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Chapter 27: Wen Jie

There is a well-known scenic spot on the outskirts of Yucheng, called Fangcao Lake. Pan Shaojie opened a resort hotel in Fangcao Lake, facing the lake, backed by green mountains, and surrounded by flower fields. It has a unique geographical location and is a summer resort. However,

Mid-May is not a hot summer season, and it is also the off-season for travel, so the hotel business is also in the off-season.

The door of room No. 8012 was wide open, and several surveyors were taking photos, surveying, and searching for physical evidence in the living room. Han Feilu stood at the door of the bedroom and saw a body lying face down on the carpet in the bedroom, with the back of his head smashed.

, fragments of the plaster statue were scattered around, and his head was lying in a pool of blood. He was the hotel owner Pan Shaojie. He was found dead in Suite No. 8012 an hour ago. The cause of death was that the plaster statue smashed the occipital bone in the back of his head.

At this time, two forensic doctors were surrounding Pan Shaojie's body, and several investigators were taking photos, collecting evidence, and searching for traces of objects in the room. Han Feilu raised his wrist to look at the time. It was now 8:03 pm. Pan Shaojie's body was found at 7

At 12:00, the criminal investigation team dispatched the police after receiving the police report. It took about an hour of driving from the city to the hotel.

"What's the date today?" he asked the busy police officers.

Policewoman Xiao Zhao was removing the fingerprint film on the door handle and answered very quickly: "No. 21."

Pan Shaojie died on May 21, just seven days after Cai Minmin's murder. It is difficult not to suspect that the two murders are involved.

Han Feilu asked a policeman for gloves and foot covers, put them on and walked into the bedroom. He stood next to Pan Shaojie's body and asked, "How long has he been dead?"

The forensic doctor said: "The rectal temperature of the corpse was 34 degrees, the corpse spots were in the accumulation stage, the color recovery time was 27 seconds, and rigor mortis appeared in the mandible. The time after death was 3 to 4 hours, and the time of death was between 4 and 5 noon.


Han Feilu picked up a fragment of plaster, then looked up at a shelf erected next to the entrance. It was filled with various ornaments, including glass products, ceramic products, and plaster products. Except for the fourth row of windows on the right

The top is empty, and the other panes are filled with ornaments.

Han Feilu walked to the shelf and touched the empty window pane. There were a few plaster fragments on his gloves. It seemed that this was where the murder weapon had been placed. Could it be that the murderer did not prepare the murder weapon in advance?

Instead of using local materials? So how can the murderer be sure that he will find a murder weapon in the room with a weight and hardness that meets the requirements? If the murderer really uses local materials to kill, then he must be very familiar with the interior furnishings of the room.

There is a floor-to-ceiling window in the living room facing south, and outside the floor-to-ceiling window is a balcony. Han Feilu walked over and stood at the window to look outside. Through the light, he saw the quiet lake in the distance. He wanted to go to the balcony, but the two floor-to-ceiling windows were closed.

The lock requires a key to open. He went back to the bedroom. The bedroom also had a floor-to-ceiling window facing south, but there was no balcony extending out of the floor-to-ceiling window, and it was sealed. The same was true for the bathroom, the window was sealed and could not be opened. The whole thing

Only the living room window can be opened in a suite, provided it is not locked.

After seeing the layout of room 8012, Han Feilu walked out of the room and stood in the corridor. He found that there were only three rooms on this floor, namely 8011, 8012, and 8013 from east to west. The entire corridor was in the shape of an "L". No. 8012 and

No. 8013 is side by side, with a distance of four or five meters between the two doors. Room 8011 is located due east, and you need to turn at a right angle to the east of the corridor to see room 8013.

Han Feilu walked forward along the corridor, walked to the corner, raised his head, and saw a camera above his head. This camera was installed on the curved wall. The wall on the left side of the corridor was designed into a smooth arc, and

Compared with ordinary vertical corners, there are fewer wall obstructions, which increases the monitoring field of view. It is probably because of this that the hotel installed the camera here. The red light under the camera is on, indicating that the camera is always in working condition.

The door of room No. 8013 was ajar. Han Feilu opened the door and walked in. He saw a cleaning truck parked in the living room, and the sheets and quilts torn from the bed were also thrown on the floor. There was also a shelf beside the entrance.

It is filled with various ornaments. The ornaments placed in each window pane are the same as those in Room 8012. The only difference is that there is an extra plaster statue in the fourth row of windows on the right. The plaster statue in Room 8012 has been

It was stained with blood and shattered into several pieces, turning into a murder weapon. He walked inside and checked the floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room. The floor-to-ceiling windows were also locked, and the windows in the bedroom and bathroom were also sealed. The layout and display of the room were exactly the same as Room 8012.


He walked back from room 8012, stopped in front of the door of room 8013, and tried to push the door, but it was locked. The phone rang, and Gu Hai called: "Team Han, lobby on the first floor."

Han Feilu hung up the call and took the elevator downstairs. The elevator door opened on the first floor. He came out of the elevator and saw forty or fifty people sitting scattered in the lobby on the first floor. Uniformed staff sat on the west side.

, the guests sat on the east side. Gu Hai and two plainclothes men stood between the two groups of people like a barrier.

In just a few steps, Han Feilu's eyes scanned everyone one by one. Gu Hai handed him a list: "This is the list of all guests today, including the five people who have checked out."

Han Feilu: "Are there any people living in 8012 and 8013?"

Gu Hai: "No one has checked in at 8013 for the past two days. Someone has stayed at 8012 and checked out 4 hours ago. It's him."

He pointed to the name 'Li Wenjie'. When Han Feilu saw the name, he felt a little familiar. He seemed to have heard it somewhere, but he had never seen this person before. "Bring out the identity information of this Li Wenjie."

He handed the list to Gu Hai and asked, "Who is the person in charge?"

Gu Hai waved to the group of staff, and a middle-aged woman in uniform walked over. Gu Hai said: "She is the manager, her name is Liu Yazhi. She is usually responsible for direct contact with Pan Shaojie."

There were many empty sofas in the lobby. Han Feilu picked the nearest sofa and sat down, saying: "Please sit down."

Liu Yazhi sat opposite him, looking nervous. Han Feilu asked straight to the point: "Are you going to receive Pan Shaojie when he comes?"

Liu Yazhi: "Yes, Mr. Pan will ask his secretary to notify me in advance when he comes, and I will prepare the accounts."

Han Feilu: "When did Pan Shaojie come this time?"

Liu Yazhi: "He came yesterday. Today is his second day staying in the hotel."

Han Feilu: "Himself?"

Liu Yazhi: "Yes. He said he came here just to relax, and he didn't bring an accountant to check the accounts or organize a meeting for us."

Han Feilu: "When did he come yesterday? Who did he meet in the past two days? What did he do? Tell them all carefully and clearly."

Liu Yazhi did not dare to neglect, straightened her back, took a deep breath, and said: "Mr. Pan arrived at around 12 noon yesterday. I originally wanted to check the accounts, but I had all the information ready. When Mr. Pan arrived, he said he would not check the accounts.

Then Mr. Pan asked me to clean up room 8012. He stayed in the room by himself all morning, and I personally brought him a meal. In the afternoon, he went out to the swimming pool for a while, and then went to the lake.

I came back right away and didn’t go out until the next day after going back to my room.”

Han Feilu: "Please stop for a moment. Pan Shaojie decided to live in Room 8012 on his own?"

Liu Yazhi: "Yes, because that suite has the best view and is quiet, Mr. Pan always stays in room 8012 every time he comes over. So unless it is the peak booking season, I usually leave room 8012 empty, leaving Mr. Pan to come and stay at any time."

Han Feilu: "I just went to room 8012 to see why the floor-to-ceiling windows are locked?"

Liu Yazhi: "Oh, that's because a pair of parents brought their children to stay last week. The child opened the floor-to-ceiling windows and ran to the balcony, almost falling off the balcony. The children's parents complained to us, saying that our balcony guardrail was too wide and the child could get through.

So in the past few days, we have locked the floor-to-ceiling windows and replaced all the balcony guardrails before opening them."

Han Feilu: “Are the floor-to-ceiling windows in all hotel rooms locked?”

Liu Yazhi: "Yes."

Han Feilu: "Who keeps the key?"

Liu Yazhi: "As long as the room manager has the key, no one else does."

In this way, 8012 has no other entrances and exits except the main entrance, which is equivalent to a secret room.

Han Feilu: "Keep talking."

Liu Yazhi: "I just mentioned that Mr. Pan stays in 8012 every time he comes here, right? The next day, Mr. Pan called two people from the real estate company and a female secretary who seemed to be some kind of boss. Mr. Pan entertained them in the banquet hall.

After having a meal and playing tennis for a while, those people left. Then the boss went back to the room and never came out again. Until...until I went up to give him dessert, and after ringing the doorbell for a long time, no one opened the door.

, I felt something was wrong, so I asked the foreman to come over with the room card and open the door, and then I saw Mr. Pan—"

Having said this, Liu Yazhi shuddered and hugged her arms with lingering fear.

Han Feilu: "Who did he call?"

Liu Yazhi: "I don't know what their names are. One of them is a tall and handsome man whose surname is Shao, the female secretary's surname is Zhang, and there is another one whose surname I can't remember."

Although the identities of these three people are currently unclear, Han Feilu has already guessed Pan Shaojie's motive for inviting them here: most likely to sell the land in Sanding Building.

Han Feilu: "They left before Pan Shaojie returned to his room?"

Liu Yazhi: "One of them was the one named Shao. He played tennis with Mr. Pan for a while and got sweaty. Mr. Pan took him back to the room and asked him to take a shower. He left after taking a shower."

Han Feilu: "Are you sure Pan Shaojie was still alive when he left?"

Liu Yazhi: "I'm sure."

Han Feilu: "Why are you so sure? Were you also in Pan Shaojie's room at that time?"

Liu Yazhi pointed at Gu Hai and said, "This is what the police officer said."

Han Feilu turned to look at Gu Hai: "What's going on?"

Gu Hai said: "The surveillance video captured it." He then made a call, "Xue Cheng, bring the computer over."

Mu Xuecheng had been staying in the security room copying the surveillance video. After receiving Gu Hai's call, she went straight to the lobby, sat down next to Han Feilu, put the computer on the table, and said: "Boss, I will transfer yesterday and today to Pan Shaojie."

All the footage captured by the camera has been edited. On the first day, he did nothing but swim and walk. On the second day, he called three people, ate and played with them, and wandered around the hotel. I have already edited the photos of those three people.

I sent it to Sissi, and I can check their information soon."

This girl is a bit aggressive. She only puts the computer in front of her and leans forward, covering most of the screen with her head. Han Feilu can't see anything. He pushes Mu Xuecheng's head away and turns the computer towards him.

, said: "The corridor on the 8th floor, fast forward directly to four hours ago."

Mu Xuecheng: "Okay, here, look."

There is only one camera hanging on the curved wall in the corridor on the 8th floor, which can completely capture No. 8012 and 8013. Since the camera is tilted towards the west, only the upper half of the door of Room 8011 is in the picture.

At 14:13 noon, the camera captured Pan Shaojie and a tall man coming out of the elevator. The two entered room 8012 one after the other. Ten minutes later, Pan Shaojie came out of the room and took the elevator to the fifth floor.

Minutes later, Pan Shaojie took the elevator back to the 8th floor. When he appeared again at the 8th floor corridor for surveillance, he had a black handbag in his hand. He opened the door with the key card and entered 8012. At 14:43, the door was opened again.

The man Pan Shaojie entered the room came out with wet hair, as if he had just taken a shower. He shook hands with Pan Shaojie, and then took the elevator downstairs. Pan Shaojie did not go out, he just stood in the entrance and shook hands with the man, and the camera was not in front of him.

Due to the angle restriction at the entrance of 8012, only one arm and half of Pan Shaojie's shoulder were captured by the camera at this time.

Han Feilu pressed the pause button and stared at the video thoughtfully, with a hidden fire in his eyes.

Gu Hai saw his doubts and said: "This person who did not show up is indeed Pan Shaojie. Look at the back of his hand. There is a black snowflake-shaped tattoo on it, which is consistent with the tattoo on the back of Pan Shaojie's hand."

There is indeed a snowflake-shaped tattoo on the back of Pan Shaojie's right hand. Han Feilu noticed it when he first met Pan Shaojie at the Public Security Bureau. He also saw the tattoo on the back of Pan Shaojie's right hand at the crime scene just now.

After solving this doubt, Han Feilu continued to look down. When the time reached 15:13, the door of room 8011 suddenly opened. A man wearing a peaked cap walked into the surveillance area. He stood in front of the door of room 8012 and looked around slightly.

He looked around, then knocked on the door and tried to turn the door handle. The door was unlocked and opened, and he quickly walked into 8012.

At 15:15, the door opened again, and the man just now came out with a black handbag and trotted into the elevator. Han Feilu pressed pause again and pointed to the black handbag: "Is this what Pan Shaojie just said?

Take the handbag into the room?”

Gu Hai said: "The color and style are the same. There is no such bag in room 8012. The one he took away should be the one Pan Shaojie brought into the room just now."

Han Feilu called the female manager Liu Yazhi to him: "Did Pan Shaojie bring this bag when he came to the hotel?"

Liu Yazhi said: "Mr. Pan brought the bag himself, but the money in it——"

She realized that she had said the wrong thing and suddenly fell silent, with a hidden look on her face.

Han Feilu started watching the video from the beginning again. Hearing her vague words, he stared at her and said, "I'll give you a chance to say it again. If you don't explain it clearly again, come back to the police station with me and explain it slowly."

Liu Yazhi: "Mr. Pan asked him to give him 300,000 yuan in cash and put it in the bag. I didn't dare to agree at first, for fear that something would be wrong when I checked the accounts later, but Mr. Pan was anxious to ask for it, so I discussed with the accountant and moved it first.

Give him three hundred thousand."

Han Feilu keenly captured a word that appeared too frequently: "Why do you always ask for audits? Are you afraid of audits?"

Liu Yazhi said hurriedly: "No, something happened at our hotel headquarters a few days ago. The accountant used fake contracts and invoices to secretly put more than three million into the basic account of a leather bag company, and then ran away with the money. This happened

After that, all stores began internal self-examination, supplementing procedures according to the financial system, checking cash flow, etc. At this juncture, how dare I embezzle money for Mr. Pan without authorization."

This was the first time Han Feilu heard about this matter. He raised his eyes and looked at Gu Hai. Gu Hai shook his head and said that he had just learned about it.

Han Feilu asked again: "The accountant at your headquarters took away the money and ran away?"

Liu Yazhi: "Yes, I haven't found it yet."

Han Feilu: "Didn't you call the police?"

Liu Yazhi: "I should report it."

Han Feilu: "It's just a fart report. If Pan Shaojie calls the police, why don't I know? What's the name of the accountant?"

Liu Yazhi: "The surname is Dou. We all call him Accountant Dou. I don't know what his full name is."

Han Feilu told Gu Hai: "Go back and check on this person named Dou in a while."

Gu Hai: "Yes."

Han Feilu watched the video again and pointed at the man walking out of Pan Shaojie's room with a bag: "Is he Li Wenjie?"

Mu Xuecheng: "Room 8011 was booked on the app, and the identity information reserved was for a person named Li Wenjie. I pulled up his information, and after comparing it with the profile of the portrait in the video, I can basically confirm it.

It’s Li Wenjie himself.”

Li Wenjie's detailed information appeared on the screen, and in the upper right corner was a clear ID photo. When Han Feilu saw the person's frontal photo, he immediately remembered where he had seen this person before and asked in surprise: "Is it him?"

No wonder Li Wenjie's name looked familiar to him when he saw it just now. On May 17, the day Cai Minmin's body was found, he and Gu Hai went to visit the heaven and earth. Not only did they meet the future suspect Feng Danian that day, he also left a weak bartender.

I have the impression that the young bartender is Li Wenjie!

Now it seems that the case is very transparent. Li Wenjie was the last person to enter Pan Shaojie's room and took a bag containing 300,000 in cash from Pan Shaojie's room. All existing suspects point to him. He is the only one who killed Pan Shaojie.

of suspects.

Han Feilu: "Is there surveillance in the parking lot?"

Mu Xuecheng: "Yes, but several cameras in the parking lot are broken and there are many blind spots. Only the exit video captured Li Wenjie's car. He drove a black Tiggo with local license plate number 8721 and left the hotel at 15:20

, the camera at the hotel door captured him getting on the provincial road."

Han Feilu: "Provincial highway? He probably wants to go out of town. Quickly check the surveillance along the road and find this car. Have you found the information of the three people who met Pan Shaojie at noon today?"

Mu Xuecheng: "We found out that these three people are Shao Yang and Lu Siwei, employees of Ronghe Real Estate, and Su Meiyun, the secretary of Liao Yuntao, the vice president of Huacheng Electronics."

It was the real estate company and Liao Yuntao again. They saw that Pan Shaojie had come to these three people to sell the land in Sanding Building. Han Feilu said: "Call all three of them back to the unit for questioning. Dahai, go up and take a look.

, after seeing the scene almost, they took the body away and closed the team."

Gu Hai took the two people upstairs, while Han Feilu took the female managers Liu Yazhi and Mu Xuecheng to the parking lot. The parking lot was on the first floor below, and most of the parking spaces were empty. Han Feilu walked along the wall in the empty parking lot.

After walking around the parking lot, I saw a stairwell in the southeast corner where mops, buckets and other items were piled up. It looked like no one had walked through the stairwell for a long time. There were sundries on the bottom step and hanging on the side in the corner.

My camera has also been broken for a long time. It seems that it was not repaired halfway through. The lens cover was pried open and several wires came out.

Han Feilu asked: "Is the camera broken?"

Liu Yazhi said: "Yes, it can't be repaired. I want to replace it with a new one, but the new one has never been replaced."

Han Feilu has seen many business places fail to repair cameras in time, and now there is a lack of monitoring of a murder case because the person in charge did not pay attention. Han Feilu said sincerely: "A hotel as big as yours can't even afford to replace the cameras?

Look how many things have been missed for us now."

Liu Yazhi repeatedly said: "I will change it immediately, I will change it immediately."

Mu Xuecheng held the computer and turned around like a radar with poor signal. Han Feilu grabbed her and said, "Have you eaten the top?"

Mu Xuecheng: "I'm looking for where Li Wenjie parked his car, there, there, there!"

Walking to the other side of the parking lot, Han Feilu discovered that there were two stairwells. The parking space directly opposite the west stairwell was where Li Wenjie parked his car. At this time, the parking space was already empty. Han Feilu stood on the parking space and looked left and right.

, I only saw the broken camera next to the stairwell on the east side. Only that camera could take pictures of the parking space parked in the back, but the camera was already broken.

Han Feilu asked: "How did you know Li Wenjie's car was parked here without the camera capturing it?"

Mu Xuecheng kept holding her computer. She called up the parking lot surveillance video she had just copied and said: "Although there is no camera that directly captured Li Wenjie's car, the camera opposite the parking space near the exit of the parking lot captured Li Wenjie's car.

He drove directly from the parking space, turned left within the surveillance area, and then drove out of the parking lot. This meant that Li Wenjie's car was very close to the exit. He could drive out of the parking lot by turning a corner after driving out of the parking space, so he could only drive out of the parking lot.

The car is parked here."

Han Feilu thought about it and realized that it made sense. He stood at the place where Li Wenjie parked his car and looked around at the ground, and found a bunch of car keys in front of the structural pillar. He picked up the car keys and saw the Audi logo.

, he pressed the unlock button, and a black Audi standing two parking spaces away flashed its rearview lights. Han Feilu walked over and stood next to the rear of the car and said, "Is this Pan Shaojie's car?"

Liu Yazhi said: "Yes, this is Mr. Pan's car."

Why did Pan Shaojie's car keys appear in Li Wenjie's parking space?

Mu Xuecheng came over and said, "Could it be that Li Wenjie accidentally brought him out of Pan Shaojie's room?"

Han Feilu opened the car door and checked whether there were any suspicious items inside the vehicle. When he was checking the car, Mu Xuecheng said: "Team Han, I just copied the video and found that between 2:00 and 4:30 noon on May 20th, Mu Xuecheng said

, the surveillance in the corridor on the 8th floor has been turned off."

Han Feilu was checking the back seat. Hearing this, he got out of the car, closed the door with a bang, and asked Liu Yazhi: "What's going on?"

Liu Yazhi hesitated and said: "It was Mr. Pan who asked me to pass."

Seeing that she was still covering up, Han Feilu was instantly furious: "I asked you what's going on!"

Liu Yazhi didn't dare to hide it anymore, so she went all out: "Every time Mr. Pan comes over, he asks foreman Zhang to accompany him, and asks the security guard to turn off the corridor surveillance in advance to prevent the video from leaking out."

Han Feilu: "Which foreman Zhang?"

Liu Yazhi: "Housekeeper Zhang Liwei."

Han Feilu couldn't hide his anger and said to Mu Xuecheng: "Go find Zhang Liwei." Then he looked at Zhang Yazhi, "I found that there are many people like you who are clever enough to hide some disgraceful things. Do you think you are helping?

Pan Shaojie or Zhang Liwei? If it is finally found that Zhang Liwei is related to Pan Shaojie's death, will you continue to help her hide it? You, an adult, can't tell which is more important, the loyalty of friends or the life of a lawsuit? What if my people didn't discover it in time just now?

, your deliberate concealment slowed down the progress of our investigation or misled the direction of our investigation. Do you know that you need to bear criminal responsibility?"

Liu Yazhi's face turned red and she did not dare to speak.

Han Feilu stopped paying attention to her and angrily came out of the parking lot and walked to the hotel door in the night. Several police cars had already turned on their lights. Gu Hai and others were loading Pan Shaojie's body into the investigation vehicle. The forensic doctor and

Plainclothes police officers gradually withdrew from the hotel.

Mu Xuecheng came out with a tall, young and beautiful woman and said: "Boss, she is Zhang Liwei."

Han Feilu was directing a police car to turn around, without looking at her: "Take her back."

Zhang Liwei said anxiously: "Officer, please listen to my explanation, I -"

Mu Xuecheng pulled her away with a wink, "You should come back to the Public Security Bureau with us. He was annoyed by your manager just now, and now he doesn't want to listen to anything you say."

This chapter has been completed!
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