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Chapter 55 Preparation (Part 1)

After leaving the Governor's Palace, Lawrence immediately rushed to the patrol station without stopping. For this opportunity that could directly kill Ciro, Lawrence could not make any mistakes and had to plan carefully in advance.

"Monsieur Bonaparte! You are back!"

As soon as Lawrence entered the gate of the station, old Sean, who had been dozing at the table with his chin propped up, immediately woke up, quickly stood up from his chair, trotted to Lawrence, and asked like a barrage of questions:

"Oh my god, did you just come back today? Will you stay in Ajaccio? Why didn't you write a letter to inform the brothers in advance? Otherwise we will definitely prepare a banquet to welcome you..."

Old Sean was talking continuously, but when he saw the serious expression on Lawrence's face, he quickly interrupted himself and asked worriedly:

"What happened?"

Lawrence nodded slightly, found a chair and sat down, and gave brief instructions:

"Old Sean, send someone to Xicheng District and ask Grosso and Ya'an to come back to see me. Remember, don't reveal your identity when you come or go."


Old Sean stood at attention, responded cleanly, and then turned around and went to the second floor to find the right person to deliver the order. Old Sean still knew better than Lawrence about the personalities and abilities of these patrols.

Guessing that it would take more than an hour for Grosso and the others to arrive, Lawrence called Old Sean over for a chat and asked about the patrol's recent situation.

"Recently, but it's better than before."

Old Sean kept laughing and said sheepishly:

"Since Monsieur Bonaparte formulated the discipline rules within the team, the north and south cities have become much more peaceful, and the people have become more and more supportive of us. Hehe, as an old man, I was even given a gift when I was walking on the street the day before yesterday.

Bring flowers."

Lawrence listened, nodding in approval from time to time.

Lawrence was not surprised by the support of the people. Just like the soldiers of the Fourth Battalion, all they wanted was for the patrol to do its job, and there was no need for any additional gifts at all.

"What about the team? How are you doing these days?" Lawrence asked, taking the coffee brought by a patrolman.

"It's also very good. Although some people complained that the discipline was too strict, they all shut up when the pay day came."

Lawrence nodded, took a sip of coffee, and continued to ask:

"What about the patrol training? How is the use of muskets?"

As early as early February, Lawrence requested Governor Paoli's approval for an additional eighty muskets. Counting the original twenty in the team, it was enough to arm the entire patrol.

"It's no problem to use it normally. I've basically mastered the queues and stuff, but there aren't many opportunities for actual combat. They have a lot of fights with gangs in Xicheng District."

This result was also expected by Lawrence. As a weapon, the performance of the musket was not as good as that of a longbow in the hands of a skilled archer, but its biggest advantage was that it was easy to train.

Even farmers recruited from the countryside can master the loading and shooting of muskets in a short time. For these patrols, nearly twenty days of training is more than enough.

An hour and a half later, Grosso and Ya'an also arrived at the station. In order to conceal their whereabouts, the two did not wear uniforms, but simple linen shirts and a small cloak with a hood.

"grown ups."

Ya'an greeted Lawrence with precious words, and then stood next to Lawrence as silently as an ice sculpture. His arms were still wrapped with bandages, which seemed to be new scars added recently.

"Boy, you are back. You have done great things in the army."

Grosso was much more lively. He was born as a sailor and had a bohemian character. Even when he was working for Lawrence, he still called him boy.

But Lawrence didn't mind this. Grosso had obeyed his orders so far, and there was no need to restrain him in these details. Only the worst leaders would criticize their subordinates superficially.

Lawrence nodded to the two of them and said softly:

"Let's talk upstairs."

Although the people stationed at the station were all his own people, Lawrence chose to be on the safe side in order to avoid leaking the news, and planned the arrest of Ciro Russell with three people in the empty storage room on the fourth floor.

After closing the door of the storage room, Lawrence lit an oil lamp, looked at the scars on Yaan's arms, and said first:

"How did this fall? It shouldn't be the injury caused by One Eye's time."

Yan lowered his head and said nothing, so Grosso patted his shoulder and curled his lips and said:

"This kid is just like a mad dog. He will be the first to do anything, and he can't even control him. It's a miracle that he's still alive today."

Lawrence couldn't help but sigh, knowing that Ya'an still hadn't gotten over the girl's death, but Lawrence was helpless with such a heartache.

"I won't talk nonsense either."

Lawrence said directly, took out the arrest warrant just signed by Governor Pauli, put it on the table and motioned for the three of them to check it.

After circulating the information, the expressions of the three people immediately became extremely serious.

"So, you can finally take action against that bastard?"

Grosso changed his playful expression, looked at the arrest warrant on the table seriously and said, Ciro also had his brother's life on his hands, and Grosso's desire to kill Ciro was no less than Lawrence.

Ya'an stared at the arrest warrant in silence, his pupils slightly dilated, and he didn't know what he was thinking, but Lawrence had already noticed that his hands were trembling slightly.

"Yes, we have never had any control over Silla before, so we cannot afford to miss this opportunity now."

Lawrence glanced at the expressions of the three people and said in a deep voice:

"Do you have any ideas?"

"Damn it!" Grosso slapped his hand on the table and cursed bitterly:

"As I say, I'll just take everyone with me and raid his stupid lair!"

Before Lawrence could reply, Ya'an shook his head first and reminded in a low voice:

"It's not very appropriate. One of the pieces of information provided by Mr. Bonaparte said that the union members purchased a large amount of daily necessities a few days ago, including fresh water. In addition, there has been no movement from the gangs in Xicheng District these days. I suspect...


Lawrence, Grosso and Old Sean looked at each other. This piece of information was ignored by them. Now after Ya'an reminded them, the three of them could easily deduce that there might be a garrison stationed in the small church at the union headquarters.

A large number of helpers were gathered.

Considering that Ciro should have a lot of muskets in his hand, if he led his men to attack forcefully, the patrol would probably suffer a lot of casualties, so Lawrence had no choice but to temporarily consider the attack as a last resort.

"When did they start purchasing supplies?" Lawrence asked with a frown.

"It should be..." Ya'an closed his eyes and recalled for a moment, then said: "Around February 10th."

"February 10th..."

Lawrence's eyes widened slightly. This was the third day after he captured General Belrain. It must have been on this day that Ciro Russell got the news that General Belrain had been captured.

If so, Ciro should have guessed that Lawrence knew about his affair with the Genoese, and probably also speculated that Lawrence would make a big fuss about it.

However, judging from the current intelligence, how Silla will respond, Lawrence cannot guess yet.

This chapter has been completed!
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