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Chapter 359 The Siege of Ajaccio (Part 2)

A moment later, inside the Parliament Hall of the Prime Minister's Palace in Ajaccio.

"Your Excellency Speaker! Please convey our demands to the Prime Minister's Office immediately!"

"The voting is officially completed, M. Rousseau! You saw it with your own eyes!"

"We have the right to demand protection! The government must pay attention to the demands of parliament!"

In the huge auditorium, the members of the House were waving the agenda papers in their hands angrily. Without any regard for etiquette and grace, they yelled and asked Speaker Rousseau on the podium to immediately convey the results of their votes to the Prime Minister's Office.


Just half an hour ago, the MPs who learned that the Sardinian army was approaching Ajaccio immediately put down their ongoing agenda. The leaders of several parties also immediately gathered together to reach a consensus and forced a vote despite the opposition of Speaker Rousseau.

A resolution was passed requiring the Corsican government to provide comprehensive protection for all parliamentarians.

Although Speaker Jean Jacques Rousseau repeatedly explained to the members that the vote they had just conducted was illegal and unconstitutional, at this critical moment of life and death, the members could not listen to what this French philosopher was talking about here.

Jurisprudence, they just want to use the influence of the parliament to send themselves to a safe rear.

The entire parliament auditorium was noisy like a tavern at midnight during a carnival. Almost everyone raised their voices at the highest volume and expressed their opinions and demands without any scruples.

Although there are some members of Parliament who are opposed to dispatching extra manpower to protect the Parliament in emergency situations when enemy troops attack, they are obviously an absolute minority, and their speeches and dissuasion are quickly lost among the aggrieved people.

Amidst the noise and abuse.

"Gentlemen, please calm down, calm down!"

Speaker Rousseau was sweating profusely and exhausted. He tried his best to maintain order in the parliamentary hall with his unskilled Italian:

"I have repeated it three times. According to the Charter of the Kingdom of Corsica, the additional voting you conducted is illegal in both form and content. I really cannot convey your needs to the cabinet and the government!"

Rousseau's speech once again attracted a round of boos in the auditorium. At this time, the parliamentarians did not care to give this highly respected philosopher enough respect. They had only one thing on their minds at this moment-hurry up from Sardinia.

Escape from the army's artillery range.

A tall and powerful congressman even stood up, overturned a row of seats, jumped onto the long table in front of him, and shouted at the top of his lungs:

"Fuck the charter, fuck the law, we are parliamentarians! We represent the people! Even Prime Minister Bonaparte must pay attention to the resolutions we make!"

Having said that, the congressman still stood on the table with his hands on his hips proudly, enjoying the cheers and applause of the crowd.

However, in the next moment, the warm cheers and applause of the congressmen immediately froze.

Bang bang bang bang!

Almost at the same moment, the doors in all four directions of the entire parliamentary auditorium were kicked open at the same time, and the bustling chamber fell silent for an instant under the sudden unusual noise.

Without giving the congressmen any time to react or think, hundreds of soldiers armed with guns and swords burst in, looking coldly and pointing their guns at this group of self-proclaimed noble congressmen.

Looking at this group of heavily armed soldiers, the MPs all turned pale. How could they not recognize the uniforms of these sergeants? These are directly subordinate to the Prime Minister's Office in Ajaccio and directly take orders from Prime Minister Bonaparte himself.

Military Police Regiment.

"Good morning, gentlemen."

A few rays of golden sunshine poured into the House of Representatives from the main entrance. Under the escort of several guards, Anna Celestia slowly walked out of this brilliant light and greeted all the stunned members of the House with a smile:

"I just heard Mr. Bonaparte's name outside the door?"

Everyone's eyes subconsciously turned to the man who had just jumped up on the table and waved the flag, but the congressman's face was pale at the moment, his legs were trembling as he climbed down from the table, and immediately retreated into the crowd with his head shrunk.

He didn't dare to look into Anna's eyes for a second.

Only a fool bent on death would dare to disrespect Monsignor Bonaparte in front of Mademoiselle Anna.

"I have just learned about your gentlemen's request for protection. I want to tell you that the Corsican government always pays attention to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of all representatives of the public opinion, and we are willing to do our best to protect the personal safety of gentlemen."

Anna's voice was sweet and soft, which could reach every member's ears in the silent parliament hall:

"The Prime Minister's Palace is undoubtedly the safest place in the entire city, so before the war in Ajaccio is extinguished, I would like to ask you to stay in this auditorium with peace of mind and please do not go out without permission, otherwise it will be difficult for us to protect ourselves from the war.

Your life is safe."

The congressmen stared at Anna blankly. Until now, they could not understand the implication of these words. Anna Celestia clearly wanted to put all the congressmen under house arrest in the Prime Minister's Office during the war.

They originally thought that after being elected as members, they would have a place on the Corsican political stage and get a share of the feast of power. However, the hundreds of central gendarmes present on the scene told all the members with muskets in their hands:

All this is just wishful thinking on their part.

At this moment, the parliamentarians also clearly realized a cruel reality: even if it transformed from a republic into a new kingdom, the real power of Corsica still belonged to only one group-the Bonapartists.

A congressman glanced at the military policeman who was less than five feet away from him in horror, and said bravely:

"Miss Anna... I think that since the national crisis is imminent, I don't need to bother sending extra personnel to protect me. Please allow me to return to my home."

After hearing this, the other members nodded in agreement and looked at Anna expectantly.

For them, rather than being forced to stay in Ajaccio, where defenses were empty and living and dying with the city, it was better for them to return home immediately to collect their belongings and take their wives and family with them before the Sardinian army arrived.

Flee to the south.

Anna Celestia's smile faded slightly, and there was a hint of gloom in her gentle and bright eyes. She suddenly felt even more disappointed with this group of congressmen who only knew how to covet power and did not know the responsibilities they shouldered.

"I would like to emphasize this to you again..." Anna's voice was very cold:

"Once you leave this auditorium, we cannot guarantee your safety in the flames of war."

The leading congressman still wanted to refute unwillingly:

"Miss Anna! I thank you for your kindness, but even if I am not a member of the House of Commons, just as an ordinary Corsican citizen, I think I should have the right to return to my home at any time.


However, before he finished speaking, he saw Shadiya Vicky standing behind Anna, hidden in a plain black cloak, and rushed forward unbearably:

"Shut up, you shameful scum!"

Shadis rushed forward and grabbed the congressman by the collar, staring at him like a sword:

"Why do you think Monsieur Bonaparte asked you to become members of Parliament, so that you can add the word "Mr." after your name? So that you can sit in the House with a stipend and talk loudly? So that you can be the first to attack when the enemy invades.

For all the people to escape?!"

Although Xia Diya was a full head shorter than the congressman, the congressman who was pulled by the collar did not dare to express his anger. He looked at the girl who controlled the secret police station in front of him with fear, as if his soul was

All have been thoroughly penetrated.

The reason why he dared to retort to Miss Anna was because Anna Celestia had always appeared in front of everyone with a gentle and pleasant image, but in the face of the hateful Shadia Vicki, the congressman's

Not even a single meaningful syllable can come out of my throat.

"Coward! If it weren't for Monsieur Bonaparte, I would really want to...!"

Xiadia Weiqi glared at the congressman with disgust, then with a strong movement of her wrist, she grabbed the congressman's collar and slammed his head on the table.

With a loud bang, blood suddenly flowed from the congressman's nose, but even so, he did not dare to make any sound except a howl, and he did not even dare to reach out to cover the bright red bridge of his nose.

Xia Diya took out her handkerchief and wiped the blood off her hands in disgust.

Several secret policemen with unknown faces hidden under their cloaks also stepped forward and stood beside her, staring coldly at the congressmen present. This cold gaze immediately sent a chill down the spine of everyone.

"All of you, please listen to me..." Xia Diya threatened without hesitation:

"Before the war in Ajaccio is extinguished, you will stay here honestly. If you are not willing to stay here and receive protection, I will also be happy to take you to the Ministry of the Interior to receive the protection of the state secret police."

Hearing the words Ministry of Internal Affairs and State Secret Police, the lawmakers present could not help but shudder.

Even when facing them as members of parliament, the Ministry of Interior and the State Secret Police still have the power to summon them and require their cooperation in investigations.

According to rumors, even those who came out of the secret police station intact said that they would rather die than go to that hellish place again.

The auditorium was as quiet as death, and one could even clearly hear the rapid breathing of a member of the House of Representatives.

Faced with pressure from both the Central Gendarmerie and the Secret Police, no member of parliament dared to say anything about evacuating Ajaccio. They bowed their heads and returned to their seats obediently, almost without daring to make a sound.

Issued to.

Anna Celestia also taught these new members of Congress an unforgettable lesson with unprecedented thunderous methods. Members with a little more intelligence can understand that even if Corsica has formed an upper and lower chamber, this area

The supreme power of the land still belongs to only one person.

With the submission of the members of the House of Commons, the internal hidden dangers of the Corsican government during the siege were finally eliminated. Anna also immediately released a message to the citizens, saying that all members, bureaucrats and soldiers would defend Ajaccio without taking a step.

Will retreat southward.

After this news was announced, although people were still worried about the upcoming Sardinian fleet, the panic among citizens was greatly alleviated.

Most citizens also chose to stay in Ajaccio for various reasons. The men soon began to spontaneously assist the French garrison and the Central Gendarmerie in the city defense deployment, while the old, weak, women and children followed the instructions and coordination of the Corsican government.

Take refuge in Dongcheng District, far away from the port.

Although the dignitaries living in Dongcheng District initially objected to allowing large numbers of refugees and poor people to approach their homes, when the central military police and secret police arrived at their door, these people immediately gave in and agreed to open the courtyard as a public space for citizens.

Place of refuge.


By three o'clock that afternoon, the weather was clear and the sea conditions were good.

People standing at high altitudes can clearly see a shadow on the western horizon - that is the naval fleet of the Kingdom of Sardinia, which is attacking the port of Ajaccio at full speed.

In a tower near the coast, Major Serulier, the commander of the French garrison in Corsica, stared at the fleet on the sea with an unprecedented solemn expression.

The rolling waves on this sea once sent him from France to the barren island of Corsica, but now, Major Serurier is extremely sober. As long as he can defeat this offensive for Lord Bonaparte, he will definitely be able to do it again.

Once upon a time, I rode the waves and returned to my homeland on the other side of the sea in an unprecedented position.

Standing next to Serurier was Major Ya'an of the Central Military Police Regiment.

He did not look at the menacing enemy fleet, but closed his eyes and felt the salty sea breeze. His right hand rested on the sword that had been with him for many years, and he felt the sword carefully.

Every trace and texture of the handle.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Yaan once used this sword to defend the life of Bonaparte in the bloody battles in Ajaccio, and this time, he swore

, he will once again use this sword to protect the city of Bonaparte.


In the naval port of Ajaccio, the bow of the third-class line ship Infinite Liberty, the flagship of the Corsican Navy.

Grosso Bruno, the permanent undersecretary of the Navy, squinted at the Sardinian fleet in the distance, picked up the wine bag and poured a large gulp of rum into his mouth. The wine spilled on his beard glistened under the bright sunlight.

Transparent, like diamonds and pearls.

Grossoy suddenly took off the saber from his waist and threw it to Horatio Nelson beside him:

"Boy, if Ajaccio falls, you will use this knife to cut off my head."

Nelson took the saber in a daze, even a little unsure:

"You...Mr. Grosso, what are you talking about?!"

Grosso was silent for a while, then raised the wine bag again, drank the strong wine inside, and exhaled happily:

"If Ajaccio falls, when our navy assisting the city's defense faces the Sardinian fleet... except that the entire army is annihilated, I can't think of any other outcome."

"Even so! You don't have to...!"

Nelson wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Grosso laughing:

"Boy, Laurence Bonaparte gave me the entire Corsican navy, hahaha! Who the hell am I? A sailor, a smuggler, a pirate, and what did he ask me to do? Navy

Standing Under Secretary of the Ministry! My current year's salary can buy a fucking boat. People now have to use the word "Your Excellency" when calling me. This is really something I have never dreamed of, so..."

Grosso's laughter gradually subsided. I don't know if it was the effect of alcohol, but his vision became a little blurred:

"So if this navy is lost in my hands, I won't have the face to see Lawrence... But your kid's life is still long, and you have to survive for me. If Ajaccio is really attacked,

Just kill me, surrender to the Sardinian army, say that you are a captured British Royal Navy cadet, and take advantage of the chaos to kill the Corsican naval commander. The Sardinians should release you back to the Royal Navy.

Coupled with your contribution to killing me, your boy will probably live a good life after returning to the Royal Navy..."

Just as Grosso was planning a way out for the thirteen-year-old boy, Nelson suddenly handed Grosso's saber back and interrupted:

"No, Mr. Grosso, I am not affiliated with the Royal Navy of Great Britain. I am Warrant Officer Horatio Nelson of the Kingdom of Corsica serving on the Infinite Liberty. If this ship is buried here, as a commander

If you also sacrificed yourself here, then this sea area will also be my burial place."

Grosso was stunned, his right hand was hanging in the air, and after a few seconds of hesitation, he caught the dagger handed back by Nelson.

Looking at Nelson's eyes, which were more determined than any sailor's, Grosso smiled happily, shook his head, and immediately returned to his usual cynicism, laughing and cursing:

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. I don't want to die yet. Go to the second deck to check the artillery deployment. Don't make any mistakes at this time!"

"Yes, sir!"

Nelson also smiled and gave a sailor salute, then immediately turned around and carried out Grosso's order.


Dongcheng District, in the residence of Congressman Carlo Bonaparte.

Maria Letizia, who was several months pregnant, stopped her husband who was about to go out. She looked at the dagger and pistol on Carlo Bonaparte's waist with great concern. Although she already knew what her husband was going to do, she still

Heartbroken and knowingly asked:

"Dear...what do you want?"

Carlo Bonaparte lifted his belt, tied it tighter, and took out the polished dagger and polished it again. He seemed to be afraid to face his wife's question, so he lowered his head and answered.


"You clearly know, Maria, that I am also a soldier. Have you forgotten that when you and I met, I had been following General Paoli to fight against the Genoese for a long time. Now Ajaccio is attacked again.

I have an obligation to stand up and I must join the fight."

"You have no such obligation, my dear, you..." There were tears in the corners of Maria Letizia's eyes, and she also knew that she could not stop her husband:

"Why are you doing this? You are a congressman and you have a great brother. Why do you want to risk yourself on the battlefield?"

Carlo's two younger sons, young Joseph and Napoleon, also crawled to the door. They looked at their father curiously and ignorantly, only feeling that his father's dress today was a little different.

"I have to do this, my dear." Carlo Bonaparte walked up to his wife, kissed her forehead, and said in a very low voice:

"This is a defensive battle with a huge disparity in strength. The morale of the army can easily be defeated by the Sardinians' artillery fire and charges. But if the soldiers know that Prime Minister Bonaparte's brother is fighting with them, maybe

Things will get a lot better.”

"But!" Maria Letizia couldn't stop crying. She touched her two sons on the ground, and then touched her belly, which was several months pregnant, and cried sadly:

"The two children are still so young, and the one in my belly... I don't want this child to be born without a father."

Carlo Bonaparte gently stroked his wife's bulging belly, but still shook his head:

"If this child is a boy, let's call her Lucien. If it's a girl, let her be called Paulina... If I really die on the battlefield, I will entrust this child to Joseph and Napoleon together."

Lawrence, my brother will definitely be an excellent godfather."

Finally, as his wife cried, Carlo Bonaparte picked up the ignorant Joseph and Napoleon respectively, kissed their foreheads, and then rushed out of the house without looking back, instantly disappearing into the sea of ​​people outside.



Inside the Prime Minister's Palace in Ajaccio.

"Miss Anna, the people near the port area have been basically evacuated and have been temporarily placed on Hotten Street in Nancheng District. In this way, the evacuation of the people in the core firefighting area has been completed."

"Okay, I understand, please, you can go down now."

After urgently completing the evacuation of the entire city of Ajaccio and ensuring sufficient supplies of supplies, Anna Celestia sighed with physical and mental exhaustion.

As for the rest, we have to leave it to the army.

Anna was sitting in the Prime Minister's study where she was the only one. Looking at the empty armchair behind the main table, her thoughts were instantly drawn to a long time ago, when she was Mr. Bonaparte's personal maid.

She stood up slowly and placed her delicate palms on the armchair, as if she could still feel a little bit of the remaining warmth from several months.

Anna sighed again and turned her gaze to the horizon outside the window, watching the shadow on the horizon approaching Ajaccio.

She put her hands together and put them gently on the tip of her nose, as if praying, and also seemed to be praying:

"Mr. Bonaparte, I will not let you down."

This chapter has been completed!
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