelt on your knees and respectfully called them lord...but I want to tell you! My compatriots, you no longer need to dedicate such flattering words to these shameless vampires."

The townspeople stared at Lawrence blankly, and soon became enchanted; in normal times, the landowners were their gods, and even the mayor of Figari was very kind to the gentlemen and did not dare to disobey him in the slightest.

But now, hearing that Governor Bonaparte had completely trampled and crushed the image of the powerful landowner in their hearts, the hearts of these townspeople instantly felt an indescribable and unprecedented sense of joy.

"No, compatriots, to be precise, there will no longer be any lord in the entire land of Corsica from south to north; and you will no longer be called such a humble serf by anyone.

You are free, you have the right to choose where to put your labor, and you also have the right to retain the fruits of your labor. This is the inherent right given to you by the Corsican Constitution and the Land Act.

The right to come.”

Lawrence faced the gazes of the townspeople, waved his hand, drew his sword, pointed it at the starry sky and shouted loudly:

“Anyone who denies you the exercise of this sacrosanct right declares war on the entire Corsican government and throws a white glove in the face of me, Laurence Bonaparte! And the consequences of that are

,Humph, Justin Bartley has personally explained it with his experience. As long as it is to defend the rights of my people, I am willing to draw out the sword together with my soldiers and use blood to prove our determination, just like

We stand here today."

Dozens of Wehrmacht soldiers repeated Lawrence's words enthusiastically and loudly, and this chorus of shouts was like a Viking war cry that echoed in the ears of every town citizen in Granite Square.

The townspeople were also infected by this atmosphere. They raised their hands with nowhere to rest and bathed in this spiritual carnival.

It was also at this time that they realized that the worries they had during the day were completely unnecessary. What Governor Bonaparte and the Wehrmacht brought was not anger and destruction, but the same freedom and liberation as Propriano without discrimination.

"It's time, friends and compatriots, to witness with me, this is an honor for all of us..."

Lawrence slowly inserted his sword into the scabbard and looked down at his people:

"I, Laurence Bonaparte, declare that the shameful landowners have lost all their lands, that the rights of liberty have been restored to all freemen, and that the emancipation of all Corsica has been accomplished today."

This chapter has been completed!
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