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Chapter 15: Julie

Yao Zichen suffered severe burns, covering 48% of her body. She was sent to the intensive care unit immediately after leaving the operating room. In the afternoon of her third day in the hospital, Han Feilu came to the hospital to visit her. The nurse took him into the ward.

He told him that the patient was relatively weak and the conversation should not last more than twenty minutes, and then left the ward.

The single ward was in good condition, equipped with independent tables and chairs. Han Feilu placed the chair beside the bed, sat down, looked at Yao Zichen and said with a smile: "You look good."

He told lies with his eyes open. More than half of Yao Zichen's body was burned, and there was no intact skin from her facial cheekbones to her chest and abdomen. Her face was wrapped with gauze, only a pair of dark eyes were exposed. Through her eyes, Han Fei

Heron could see her resentment,

Han Feilu: "You have become famous. It should be said that you are even more famous. Reporters from five or six media outlets are waiting downstairs to interview you, as well as experts from the Provincial Department of Criminal Affairs Office. They also want to see you. We have internal

I gave you a nickname, do you want to know what it is?"

Yao Zichen blinked his eyes, as if waiting for him to continue.

Han Feilu smiled meaninglessly: "Black Widow. The people who study criminal psychology call you Black Widow. Don't get me wrong, it's not Scarlett, it's a poisonous spider. They think you are a

Typical, your behavior pattern, crime pattern, and your method of handling corpses are all of great significance for research. You are both a poisonous spider and a guinea pig. In the future, you will not only have to face jail time, but also endless profiling and analysis.

Study until the day you die."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Han Feilu saw that Yao Zichen's eyes were brighter than before, and he suspected that Yao Zichen got pleasure and satisfaction from what he just said.

Han Feilu didn't want her to be too proud, so he said: "Yao Mulan is dead."

He originally thought that the news of Yao Mulan's death would give Yao Zichen some shock, but Yao Zichen's eyes were shining, and he was not moved at all.

Han Feilu felt pity and sorrow for Yao Mulan in his heart again, and said: "She didn't set the fire to die with you. If she wanted to kill you, she would have filled the house with gasoline, but she didn't, so you survived.

Come down. So do you understand? She spared your life."

Yao Mulan was finally touched, but not by mourning for Yao Mulan, but by resentment towards Yao Mulan.

Han Feilu was able to see her callous and ruthless nature and said: "I have a friend. He said that some parents and children have a devouring and counterattacking relationship. This is the case with you and Yao Mulan. You have been trying to devoure Yao Mulan.

But Yao Mulan never wanted to bite you back. Even at the last moment of her life, she never took revenge on you. I had doubted her before, and suspected that she was a vicious and indifferent person. Now I know that this vicious and indifferent person

It's you. Having a mother like you is the beginning of her misfortune."

He stood up and walked to the table beside the bed, picked up the paper and pen on the table: "Enough chatting. I found a group photo in your room. You can guess what the group photo is. In it are you, Chi Chenguang, and Shao Dong.

Cheng, there is another woman. I want to know this woman’s name.”

He returned to the hospital bed, squatted down, and put the pen and paper next to Yao Zichen's hand: "I know you just had an operation and the trachea was cut open and you can't speak. So, write it down." Yao Zichen's right hand was intact and uninjured. He put

Putting the ballpoint pen into Yao Zichen's hand, he looked at Yao Zichen's ink-black eyes and said, "Write down that woman's name."

Yao Zichen's face was covered with gauze. He couldn't see Yao Zichen's face, but he could see through Yao Zichen's eyes that she was sneering contemptuously in her heart. Then, she threw the pen in her hand to the ground, and the ballpoint pen rolled to the bottom of the bed and disappeared.


Han Feilu was not surprised and just smiled faintly: "It doesn't matter, I will find out soon." He stood up and looked at Yao Zichen condescendingly, "You have no less than ten surgeries next, and the doctor is discussing which one to choose.

Skin grafting is more suitable for you. I hope you will survive every operation and be reunited with your old friends in court one day."

He left the hospital and as soon as he drove out of the hospital, he received a call from Gu Hai.

Gu Hai: "Captain Han, are you still in the hospital?"

Han Feilu: "Just came out, what's wrong?"

Gu Hai: "There is a new case. At about six o'clock yesterday evening, a female body was found in the park in the middle of Huilong Street. The identity of the deceased has been found out, and the scope of the suspect has been initially drawn up."

Han Feilu: "Then what are you waiting for? Check them one by one."

Gu Hai paused: "The situation is a bit complicated, I'd better wait until you come back to discuss it."

Han Feilu: "I'll be at work in ten minutes."

He hung up the phone and returned to the Public Security Bureau smoothly. As soon as he entered the office building, he saw Gu Hai and Mu Xuecheng waiting for him in the lobby on the first floor. Gu Hai walked towards him, holding a document in his hand: "This is the on-site investigation record.


Han Feilu took it and went upstairs while looking at it. He stopped after not going up a few steps and took a closer look. He understood what Gu Hai meant when he said that the situation was complicated; the deceased's name was Julie, and she was from the planning department of Wanheng Group.

An employee of the company had a photo of Julie posted on the information column. Han Feilu recognized her the moment he saw the photo. He had met Julie. Just two days ago, he went to Wanheng Group to look for Liang Xiao, and passed by

In the marketing department, I saw Zhou Song arguing with a female colleague, and that female colleague was Julie.

Gu Haiyan explained concisely and comprehensively: "We have initially investigated the movements of the deceased Julie on the night of the incident. Her death time was between 2:30 and 4 o'clock in the morning on July 26. At 11 o'clock in the evening on the 25th, she and her friends

At a party at the Lanjue Bar on Huilong Street, three of her friends left early, and she left last. Roadside surveillance captured her leaving the bar and going to the park in the middle of the street. She must have wanted to take a shortcut. She left the bar less than 5 minutes ago.

, someone also came out of the bar and went to the park in the middle of the street. We suspect that she was followed."

Gu Hai did not name the person following him, but Han Feilu already knew it; the bar was crowded and there was no shortage of witnesses. Three people said that after Julie left the bar, Zhou Song left with her, and that the person who followed Julie was none other than Zhou Song.

In short, Zhou Song also went to the Lanjue Bar that night and was a serious suspect.

Han Feilu stood on the stairwell and read the document in its entirety without missing a word. Then he patted the document hard on Gu Hai's chest and walked up the stairs quickly.

Gu Hai followed him closely: "Team Han, we should call Zhou Song for questioning."

Han Feilu's jaw was tense and he said nothing with a sullen face.

Gu Hai added: "There is one more thing."

Han Feilu: "Say."

Gu Hai: "Julie was fired by Wan Heng two days ago. The reason for the dismissal was that she had a conflict with Zhou Song. And we retrieved the internal surveillance video of the community after she returned home on the day she was dismissed, and found that Zhou Song had followed her to the door of her home.


Han Feilu was walking very fast. Hearing this, he braked suddenly and turned around to look at him: "What did you say?"

Gu Hai took a step back in time to avoid bumping into him: "Zhou Song followed Julie on the night of July 22nd."

Han Feilu stood silent for a moment, and then said: "You and Tianlei go find him, don't make a surprise trial, and bring him back."

Gu Hai responded "Yes" and called Qi Tianlei.

After Gu Hai went downstairs, Han Feilu looked at Mu Xuecheng: "What's wrong with you?"

Mu Xuecheng could tell that he was in a bad mood, so he kept an eye on him and said, "I just heard an internal news."

Han Feilu originally planned to go back to the office, but now he changed his mind and went downstairs: "What's the news?"

Mu Xuecheng followed him step by step: "Liu Bo, director of the forensic department of the identification center, do you remember him?"

Han Feilu: "Let's talk about the key points."

Mu Xuecheng: "He has been suspended for investigation."

Han Feilu: "The reason."

Mu Xuecheng: "It is said that it was due to serious mistakes at work. In March last year, a prisoner died in the prison. The body was sent to the identification center for drug testing. The report issued by Liu Bo stated that he died of natural causes. However, the case was recently overturned. That prisoner

He died of urticaria poisoning, not a natural death. The city bureau set up a special investigation team to investigate this matter."

Han Feilu's mind was more open than a rabbit hole, and he immediately thought of the real inside story behind this seemingly forensic error. Naturally, he still couldn't escape from private giving and receiving, and the use of power for personal gain. He had seen this kind of thing too much, so it was not surprising.

, I just thought of another incident involving forensic doctor Liu Bo.

"Did Liu Bo also handle the DNA identification of Qin Xiao and Fang Yaqing?" Han Feilu asked.

Mu Xuecheng: "I remember he seemed to be the last person to sign."

Han Feilu thought for a moment and said, "Find out the appraisal certificate. I want to read it again."

Mu Xuecheng went to find the appraisal certificate, and Han Feilu came to the technical team office to ask for the surveillance video obtained from the Julie case. A police officer gave him his office and played two videos on his computer.

The surveillance video has been completely cut. The first video played is the entire process of Zhou Song following Julie on the night of July 22; at 9:21 pm on the 22nd, Zhou Song took a taxi and followed Julie's taxi back.

Arrive at the community. At 9:29, he and Julie entered the unit building one after another. At 35:00, Julie returned home, and Zhou Song stood outside the door without leaving. About two minutes later, his cell phone rang, and he walked quickly

Go to the stairwell, stay there for another two minutes, then go downstairs and leave.

When Han Feilu saw him going downstairs, he was inexplicably relieved, because Zhou Song had no other suspicious behavior in these few minutes of video. The second video was spliced ​​together from the footage captured by the surveillance equipment near the Lanjue Bar.

Surveillance video with a smooth timeline. Huilong Street is a remote old street with few people at night. There are many surveillance blind spots in the public area. The only camera that can capture the main entrance of the bar is a camera on the corner diagonally opposite the bar. On July 25th at 10 p.m.

At 11:45, Julie and three friends entered the bar. Half an hour later, at 11:12, a taxi stopped in front of the bar. Zhou Song got out of the car. The taxi did not drive away after he got off.

He stood on the roadside as if waiting for something. Soon, Han Feilu knew who he was waiting for. Qin Xiao bent over and got out of the taxi, holding his wallet in his hand, and then the two of them walked into the bar.

The business of the bar was very poor. The total number of customers coming in and out in one night was less than 100 people. It was just after midnight and they could only go out. Among Julie's three friends, there was a couple and a single man. The young couple left.

The time at the bar was 0:14, and another man left in a car less than 10 minutes after the young couple left. The time when Julie left the bar was 2:12. She walked out of the bar and went to the other side of the street. The camera

She was photographed walking into the park that was being renovated. At 2:15, a figure who looked like Zhou Song came out of the bar and went straight to the other side of the street. She was also photographed walking into the park. Han Feilu carefully identified the person's face.

, he happened to be standing on the roadside waiting for the sidewalk light to turn green, and he stood under the streetlight. Through the light, Han Feilu could clearly see his face, and it was undoubtedly Zhou Song.

After confirming that the person who followed Julie to the park was Zhou Song, Han Feilu asked: "Why is there no internal surveillance in the bar?"

The police officer said: "This store has been closed down due to poor business. The owner removed the cameras a week ago. July 25th is the last day the bar will be open."

Han Feilu continued to watch the surveillance. The park in the middle of the street was being renovated and the original surveillance equipment was removed, so there was no camera to capture Julie and Zhou Song leaving the park. It was known that Julie failed to leave the park and Zhou Song left.

The time and whereabouts of the park have become a mystery. So far, Zhou Song is the only suspect in this case.

After watching the video, Han Feilu opened the on-site investigation records, which contained a large number of on-site photos; Julie's body was discovered by workers renovating the park, and the body was thrown into a dirty artificial stagnant lake. After a night and a day of soaking, the body was

She was pale and swollen, and there was an obvious strangulation mark on her erect neck. There was a photo of a close-up of the nails on her hands. She had done manicure on her hands, but the manicure sheets in the photo were damaged, as if she had scratched something hard. I saw Julie

Due to the strangulation marks on her neck and the damaged fingernails on her hands, Han Feilu came to a preliminary conclusion: Julie died of strangulation. The murderer strangled her from the front. She struggled before her death and may have scratched her with both hands.

After passing the murderer, the murderer's skin tissue may still be left in the fingernails. However, after the body was soaked for a day and night, the possible remaining skin tissue may have been severely damaged, making it impossible to collect samples.

After watching the video and information, Han Feilu came out of the information office and looked at the police officers coming and going in the corridor. He suddenly felt dizzy. He held on to the stair guardrail, closed his eyes to calm down, and when he opened his eyes again, he saw

Arrived at Zhou Song.

Zhou Song was at work before he was taken to the Public Security Bureau, so he was wearing a formal suit, and Liang Xie came with him. Zhou Song turned around the stairwell, and when he looked up, he saw Han Feilu standing by the corridor, holding on to the guardrail.

Looking down, he and Han Feilu looked at each other wordlessly for a few seconds, then walked upstairs and stood in front of Han Feilu.

Han Feilu wanted to say something to Zhou Song, but didn't think of what to say, so he looked at Liang Xiao: "Secretary Liang, Zhou Song is an adult. He does not need a guardian to be present when the police summon him."

Liang Xike said politely: "Julie is a former employee of our company. If you need to know some of her situation in the company, I can help."

Han Feilu: "It's not necessary yet, I want to talk to Zhou Song alone." He glanced at Zhou Song, turned around and walked deeper into the corridor, "Bring the person here."

This chapter has been completed!
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