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Chapter 62 The storm is coming (Part 2)

In the morning of the next day, the Xicheng District of Ajaccio.

Lawrence imitated the method of establishing authority in front of the patrol station and ordered people to build a simple wooden platform overnight.

There are many lazy people in the slums. As early as midnight, when the construction was still going on, there were people surrounding them not far away. After the construction was completed in the morning, although Lawrence had not come forward, many people had already gathered in this neighborhood to hear the news.

Citizens came.

Even many citizens from the northern and southern urban areas rushed here after hearing the news.

In order to attract more citizens to watch, Lawrence also specially sent people to buy several large barrels of soup and light beer, and provided free breakfast to the citizens who came. This made the poor people who usually had no food to eat even more after hearing the news.

Coming in like crazy.

The last time the patrol made a big move was when Lawrence shot the three prisoners in early January. This made the citizens gather here with anticipation and excitement, guessing what the patrol wanted to announce this time.

However, at this moment, Lawrence was still in Grosso's station, surrounded by old Sean, Yan, Grosso, who had just returned from Toulon, and old Mario, who was secretly escorted by Lawrence.

"How about it?"

Lawrence was the first to ask Grosso, who had just returned from Ajaccio. He still smelled of wet and salty sea water. He had only arrived in Ajaccio at dawn.

"I went to Toulon to find an old friend, and we have already negotiated. I will also take his boat back."

Grosso yawned and said:

"His ship is in the port now. It is a decommissioned fourth-class ship."

Lawrence nodded with satisfaction. According to the current classification of battleships, the first to third-level ships are the main line battleships of various countries. The fourth-level ships are the intermediate level between battleships and frigates, and the following are frigates and small frigates.

The original White Rose was just a modified heavy frigate.

Fourth-level ships generally have about 60 guns, and are occasionally incorporated into line battleships, which is undoubtedly enough for Lawrence.

"Oh, your deposit slip has also been converted into gold for you."

As Grosso spoke, he carefully took out a heavy gold brick from his pocket and handed it to Lawrence with some reluctance.

This gold brick weighs about 3.8 pounds, which is the 1.75 kilograms Lawrence is used to. It is about the size of a palm and about two centimeters thick.

Even Lawrence, who regarded money as a foreign possession, couldn't help but look at the gold brick a few more times after receiving it. According to the price of gold in later generations, this thing would be worth 700,000 yuan.

Guessing that the time was almost up, Lawrence asked Grosso to notify the captain and start taking action.

Later, Lawrence turned to look at old Mario. He had been shivering since he was brought to the station. He always lowered his head and dared not look into the eyes of other people. After realizing that he was being watched by Lawrence, his whole body couldn't help but tremble.

"You'll know what to say later."

Lawrence frowned and looked at old Mario with disgust and asked.

"Of course, of course."

Old Mario suppressed his nervousness, squeezed out a flattering smile and said repeatedly:

"Don't worry, sir, I'm the best at doing this."

"Go away, you go and stand on the stage first."

Lawrence waved his hand impatiently and motioned for the two patrols to take old Mario to the high platform first, so as to attract more citizens to come and watch.

After Old Mario left the station, Ya'an gritted his teeth and looked at Old Mario's back, clenched his right hand on the hilt of the sword, and said bitterly:

"Sir, what is the use of this disgusting old man? I really want to stab his heart with my own hands."

Old Sean couldn't help but nod in agreement. Although he had not seen the tragic situation underground in the orphanage with his own eyes, he already felt that Mario was simply a beast after hearing Ya'an's description.

Lawrence also glanced sideways at the back of old Mario and said slowly:

"Don't forget, he is not like this in the hearts of the people. To the citizens of Ajaccio, he is still the kind Mario."


When Lawrence took Ya'an onto the high platform, old Mario was on the stage smiling and greeting the citizens.

With his kind smile and his simple priest robe, no one would have imagined what kind of devilish face he would reveal to those children behind his back.

Lawrence was immediately recognized on the stage. He wore a brand new uniform and specially pinned the First Class Combat Hero Medal issued by Paulie on his chest. The gold-plated medal sparkled in the scorching midday sun.

Although Ya'an stood silently behind Lawrence, the residents of Xicheng District were also very familiar with and loved this patrolman who hated him and was at the forefront of every battle.

"It's Monsieur Bonaparte. Is he and Dean Mario going to announce something?"

"I guess, I heard that Monsieur Bonaparte visited the Ajaccio orphanage yesterday."

"Oh, what does this have to do with us?"

"Whatever, there's free soup and beer."


The sea breeze at noon slightly blew up the hem of Old Mario's robe. He looked at Lawrence uneasily, and the latter nodded gently to him, indicating that he could start.


Old Mario coughed twice, raised his hands above his head and clapped twice, attracting the attention of the onlookers, and the venue soon became quiet.

"Dear citizens, this is Mario, a faithful servant of God and the director of the Ajaccio orphanage."

Old Mario shouted at the top of his lungs to the crowd.

However, he stopped abruptly after saying this self-introduction, suddenly covered his chest and began to sob softly.

After Old Mario's voice stopped, the few noises on the field also disappeared.

Everyone held their breath and looked at the old man on the stage. Even the poor people who came to eat and drink couldn't help but put down their bowls and spoons and look at old Mario.

Old Mario was bathed in the gaze of everyone, and his soft sobs soon turned into howls. He even knelt directly on the stage, clutching his chest with both hands and cried loudly.

Although the crowd below didn't know what happened, seeing such a well-known good man and an old man with a frail body grieving regardless of his manners made even people who didn't know Mario feel sad.

"Ah ah ah, friends! Today... I am here to atone for my sins! I am a sinner!"

Old Mario kept telling his sins in heart-stopping cries:

"It was me... who failed to take good care of those children. It was me who... cowardly gave in to evil. It was me, it was all me..."

This highly contagious cry instantly made some people unable to stand, and they shouted to old Mario:

"Hey! What's wrong with you, old Mario?"

"What happened?"



Old Mario didn't respond. He knelt on the ground and buried his head between his thighs and continued to cry loudly. Even Lawrence couldn't help but glance at him with a strange face, thinking that it would be a pity not to develop his acting skills in the theater world.

This chapter has been completed!
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