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Chapter 69 Allegiance

After enjoying Anna's carefully prepared breakfast at home, Lawrence still had one important thing to do, which was to go to the Governor's Palace to report back to Paulie.

Especially since Lawrence made so much noise in Xicheng District this time, Pauli couldn't help but send out cuirassiers to intervene yesterday.

Although Lawrence did not want to be like Ciro and had his eyes fixed on Governor Paoli, at the current stage, only by maintaining the interest relationship with Pauli could Lawrence continue to develop in Ajaccio for a long time.

However, before going to the Governor's Palace, Lawrence planned to stop by the patrol station to arrange some simple matters.

When Lawrence walked to the door of the station, he was surprised to find Grosso talking to Old Sean inside, with a seemingly unconscious man on his shoulders.

"What happened?" Lawrence walked straight into the hall and asked the two of them with a frown.

You must know that Grosso has his station in Xicheng District, and unless there are special circumstances, he will not come to this station specifically.

"Hey, boy, you're here."

Grosso raised his head and said hello to Lawrence, then gently placed the person on his shoulder on the chair.

Lawrence first lowered his head and glanced at the face of the person sitting on the chair, and suddenly realized that it was Ya'an.

He was covered in blood, and his blue-and-white uniform had turned black, the color of blood oxidized, and not a single patch on it was neat.

Even his face was dirty and messy. If it weren't for Ya'an's chest still rising and falling regularly, Lawrence would have thought there was a dead person sitting here.

"Oh, this kid Ya'an."

Grosso put his hands on his hips, looked at Ya'an and sighed:

"I have been partnered with you for so long and you haven't even had a drink. I don't know why yesterday, I went to the pub and drank all night. The boss personally carried me to my place in the morning. I kept saying that I wanted to see you and get back together with you. I

So I brought him here."

After hearing this, Lawrence squatted down with a wry smile and looked at Ya'an's body. It was obvious that the large tracts of blood on the uniform were not his own blood. So who left it, Lawrence knew without thinking:

"Tsk, tsk, it seems that bastard Ciro Russell did not die happily."

As for why Ya'an stayed up all night to get drunk yesterday, Lawrence could probably guess it. After all, on the day One Eye escaped from prison, it was because Ya'an left his post without permission to go drinking, which led to the final tragedy.

I'm afraid that Ya'an drank so much that he became unconscious after killing Silla just to untie his own knot.

Ya'an's eyes moved, and then he moved his body subconsciously, holding his forehead with one hand, as if he had not recovered from the hangover headache.

However, when Yaan opened his eyes and saw Lawrence in front of him, he immediately tried to stand up with a struggle, but was gently pushed back to the chair by Lawrence.

"I'm very sorry, sir..."

Ya'an lowered his head in shame and patted his forehead hard. Due to the severe headache, he couldn't even stand up, so he had to sit back down with Lawrence holding his shoulders.

"It's okay, people always need to indulge occasionally."

Lawrence spoke very understandingly, pulled out a chair, sat down, and asked:

“Silla is dead?”


"How did you die?"

Ya'an opened his mouth and was thinking about where to start, but Lawrence smiled and waved his hand, interrupting him. He could already guess a rough idea from the blood marks on Ya'an's body:

"Forget it, I don't want to know either. But what are you going to do next? Silla is dead, and my covenant with you has been completed."


Ya'an suddenly raised his head, looked at Lawrence with clear eyes, and said without hesitation:

"I am still willing to follow you, no matter what identity or position you have. On that night, it was my sin that killed my lover and a fellow patrolman. But instead of punishing me, you entrusted me with more tasks."

A great mission, and gave me the opportunity to settle the blood feud with my own hands. Such kindness..."

Both Sean Lao and Grosso stared at Ya'an closely, but their eyes were different.

Old Sean's eyes were full of worry. He had watched Ya'an join the patrol team back then, and he knew very well how much the originally immature young man had changed in just over a month.

Grosso looked at Yaan with envy. From the first day he partnered with this young man, he felt that he was a malleable talent and wanted to guide him as if he were his own son.

Lawrence sat upright for a while, looked at Ya'an's eyes without a trace of impurity, and said seriously:

"I accept your allegiance, Ya'an, and I swear again that as long as your loyalty is still there, I will do my best to give you everything you want. Now, go upstairs and lie down to rest, Old Sean, help me

Follow him."

Ya'an nodded, rubbed his temples vigorously, and with the help of Old Sean, he went to the dormitory on the second floor to rest.

Grosso looked at Ya'an's back and sighed, shaking his head and saying:

"Tsk, what a good seedling. It would be great if it were one of my men."

Lawrence also nodded in approval. In Ya'an, he saw unswerving loyalty and perseverance. With a little training in the future, he will definitely be able to take on big responsibilities.

"Speaking of which, what are your plans in the future? Go back to the sea?"

Lawrence glanced at Grosso and asked tentatively.

At that time, Lawrence and Grosso were able to reach cooperation, firstly because of the excellent treatment of the patrolmen, and secondly because of the common enemy Ciro.

Now that Ciro has passed away, it is time for Lawrence to re-examine their relationship.

Although Grosso was his savior and Lawrence would not treat him badly in any way, if Grosso wanted to take his men away from the patrol, Lawrence would definitely not agree.

"After that..."

Grosso took a long breath, smoothed the curly hair on his forehead, and said in a deep voice:

"Boy, I still want to follow you."


Lawrence looked at Grosso with some surprise. Grosso was undoubtedly outstanding both in terms of personal abilities and connections. He was a rare talent. Lawrence did not expect that he would choose to stay under him.

This chapter is not over yet. Please click on the next page to continue reading! "Follow me? That's fine with me. I'm just afraid that Ajaccio, a remote place like this, won't be able to tolerate you."

Lawrence smiled and joked that after all, Grosso had traveled to world-class port cities such as Venice, Pisa, Toulon, and Lisbon before.

However, Grosso found a chair and sat down on his own. He held his chin with his left hand, traced the narrow scar on his face with the index finger of his right hand, and said slowly:

"Boy, do you know that people like me who lick blood at the tip of a knife all have a common hobby, which is gambling. After all, you may not be alive tomorrow, so it doesn't matter if you lose all your bets today."

"I can understand." Lawrence nodded and said.

"And now, it's my biggest bet."

Grosso put his chin on his hands, looked directly at Lawrence, and said:

"I've put all my bets on you, boy. I can feel that the people who can't accommodate Ajaccio are not just me, but also you. I believe that it won't take long to reach St. Petersburg from Brittany.

, everyone will know your name."

"I think it will be from Ireland to Cathay." Lawrence joked casually.

Grosso was stunned for a moment and couldn't help grinning:

"Damn it, I just like how confident you are."

"Then what about the reward you want?"

"Me?" Grosso smiled self-deprecatingly and said:

"I am a sailor and smuggler. I am just a common man. I am just seeking fame and fortune."

Lawrence calmed down his joking expression, put his right fist in front of Grosso, and said:

"Then it's settled."

Grosso also stretched out his right fist and bumped it together hard:

"It's a deal."

This chapter has been completed!
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