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Chapter 28 Rescue

One Eye used his remaining right eye to look at the person calling, and saw that he was a strong man, followed by a large number of subordinates, all of whom had fierce faces and were tall and strong.

The man wore a light blue sailor's turban on his head and his upper body was naked. The most eye-catching thing was the long and narrow scar on his cheek.



Lawrence and One-Eye screamed at the same time, and then looked at each other at the same time, both seeming to be surprised as to why the other knew Grosso.

This was Grosseau, the sailor who saved Lawrence more than one life on the White Rose that day. At that time, the shock wave generated by the detonation of the White Rose blew Lawrence and the sailors to pieces in the sea. After that, Lawrence was gone again.

Never met Grosso.

After Lawrence was appointed deputy captain, he also asked his subordinates to pay more attention to see if they saw a sailor with a long and narrow scar on his face, but there was no news about Grosso. After all, the patrol's power was limited to Ajac.

Xiao's north and south urban areas.

Unexpectedly, the two of them would meet again in such a critical situation.

Grosso narrowed his eyes. Having experienced hundreds of fights, he could tell at a glance that Lawrence's side was already losing.

"Hahaha, boy Bonaparte!"

Grosso laughed heartily twice, pulled out the sailor's sword from his waist, twirled it in his hand in a gorgeous dance, and shouted:

"I don't know how many times I have saved you! Brothers, come on! I want to capture One-Eye alive."

Although he didn’t know why Grosso formed a quarrel with One-Eye, Lawrence was only stunned for a moment. He knew that Grosso and his group were on his side, and then he immediately gave the order:

"Everyone retreat, remove bayonets, load and prepare to shoot!"

The bayonet used by the patrol is an old-fashioned plug-in bayonet, which needs to be inserted into the barrel. If you want to reload and shoot, you have to remove the bayonet.

Grosso's men rushed into the battlefield from the flank and instantly broke up the siege of the patrols by the Sea Serpents, allowing the patrols to retreat and begin to remove their bayonets and reload gunpowder.

"damn it!"

Lawrence took advantage of the time to retreat and took a brief look at the casualties of the patrolmen, and couldn't help but cursed.

After evacuating to a safe area, Ya'an could no longer stand. He knelt on one knee and inserted his sword into the gap between the wooden boards of the pier. He used the sword to support himself so as not to fall down. The six stab wounds on his body were still seeping out.


The situation of the others was not much better. Everyone's chests were stained red by blood that was either their own or the enemy's. Some people were so injured that they could not stand steadily after loading ammunition and sat directly on the ground.

Even Lawrence himself suffered several serious stab wounds on his arms when he resisted the fierce chops of several gang members. Fortunately, no arteries were damaged.

Fortunately, no one has died so far, but if these injuries are not treated in time, whether it is excessive blood loss or wound infection, it can easily take away people's lives.

"Grosseau! Can your people handle it?" Lawrence shouted to Grosso who rushed into the crowd and killed everyone.

As a veteran sailor who had experienced many battles, Grosso in the center of the battlefield ducked to avoid the attacks from the gang in front of him, and then slashed away with his sword, slitting the opponent's throat.

"No problem!" Taking advantage of this gap, Grosso turned back and shouted back to Lawrence. He also knew that Lawrence and his men urgently needed to deal with their injuries.

After receiving a positive answer, Lawrence sat down cross-legged and hurriedly ordered to Old Sean:

"Old Sean, go to the nearest tavern and ask someone to bring a barrel of rum, not those damn watered drinks! And as many clean gauze as you want!"

Old Sean was the oldest and had the worst fighting qualities, but because of this, he had been dodging and did not suffer any serious injuries in the fight just now. Except for him, everyone else was injured.


Old Sean agreed, and then rushed forward to prepare what Lawrence wanted.

Old Sean, who was of no use in the battle, felt a little guilty, but after receiving Lawrence's order, he rushed all the way with all his strength.

The battle not far away was coming to an end after Grosso's troops joined in. Lawrence saw several familiar faces among his subordinates. They seemed to be the sailors on the White Rose at that time. All of them were brave and good at fighting.

"Grosso! I'll kill you!"

One Eye watched helplessly as the gang he had been running for half his life was wiped out by Grosso's massacre. His right eye suddenly turned red, he drew out his machete and angrily charged at Grosso.

"Huh!" Grosso snorted slightly when he saw the mountain of flesh like One Eye coming towards him. Without any panic, he turned around to avoid One Eye's charge, and slashed at One Eye's neck with his backhand knife.

This one-eyed reputation was gained through a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. It was not a lie. He just shook his head and avoided Grosso's attack.

The two sides tested each other for a few more rounds amidst the bursts of sword lights and shadows. Suddenly, One Eye roared, held the sword in both hands, and slashed towards Grosso with all his strength.

Grosso's pupils shrank. One Eye's full-force slashing might have been able to cut a piece of wood as thick as a bowl in half, but he was unable to dodge, so he had to hold the back of the knife with his left hand and hold the knife horizontally to block it.

There was only a clear clang sound, and the sailor's sword in Grosso's hand was broken into two pieces by One Eye's chop.

Although the broken blade removed most of the power of the blow from Grosso, the weapon-less Grosso was unable to fight back against One Eye.

One Eye's eyes turned cold, and he seized the opportunity to step forward and chop twice more. While Grosso was dodging left and right, One Eye also seized the opportunity, and raised Grosso's legs to knock him to the ground.

"I will use your life to pay for my brother's life!" One Eye said in a cold voice, pointing the tip of the knife at Grosso's forehead on the ground.

Grosso's men noticed something strange, but they were too far away from Grosso to make a rescue.

And in this flash of lightning, Lawrence shouted loudly:

"Get down! Grosso!"

Between life and death, Grosso could no longer hesitate. He chose to believe Lawrence and kicked his legs backwards and fell flat on the ground.

"Idiot, are you lying on the ground and letting me slaughter you?"

The corner of One Eye's mouth curled up, and he was about to start taunting.

But he had no chance. He only heard a blast of gunfire, followed by unbearable pain all over his body.

In the distance, white smoke rose in front of Lawrence's patrol. One Eye was shot all over his body under this volley, and fell to the ground vomiting blood.

Grosso, who was lying flat on the ground, was lucky not to be hit by a stray bullet.

"It's so dangerous." Lawrence wiped the sweat from his forehead, feeling somewhat fortunate that he had ordered the patrols in advance to remove their bayonets and load ammunition.

"Huhu...it's so damn dangerous!"

Grosso climbed up from the ground, gasping for air. Although he had faced death countless times, every time he passed by the god of death, Grosso still broke into a cold sweat.

"You! You! You can't kill me..."

One Eye, who was lying on the ground, watched Grosso pick up his knife and walk towards him, vomiting blood and shouting incomprehensibly.

This chapter has been completed!
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