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Chapter 27: Severe

The passerby was seriously injured. Han Feilu asked Qi Tianlei to drive him to the hospital, and then went to see Lu Yiran's father, Lu Weiping. Lu Weiping was not seriously injured. He had several scratches on his arms and a wound on his head from a sharp weapon, which was bleeding.


Han Feilu wanted to send him to the hospital, but he grabbed his arm and cried, "Save my wife!"

Lu Weiping stumbled and couldn't explain the situation clearly, and Han Feilu couldn't leave the suspect who was handcuffed just now, so he escorted the suspect and Lu Weiping back to his home. As soon as he entered the door, he saw the mess everywhere; a man was lying on the ground in a pool of blood.

Inside, there was a fruit knife stuck in the chest; Lu Weiping's wife Tao Ran was lying in front of the TV cabinet. Tao Ran also had multiple stab wounds on her body, several deep bite marks on her arms, and her left index finger and middle finger were missing. In the living room.

The man inside has died, but Lu Weiping's wife Tao Ran is still alive.

Lu Weiping hugged his wife and cried loudly. Han Feilu shouted: "Call an ambulance!"

He saw a severed finger next to Tao Ran, but Tao Ran had two broken fingers, and the broken fingers were very irregular, like marks from teeth. Han Feilu looked at the man beside him and found that there was something in his mouth.

When he was chewing something, he pressed him against the door frame, opened his mouth, and took out a severed finger that had been chewed to pieces.

Han Feilu was so angry that he dragged him into the corridor and threw him to the ground. He stepped on his chest and squatted down, asking: "Did you do it?"

The man didn't answer. He just stared at the ceiling above his head with his eyes open. His eyes were unfocused. Only two rows of teeth were mechanically chewing the remaining flesh in his mouth. Seeing his expression, Han Feilu suspected that he had overdosed on drugs. At this time, he had already taken drugs.

After passing the stage of excitement and mania, he became dull and numb.

The ambulance came very quickly, and the man in the living room had already expired. Han Feilu only asked them to take Tao Ran to the hospital. Lu Weiping wanted to follow, but Han Feilu stopped him. Han Feilu called the investigation team and the forensic doctor

, handed them the tragic crime scene, and escorted the arrested suspect and Lu Weiping back to the detachment first.

Back at work, Han Feilu threw the suspect into the forensic room to take samples for drug testing, and called two people to deal with Lu Weiping's injuries. Then he returned to the office and took off his blood-stained short-sleeves and put on a black standard-issue black T-shirt.

, put on clean clothes and went to the bathroom to wash off the blood stains on his hands.

Mu Xuecheng and policewoman Xiao Zhao stood guard outside the bathroom door. When Han Feilu came out, they surrounded him on the left and right. Mu Xuecheng said: "Team Han, you are on the hot search!"

She played a video on her mobile phone, which was about an incident that happened on the street of Kangcheng Road just now. In the video, a man pinned a passerby under him and kept biting the passerby's face and neck. The scene was brutal and bloody. It was tight.

Then Han Feilu appeared, kicked the man who was attacking the passerby, and beat him to the ground with three or two punches. The plot was full of drama.

This video was recorded by other passers-by who were present at the time. After recording, it was immediately posted online. In just over half an hour, it quickly became a popular entertainment headline. The video was widely circulated, and there was no doubt that it was

Few people questioned the authenticity of the video. They suspected that the crew had stolen it while filming, and they also suspected that the crew deliberately leaked the video for hype. Skeptical netizens deliberately intercepted the scene where he appeared and magnified his face to raise doubts.

Tao: Looking like this, you’re telling me that you’re not an actor?

Xiao Zhao said: "Captain Han, what's going on? If I hadn't recognized you, I would have thought it was the crew filming."

Han Feilu opened Mu Xuecheng's cell phone and walked forward: "The person involved is doing a drug test on the first floor. If you want to know, ask yourself."

Mu Xuecheng and Xiao Zhao both went to see the true face of the 'zombie man' in the news. Han Feilu came to a conference room downstairs, where Lu Weiping and two police officers were sitting. The police were bandaging the wound on Lu Weiping's arm. When he saw Han Feilu

Feilu came in and said: "Captain Han, his head was smashed by the fruit plate. We can only stop the bleeding and get him to the hospital for stitches as soon as possible."

Lu Weiping was worried about his wife's safety: "How is my wife?"

Han Feilu pulled out a chair and sat across from him, saying, "Don't get excited. You lost a lot of blood. It's easy to faint if you get too emotional. Your wife has already entered the operating room. Her life is not in danger."

Han Feilu asked someone to pour him a glass of water. When he calmed down a little, he asked straight to the point: "Who did it?"

Lu Weiping was frightened and frightened: "It's my cousin, he, he, he, he, he, he, he suddenly went crazy!"

Han Feilu: "Your cousin is the young man I brought back just now? What is his name?"

Lu Weiping: "His name is Peng Jiashu, and he is the third son of my wife's second uncle."

Han Feilu: "There is still someone lying in your house. Who is he?"

Lu Weiping: "He is my nephew, my brother's son, his name is Lu Jiang."

Han Feilu quickly figured out the relationship between the characters in his mind: Peng Jiashu was a distant relative of Lu Weiping's wife Tao Ran, and the deceased Lu Jiang was Lu Weiping's nephew, who was also the cousin of the deceased Lu Yiran. Han Feilu felt that the name Lu Jiang was a little bit

Familiar, after a moment of recollection, I remembered that the two people who once went to Wanheng Group to cause trouble were Lu Weiping and Lu Jiang.

Han Feilu: "Who killed Lu Jiang who died in your home?"

Lu Weiping trembled: "It's Peng Jiashu! He is a beast!"

Han Feilu waited patiently for him to cry a few times, and after his mood calmed down a little, he said, "Tell me what happened in detail."

Lu Weiping is in the transportation business and drives a large truck on highways across the country, often not returning home for ten days and a half. He and Lu Jiang are uncles and nephews as well as business partners.

We can look after each other and drive in shifts. Lu Weiping has been on the road for more than half a month and just got home two days ago. He planned to rest for a few days and hit the road again, but he had an accident at noon today. However, everything starts in a few months.

After Lu Yiran's death, his wife Tao Ran and his second cousin discussed that they wanted to adopt their youngest son Peng Jiashu into their own home and raise him as a son. Peng Jiashu had just turned 20 this year and was living in a small county in his hometown. He heard that there was an opportunity to go there.

He agreed to study in a big city. In addition, since he had many children at home, he was the least favored, so his parents put him on the train to Yucheng like a piece of broken baggage.

After arriving in Yucheng, Peng Jiashu has been living in the home of Lu Weiping and Tao Ran. Lu Weiping said that he was originally a smart and diligent child, but for no reason, he suddenly became stupid and lazy. He only eats and drinks every day and sleeps. He wants to make Peng Jiashu

He rushed back to his hometown, but his wife Tao Ran insisted on leaving Peng Jiashu behind, so he had no choice but to give up. At noon today, Lu Weiping and his family were taking a lunch break after lunch. Peng Jiashu suddenly became crazy and wanted to go out. Tao Ran

He tried to stop him, but he bit off his fingers and picked up a fruit knife and waved it around. Lu Weiping and Lu Jiang were worried that he would hurt someone, so they wanted to tie him up and restrict his movements, but Lu Jiang was stabbed in the heart by him.

Lu Weiping was also injured.

Peng Jiashu then escaped from the house and ran to the street to attack passers-by. He was discovered and stopped by Han Feilu. What happened next was witnessed by Han Feilu and there is no need for Lu Weiping to elaborate.

After listening to Lu Weiping's story, Han Feilu felt that the whole incident was basically reasonable, except for one thing that was unclear: "Why did Peng Jiashu suddenly go crazy?"

Lu Weiping: "I don't know either. I'm rarely at home and have almost no communication with him." At this point, he punched the table hard and said, "It's all my wife's fault!"

Han Feilu: "What's wrong with your wife?"

Lu Weiping: "After our son died, she insisted on leaving Peng Jiashu at home, and kept telling me that he was our son. I suspected that there was something wrong with her brain!"

Han Feilu glanced at a policeman, indicating that he was ready to record, and said: "Now let's talk about Peng Jiashu, when did he come to your house?"

Lu Weiping: "February this year has just passed the New Year."

Han Feilu noticed something strange: "February? If I remember correctly, your son Lu Yiran passed away on March 12th. Before Lu Yiran passed away, you decided to adopt Peng Jiashu?"

Lu Weiping: "I don't understand either. My wife insists on bringing him back from her hometown, but she won't listen no matter what I say. Hey, she seems to have lost her mind and gone crazy."

Han Feilu was puzzled. If after Lu Yiran's death, Tao Ran decided to adopt a relative's child as his own child in order to ease the pain of losing his son, he would understand. But before Lu Yiran's death, Tao Ran took Peng Jiashu into his home.

At home, could it be that Lu Yiran didn't have much time left and was bound to die, so she had chosen her next son early and was just waiting for Lu Yiran to die? Han Feilu tried to think about Tao Ran's actions from the perspective of a mother.

What she did, the more she thought about it, the more suspicious she became. If Tao Ran really loved her son, it would be impossible for her to choose a replacement for her son before he passed away. But if Tao Ran's purpose was not this, why could she wait so long?

Bring Peng Jiashu home?

Only Tao Ran could solve this puzzle. Han Feilu ignored this point for the time being and asked again: "You just said that Peng Jiashu was normal when he first came to your house, and then became abnormal. Expand and talk about his changes.


Lu Weiping: "Actually, I didn't bother him before. He was diligent, smart, and had a bright eye. I even planned to take him to a sports car to do business. Suddenly one day, he didn't say a word all day long and didn't know how to do anything.

Qian, he only eats and sleeps all day long, and he is as dumb and stupid as if he has lost his soul. I want to take him to see a doctor, but my wife stops him, saying that he just has a minor illness and can be taken care of at home.


Han Feilu felt even more strange: "When did his symptoms appear?"

Lu Weiping said without hesitation: "I remember it very clearly, it was the day after my son's accident."

In summary, on the day after Lu Yiran passed away, Peng Jiashu's temperament changed drastically, like a walking zombie. After sorting out the relationship between Lu Yiran and Peng Jiashu, Han Feilu felt an inexplicable chill in his heart. He could not see through the secret at this time.

But he had a strong intuition: Lu Yiran and Peng Jiashu were just the tip of the iceberg that surfaced. Behind them, deep under the water, there was a large net like a chessboard, stationed in the bottomless darkness.


He had Lu Weiping sent to the hospital to have his wound stitched. Not long after Lu Weiping left, Mu Xuecheng came in with a test report: "Team Han, the drug test of the man you brought back was positive. This is the result of his blood analysis."

Han Feilu took it and found the key point at a glance: "Methcathinone? Is he taking bath salts?"

Mu Xuecheng: "Yes, this is a new type of hallucinogen called bath salt, also known as zombie agent and cannibal salt. It is also a first-class controlled substance abroad. People who take this drug will completely lose their minds and become extremely

Violence will attack everyone around you indiscriminately. The people you bring back are addicted to this drug."

Han Feilu opened the computer to search for similar cases, and found that there were several domestic cases of bath salt inhalation recorded in the system. Cases of people like Peng Jiashu who went crazy after taking drugs and bit and gnawed the same kind of people had precedents as early as 12 years ago.

Han Feilu: "Is Peng Jiashu awake now?"

Mu Xuecheng: "He was handcuffed in the interrogation room just now. You'd better go over and see for yourself."

Han Feilu came to the interrogation room. As soon as he opened the door, he smelled the strong smell of urine and stench. The two police officers inside all covered their noses. When Han Feilu came in, they put down their hands: "Team Han."

Peng Jiashu was handcuffed on the interrogation chair, and an unknown liquid was dripping from the seat under his buttocks. Han Feilu understood at a glance that Peng Jiashu was incontinent and used the chair as a toilet. But drug addicts often only have incontinence.

This happened during the stage of manic excitement. At this time, Peng Jiashu had regained his composure, but he still lacked even the most basic self-discipline ability. Does it mean that his brain was still cooling, not awake?

The interrogation room was really dirty and smelly. Han Feilu asked Mu Xuecheng and another female police officer to go out, and called a male police officer to clean up the filth on the floor. During this period, he kept observing Peng Jiashu, whose hair was disheveled.

He was slumped on the chair with his head lowered and his whole body weak. If it weren't for the restraint belt around his waist and his hands cuffed, his body would have slipped to the ground.

Police officer Xiao Meng said: "Captain Han, he hasn't opened his mouth. He didn't say anything when asked."

Han Feilu walked up to Peng Jiashu and said, "Raise your head."

Peng Jiashu seemed unaware. Han Feilu grabbed his hair and forced him to look up. When he saw that the skin and hair on his forehead were peeled off, he discovered that he was wearing a wig. Han Feilu wanted to take off his wig, but

The inside of the hair cover was tightly adhered to his scalp. When he took it off, he found that there was a layer of glue on the inside of the hair cover.

The police officer said: "Captain Han, look at his head."

After taking off the wig, Peng Jiashu revealed a bald head and a scar on his left temple. The scar was in the shape of a standard arc, extending backward from the temple and measuring about seven centimeters in total. The wound was very deep and had to be sutured.

It has been at least three or four months since the wound was sutured, and the soluble surgical sutures have disappeared.

Seeing the wound on Peng Jiashu's head, Han Feilu first suspected that it was a scar left after surgery: "Has he had a craniotomy?"

The police officer said: "We have checked his medical records and he has not had any surgery recently."

Han Feilu held Peng Jiashu's shoulders, bent down and looked into his eyes, asking: "Can you see me?"

Peng Jiashu could see him, but had no reaction. His empty gaze lingered on his face for a moment and then drifted away. Han Feilu asked again: "What's the matter with the wound on your head?"

Peng Jiashu still looked numb, unable to react to any stimulation given to him by the outside world.

Han Feilu: "Get the car ready and go to the hospital."

They changed Peng Jiashu into clean clothes, and Han Feilu personally drove him to the hospital's physical examination department for a comprehensive physical examination. He asked one of his men to take Peng Jiashu for examination, and received a call from Qi Tianlei in the corridor of the hospital.

Qi Tianlei was left by him at Lu Weiping's house to investigate the crime scene. At this time, he had already returned to the work unit: "Boss, where are you? I didn't find you."

People were coming and going in the corridor, and Han Feilu walked to the quieter stairwell: "I'm in the hospital. Have you found what I asked you to find?"

After learning that Peng Jiashu was taking bath salts, he sent a message to Qi Tianlei and asked Qi Tianlei to search for the drug at Lu Weiping's home. Qi Tianlei said: "I found it. I just asked Xiao Li from the forensic room to check the ingredients. It's you."

That thing I mentioned. I just took a picture and sent it to your mobile phone. You can take a look."

Han Feilu found the photo that Qi Tianlei had just sent. The photo was of a small white medicine bottle. The bottle body was bare and the original label paper had been torn off. There were several capsules inside, and the capsules contained milky white crystal particles.

.A handwritten "medication instruction" was sent along with the photo, which read: Start taking it in July, two times a day, three pills at a time.

Han Feilu saw the handwritten instruction sheet and asked, "What's going on with that piece of paper?"

Qi Tianlei: "It's in a medicine bottle. Boss, this is getting weirder and weirder. Who would write instructions for taking drugs? Is the person who wrote the instructions instigating Peng Jiashu to take drugs?"

Han Feilu hung up the phone without hearing what he said and took the elevator to the 24th floor where the neurosurgery is located. Qi Tianlei was right or wrong. The instruction manual did have evil intentions, but the person who wrote the instruction manual was not instigating Peng Jiashu to take drugs, but

It was to feed Peng Jiashu poison. According to Lu Weiping, Peng Jiashu became stupid as early as March and had no ability to act independently. He was unable to take medicine according to the "doctor's orders". The person who fed him poison was most likely Lu Weiping's

Wife Tao Ran, because Tao Ran and Peng Jiashu live together day and night, she has enough space and time to do anything to Peng Jiashu.

The elevator stopped on the 24th floor. Han Feilu got out of the elevator and went straight to the neurosurgery office. He had already been there once. As soon as he opened the glass door, a female doctor recognized him: "Officer Han?"

Han Feilu walked in and said with a smile: "Dr. Xu, I'm here to disturb you again."

Doctor Xu smiled and said, "No need to interrupt, what do you want to do today?"

Han Feilu found the photo of the instruction manual: "Can you please take a look at these words and see if you can identify whose words they belong to."

He did not give Dr. Xu any guidance, and wanted to hear the most fair and objective judgment. This line of writing was written in clear connected characters, like cursive script and regular script. The font was very special, and Dr. Xu recognized it without any effort: "

This is Doctor Wu’s calligraphy.”

When Han Feilu heard the answer he wanted, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Is it Wu Qiping?"

Dr. Xu: "Yes, it's his name."

Han Feilu: "Are you sure?"

Dr. Xu: "I have been working with him for several years, so of course I am sure."

In order to prove that her judgment was correct, Dr. Xu rummaged through the file cabinet and found a meeting minute, which recorded the notes of a consultation. She handed the note to Han Feilu: "This note was taken by Wu Qiping last month.

You can compare it yourself with what was recorded at the meeting."

Han Feilu compared it carefully and found that the two handwritings were very similar to the naked eye. However, to ensure nothing was missed, he tore off a page with Dr. Xu's permission, folded it, and put it in his pocket, intending to take it back to the work unit for handwriting appraisal.

"Dr. Xu, let's sit down and talk." Han Feilu said.

He and Dr. Xu were sitting on the sofa. He poured Dr. Xu a glass of water and said, "You just said you have worked with Wu Qiping for many years, right?"

Doctor Xu said: "It's been five or six years. We've known each other for a long time."

Han Feilu: "Are you familiar with Wu Qiping's patients?"

Dr. Xu: "We will not assign patients to a certain doctor. We will participate in each patient's seminar and combine everyone's experience to select the best treatment plan for the patient."

Han Feilu: "Then you must have an impression of Lu Yiran and Deng Lanlan."

Dr. Xu: "Haven't we already talked about Lu Yiran? Although he was our patient, he died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage. It has been so long, and our hospital cannot judge whether his operation failed because of Wu Qiping

The doctor made a mistake in judgment.”

Han Feilu smiled and said: "Then let's not talk about Lu Yiran today, let's talk about Deng Lanlan."

Dr. Xu: "Are you talking about Deng Lanlan who lives in Green Field Villa?"

Han Feilu: "Yes. I want to know her condition and treatment in your hospital."

Dr. Xu sighed with compassion: "Another miserable person. When she was found to have a brain tumor, it was already a malignant tumor. Surgery would not help. Traditional medical methods could only delay her life."

Han Feilu: "Does she have much contact with Wu Qiping?"

Dr. Xu thought his question was strange: "She is a patient and Wu Qiping is a doctor. Of course they will have contact."

Han Feilu deliberately stopped to take a sip of water, allowing time for the atmosphere to cool down, and then continued: "Let me speak directly. Lu Yiran and Deng Lanlan both had contact with Wu Qiping, and Wu Qiping personally performed surgery on Lu Yiran.

.But two murders happened today and yesterday. Deng Lanlan’s parents were hacked to death in a store. A few hours ago, Lu Yiran’s distant relative attacked passers-by on the street. Now there are news everywhere on the Internet. You should have already said this.

I understand, the fate of these two patients who had contact with Wu Qiping is either dead or suffering from bad luck."

Seeing Dr. Xu's tense expression, Han Feilu smiled and said: "Of course, my doubts are only about Wu Qiping personally, and have nothing to do with other doctors or your hospital. Now there are so many doubts about Wu Qiping that we have to question him

He launched an in-depth investigation. If you can provide clues now, it will not only help us solve the case, but also help your hospital."

Dr. Xu naturally knew what Han Feilu said. She picked up her cup and walked to the water dispenser in the corner to get water. After receiving the water, she stood quietly for a while, then came back and sat down, saying: "It's true.


Han Feilu raised his hand and motioned for her to continue.

Dr. Xu: "I heard this from a patient. As early as last year, Dr. Wu established a group for some critically ill patients in our hospital, saying that everyone could help each other and encourage each other. Our hospital strictly stipulates that doctors are not allowed to speak privately.

I had too much contact with patients and their families, let alone gathering them into a group. After I heard about this incident, I specifically talked to Dr. Wu, and he promised to disband the group immediately. With his guarantee, I

I haven’t asked about this matter again, and I don’t know if it will be helpful to your investigation.”

Han Feilu: "What are you talking about serious illness?"

Dr. Xu glanced at him, lowered his head, took a sip of tea, and said, "Terminally ill."

When Han Feilu heard this, his eyelids furrowed for a moment, and a sharp cold light came out of his eyes. He was very sure that he had found the crux of the problem.

This chapter has been completed!
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