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Chapter 82 Treatment (Part 1)


Governor Pauli pondered for a while, and seemed to feel that this was necessary. Just now, Peter himself learned that his entourage had been thrown into the dungeon, and he was also very angry.

Lawrence was always paying attention to Pauly's expression. When he saw Pauly nodding slightly, Lawrence couldn't help but feel happy, thinking that it was done and he would see Peter soon.

However, Pauli suddenly sighed, then shook his head and said:

"But let's wait until next time. Mr. Peter suddenly felt unwell and is resting."

"Not feeling well?"

Lawrence couldn't help but frown and glance at Paulie. He didn't look like he was lying.

In addition, what Lawrence observed and guessed at the beginning: Paulie left the banquet in the middle of the party.

It is not difficult to think that what happened just now should be that William Pitt suddenly fell ill, which led to the interruption of the banquet.

However, what Pauly just said suddenly reminded Lawrence of William Pitt's health problems recorded in history.

In Lawrence's impression, Peter suffered from mental illness and gout in his later years.

Even the reason why he was forced to resign as prime minister in 1768 was largely due to the fact that his illness made it difficult for him to have the energy to complete his work.

As for what Pauly said, Peter's sudden physical discomfort was probably due to the fact that he ate some taboo food at the banquet, which caused a gout attack.

"Wait...this might be an opportunity..."

Lawrence's eyes suddenly lit up, and he realized that this might be an excellent opportunity to get close to Pete.

Although Lawrence was not a medical expert in his previous life, because an elderly person in his family suffered from gout, Lawrence had spent a lot of time on the treatment and management of gout.

Even if he is not as good as those professional doctors in previous lives, Lawrence dares to say that in this eighteenth century, his understanding of gout is absolutely unmatched by anyone.

If I can use this knowledge to alleviate Peter's injuries, then I can always stay by Peter's side in the name of treatment.

Gout is a chronic disease that requires long-term treatment. As long as Lawrence's treatment plan is effective, Peter will rely on Lawrence's treatment for a long time.

After all, the pain of this horrific disease is still unbearable even in the 21st century when there are many painkillers.

After quickly making up his mind, Lawrence immediately put on a concerned expression and said:

"Your Excellency Peter is feeling unwell? Could it be that he has a gout attack?"

"Huh? How do you know?"

Paulie glanced at Lawrence suspiciously and said.

Lawrence was calm and remembered that Maria was Peter's personal doctor, so he explained:

"I heard from Lord Pitt's entourage that one of them is a doctor."

"That's right...that's right, Lord Peter is recuperating at his residence."

Paulie didn't think too much. He waved his hand to Lawrence and directly issued an eviction order and said:

"I will convey your apology on my behalf. Now, go do your thing."

"Wait a minute, Lord Governor."

Lawrence did not leave, but stood there pretending to be mysterious and said:

"You may not know, but I actually do a lot of research on medicine."

"You? I don't see any trace of a doctor in you."

Paulie frowned and said mercilessly that he had never heard of Lawrence doing any research on medicine in the past two years.

"Ahem, actually I went to university in Pisa."

Lawrence ignored Paulie's sarcasm and lied without blushing, giving himself the identity of a scholar to appear more reliable.

Lawrence has no memory of whether this body went to college or not.

However, his brother Carlo did study at the University of Pisa. As his younger brother, it is very reasonable for Lawrence to have the same educational experience.

Paulie also thought of this. In his eyes, Lawrence was from a noble family in Florence, and it was not unusual for him to have gone to college.

However, Lawrence still looked a little suspicious when he saw Pauli, so he immediately said:

"Governor, if I guess correctly, Mr. Peter must have eaten a lot of fish recently, and when he got sick, the middle joint of his toe was red, swollen and painful. In addition, his body should also be accompanied by obvious fever, and..."

"Hiss...how do you know?"

After hearing this, Paulie blurted out in surprise, his eyes almost widened.

He did not expect that Lawrence, without ever having met Pete, not only accurately described Pete's symptoms, but also told him his recent eating habits.

Even some of the symptoms Lawrence mentioned were not noticed by Paulie who was present at the time. It was only after Lawrence mentioned it that Paulie recalled that this was indeed the case.

Even Pauli's secretary, who was standing behind Lawrence, couldn't help but glance at Lawrence a few more times. He hadn't seen Pauli show such a shocked expression for a long time.

Seeing Paulie's surprised expression, Lawrence secretly breathed a sigh of relief and was a little glad that his guess was not wrong.

Gout patients are very taboo on eating fish, and as Corsica is a small island, Lawrence guessed that Pauly would entertain Peter with all kinds of fish.

Knowing this, Lawrence could easily deduce that Peter's attack should be acute gout caused by diet, and Lawrence was also familiar with the symptoms and treatment methods of this disease.

"As I said just now, Mr. Governor, I do have some research on medicine."

Lawrence puffed up his chest and said confidently:

"I have seen many cases like Mr. Peter's. Maybe I can..."

Pauly also recovered from the shock at this time and looked at Lawrence with a complicated expression.

From Lawrence's performance just now, Pauly basically believed that Lawrence did have some abilities in medicine.

For Pauly, if Lawrence can really treat Pete's condition, then his negotiations with Pete will definitely be much easier.

Because William Pitt is the plenipotentiary envoy for this negotiation, his personal emotions and feelings will have a considerable impact on the negotiations. It is also for this reason that Pauley will spare no effort to entertain Pitt with the highest standards of treatment.

When he thought of this, Paulie's eyes when he looked at Lawrence suddenly lost a bit of hostility, and even his tone softened a lot. He changed his angry expression like a face change, and asked slightly excitedly:

"Lawrence, are you sure?"

"Of course, I can guarantee it on my reputation."

Lawrence nodded and said, this kind of confidence also comes from his advanced knowledge.

Even if Pitt is not treated with medication, just by assisting Pitt in improving his living habits, Lawrence is sure to significantly alleviate Pitt's current condition.

Paulie stood there and stared at Lawrence for a while, seeming to weigh the pros and cons.

Lawrence waited calmly for Paulie to make his decision. He knew that with Paulie's character, he would not let go of this perfect opportunity to build a relationship with William Pitt.

"I don't need your reputation, Lawrence."

Paulie suddenly said in a deep voice:

"But if your treatment has no effect, or even has a negative effect, then... I don't need to tell you the consequences."


Lawrence replied without hesitation that even at the risk of treatment failure, this opportunity to get close to Pete could not be missed.

"Very well, I believe you are a young man who is sure of everything. Come with me."

Paulie dropped these words, turned around and led Lawrence forward.

This chapter has been completed!
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