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Chapter 1: Kite

May 10, 9:23 in the morning.

A chain bun shop facing the roadside has passed the morning rush hour. There are only two or three tables of customers in the store, but almost every table has messy cups and plates. The waitress in a red apron is busy clearing away the cups and plates from every table.

Wan Zhan, another younger waitress stood inside the cashier, holding the remote control to change the channel on the TV high on the wall.

With a clang, the bell hanging on the store door rang, and a man wearing dark gray short-sleeved black casual pants walked in. He found a seat next to the glass wall and sat down, looking through the glass wall and looking across the street.

The square is surrounded by a green belt. The inside cannot be seen, but you can see several kite strings as thin as spider silk rising from the depths of the square, as well as kites floating under the white clouds on a sunny day -

—The old tradition of Yucheng is that at the beginning of May every year, when the spring flowers bloom and everything revives, the citizens spontaneously hold a kite festival that lasts for about a week.

“Scan the QR code to order, and place the QR code on the table.”

When the young waiter saw that the man who had just come in was still taking his order, he shouted loudly. After shouting, he continued to change the channel.

The man took out his mobile phone, scanned the QR code and ordered a basket of steamed buns. The waiter finally changed the channel he was satisfied with, turned up the volume, and the slightly exaggerated and artificial voice of the female host of the entertainment news program suddenly resounded throughout the store.

"Recently, actress Yu Jiao was kidnapped. The kidnappers demanded that Yu Jiao's family use a blue diamond as a ransom to redeem Yu Jiao. According to our reporter, the blue diamond is called 'Angel Heart' and it is Yu Jiao's husband.

Hong Ye spent nearly 10 million yuan to buy a top-quality diamond a month ago." The female host paced slowly, adding physical expressions, and talked eloquently, "Actually, Yu Jiao was kidnapped without warning, just a few days ago

A few days ago, Yu Jiao and Hong Yibai, the son of Hong Ye, the young owner of Longsheng Group, disappeared and his whereabouts are still unknown. Many netizens suspected that Hong Yibai was also kidnapped and was the same person who kidnapped Yu Jiao. However, this speculation has not been confirmed by the police.

, the police kept silent about Yu Jiao’s kidnapping case and Hong Yibai’s disappearance case in the face of media reporters, and there has been no breakthrough progress yet——”

When the host said this, the LED screen behind her began to play an interview scene: a group of reporters pointed a microphone at a plainclothes male policeman. The male policeman was probably in his forties, with a gray face and a tired look, and he was pushing forward in the crowd.

Squeezing, tightly closing his mouth without saying a word.

The man put the headset that had fallen into the hollow of his neck into his ears and said, "Lao Zhuo, you are so photogenic."

A man's bitter voice came out of the headset: "Captain Han, I was really deceived by those reporters that day. They immediately asked if the cases of Yu Jiao and Hong Yibai were committed by the same person. I was so entangled that I couldn't help it.

I just said a few words casually. I really didn’t know that the city bureau was still blocking the news.”

Han Feilu: "I praise you for being on camera, why are you panicking? Xiao Zhao, let me talk to the command vehicle."

Policewoman Xiao Zhao: "The command vehicle has been added to the public channel. You can speak directly to the Korean team."

Han Feilu said: "Director Liang, I just inspected all the sentinel points, and everything is normal now. It is recommended to send more manpower to the south subway station. The subway is not affected by traffic conditions, has a large flow of people, many divergence points, and extends in all directions. It cannot be ruled out.

The possibility that the kidnappers took the ransom and left on the subway.”

Liang Baiyan: "All mobile sentries are under your control. You can make your own arrangements."

Han Feilu: "Yes. All the mobile posts south of the control boundary line will be spread out another thirty meters, and the subway station will also be included in our control area. The second team of the action team will assist them."

The police's orderly response sounded on the channel: "Zhang Qiang received it and is moving."

"Three groups understand."

"I am Chen Qingfan. The non-motor vehicle parking area to the right of the subway station is under construction. The workers do not wear uniforms. Can I blend in with them to hide my identity?"

Han Feilu: "I agree. The entrance to the subway station is the top priority, so you must keep an eye on it."


The waiter brought a basket of steamed buns and a bowl of complimentary egg drop soup. Han Feilu thanked him and waited for the waiter to go away, then said: "Director Liang, I asked a friend to do an autopsy on the kidnapper. There is one thing I think

It is helpful for our round-up operation this time: the kidnapper will most likely drive a dark-colored off-road vehicle with a local license plate, and it is very likely to rent it from a car rental company. This car will be parked at the central intersection of Jian'an Road. If

The kidnappers were smart enough to park their car at the edge of the parking lot."

Liang Baiyan's reaction was very cold: "I did not ask the city bureau's advisory team to do a profile picture of the kidnapper."

Han Feilu: "It's not the city bureau's advisory team, it's a friend of mine. The clues my friend gave are all practical information, not an analysis of the kidnapper's childhood and family relationships. I think it has certain value."

Liang Baiyan thought for a moment and said, "Old Liu, take two groups of people to look for this car."

Deputy Director Liu of the Police Station: "Yes."

Liang Baiyan didn't trust the overly academic criminal profiling, so he accepted Han Feilu's suggestion at this time because of his personal trust. Han Feilu asked for a plastic bag to pack a cage of steamed buns, and walked out of the breakfast shop with the steamed buns in hand.

, standing under the sun and taking a long breath facing the pedestrians and flowing vehicles.

The report by the female host on TV just now was true. The former star Yu Jiao was indeed kidnapped. But what the host didn't know was that the first confrontation between the kidnappers and the police was today; today was the day when the kidnappers and Yu Jiao's family agreed to collect the ransom.

On that day, the kidnappers set their location at Sanding Building in this old city. Sanding Building is a landmark building in the old city. Sanding Building and the surrounding kilometers are within the scope of police control. This round-up operation involved a total of

There are more than a hundred police officers, which is the largest roundup operation in Yucheng in the past ten years. Under the sunny weather, deep inside the peaceful and busy appearance of the city, a dragnet has been quietly spread out in the dark...

Liang Baiyan, director of the Shangyuan District branch, asked about the situation of each group. The police officers responded nervously and orderly to each other in the headset. Han Feilu took off the headset again and walked forward along the sidewalk for about 20 years with his buns in hand.

Mi, sitting on a bench under the shade of a tree on the roadside, said: "There is something I have never thought about."

There was also a plainclothes detective sitting on the bench, his subordinate Gu Hai. Gu Hai was flipping through a newspaper and asked, "What's going on?"

Han Feilu took out two steamed buns and gave one to him, "Was Hong Yibai kidnapped?"

Just now the female host on the TV station asked a question: Was Yu Jiao's son Hong Yibai kidnapped? If so, are the people who took away Hong Yibai and the person who kidnapped Yu Jiao the same person? - This is what Han Feilu has been asking.

own problems.

Gu Hai caught the bun and held it in his hand without eating it: "Didn't you find evidence yesterday that Hong Yibai was taken away by a man named Fang Yaqing? But Fang Yaqing is not a kidnapper."

Han Feilu: "No one said kidnappers can't have helpers."

Gu Hai: "If Hong Yibai was also kidnapped, why didn't the kidnappers use Hong Yibai and Yu Jiao as hostages to threaten the Hong family? The kidnappers only used Yu Jiao as a hostage for blackmail. Since he kidnapped Hong Yibai, why didn't he say anything?

If Ti? holds two hostages, his bargaining chip will be greater, and he has no reason not to show his chips."

The buns were filled with shepherd's purse and pork. Han Feilu couldn't get used to the smell of wild vegetables, so he only ate one to fill his stomach. He picked up a bottle of mineral water and drank two sips of water, saying: "You are right, but you

I ignored a situation." He put down the water bottle and put the headset into his ear, "The kidnapper kidnapped Hong Yibai but didn't mention a word for only one reason: Hong Yibai is already dead, and a dead hostage has no value."

The originally noisy public channel suddenly fell into a stagnant calm. The suffocating silence lasted for more than ten seconds before Liang Baiyan's stern voice rang out: "You are the only one who has a dog's mouth. Everyone else is mute."

Han Feilu smiled bitterly into the air: "Boss, I am analyzing the specific situation in detail."

Policewoman Xiao Zhao suddenly shouted: "Hong Ye has entered the control range! Command vehicle, Hong Ye has entered the control range!"

Liang Baiyan: "Everyone wake up! The action team will follow!"

"Discover Hong Ye, Liu Peiyu follows up."

"Jiang Wen cooperates with Liu Peiyu, please keep a distance from the third group."

"The third group understood and gave up following up."

"Director Liang, the command vehicle has deviated from the commanding height No. 1, please move back!"

"Liu Chang, Liu Chang, Hong Ye went to your place!"

Liang Baiyan: "Who is Hong Ye looking for? Liu Chang, why don't you avoid it quickly! Have you ever told Hong Ye what to pay attention to!"

Han Feilu listened to the loud chatter in the headset, left a whole bag of steamed buns to Gu Hai, got up and crossed the zebra crossing to the other side of the road. Across a flower bed by the square, he saw Yu Jiao's husband. This time

Hong Ye was responsible for conducting direct transactions with the kidnappers. Hong Ye was fair and fat, with oily and shiny skin. He looked around in panic. His expression was the ignorance and innocence of a rich man who had been soaked in gold and silver honey jars since he was a child. Han

Feilu felt angry because he didn't expect Hong Ye to be so careless. Qian warned him not to show nervousness and not to call the police at the scene, but he didn't listen to a single word.

Liang Baiyan: "Han Feilu! I made you a mobile sentry and didn't let you wander around! Do you want to meet Hong Ye? Get away from me!"

Han Feilu was yelled at by Liang Baiyan, so he could only turn around and retreat, putting some distance between himself and Hong Ye.

Xiao Zhao: "Hong Ye's cell phone rang. It was the kidnapper!"

Liang Baiyan: "Hurry up and position yourself!"

Xiao Zhao: "The signal is encrypted and the location cannot be locked. Now connect to the channel!"

Han Feilu stopped and turned around suddenly, looking through the rows of pedestrians and looking at Hong Ye's silhouette among the crowd.

Everyone was holding their breath, and there was only a conversation between Hong Ye and the kidnapper on the channel.

Hong Ye: "I brought it. The stone is in my pants pocket."

The kidnapper's voice changed and became too thick: "Which pocket?"

Hong Ye hesitated: "Right, right."

Kidnapper: "Stand still, take it out and show it to me... Tsk, there's no need to lift it so high."

Han Feilu looked around the heights and said: "The kidnappers can see the right side of Hong Ye's body. The viewing angle is between 12 o'clock and 4 o'clock. The commanding height of No. 3 is your observation range. Pay attention to the investigation."

"Received from Commanding Heights No. 3."

The kidnapper spoke again: "You're not going to bring a fucking fake, are you?"

Hong Ye broke into a cold sweat: "Really, my wife and children are in your hands, I dare not give you a fake one."

Kidnapper: "Wife and children?"

Hong Ye: "My wife is about to give birth, just in the next few days."

Han Feilu heard these two conversations and realized that the kidnapper was too sensitive to the word 'child'.

Kidnapper: "As long as you cooperate with me, your wife and children will go home safely tonight. Now listen to my command. Have you seen the square where kites are flying? Walk over."

The kidnapper directed Hong Ye to walk into the square. Hong Ye was as stiff as a puppet on strings. The kidnapper said: "Keep walking...Stop, turn left, that's it, go straight."

Hong Ye followed the kidnapper's instructions and walked into the wide square, clinging to Taiji at the edge.

Kidnapper: "Stop, do you see the bushes? There is a kite in it, take the kite out."

Hong Ye took out a large centipede-shaped kite from the bushes: "Here, take it out."

Kidnapper: "There is a cloth bag under the kite. Put the stone in it. Then fly the kite."

Hong Ye: "Ah? But I, but -"

Kidnapper: "But your mother! If you don't do what I say, I'll wait for you to collect your wife's body!"

Hong Ye quickly took out the blue diamond from the small box, put it into a fist-sized cloth bag, tied the bag tightly, and flew the kite clumsily and panting. A huge centipede rose gracefully and merged into the sky.


Liang Baiyan: "Block the square, allow people in and out, and strangle the target immediately if he appears!"

Han Feilu: "No, Director Liang, the kidnapper has been secretly controlling us. He must have an accomplice. We can't let the brothers be exposed so quickly."

Liang Baiyan: "Then block the entire street and build a buffer zone from the square to the east-west intersection. Move quickly!"

Liang Baiyan gave an order, and all the plainclothes men hiding in the crowd moved quietly. Han Feilu looked at the group of kites flying in the sky, and the colorful centipede was mixed in with the kites of various colors, disappearing in the crowd. He was wondering what the kidnappers would do

How to take away the blue diamond flying in the sky.

At this time, the kidnapper didn't seem to think about how to succeed. Instead, he enthusiastically directed Hong Ye to fly the kite, "Fly higher, hahahaha! Put all the strings out. Pull back, you idiot!"

The centipede was suddenly blown sideways by the wind and got entangled in the kite string of an eagle next to it. The two kites were entangled in an instant, swinging and flying lower and lower. The kidnapper was furious: "What the hell do you want to do!"

Hong Ye panicked and said, "Ah? I, I, I, I didn't mean it."

Kidnapper: "Are you playing tricks? Believe it or not, I will kill you!"

Hong Ye: "No, no, no, I'm not playing tricks!"

The plainclothesmen who heard the conversation were all sweating in their hearts, worried that the sudden accident would anger the kidnappers, and even more worried that Hong Ye would not be able to bear the pressure and blow himself up, and the operation would fail miserably. Two kites fell down, and the kidnappers

Roaring: "What a fool! Look at the rocks quickly!"

Hong Ye quickly picked up the kite and touched the bag tied underneath: "The stone is still there, still there."

Also falling down was an eagle. The owner of the eagle kite was an old man in his sixties who was wearing a silk Tang suit. The old man grabbed Hong Ye and asked him to compensate, and he tore at Hong Ye closely. Hong Ye quickly

They sent the uncle away with a few hundred yuan. The kidnappers asked Hong Ye to fly the kite out again. After a while, the centipede flew into the sky again.

Han Feilu kept staring at the old man. He saw the old man sitting on the table repairing his kite. One of his eagle's wings was broken and the frame was broken. The old man repaired it for a while, but when he couldn't repair it, he threw the kite into the air.

He picked up the trash can, picked up his mazza and left the square.

Han Feilu: "Who is watching the south side of the square? Gao Lu? Hurry up and follow the old man just now."

Gao Lu: "Received."

Although it seems that the old man only accidentally came into contact with Hong Ye, in order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Han Feilu still mobilized the police to follow the old man. The headset was only quiet for a few seconds, and the kidnapper soon issued a new instruction, "Kite money

Tie to the post behind you."

Hong Ye: “What should I do with the stone?”

Kidnapper: "Fuck, you do whatever I tell you to do!"

Hong Ye didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he wrapped the thread around the pillar several times and tied it into a knot. The kidnapper said again, "Now you go to the river for a walk."

The east side of the square faces the river drawn from the Shuanglongqiao Dam in the eastern suburbs. A water viewing platform and a guardrail were built along the river. Citizens walked in groups of twos and threes under the weeping willows by the river. Hong Ye followed the instructions and left the square and walked towards the river.


Liang Baiyan: "Follow Hong Ye in three or four groups, and the rest of you will keep an eye on that kite! Han Feilu, where have you been wandering like a wild dog? If the stone is taken away under your nose, what will you do to me?"

Apologize to death!"

Han Feilu didn't speak, he only looked up at the centipede flying in the sky; until now, he had not figured out how the kidnappers would take away the diamonds. The kidnappers insisted on letting the diamonds fly into the sky, and it seemed that they could only get them for themselves.

Diamonds increase the difficulty. Also, the kidnapper has not seen the diamonds with his own eyes, so he is so sure that Hong Ye will not bring counterfeit goods? Even if he gets the diamonds, selling the stolen goods is another problem. Why doesn't he just ask for cash? He wants diamonds but

I don’t want cash, is it just to reduce my burden when I escape?

He was deep in thought when he suddenly saw a tall, thin man wearing a hat approaching the pillar wrapped with kite string. He looked around to the left and right, and then started to untie the kite string. He pushed the headset into the ear gallery and walked slowly.

Walking towards the man: "The target has appeared. Each team is on standby and pay attention to the surrounding areas."

The man untied the kite string and took the kite back, took off the bag and put it into his pocket, bent down and walked quickly to the roadside.

"The target has taken the stone, command vehicle, do you want to intervene?"

"He is coming towards me. I can hold him down. Can I move?"

"Bureau Liang! He wants to go to the subway station!"

"Command vehicle, request for action!"

"There are too many people in the subway station, he might take new hostages!"

"Command vehicle——"

Liang Baiyan: "Action! Get over to him and strangle him to death!"

Gu Hai: "Caught it! Now check the stone...how could it be? Director Liang, the diamond has been changed! Damn it, it's the old man just now! He changed the diamond!"

Liang Baiyan: "Gao Lu, report your location! Block the street quickly!"

"We just passed the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. He has been under my surveillance. The stone is being returned to him!"

"Operation team? Requesting support from the action team!"

"Where is the Korean team?"

"The second team is in place!"

"That old guy has something in his hands, brothers, be careful!"

"One group and three groups are in position. We have surrounded him. We can take action at any time and command the vehicle!"

Liang Baiyan: "Hold him down!"

The police's voices were like the sound of sirens, turning into sharp knives in the ears, giving the person a splitting headache. Han Feilu suddenly took off his headset, turned around, and saw Hong Ye wandering alone in the distance.

walking by the river.

one person?

Han Feilu suddenly understood something. He went against the direction of the police and walked towards Hong Ye alone. His phone vibrated in his pocket. He quickly glanced at the caller ID and noted the call from the number 'Zhou Song'. He

After answering the phone, he still stared at Hong Ye, "Hello?"

"I found Hong Yibai, and he is still alive. The prisoner is indeed Fang Yaqing, but Fang Yaqing has nothing to do with Yu Jiao's kidnapping case. Fang Yaqing is not an accomplice."

This was the good news that Han Feilu had always wanted, but at this time he was even more uneasy: "Why did Hong Yibai go to Shuanglong Bridge alone?"

After getting the answer, the uneasiness in Han Feilu's heart suddenly disappeared, replaced by the chill of the cold wind. He stuffed the headset into his ears and ran towards the river: "Don't withdraw control by the river! The kidnapper's purpose

It’s not Diamond, it’s Hong Ye! He wants to kill Hong Ye!”

That's right, the kidnapper's purpose was not to make money, but to kill people. To be precise, he wanted to avenge Yu Jiao - just when everyone thought that the diamond had been transferred, almost all the police went to surround the old man and the unlucky man.

When the young man took the blame, just when the police thought the story of what happened to Hong Ye was over, the real kidnapper was still hiding somewhere high up, pointing his gun at Hong Ye.

Han Feilu stared closely at Hong Ye's figure, dashed through the crowd, and shouted: "Hong Ye! Hide quickly!"

There was a lot of noise, and Hong Ye vaguely heard someone calling his name. He stopped and turned around to look at Han Feilu. But in the next second, a bullet flew over the heads of countless people and silently shot into his body.

.His body seemed to have been whipped by a whip, he staggered back a few steps, looked at Han Feilu through the crowd with horrified eyes, and slowly fell down.

The moment Hong Ye was shot, even though the kidnappers installed a silencer, Han Feilu still heard a gunshot. He suddenly stopped and stood on the spot, his feet seemed to be stuck in the mud. In a daze, there was a sharp panic all around.

The screaming crowd disappeared, and a tall cedar tree appeared in front of him. Under the huge umbrella stood a woman in a green dress. She was Hong Ye's wife and the hostage rescued in this round-up operation - Yu Jiao.

Yu Jiao was still so beautiful, sad and melancholy. She held up her ten-month pregnant belly, tremblingly stretched out her hand to Han Feilu, and said with tears: "Help me."

Han Feilu looked at her and said in his heart: Sorry, I also wanted to help you, but it was too late.

Yes, it was too late. The first day he saw the cedar tree, he should have thought that when Yu Jiao cried while looking at the tree that day, she was actually asking for help from him.

This chapter has been completed!
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