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Chapter 47 Design

After finishing all the affairs in Yangjiao Bay, it was already close to midnight. The soldiers of the 4th Battalion had been marching for a whole day and had just experienced another bloody battle. Lawrence also ordered everyone to stay on the spot.


There was only one narrow entrance to Yangjiao Bay. Lawrence was sure that no defenders had escaped during the attack, so he did not worry about anyone escaping to report the news to Ximu Fortress.

Of course, by the early morning of the next day, the garrison at Ximu Fort would definitely notice something strange, so Lawrence had to prepare to retreat at dawn.

There was not much time left for the soldiers of the fourth battalion to rest, but after the soldiers won the first victory and distributed their spoils, everyone had no complaints on their faces. After covering them with blankets on the spot, they started

Falling asleep deeply.

Lawrence had been fighting with the soldiers all day, and naturally felt very tired, but before he fell asleep, there was one important thing that needed to be clarified.

"General Belrain, I'm sorry to disturb your rest again." Lawrence sent someone to bring General Belrain to him and personally untied his hands.

"As a prisoner of war, I don't expect enough rest." General Belrain rubbed his bloodshot eyes and said nonchalantly.


Lawrence took out the notebook, waved it in front of General Belrain, and said:

"I'm a little concerned about some of the records in it."

General Belrain was silent for a while, then lowered his head and asked: "Which ones are they?"

“About ‘the man from Ajaccio’ written there”


General Belrain suddenly raised his head, looked at Lawrence, and said with an expression of sudden realization:

"I see, Laurence Bonaparte, I remembered this name. Ciro Russell mentioned you to me, and you caused him a lot of trouble."

"So this Ajaccio man has been confirmed to be Ciro Russell after your accusation?"

Lawrence stuffed the notes back into his bag and asked.

"That's right."

General Belrain nodded and admitted, and then added:

"However, since you are still a polite young man, I will give you a kind reminder. Pasquale Pauli is definitely aware of these things. If you want to use this notebook to bring down Ciro

"Russell, that's not enough."

"Thank you for your reminder."

Lawrence smiled and said that although he had already guessed when he got the note that Governor Pauli had definitely turned a blind eye to these things, it was probably because Siro had a good grasp of the speed and did not cross Pauli's bottom line.

As for some confidential information in the Governor's Palace, Ciro must not have the courage to reveal it to the Genoese.

"So, that's all you want to ask?"

General Bellerin asked with a frown. He believed that with Lawrence's intelligence it was impossible not to guess that the Ajaccio man was Ciro Russell.

"There is one more thing, or a request. I hope, General, you can write a letter for me."

General Belrain's face changed slightly, and he understood after a moment's thought:

"It's for Ciro Russell, right?"

Lawrence also noticed General Belrain's reluctance from his face, so he smiled and said:

"If you agree, I can exchange a piece of top-secret information."

Before General Belrain could consider whether to agree, Lawrence had already spoken directly about his so-called intelligence:

"The garrison in Bastia is currently very empty. As long as the Genoese army launches an attack, it will easily push the Corsican army back to the south."


General Belrain's eyes widened. He really couldn't believe that Lawrence had revealed such important information. If this information was true, it would be a god-given opportunity for the Genoese army.

Lawrence remained calm on the surface, but after seeing General Belrain's reaction, he couldn't help but secretly chuckle. He deliberately revealed Bastia's situation to General Belrain in order to attract the Genoese army's attack. This was Lawrence's plan.

On the surface, this is a deal between Lawrence and General Belrain, but in fact, the chips on both sides of the scale are in Lawrence's plan.

It was just that Lawrence told the news so easily, which also made General Belrain a little suspicious.

"I swear on the honor of the Bonaparte family that this information is absolutely true."

Seeing that General Belrain was still hesitant, Lawrence also directly used his noble status to swear an oath.

Lawrence's eyes were firmly fixed on General Belrain, and he put his right hand on his chest to show that his words were absolutely true.

Although General Belrain still had some doubts, he still kept this piece of information in his mind and planned to send someone to verify the authenticity after he was released.

"Oh... tell me what you want me to write." General Belrain sighed. Now that he had learned about Lawrence's information and his identity as a prisoner, he had no choice but to agree to Lawrence's request.

Although he knew that General Belrain would not completely believe his words, Lawrence knew that he would not ignore the news. Once he sent someone to find out the truth about Bastia, he would soon be able to prove the accuracy of the news.

Lawrence smiled and helped General Belrain back to his longhouse, where he found some letter paper and pen and ink. Lawrence dictated and General Belrain wrote.

At the end of the letter, in accordance with Lawrence's request, General Belland also engraved his personal seal on it.

"Thank you for your cooperation. You can go back and rest."

Lawrence took the letter paper, dried the ink on it, and waved to two soldiers to escort General Bellerin back.

"Berran's notes plus this letter... Ciro Russell, I have begun to look forward to your death."

Lawrence read the letter again with cold eyes, and couldn't help but murmur to himself.


At seven o'clock in the morning, all the soldiers of the Fourth Battalion had gotten up and assembled. Although they only rested for three or four hours after a tiring day, the soldiers were still in high spirits during such intense operations.

Lawrence couldn't help but yawn. His rest time was even less than that of these soldiers, but he had no choice but to hold back his sleepiness and began to give instructions for today's actions:

"Major Cui Fali, distribute the wheat bread, dried meat and butter in the warehouse. Only give us half an hour for breakfast."

"Understood." Major Cui Fali sighed while directing the soldiers in the warehouse to distribute food while looking at the mountains of supplies:

"It's such a pity that we can't take away so many things."

Major Cui Farley, who was originally a quartermaster, was very jealous of this treasure-like warehouse, and was somewhat reluctant to leave it.

Lawrence took a look at the warehouse, but he didn't feel nostalgic. The soldiers of the fourth battalion had already been equipped with weapons and armor. As for other daily necessities, the soldiers had been ordered to carry some with them as much as possible.


"It's indeed a pity to leave so much supplies here." Lawrence touched his chin and followed Major Trifali's words.

"Oh, there is nothing we can do unless we call in two three-masted sailing ships to move all these things away."

"But there is a way to make the most of it."

"Oh? How to do it?" Major Cui Farley asked with interest.

"It's all burned."

This chapter has been completed!
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