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Chapter 4: Liu Guanchao

As early as a few months ago, Liang Xie made a document with the detailed information of the city's famous psychiatrist and sent it to Zhou Song's mobile phone. Zhou Song didn't even look at it, the document lay in his mobile phone and became a file to be cleaned.


After arriving at the company this morning, he was not in the mood to work. He took out his mobile phone to call up the chat history with Liang Xie. After flipping through it for a while, he found the document, but it had been automatically cleared. After thinking about it, he decided to give it to him.

Liang Xie sent a message and asked Liang Xie to send another document. Liang Xie responded to requests and quickly sent another document without asking any questions.

Zhou Song opened the document on the computer. There were information on eight psychiatrists in it, including Dr. Jiang, whom he had met once. He glanced back and forth, and the last information sheet caught his attention; that was

There was a female psychiatrist named Zhang Shujie. He remembered this name and was deeply impressed by it. He wanted to know if she was the Zhang Shujie in his memory, so he searched the Internet for the psychological counseling center where she worked and successfully found her photo. I don’t know if she was.

By chance, the world is too small, and it turned out to be the Zhang Shujie in his memory. More than ten years ago, Zhou Han also saw a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist visited Zhou Song several times and met Zhou Song many times. It was Zhang Shujie.

More than ten years have passed, Zhang Shujie has aged much, and her tough face has softened a lot, but her eyes are still as firm and powerful as when she was young. When Zhou Song looked at her photo, Zhang Shujie's face instantly brought him back

More than ten years ago, after throwing him into that sunny and quiet afternoon, Zhang Shujie tried to take him home to stay away from the impending doom, but was stopped by Zhou Han; he would always remember that day, when Zhou Han stood in the corridor on the second floor,

She held the guardrail with both hands and looked down, her long hair covering her pale face, her eyes as cold as ice water...

"Morning, I'll treat you to a cup of coffee. Today is a membership day, buy one and get one free." Tian Xin came, put a cup of coffee on Zhou Song's table, and sat down at the workstation next to him.

Zhou Song closed the web page and smiled at her: "Thank you, I'll treat you to milk tea at noon."

Tian Xin waved her hand: "I don't drink milk tea anymore. I quit sugar recently. You didn't come to work two days ago. Secretary Liang asked the manager to ask for sick leave for you. Have you recovered from your illness?"

Zhou Song: "It's just a common cold. I'm fine now."

Tian Xin dragged a chair close to him and whispered: "Did you watch the news? There was an explosion in Gulou Street in the old city last night. It seemed to be an explosion caused by a methane leak, and it killed one person."

Zhou Song knew about this without watching the news, because he was at the scene. Han Feilu discovered the anomaly in time and escaped before the explosion, saving his life. As for him, he was standing far outside the gate at that time.

, only the clothes were stained by flying dust and foam, but they were intact.

After the explosion, the police station, fire police, and criminal police all came and worked in a mess until midnight. One person did die at the scene. After verification, he was Xue Jinhai, the target that Han Feilu went to look for that night. But Xue Jinhai did not die from the explosion.

, but died of poisoning. The police found the remains of the poison bottle in the mess on the ground. Although the autopsy report has not yet been issued, Han Feilu can testify that Xue Jinhai died before the explosion.

Xue Jinhai died of poisoning, but an explosion occurred at the scene of the crime. It is still unclear whether Xue Jinhai committed suicide or was murdered. Therefore, the media irresponsibly claimed that Xue Jinhai died of an explosion without knowing the full story.

Zhou Song's reaction was very dull: "As far as I know, a policeman was also injured."

Tian Xin: "Ah? Is it serious?"

Han Feilu's back was scratched by flying glass fragments, and he was sent to the hospital for seven or eight stitches. The injury could be big or small, but for Han Feilu, it was just a skin injury. But Zhou Song would not

He passed up the opportunity to say something unfavorable about Han Feilu, "It was very serious. He was admitted to the ICU right after he was sent to the hospital. I don't know if he is still alive now."

Tian Xinxin thought it was true and asked for follow-up, but Zhou Song made up some innocuous lies to deal with her. While chatting with her, he was working, dealing with the backlog of forms that had been missed during the previous two days. While he was busy, a news window popped up on the lower right side of the computer, and he thought

He closed the window, but failed to find the 'x' position correctly, and opened the web page by mistake, so he was forced to read the local morning news. However, his interest was aroused when he saw the news headline, which was: Western Ring Road BBQ

A brawl in the square left one person dead.

He had just been to the West Ring Road last night. The Crystal Palace building is on the West Ring Road. He was also familiar with the Barbeque Plaza. It was just a hundred meters away from the Crystal Palace. It was the local barbecue food court with the largest flow of people at night. He saw that he had just gone there last night.

Zhou Song's interest was aroused as he passed by, so he read the news report in detail; the incident was very simple. The two groups clashed due to disagreement over words while eating barbecue, and they pushed and pulled each other into the alley.

An old fire escape was being dismantled and a pile of scrap metal was removed. An unlucky man fell on his back and fell on the pile of metal scraps. His occipital bone was pierced and he was sent to the hospital where rescue efforts failed. He died. The perpetrator yelled

When the police arrived, only the deceased and his friends were left at the scene. The police are currently searching for those involved in the case that night.

There are many photos of the scene in this news. One of the photos was taken by onlookers, showing the deceased and his friends. In the photo, a man is lying on the ground, his head covered with blood, and a woman is kneeling next to him crying.

, there were several young men and women standing next to them. Among them was a girl with a bun on her head, denim shorts and a small vest. Zhou Song recognized her at the first sight. She was Han Feilu's younger sister.

Yingguang. Han Feilu took him home a few days ago, and he had seen this girl.

This news tragedy involved Han Feilu's sister. Zhou Song had to be concerned. He picked up his mobile phone and ran to the stairwell to call Han Feilu. As soon as the call came through, he was the first to hear the woman's cry from the other end.

Then Han Feilu whispered: "Wait a minute."

After a burst of footsteps, the background sound disappeared, and Han Feilu found a quiet place: "What's wrong?"

Zhou Song: "Where are you?"

Han Feilu: "Funeral parlor."

Zhou Song: "I watched the news. Is the deceased in the BBQ Square someone you know?"

Han Feilu: "He is the fiancé of our neighbor. How do you know that I know him?"

Zhou Song: "There are photos of the scene online, and I saw your sister in the photos."

Han Feilu said in a serious tone: "The person was not rescued, and the body was taken to the funeral parlor this morning."

Zhou Song walked down the two stairs and asked, "What happened? Is it an accident or man-made?"

Han Feilu: "The deceased's name is Liu Guanchao, a surgeon at the Central Hospital. Yesterday, his fiancée celebrated his birthday. He and Yin Guang and others went to KTV to sing. After singing, they went to dinner. During the meal, I met Liu Guanchao's colleague. He and this

The relationship between two colleagues was very tense, but they drank too much that night, and they got into a fight under the influence of alcohol."

Zhou Song: "Is Liu Guanchao causing trouble?"

Han Feilu: "Not really. Liu Guanchao had a friend who had a very bad temper, and one of his colleagues also had a friend who had a bad temper. The two bad-tempered people made the move first, and the others got involved in a confused way. A total of 100 people were involved in the case that night.

There are seven people, six of whom have been arrested so far, leaving only Liu Guanchao’s colleagues who have not been arrested.”

Zhou Song is very familiar with the Central Hospital. He went there to visit Zhou Lingjun and was also hospitalized in the Central Hospital two days ago, so he asked one more question: "What are the names of Liu Guanchao's colleagues?"

Han Feilu: "His name is Wu Qiping, he is a doctor in the Department of Neurology."

Wu Qiping? This name was too familiar. Zhou Song quickly remembered that this doctor named Wu Qiping was a doctor who had a good relationship with Liang Xie. He was hospitalized a few days ago and Wu Qiping visited him.

Zhou Song was surprised and said: "Is it Wu Qiping?"

Han Feilu sensed something was wrong: "Do you know him?"

Zhou Song hesitated for a moment and chose to temporarily conceal the relationship between Liang Xie and Wu Qiping: "When my eldest brother was hospitalized, I went to the hospital to visit him and met him twice." He changed the subject and asked about last night's case, "Xue Jinhai's

Has the case been determined? Did he commit suicide or was he murdered?"

Han Feilu: "All known circumstances so far point to his suicide, but I suspect that his death was not simple."

Zhou Song: "How to say?"

Han Feilu: "He did die of poisoning. We also found his fingerprints on the water cups and medicine bottles found at the scene. But he bought a train ticket back to his hometown the day before yesterday."

Zhou Song: "He wants to go back to his hometown?"

Han Feilu: "Yes, we contacted his wife who stayed in his hometown. The day before yesterday, Xue Jinhai and his wife had discussed going back to his hometown to open a restaurant. Only the next day, he committed suicide. Is this reasonable?"

Zhou Song: "It's really not very reasonable. Are Xue Jinhai's wife and children not in Yucheng?"

Han Feilu: "He is not a local. His wife and children are in a small county in Guizhou. What's even more strange is that he has been doing scattered manual labor in Yucheng, but he deposited money into his wife's card at noon yesterday

More than 500,000 yuan. I also sent money to my home one after another before, and each time the amount was not small."

Zhou Song: "Where did he get so much money?"

Han Feilu: "I don't know. I asked Xue Jinhai's wife, but his wife also didn't know."

Zhou Song thought for a while and asked, "When did he come to Yucheng?"

Han Feilu: "He came to Yucheng in 2005, and it has been 17 years now. He married his current wife in 10 years, and after getting married, he sent her to live in his hometown in Guizhou, while he stayed in Yucheng."

Zhou Song: "According to what you said, there are many doubts about this man. He has made so much money, and it is important to find out the source of the money."

Han Feilu: "His social relationships are being investigated."

His tone became more and more serious, and he obviously had reservations. Zhou Song asked: "What else do you doubt?"

Han Feilu: "I suspect I fell into a trap last night."

Zhou Song didn’t know why: “Whose trick did you fall into?”

Han Feilu: "Jiang Chao."

Zhou Song suddenly realized: "It's the address Jiang Chao gave you."

Han Feilu: "He gave me Xue Jinhai's address. Maybe he guessed that I would find someone after getting the address."

Zhou Song: "You are saying that the explosion was not an accident, but that he wanted to harm you? But why did he do this?"

Han Feilu pondered for a moment: "Dou Qing, it's still Dou Qing. The origin of everything is Dou Qing. Maybe he wanted to attack me from the day he knew I was investigating Dou Qing."

Zhou Song: "He wants to stop you from continuing to investigate Dou Qing?"

Han Feilu: "There is no other explanation so far."

Zhou Song leaned against the wall and thought for a while, then said: "I understand."

Han Feilu: "What do you know?"

Zhou Song: "I will look for opportunities to trick him, provided he is willing to tell the truth to me."

Han Feilu said decisively: "I don't need your help in this matter. You should stay away from this person as soon as possible. It's okay. I'll hang up if it's okay."

Han Feilu hung up the phone without waiting for Zhou Song's reply.

Zhou Song returned to the office with his cell phone. The computer was still on the news page he had just browsed. He scrolled down the page and discovered that there was a photo at the end of the page, which was a photo of the deceased released by the unscrupulous media. Seeing Liu Guanchao's photo,

Only then did Zhou Song find out that he had had a relationship with him; two months ago, Zhou Lingjun was hospitalized and he went to the hospital to visit. Wu Qiping brought a deputy to check the ward. The doctor who followed Wu Qiping was Liu Guanchao.

He was deeply impressed by Liu Guanchao because he clearly remembered Liu Guanchao standing behind Wu Qiping and quietly casting disgusted eyes at Wu Qiping.

This chapter has been completed!
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