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Chapter Thirty-One: Himself

Zhou Song had already had a premonition, so he didn't panic. He calmly took a step back and said, "I'm waiting for you too."

Jiang Chao: "Did you guess this was a trap?"

Zhou Song turned his head and glanced at Zuo Ye. A bodyguard was untying the cloth in his hand and said, "Zuo Ye has worked hard for you. You will definitely monitor his movements."

Jiang Chao smiled and said: "Since you know he is lying to you, why do you still throw yourself into the trap?"

Zhou Song: "He didn't lie to me. He said he would take me to find the answer, so I came."

That red light penetrated into Zhou Song's eyes, and Zhou Song closed his eyes and hid: "Let's sit down and talk, these are all your people, I can't run away."

Jiang Chao picked a clean chair and sat down, saying, "Sit."

Zhou Song casually moved a chair across from him, and his eyes drifted to the photo hanging on the wall: "You just said that Jiang Xinglong is your father."

The baseball bat in Jiang Chao's hand was just picked up from anywhere, and it was covered with dirt. He threw the bat to his feet, lifted up the corners of his shirt and wiped the dust on his hands: "He is not married, I was adopted by him

, no blood relationship.”

Zhou Song had never known Jiang Chao before, and this was the first time he heard about his life experience, and his life experience seemed familiar to him.

Jiang Chao seemed to have read through his thoughts and said with a smile: "Yes, Liang Xie and I once lived in the same orphanage and the same room. I moved out of the orphanage before him. To be honest, I envy him. He

I’m following Zhou Lingjun, and I’m following Jiang Xinglong.”

Zhou Song: "Jiang Xinglong is not good to you?"

Jiang Chao crossed his legs and leaned back on the chair, looking around: "He did leave me a lot of wealth, but he never asked me if I wanted to inherit it."

Zhou Song: "Don't you want to?"

Jiang Chao: "It would be too false to say that I don't want to. I like money, but compared with money, I want life more."

Zhou Song: "Is someone threatening your safety?"

Jiang Chao sneered: "You know what you are asking, but you and Han Feilu are chasing my butt and biting me. You are my biggest threat."

Zhou Song also smiled: "So you lured Han Feilu and me to Xue Jinhai's house and wanted to blow us up."

Jiang Chao: "I don't want to attack you, but you and Han Feilu are too close."

Zhou Song: "Is Xue Jinhai just a bait to be sacrificed by you?"

Jiang Chao stopped and lit a cigarette and said: "He deserves it. The reason why Han Feilu checked me was because of Dou Qing. Dou Qing's incident happened because of him. It was he who brought me trouble. If it weren't for Dou Qing,

, I can still be stable for two more years."

Zhou Song also smoked, but when he smelled the smoke, he felt nauseous. He waved away the smoke in front of him and said, "From what you said, you know you will be exposed sooner or later."

Jiang Chao saw that he was uncomfortable smelling the smoke, so he deliberately blew out a smoke ring at him: "Of course I know, I have already started planning a way out for myself."

Zhou Song: "What's the way out?"

Jiang Chao's eyes were fixed on his face: "Of course I have to change my mind and become a new person."

Zhou Song seemed to understand: "Do you want to stop?"

Jiang Chao said nothing and looked at him meaningfully.

Zhou Song: "But you will definitely not surrender to the police. Did you mean to run away when you said you closed your fingers?"

Jiang Chao still said nothing, with a playful and cunning light in his eyes.

Zhou Song couldn't help but feel flustered as he stared at him. He could sense that there was another conspiracy behind Jiang Chao, and Jiang Chao had involved him in that conspiracy without authorization. He looked around again and re-examined his situation.

Suddenly a chill ran up my spine: "I understand."

Jiang Chao asked with interest: "What do you know?"

Zhou Song's palms broke out in cold sweat, but his face remained calm: "You have no reason to kill me, because I am also a fugitive wanted by the police. Even if I die here today, it will be meaningless to you, so you won't kill me. You

You don’t want my life, but you tried so hard to let Zuo Ye lead me here, there is only one explanation."

Jiang Chao: "Keep talking."

Zhou Song pinched his fingers and said, "You need me."

Jiang Chao laughed and clapped his hands twice: "Awesome, your brain is so damn good."

Zhou Song: "What do you need me to do for you?"

Jiang Chao: "You will know later."

Zhou Song only regretted it at this time. He thought that Jiang Chao was just looking for him to settle scores. He didn't expect that Jiang Chao would involve him in a bigger conspiracy. He had already put his own life and death behind, and Jiang Chao was his enemy.

He didn't care that he was a friend, he just felt sorry for Qin Xiao. Qin Xiao was implicated by him for no reason and might not be able to escape.

Zhou Song: "As long as you let Qin Xiao go, no matter what you want me to do for you, I will do it."

Jiang Chao glanced at Qin Xiao and said with a smile: "Relax, I don't want to kill anyone. As long as you cooperate with me, I will let you go."

He walked up to Zhou Song, put his hand on Zhou Song's shoulder, bent down and looked at Zhou Song's face, and said with a smile: "Actually, we met a long time ago."

Zhou Song: "When?"

Jiang Chao: "It was here fifteen years ago."

Zhou Song: "That group photo?"

Jiang Chao nodded: "Yes, that was the first time Chi Chenguang took you to a party."

Zhou Song turned her head to avoid his gaze, as if she didn't want to face herself: "Then you must know who the woman wearing the sika deer mask is."

Jiang Chao: "You have found her."

Zhou Song hesitated and said, "Is it Ning Yu?"

Jiang Chao: "Who else besides her?"

Zhou Song got the answer he had wanted for a long time, but his mind was extremely confused: "But Chi Chenguang——"

Jiang Chao: "Why did Chi Chenguang kill Ning Yu? It was not Chi Chenguang who killed Ning Yu. On the contrary, it was Chi Chenguang who helped Ning Yu."

Zhou Song: "She... died suddenly?"

Jiang Chao: "Yes, she has died."

Zhou Song stood up and stared into his eyes: "Then how did Chi Chenguang die?"

Jiang Chao laughed and said, "It was Zuo Ye who killed him."

Zhou Song: "It was Shao Dongcheng, Yao Zichen, and Jiang Xinglong who teamed up to kill him. Wen Yushan was the bait they threw to him, and the phone call to the police from Ping County was all made by them.

Well designed.”

Jiang Chao took a few steps away and said, "Do you know the relationship between Shao Dongcheng, Yao Zichen, Ning Yu, and Chi Chenguang?"

Zhou Song: "They cover each other and perjury each other. They are each other's accomplices and each other's protectors. The West defines this criminal behavior as a 'murder contract'."

Jiang Chao: "Yes, this is a kind of contract. Do you know that the prerequisite for this kind of contract to take effect is that the two parties who signed the contract must cut off contact in private. Only if they are strangers to each other in the eyes of the police, what you just said can

It will take effect. Otherwise, as long as something happens to one party to the contract, everyone else will be implicated."

The two parties to the contract should not communicate with each other in private and cut off all ties in public, so that others can be protected. On the contrary, if one party is caught in a fire, everyone else will perish in the flames.

Zhou Song said: "Of course I know."

Jiang Chao turned around and looked at him with cold eyes: "But Chi Chenguang and Ning Yu didn't know that they knew it. Not only did they communicate in private, Chi Chenguang also hid Ning Yu after she was exposed. Their behavior brought consequences to others.

The risk was huge, so they decided to get rid of Chi Chenguang."

Zhou Song still had something unclear: "How did they know that Chi Chenguang and Ning Yu were communicating privately?"

Jiang Chao raised his lips and smiled with a strange smile: "Have you never thought about how Ning Yu's daughter came to be if she was not married?"

Zhou Song stood still for a long time, shook his head and laughed: "Ning Xue'er is Chi Chenguang's daughter?"

Jiang Chao smiled and said, "Yes, she is your sister."

Zhou Song walked slowly with his hand on the chair, walked a few steps and then turned back. After walking several times, he realized that his behavior was ridiculous, just as ridiculous as Chi Chenguang. When all the answers were placed in front of him, he suddenly

He couldn't help but raise his head and look at the window on the second floor. Outside the window was the blue sky and daytime, and there was a sniper rifle pointed at him. There was no difference between the two to him. He walked towards that window, but

He knows that what he wants is the blue sky outside the window or the bullet that penetrates the glass. Maybe he doesn't want anything, he just wants a result.

Jiang Chao: "Stop."

Zhou Song stopped, but was already very close to the window, so he saw a shadow standing under the window. It was the figure cast on the wall by the sunlight falling behind him. He looked at the figure, and the shadow seemed to also look at it.

When it arrives, he rubs it down suddenly and disappears like a cut lantern.

Only then did he realize that there was another person in the room inside. But he didn't have the chance to ask what happened. A bodyguard walked up behind him silently, picked up the baseball bat and swung it at the back of his head. Zhou Song felt no pain.

, there was a bang in his head, and his body fell down. As the world was spinning, he could feel Jiang Chao letting someone tie his hands and take him and Qin Xiao away from the back door. There were two cars parked at the back door.

He and Qin Xiao were stuffed into the trunks of two cars respectively, and the car hood was closed with a roar. He was not unconscious, but his consciousness collapsed and his whole body was weak. He could still clearly feel the car moving and vaguely heard the voices of people on the street.

and the sound of cars. Gradually, the noise on the street gradually became rarer, until it disappeared completely, and it must have left the city. The car drove for a long time, long enough for people to lose judgment of time. I don’t know how long it took, but the car was driving on the road.

On the bumpy road, after many turns, we finally stopped.

After the car stopped, Zhou Song heard the people in the car get out of the car. There was a commotion outside, and then the car hood was opened unexpectedly, and a bodyguard pulled him out of the car. Zhou Song stayed in the dark trunk.

After waiting for a long time, the sun felt dazzling at first glance, so they lowered their heads to avoid the sun. Then they looked around and found that Jiang Chao had brought them to a forest outside the city. There was a dug dirt road in the forest, and cars and people were standing there.

A few dozen meters ahead on the wide dirt road, the woods came to an end. Beyond the end was an open plain with the sound of rumbling water.

In addition, Zhou Song saw a man lying on the roadside in front. His hands and feet were tied, and his mouth was wrapped with several rounds of tape. He kept making "woo-woo" sounds in his throat. He saw

Zhou Song was puzzled and surprised by this man, because he wore the same clothes as Jiang Chao, had the same hairstyle as Jiang Chao, and even looked similar to Jiang Chao. If you don't look at the lower half of his face covered with tape,

His face is almost the same as Jiang Chao's; the tattoos on his arms, the wooden plaques on his belt, and the beads on his wrists are all exactly the same as Jiang Chao's. If Zhou Song hadn't known that Jiang Chao was standing next to him,

He will definitely think of that person as Jiang Chao.

The bodyguard brought a barrel of gasoline and handed Jiang Chao a lighter. Jiang Chao walked up to Zhou Song with the lighter and said with a smile: "Do you know what to do?"

Zhou Song looked at the lighter in his hand, then looked at the man lying on the ground, and finally understood what conspiracy he was brewing, "Is this how you turn your life over again?"

Jiang Chao grabbed his shoulders and said with a smile: "Han Feilu has become suspicious of me. It is only a matter of time that he finds the evidence. As long as I am alive, he will pursue me closely. Only if I die can he let go."

Get past me and find my murderer." He hugged Zhou Song and turned to the man lying on the ground, "But I can't die in person, so I have to find someone to die for me. As for my murderer,

It has to be you."

Zhou Song: “Why does it have to be me?”

Jiang Chao: "Because you have enough fucking motives. Revenge for your father sounds so convincing! Besides, you have already killed the woman named Julie. In the eyes of the police, you are already a murderer.

No matter how many more lives you take, they will all believe that you did it." He put his hand on Zhou Song's shoulder and forced Zhou Song to look at him, "The most important thing is Han Feilu, as long as Han Feilu believes that you were the one who killed him.

I, my plan will succeed."

Hearing this, Zhou Song felt no ripples in his heart, but his eyes were sad: "You might as well just kill me."

Jiang Chao released him, took a step back, raised his leg and kicked him hard in the chest. Zhou Song fell to the ground, his whole body convulsing with pain, and he could feel that one of his ribs was broken by the kick.

Qin Xiao shouted: "Zhou Song!"

Jiang Chao stomped on his shoulder again, forcing him to turn over, and stepped on his chest, saying: "You are like a piece of shit now, you have to do whatever I ask you to do, otherwise I will

It's like learning from Yao Zichen and cutting you into dozens of pieces."

Zhou Song's breathing stopped, and it felt like a knife was twisting his internal organs in his chest. He said with difficulty: "Let's do it."

Jiang Chao sneered: "You want to die, don't you? I won't help you, I will make your life very painful."

Jiang Chao raised his hand, and the bodyguard handed him a gun. He turned on the safety and pointed it at Zhou Song. Zhou Song was relieved and waited for him to shoot, but he turned the gun and pointed it at Qin Xiao.

Zhou Song was stunned and suddenly panicked: "No, it can't be done."

Jiang Chao: "If you disobey me, I will kill him."

Zhou Song stood up despite the severe pain and lowered his head in front of Jiang Chao: "I can die, but he is innocent. Please kill me and let him go."

Jiang Chao frowned impatiently and said to the bodyguard guarding Qin Xiao, "Cut his fingers first."

Qin Xiao was kicked to the ground and his left arm was pulled straight. The bodyguard held down his arm with his left hand and raised the machete with his right hand. The moment the knife fell, Qin Xiao screamed: "Ah!"

Zhou Song saw with his own eyes that Qin Xiao's little finger was cut off. When the knife was raised again, he whispered: "Stop."

Jiang Chao raised his hand, and the bodyguard put down the knife in his hand. Jiang Chao bent down to pick up the cell phone that Zhou Song had just dropped, turned on the camera function, and said with a smile: "The director is already in place, and the actors can start at any time."

Zhou Song felt numb and took off the hat he had been wearing so that Jiang Chao could take a clear picture of his face. He picked up the gasoline barrel and walked to the man lying on the ground, squatted down and unscrewed the cap of the gasoline barrel.

He twisted his body desperately, and tears of fear flowed from his eyes. But Zhou Song felt envious in his heart. He would rather the person lying on the ground at this moment was him, at least he could die cleanly and not have to be tortured alive.

He picked up the oil barrel, sprinkled the gasoline on the man, then dropped the gasoline barrel, took out the lighter from his pocket, pressed the switch with his thumb, and a cluster of flames appeared. The flames seemed to emerge from his skin.

When he came, his body was being burned by the fire. He thought: After all, he could not escape the ending that Zhou Han had set for him. He would die in the fire after all. Thinking of this, he smiled helplessly, and the cluster of slaves

The flames peeled off from his body fell into the abyss like falling off a cliff.

Watching the fire rising in front of him, Zhou Song felt nothing but silence. His world had never been as quiet as it was at this moment, because there was only one corpse lying at his feet, and that corpse was none other than himself.


This chapter has been completed!
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