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Chapter Thirty-Eight: She Died in Her Hands

Chapter 117:

Jia Qing and his wife took a special car to the airport two hours ago, but Mu Xuecheng could not check their ticket purchase records. Han Feilu explained: "Since there is a special car to pick them up, they may have booked it."

A private jet.”

Sure enough, she found out that a private plane bound for South America had indeed taken off from the airport fifty minutes ago. As soon as Han Feilu received the news, he received a call from Jia Qing. Jia Qing only said: "I

At the exit of Terminal 2.”

When Han Feilu and his people arrived, Jia Qing was sitting alone on a stone pier by the roadside, eating hawthorn fruits covered with thick icing sugar. He said: "This is my wife's favorite snack, but I forgot to ask her to bring it."


Han Feilu: "Where is she?"

Jia Qing held the paper bag tightly, her shoulders sank, as if she breathed a sigh of relief: "Let's go."

Han Feilu: "Where have you gone?"

Jia Qing: "You can't find her."

Another passenger plane took off, rushing towards the sky like a giant bird. Han Feilu's eyes followed the plane through the clouds, and then he lifted Jia Qing's arm: "Let's go, you have to go back with us."

On the way back to the Public Security Bureau, Han Feilu asked his men to drive, and he sat next to Jia Qing, trying to talk to Jia Qing. However, no matter how he asked, Jia Qing gnawed the hawthorn fruit without saying a word, as if he had seen through life and death.

, be content with the situation.

Back at the Public Security Bureau, Jia Qing was sent to the interrogation room. Han Feilu first went to find Mu Xuecheng. He Yun was sitting next to Mu Xuecheng's desk and was questioning He Yun when she saw Han Feilu come in.

He walked over to Han Feilu and said, "I asked Wang Yong, the seafood shop owner who has a good relationship with Feng Jianrong and his wife. His shop is opposite the shop of Deng Jianrong and his wife. He said that it will be around 4 noon on August 3."

, Jia Qing went to Deng Jianrong’s shop.”

Han Feilu: "Are you sure?"

Mu Xuecheng: "I also checked the video at the entrance of the vegetable market. Jia Qing did go to the vegetable market that day. He stayed there for more than an hour and didn't come out until nearly 6 o'clock."

Han Feilu glanced at He Yun: "Can you ask me anything?"

Mu Xuecheng: "I didn't ask about the whereabouts of the murder weapon, but there was something else."

Han Feilu followed her inside and stood in front of He Yun. Mu Xuecheng said, "Tell Captain Han what you just said to me again."

He Yun: "Ah? Is it because Jia Qing asked me to cooperate with him in acting?"

Han Feilu: "What kind of show are you playing?"

He Yun said: "Actually, Jia Qing is very good to his wife. They have a very good relationship. Jia Qing has never had an affair. But on the day you first came to our house, he didn't come back the night before. Before going out, he specifically told me that if the second time

The next day the police came to look for him and asked me to say bad things about him, so I told you that he often didn't come home and was looking for mistresses everywhere."

Mu Xuecheng wondered: "Team Han, what's the reason for him to do this?"

Han Feilu knew this and sneered: "He didn't bring it upon himself." He then asked He Yun, "What did he do after we left that day?"

He Yun: "He asked me to go home as soon as you left. I didn't know anything."

Han Feilu said to Mu Xuecheng: "The real murder weapon may be hidden by Jia Qing at home, let Xiao Song and the others find it."

Mu Xuecheng: "But it's a search warrant."

Han Feilu: "Follow up."

After saying that, Han Feilu quickly went downstairs and met Gu Hai head-on in the corridor. Gu Hai was followed by two people; they were the box waitress from Goat KTV and the chef apprentice from Xiyuan Hotel.

Gu Hai: "Team Han, we have brought them back."

Han Feilu looked at his apprentice: "Where is the car?"

Gu Hai: "The car has also been pulled back and parked in the underground garage."

Han Feilu: "Take someone to check the car." He pointed to the waiter and apprentice. "You two come with me."

Gu Hai went downstairs alone, and the waiter and apprentice followed Han Feilu into a conference room. Han Feilu asked them to sit down, then got a glass of water for himself and said, "Pour it yourself."

The two people didn't understand why they were brought to the police station on the way to work. They were all a little nervous and sat motionless. The young apprentice had seen Han Feilu at the crime scene of Deng Jianrong and his wife. At that time, Han Feilu enthusiastically offered to find the police.

Someone gave him a gift, so he had a deep impression on Han Feilu, "Um, Officer Han, why are you looking for me?"

Han Feilu pulled out a chair and sat down, put the water glass on the table, looked at the apprentice and asked: "Your name is Zhang Jin?"

Zhang Jin nodded: "Yes, yes."

Han Feilu: "You do all the shopping for the kitchen every day?"

Zhang Jin: "Yes, I am an apprentice. In the first few months, I could only do some menial jobs."

Han Feilu: "Is that the white van you drive to buy groceries every day?"

Zhang Jin: "Yes."

Han Feilu: "How big is the space inside the car?"

Zhang Jin: "If you take off the seat, you can hold a lot of things."

Han Feilu: "Have you ever washed that car from August 6 to now?"

Zhang Jin: "It's not washed. We usually wash the car once every two or three months. There's no need to wash it often."

Han Feilu lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then asked: "You said you went to Deng Jianrong's store to pick up the ordered goods on the 6th. Do you know the specific time for ordering at your hotel?"

He asked the right person. Zhang Jin took out his mobile phone and looked through the call records: "It was 4:43 pm on August 3."

When Han Feilu saw this, he couldn't help but smile: "Did you call to place the order?"

Zhang Jin: "Who made me an apprentice?"

Han Feilu: "What time did you arrive at the store on the morning of the 6th?"

Zhang Jin: "We agreed on 6 a.m., so I should arrive at the store around 6 a.m."

Han Feilu: "I remember you said that you drove to the back door of the store, and when you got out of the car, you saw the back door open. Did you close the door after getting out of the car?"

Zhang Jin was confused by the question. He had never paid attention to such details and couldn't remember it for a moment. Han Feilu reminded him: "Don't be nervous, think about your habits."

Zhang Jin simulated the action of getting out of the car in his mind and said, "It should be left open. The door of the old car is broken and it is difficult to close. Moreover, I have to move things into the car, so I should leave the door open."

Han Feilu: "After you returned to the hotel, were you the first to unload the goods?"

Zhang Jin: "No, I have to go to the kitchen and put on an apron first, otherwise the master will scold me to death if all the dirt from the vegetables and meat gets on my clothes."

Han Feilu: "That is to say, around 6 a.m. on August 6, you drove your car to the back door of Deng Jianrong and his wife's store. You habitually did not close the door after getting out of the car. When you found the body and called the police, you stopped for a long time.

The van outside the door is out of your sight."

Zhang Jin: "Yes, when I saw the store was full of blood, I ran to find Lao Wei, the market manager. I didn't go back until the police arrived."

Han Feilu nodded, ending his questioning, and then looked at the tkv waiter: "This is the first time we've met, what's your name?"

The waiter said: "My name is Xue Jia. A few days ago, a policeman named Qi came to see me. I said everything I needed to say."

Han Feilu looked her over, then asked Zhang Jin to go out, and waited until there were only two of them left in the conference room, then said: "I know your job is not only to sell wine, but I also know that you will not be stupid enough to let the guests

Transferring money to you, so Jia Qing gave you cash. Since he settled the bill in cash, we can't find evidence of your transaction. As long as you answer my questions truthfully, I guarantee that you can leave the Public Security Bureau safe and sound. My word

We’ve all talked about this, do you understand?”

Xue Jia's face was red and white, very beautiful.

Han Feilu added: "Jia Qing is suspected of murder and used you to create an alibi. If you don't honestly explain the situation, you will be his accomplice. You can decide for yourself which is more serious."

The word murder made Xue Jia frightened: "He killed someone?"

Han Feilu lowered his voice conspiratorially: "We are collecting evidence, and you are the most critical link. So you know the seriousness of the problem?"

Xue Jia: "I know, I know, then what should I do?"

Han Feilu: "I know you didn't tell the truth a few days ago. From now on, you must tell the truth. You can't hide anything."

Xue Jia nodded.

Han Feilu asked: "Last time we went to see you, you said that you and Jia Qing stayed in the box until six or seven in the morning. Is this a lie?"

Xue Jia lowered her head guiltily: "Yes."

Han Feilu: "I'll give you another chance, let's talk."

Xue Jia took a deep breath and said: "Actually, I followed Jia Qing to the hotel upstairs at about 2 o'clock in the morning that night. When we got to the room, he drank with me. The wine was very strong. I was drunk after two drinks.

One day he woke me up, gave me the money and left."

Han Feilu: "When did Jia Qing wake you up?"

Xue Jia: "It's about seven o'clock."

Han Feilu: "That is to say, between 2 a.m. and 7 a.m. on August 6, you are not sure whether Jia Qing stayed in the hotel room."

Xue Jia: "Yes, but I -" She stopped talking and glanced at Han Feilu.

Han Feilu: "I told you, we will only check Jia Qing today, not you."

Xue Jia was relieved and said: "But I woke up naked, and there were condoms on the ground. Jia Qing had just taken a shower when he woke me up. He also said he was very satisfied with me and gave me five hundred more."

Block. I just thought we were... there all night long."

Han Feilu took her out of the conference room, stopped a police officer passing by, and asked him to take Zhang Jin and Xue Jia together to make detailed notes. Then he went downstairs to the interrogation room, dialing Gu

Hai’s number and asked: “Did you find anything?”

Gu Hai said: "Not yet, the car is very dirty and it is difficult to obtain evidence."

Gu Hai pulled the van driven by Zhang Jin back to look for clues, but a large amount of vegetables, eggs and meat were pulled into the van every day. Even if there were original traces, they were contaminated, making it very difficult to obtain evidence. The reason why Han Feilu made this move was

Because it is more difficult to investigate the surveillance video from the hotel to Xiyuan Hotel. The hotel and KTV are equivalent to a bundled business. The girls from KTV often bring guests to the hotel. The hotel will naturally find ways to protect this business, with special settings for entry and exit.

One of the fire escapes leads to a dark alley. If Jia Qing took the fire escape to leave the hotel, he would be unaware of it.

Although no substantive evidence has been found yet, Han Feilu had already figured out the case in his mind, so he went to Bailang with nothing, pushed the door open and walked into the interrogation room, pulled up a chair and sat opposite Jia Qing, and said straight to the point: "Xue

Jia is upstairs taking notes."

Jia Qing was already exhausted from waiting. Hearing him play with Xue Jia, he showed a puzzled expression.

Han Feilu sneered: "She drank with you, and you drugged her to make her unconscious. In the end, you didn't even know her name?"

Jia Qing's eyes opened slightly, as if he remembered.

Han Feilu put his arms on the table, leaned forward, and prepared to have a long conversation with him, and said with a smile: "There are many variables now, let's start from the beginning again. Let's start from August 3, 3

What were you doing at Deng Jianrong's store at 4:40 in the afternoon?"

Jia Qing leaned back in his chair lazily and said, "They asked me about Lan Lan's surgery arrangements."

Han Feilu: "Isn't it because Deng Mengmeng disappeared?"

Jia Qing seemed to have no resistance, but in fact his heart was strong. He raised his eyes and looked at Han Feilu, his face unchanged: "I don't know what you are talking about."

Han Feilu: "It doesn't matter, I'll explain it to you; on August 3, Deng Mengmeng's school contacted Deng Jianrong and his wife, informing them that Deng Mengmeng had not returned to school, and reminded them to call the police. After Deng Mengmeng and his wife received the call from the school

I called you to the store, probably because I wanted to discuss with you how to find someone. I guess they wanted to call the police, but you persuaded them not to call the police for the time being. It was precisely because they knew that Deng Mengmeng was missing, and you couldn't deceive them for long.

, so you continue to implement the plan, which is to kill Deng Jianrong and his wife and frame the blame on Hu Xingjie."

Jia Qing smiled listlessly: "What do you mean by continuing to implement the plan?"

Han Feilu looked at him coldly: "Because your plan started as early as July 9th."

Jia Qing's face froze.

Han Feilu: "On July 9, your wife Deng Lanlan pretended to be Deng Mengmeng and went to Hu Xingjie's house for an appointment. That night, Deng Lanlan pretended to say goodbye to Hu Xingjie and went to He Yun's house downstairs to spend the night, creating the illusion that she had not left Hu Xingjie's house. Chapter 2

The next day, on the morning of the 10th, after Hu Xingjie left the house, Deng Lanlan entered Hu Xingjie's home with a stolen spare key, and put Deng Mengmeng's blood, hair, fingernails, and the blood-stained murder weapon prepared in advance into Hu Xingjie's home.

Make Hu Xingjie's house look like a crime scene, and then Deng Lanlan leaves the unit building."

He picked up the documents on the table and rummaged through them and said: "Hu Xingjie's suitcase was also tampered with by Deng Lanlan. She smeared blood on the suitcase wheels to deliberately arouse our suspicion. We will search Hu Xingjie's home.

Discover the crime scene she carefully arranged. As for Hu Xingjiela's suitcase, it was indeed fake wine. The person who pretended to be a buyer and lured him to the flour mill to deliver the goods on the morning of the 10th was probably you. It was only you who contacted him.

All the evidence was deleted by Deng Lanlan. Deng Lanlan stayed at Hu Xingjie’s house for five or six hours. It would be easy for her to find an opportunity to get Hu Xingjie’s mobile phone to delete something.”

He found a screenshot of a surveillance video from the file. The picture showed a black Ricky captured by roadside surveillance. There was also the time in the upper right corner: July-20-02:34.

"Does it look familiar?" Han Feilu asked.

When Jia Qing saw the car driving in the night, his face remained unchanged, but his pupils gradually tightened.

Han Feilu said: "This is the car you asked your assistant to rent in his own name. You drove this car to Guanghua Road, which is less than one kilometer away from the flour mill. You are very smart.

, unlike Hu Xingjie who entered the flour mill on a major road and was photographed by surveillance cameras, you found a small road that lacked surveillance and entered the flour mill.

Jia Qing smiled and said: "Since there is no surveillance video, why do you think-"

Han Feilu raised his hand to interrupt him and continued, and said in an orderly manner: "Listen to me, you are not going to the flour mill alone, there is a person in your trunk. To be precise, it is a corpse. In addition to the corpse

There is also hydrofluoric acid. You took the body to the flour mill warehouse to dissolve it, and then threw another Deng Mengmeng's fingernail in the warehouse, waiting for us to find it. As for why you went to all the trouble to dissolve the body instead of

You chose other methods to hide the body because you were worried that we would extract DNA from the body that was inconsistent with Deng Mengmeng's. You were worried that we would find out that the person whose body was dissected by you was not Deng Mengmeng, but your wife Deng Lanlan.


Jia Qing was fully prepared, but when Han Feilu explained the truth in detail sentence by sentence and pieced the truth together bit by bit, he still felt short of breath and flustered. Not because he was afraid, but because he was heartbroken.

Han Feilu sat in front of him. The cold white light in the interrogation room fell on Han Feilu's stern face. He looked at Han Feilu as if he saw Deng Lanlan's cold and pale body lying in his arms that night.

Han Feilu did not give him time to mourn and grieve, and continued: "Back on August 3, Deng Jianrong and his wife called you to the store that afternoon and wanted to ask you to help find Deng Mengmeng or accompany them to call the police.

, you persuaded them not to take action for the time being, but your action is still going on. Deng Mengmeng and Deng Lanlan look similar. They can deceive Hu Xingjie and us, but they cannot deceive their parents. You are worried that sooner or later, Deng Jianrong and his wife will recognize them.

At this time, the wife beside you is no longer Deng Lanlan but Deng Mengmeng. In order to eliminate future troubles, you decided to kill them; on the afternoon of the 3rd, you heard Deng Jianrong contacting the people in the hotel, knowing that the people in the hotel would arrive three days later

Pick up a batch of goods in the morning, and the car that comes to pick up the goods is the vehicle you used to leave the crime scene in the early morning of the 6th. Just a hitchhiker is not enough, you also need an alibi, so you go to the KTV to find Xue Jia, and Xue Jia

Jia went to the hotel to check out a room, drugged her wine to stun her, and created some traces the next day to make her think that you and her were having sex in the room all night. In fact, you slipped her out of the hotel and hooked up with her after you knocked her down.

Hu Xingjie's ride." At this point, Han Feilu smiled and said, "Yes, it's Hu Xingjie. It was no coincidence that he went to the KTV to find you. It was you who called him and talked about the 800,000 yuan, implying that he could lend him the money.

He, he asked for your address to find you. It seemed that he took the initiative, but in fact he fell into a trap. You hid in his car while he was not paying attention, and took two knives with you. One of them was you who killed Deng Jianrong and his wife.

The murder weapon was a fake murder weapon stained with Hu Xingjie's fingerprints. You and Hu Xingjie met frequently, so it was easy to get his fingerprints. In short, you deliberately left the knife stained with Hu Xingjie's fingerprints after killing Deng Jianrong and his wife, so that you could blame him.

Hu Xingjie. When you went there, you took Hu Xingjie’s car and when you left, you took the hotel apprentice’s car. You were not caught on camera from the beginning to the end, and Xue Jia was there to prove your alibi.”

Han Feilu couldn't help but applaud twice: "You are smart, very smart."

Jia Qing closed his eyes as if tired, and took a long breath: "If you had evidence, you wouldn't tell me a long story here."

He was right. Han Feilu did not find any objective substantive evidence. All this was Han Feilu's deduction, so Jia Qing was not afraid at all. Han Feilu said: "I know why you sent Deng Mengmeng away."

Go abroad."

Jia Qing opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling, and said calmly: "She is not Deng Mengmeng, she is my wife."

Han Feilu turned a deaf ear and continued: "In the story I just told, Deng Lanlan died and Deng Mengmeng was still alive. In order to create the illusion that Deng Mengmeng was dead, you pulled out two of her fingernails, so you injured her.

You tried so hard to make us believe that Deng Mengmeng was dead and that the murderer was Hu Xingjie. Only in this way can you keep Deng Mengmeng alive and fair.

If we want to expose your lies, we can only prove that Deng Mengmeng is still alive. This is very simple. As long as we check the DNA of your wife at this time, we will know who she is. All your lies will be in vain.

Broken. So you sent Deng Mengmeng abroad so that we can’t prove that Deng Mengmeng is still alive. Then the police’s charges against you will not be established, and it will be a matter of time before you regain your freedom.”

Jia Qing looked up at the ceiling and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "I'm not as optimistic as you said."

Han Feilu: "Although your plan is almost flawless, there is a flaw."

Jia Qing lowered her head and looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

Han Feilu stared at him with bright eyes: "The murder weapon, the real murder weapon, the weapon you used to kill Deng Jianrong and his wife."

When he mentioned the word "murder weapon", Jia Qing's nose shrank and his eye folds trembled. Han Feilu caught the slight fluctuation on his face and couldn't help but laugh: "You are scared. Could it be that you haven't had time to destroy it yet?"

The murder weapon?"

He guessed correctly, and Jia Qing's eyes sparkled.

After sitting for a long time, Han Feilu thought of moving around, so he got up and walked slowly in the small space of the interrogation room: "After you left the crime scene with the murder weapon, you need to return before Xue Jia discovers that you have not returned all night.

to the hotel, so you didn’t have time to deal with the murder weapon on the 6th. You would not throw away the murder weapon randomly. You were worried about being picked up and called the police, and you would not hide the murder weapon in the car and take it home because you knew how long after Deng Jianrong and his wife died.

The incident will happen within an hour, and the police will look for you as soon as possible. You don’t dare to take the risk of bringing the murder weapon to see us, so you will hide the murder weapon in a hidden, fixed place that is not easily discovered, and wait until the news subsides.

Go deal with it. But we have been keeping a close eye on you recently, and you don’t dare to go to the place where the murder weapon is hidden if you don’t find a chance—"

As he spoke, he suddenly stopped and remembered what Xue Jia had just said; Xue Jia said that Jia Qing had just taken a shower when she woke her up. Jia Qing took a shower after returning to the hotel to take off her bloody clothes and wash away the blood. So that morning

, after Jia Qing returned to the hotel, did he just take a shower?

Han Feilu turned to look at Jia Qing, his dark eyes reflecting a sharp cold light: "You hid the murder weapon in the hotel room."

Jia Qing held his breath for a long time. Hearing this, he gasped for breath, as if he was drowning.

Han Feilu raised the corners of his lips, took out his cell phone and dialed Gu Hai's number, saying, "Take someone to the hotel above the KTV to find the murder weapon, and search the bathroom carefully."

After hanging up the phone, Han Feilu returned to face Jia Qing, put his hands on the table and bent down to look at him: "You hid the murder weapon in the exhaust window above the bathroom, right?"

Jia Qing's spine seemed to have been removed, and his back collapsed weakly. He lowered his head and shed a few tears.

Han Feilu: "You know what it means when we find the murder weapon. As long as you are convicted, it is not impossible to apply for international assistance to track down Deng Mengmeng in the name of a major criminal case. You will continue to resist -"

Jia Qing suddenly raised his head and stared at him fiercely: "Yes, I killed Deng Jianrong and Zhang Hui. As for what you said about Deng Mengmeng being alive and dead, it was my wife who died. You are talking nonsense!"

Han Feilu looked at him coldly for a long time and said, "I understand."

Jia Qing: "You don't know! You don't understand anything!"

Jia Qing said he didn't understand, but in fact Han Feilu already understood. It was precisely because he understood the cause and effect of the entire case that he felt even more sad: "Deng Lanlan died, but there was no murderer. She died in her own hands. No matter it was

Whether Deng Mengmeng faked her death, framed Hu Xingjie, or killed Deng Jianrong and Zhang Hui, all events were planned by Deng Lanlan."

This chapter has been completed!
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