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Chapter Nineteen: My Girlfriend

Liang Xie bought a flight ticket back to England for Zhou Song.

After Julie's death, rumors continued in the company, and the police also regarded Zhou Song as a suspect. Before the turmoil subsided, Zhou Song could not gain a foothold in the company, and his peaceful life was ruined. So Zhou Lingjun unilaterally contacted Zhou Song's school.

, after several rounds of discussions, the school finally agreed for Zhou Song to return to school to continue his studies.

Zhou Song was watching TV at home when he got the news. The TV was playing a war idol drama. The floating plot and the exaggerated acting skills of the actors made the TV series even more funny than the sketch. He sat on the sofa with a baby in his arms.

There was a big glass bowl with baked cookies in it. He was eating the cookies and watching TV, looking very comfortable.

When he heard that the school agreed that he could go back to school and that Liang Xie had already bought a ticket for him, Zhou Song acted indifferently and asked, "When is the ticket?"

Sister Cai was baking bread in the kitchen, and Liang Xie was holding a mop to clean up a puddle of juice on the dining room floor. Zhou Song accidentally spilled the juice when he was pouring it out just now. He didn't care about the spilled juice, bypassed the stain, and went to the living room to watch TV.

Liang Xie worked hard to clean the floor, and while mopping the floor, he said: "At seven o'clock tomorrow morning, I will go home to have a meal with my eldest brother tonight. You may not be able to come back for four or five years after leaving."

Zhou Song asked again: "Whose idea was it?"

This was Liang Xie's idea, but Liang Xie replied: "Brother."

Zhou Song watched TV with his expression unchanged, ate two biscuits in silence, and then said to Sister Cai in the kitchen: "Sister Cai, spread more nuts."

Sister Cai: "Okay, is it sweet enough?"

Zhou Song: "It's better to be sweeter."

Sister Cai smiled and said, "You love sweets more than my little daughter."

Zhou Song also smiled: "I will go back to school tomorrow, and Mr. Liang will give you the full amount of this month's salary. When you go back later, take everything in the refrigerator with you, otherwise it will be a waste."

Sister Cai: "Okay, okay, thank you Mr. Zhou."

Zhou Song raised a finger full of biscuit crumbs and pointed at Liang Xiao: "Just thank Mr. Liang, he is the sponsor."

Sister Cai: "Thank you, Mr. Liang, thank you."

Liang Xie smiled and said, "You're welcome." After he finished mopping, he put the mop back and came to the living room to sit next to Zhou Song. He looked at Zhou Song's face and said, "I know you are unhappy."

Zhou Song smiled and said: "You think too much, I feel very happy. If I don't leave now, will I wait to be arrested by Han Feilu later?"

Liang Xie: "My eldest brother and I didn't doubt you, we just wanted you to avoid the limelight."

Zhou Song wanted to refute him again, but the words felt boring when he came to his mouth, so he didn't say anything.

Liang Xie took out a biscuit from the glass bowl he held in his arms: "Yesterday Han Feilu called me to look for you. You are leaving tomorrow, don't you say goodbye to him?"

Zhou Song stared at the TV expressionlessly and took out another biscuit: "No need, I won't recognize him soon."

Liang Xie did not persuade him, but put the biscuit in his mouth and went to the bedroom: "I will help you pack your luggage."

He came to the bedroom, took out a suitcase from the top of the wardrobe with ease, folded a few clothes and put it in. Then he came to the bedside table, opened the drawer and packed away Zhou Song's valuable watches and other accessories. He put a

A watch was put into the box, and when he looked up casually, he saw a small pendulum clock standing on the table. This house was decorated by him himself, and the small pendulum clock was not an original object. It was probably made by Zhou Song himself later.

Filled in.

Halfway through packing the watch, the phone rang, and the caller ID read 'Manli'. Liang Xie squatted in the suitcase and went to put the watch box inside, freeing her hands to answer the phone: "Manli, what's wrong?"

The woman named Manli smiled and said, "You just leave the child here and don't care about it?"

Liang Xie also smiled: "How come? I'll go see him later. How is he doing?"

Manli: "The fever went away this morning, but he still keeps vomiting. Do you really not want to send him to the hospital?"

Liang Xie: "You are the doctor, and it is enough to treat him."

Manli smiled and said: "I am a pet doctor."

Liang Xie looked at his watch: "I'll pick him up when I'm done and take him home."

Manli: "He is still very uncomfortable now, and it will be even more uncomfortable in the car."

Liang Xie: "I have troubled you for two days, and letting him live in your house is not an option."

Manli: "Okay, I can never persuade you. Then I'll wait for you at home."

Liang Xie hung up the phone and continued to pack his luggage. He packed two suitcases in total, pulled them out of the bedroom and placed them against the wall of the living room, saying: "Xiao Song, I put your ID in this black satchel.


Zhou Song ignored him. He walked behind the sofa, put his hands on Zhou Song's shoulders, and said with a smile: "Say goodbye to your friends. I will pick you up at home for dinner tonight."

He couldn't see Zhou Song's face, so he couldn't see the loneliness on Zhou Song's face.

Liang Xie came out of Zhou Song's house and drove across half of the city to the downstairs of Manli's house. He parked the car by the corridor and received a call from Zhou Lingjun as soon as he got out of the car. He walked into the unit building while talking on the phone: "Brother


Zhou Lingjun: "Where are you?"

Liang Xie told a lie without hesitation: "I'm helping Xiao Song pack her luggage."

Zhou Lingjun stopped speaking and suddenly fell into silence.

Liang Xie noticed something keenly: "What's wrong?"

Zhou Lingjun's voice was cold and solemn: "Let me ask you again, where did you go in the early morning of the 26th?"

Liang Xie suddenly stopped in the elevator, his mind spinning rapidly: "What happened?"

Zhou Lingjun: "The police came to the company just now to ask you to cooperate in investigating Julie's case. They said you had been to the crime scene."

The elevator door opened, and several people walked out. Liang Zhen stood still, and several people walked around him. Seeing that the elevator door was about to close, Liang Xie blocked the elevator door with his hand, pretending to smile casually: "Don't be blind.

I thought, I was just passing by. Forget about it, I got into the elevator."

He hung up the phone and walked into the elevator, a stern expression quickly appeared on his face. The elevator stopped on the 7th floor. He walked to the door of room 7003 and rang the doorbell. A young and beautiful woman with short hair opened the door and smiled: "It came so fast.

come in."

This is a small apartment with two bedrooms and one living room. The living room is tidy and warm. A pot of chicken soup is simmering in the kitchen, and the aroma fills the whole house. Manli closed the door, took his coat and hung it on the hanger: "He

I fell asleep and drank some porridge in the morning. I have a better appetite than last night. Chicken soup is being boiled in the pot. You two will have a bowl each in a while. What are you standing for? Sit down quickly. "

Manli wanted to lead him to sit on the sofa, but Liang Xie grabbed her arm: "Manli, you have to do me a favor."

Manli has known him for many years. In her impression, Liang Xie was always light-hearted, cool and steady. This was the first time she saw Liang Xie with such a serious expression, and she couldn't help but be stunned: "What are you busy with?"

Liang Xie suddenly looked at the east-facing window of the living room. As if he noticed something, he quickly walked to the window and looked down. He saw another car parked behind his car in front of the unit downstairs. Two men came together.

They got out of the car one after the other. The leading man was Han Feilu, and the man following Han Feilu was Gu Hai. He secretly gritted his teeth. He didn't expect the police to arrive so quickly, as if they were chasing him one after another.

The bedroom door opened, and a boy of sixteen or seventeen years old came out and looked at Liang Xiao sleepily: "Uncle Liang, when did you come?"

He is Xiao Feng. He was originally kept in captivity by Liang Xie in the Changfeng Valley Mountain Villa, but he escaped privately two days ago, bringing an imminent crisis to Liang Xie.

Liang Xie looked downstairs again. Han Feilu and Gu Hai had already entered the unit building. He closed a curtain and said to Manli and Xiaofeng: "We don't have much time. Next, you must do what I say."


Downstairs, Gu Hai and Han Feilu were standing in the stairwell waiting for the elevator. Gu Hai looked back at the black Jaguar parked on the roadside and said, "Team Han, Liang Xiao has arrived."

Han Feilu gave an unclear sneer: "I'm curious how he would explain it."

They took the elevator to the seventh floor and found room 7003. Gu Hai rang the doorbell. The door opened quickly, and a beautiful woman wearing home clothes appeared in the hallway.

The woman asked: "Who are you?"

Gu Hai: "Are you Wang Manli?"

Manli nodded.

Gu Hai took out his police officer ID: "We are the police, is Liang Xie at your house?"

Wang Manli: "Are you looking for Liang Xie? He's inside. You guys come in first."

Han Feilu walked in and smelled the strong smell of chicken soup. He looked across the living room to the kitchen and saw a man wearing an apron making chicken soup. It was Liang Xie. Liang Xie was surprised by his sudden appearance and took off his apron.

Walking out of the kitchen: "Officer Han, why are you here?"

Han Feilu smiled and said, "Zhou Lingjun didn't call you?"

Liang Xie: "My mobile phone is charging in the bedroom. Did you go to the company to find me?"

Han Feilu: "Yes, you are not in the company, so we come here to find you."

Manli said: "Sit down and talk, I'll pour you tea."

Han Feilu and Gu Hai sat down on the sofa in the living room, and Liang Xie sat on a single sofa next to them. Manli made a pot of tea and brought a plate of fruit, and then sat down on the armrest of Liang Xie's sofa.

, put his hands on Liang Xie's shoulders, and leaned against Liang Xie softly.

Han Feilu saw their overly intimate body language and asked, "What is the relationship between the two of you?"

Liang Xie held Manli's hand and smiled: "She is my girlfriend."

Han Feilu raised his eyebrows: "Girlfriend?"

Liang Xie: "Yes, we have been together for more than a year."

Han Feilu looked at Manli again for a moment, and then asked: "Does Zhou Lingjun know about this?"

Liang Xie: "Zhou Lingjun is my boss. We only talk about work, not life."

Han Feilu: "But you live together."

Liang Xie: "That is also one of my jobs. He is in poor health and needs someone to take care of him all the time."

Manli smiled and said, "Yes, I also want him to move in with me as soon as possible."

Liang Xie was afraid of being slapped on the back of her hand: "I will move by the end of the year."

There was a sudden noise in the bedroom. Han Feilu heard it and asked, "Is there anyone else at home?"

Manli: "It's my cousin. He's sick and resting in his room. I'll go take a look."

She stood up and walked to the bedroom. Han Feilu followed and stopped at the door. He saw a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy lying on the bed in the bedroom, with a towel covering his forehead and the quilt pulled up to his chin. There was a strong smell of Western medicine floating in the room.

Manli sat by the bed, took off the towel on his forehead and poured warm water over it, then put it on his forehead again and asked: "Zihao, are you still dizzy? Do you want to eat something?"

The young man shook his head and said with a strong nasal voice: "I feel uncomfortable, I don't want to eat."

Liang Xie also followed, stood next to Han Feilu, and said: "This child has a fever with gastroenteritis and is much better now."

Han Feilu looked at the boy on the bed, and could only see his eyes and nose exposed outside the towel and quilt: "What's his name?"

Liang Xie glanced at Han Feilu out of the corner of his eye: "He is the son of Aunt Manli's third aunt. His name is Xu Zihao."

Han Feilu: "He has always lived here."

Liang Xie: "He is quite rebellious. He skipped classes privately and went to Yucheng to find Manli. He has been living there for more than two weeks."

Manli came out of the room and closed the door: "Let him sleep a little longer."

Several people returned to the living room and sat down. Liang Xiao said: "Officer Han, what are you doing here today?"


Han Feilu: "In order to investigate Julie's case, when we checked the video, we found that at 11:23 pm on the 25th, a young man entered the park where the crime occurred, and did not leave the parking lot on the west side of the park until 2:45 am on the 26th.

He came out and was picked up by a black Jaguar." He said with a smile, "It's the one you parked downstairs."

Hearing this, Liang Xie paused and thought for a moment, then smiled heartily: "So this is what you are talking about. I did go to the parking lot on the west side of Huilong Road Street Center Park that night."

Han Feilu raised his hand, indicating for him to continue speaking.

Liang Xie glanced at the bedroom and said: "Zihao is very playful. He ran away two days ago and stayed up all night. He either went to Internet cafes or ran around the city. In the early morning of the 26th, he suddenly called me and asked me to go to the bank account.

Pick him up at Long Street Park."

Han Feilu: "Since he has a mobile phone, why doesn't he take a taxi home?"

Liang Xie: "He said he lost his cell phone. He borrowed a passerby's cell phone to call me. He didn't have any money and he didn't know the way."

Han Feilu: "What then?"

Liang Xie: "Then I went to the park to pick him up and take him back to Manli's house." He patted the armrest of the sofa, "That's right here."

Han Feilu: "But Zhou Lingjun said you received a call from Zhou Song that night."

Liang Xie smiled and said: "As I said just now, Zhou Lingjun is just my employer, and I don't want him to know too much about my private life."

Han Feilu showed the same smile as before, but still did not give up his suspicion: "In this case, please come back to the unit with me to make a simple note."

Liang Xie readily agreed: "No problem."

Han Feilu's eyes showed a sinister look: "Zhou Lingjun has to go too, after all, your caliber is inconsistent."

The expression on Liang Xie's face suddenly became tense, and he only smiled without making a sound.

Han Feilu looked at the bedroom and said, "My sick cousin also needs to come with us."

Manli: "But his fever hasn't gone away yet. I'm worried that he-"

Han Feilu suddenly stood up and said with a smile: "People with fever should not stay under the quilt. Breathing in the air is the most scientific way to cool down."

Although he was still talking, laughing and discussing, Manli saw his strength and knew that her fight would definitely fail, so she could only compromise: "Okay, I'll call him."

A group of people came out of the unit building. Liang Xie wanted to drive, but Han Feilu asked Liang Xie and the other three to sit in his car on the grounds that his car was spacious. Liang Xie knew that Han Feilu was there to watch over them, so he had no choice but to get in.

Han Feilu's car.

Gu Hai was driving, and Han Feilu was sitting in the passenger seat. From time to time, he would look back through the rearview mirror, which made Liang Xie feel more and more uncomfortable, so Liang Xie deliberately said, "I saw the news this morning."

Han Feilu knew what news he was referring to: "I got there a step too late, and Wu Qiping committed suicide by jumping off the building."

Liang Xie's thoughts were surging in his mind, and his face showed the appropriate doubts: "Why did he commit suicide?"

Han Feilu looked out the window and thought for a moment: "He was answering a phone call at that time."

Liang Xie stared at the back of his head silently: "Whose phone number?"

Han Feilu: "A woman, I suspect this woman is controlling him to jump off the building."

Liang Xie smiled and said: "I don't understand, how could a living person be manipulated into committing suicide by jumping off a building?"

Han Feilu whispered as if he was talking to himself: "It's not impossible."

When they arrived at the Public Security Bureau, Gu Hai parked the car in the courtyard. When Liang Xie got out of the car, he saw Zhou Lingjun standing at the foot of the office building, with a plainclothes man standing next to him. Han Feilu led a group of people to Zhou Lingjun and pointed at Man

Li asked Zhou Lingjun: "Mr. Zhou, do you know this lady?"

Zhou Lingjun had never seen her before, so he shook his head: "I don't know her."

Han Feilu looked at Liang Xiao with a half-smile: "You are really good at keeping confidentiality."

Zhou Lingjun looked confused: "What do you mean?"

Liang Xie put his arms around Manli's shoulders and moved his gaze downwards, focusing on Zhou Lingjun's lapel: "Mr. Zhou, this is my girlfriend Manli. I'm sorry that I never told you."

This chapter has been completed!
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