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Chapter 29: Tolerance

Han Feilu: "Then you will be happy slowly. How much did it cost to buy clothes? I will transfer the money to you."

Zhou Song: "This is an apology, how can I accept your money?"

Han Feilu: "What apology?"

Zhou Song glanced at him, then turned to look out the window, with a deeper smile on his face.

Han Feilu understood and said with a smile: "A slap in the face and a set of clothes. My face is quite valuable."

There was a knock on the door, and Han Feilu said loudly: "Come in."

Mu Xuecheng opened the door and walked in: "Boss, this is Zhang Liwei's transcript. It has been verified and signed by her. Should I let him go? Oops, have you changed your style?"

Han Feilu took the document in her hand and said, "How can we release people and keep them for lunch after we have finished taking notes?"

Mu Xuecheng looked at him with bright eyes: "You look very handsome in clothes like this. You should always wear them like this. Just think of it as a benefit to us lesbians."

Han Feilu immediately chased the person away: "Close the door for me, thank you."

Mu Xuecheng walked out: "Then I will let go of the few people I brought back from the hotel."

After the door closed, Zhou Song asked: "Who is Zhang Liwei?"

Han Feilu opened the transcript and said while reading: "The hotel's room manager has an unusual relationship with Pan Shaojie."

Zhou Song: "I want to know about Pan Shaojie's case."

Han Feilu closed the transcript and put it aside, saying, "You ask, I'll tell you what I can."

Zhou Song asked about the whole story of Pan Shaojie's case.

Han Feilu connected the information currently available into a complete timeline and briefly described the incident: "At around 11 o'clock in the morning on May 20, Pan Shaojie came to Fangcao Lake Resort Hotel alone. According to the hotel manager, at noon

At around 1 o'clock, he called the guest room supervisor to accompany him in the room, this person named Zhang Liwei. For this reason, he also specially turned off the corridor monitoring. Zhang Liwei came out of his room at 4:30 noon, and the monitoring recovery time was 4:53.

At night, Pan Shaojie came out of the room, went to the swimming pool to swim, and walked to the lake for a while, and then came back to the room to sleep. The next day, on the 21st, Pan Shaojie called three people to the hotel. These three people were Rong Rong.

They signed a land sale agreement with real estate employees Shao Yang, Lu Siwei, and Su Meiyun, the secretary of Huacheng Electronics Vice President Liao Yuntao. They signed a land sale agreement in the hotel. Lu Siwei and Su Meiyun left after signing the contract, and Shao Yang was left behind by Pan Shaojie to beat him.

We played tennis for a while and talked about the follow-up process of selling the land. At 2:10 noon, Shao Yang followed Pan Shaojie back to Pan Shaojie’s room to take a shower. After taking a shower, he left at 2:43. Shao Yang took a shower in Pan Shaojie’s room.

During this period, Pan Shaojie went downstairs to get something, which was a handbag containing 300,000 yuan in cash. After Shao Yang left, at 3:10, a man came out of the room next to Pan Shaojie, and the man slipped into Pan Shaojie's room.

Two minutes later, he came out with the handbag containing 300,000 yuan in cash, took the elevator to the parking lot on the first floor, and drove away. At around 7 p.m., hotel employees discovered Pan Shaojie's body and called the police."

Zhou Song: "It sounds like the person who took the handbag from Pan Shaojie's room is very suspicious. Have you found out his identity?"

Han Feilu: "I found it out. He is the bartender in heaven and earth, his name is Li Wenjie. After he came out of the hotel, he got on the provincial road. He probably wanted to go out of town. I have sent people to chase him. You and Pan Shaojie are friends,

I often go to his nightclub, do you recognize this bartender named Li Wenjie?"

Zhou Song recalled carefully: "There are three bartenders in the nightclub. I have met each of them, but I don't know which one is Li Wenjie."

Han Feilu found Li Wenjie's photo on his phone: "That's him."

Zhou Song saw the photo and recognized him instantly: "I remember him. Pan Shaojie held a birthday party at the nightclub on the 14th, and he was the bartender that night."

Han Feilu's eyes lit up: "He was there that night?"

Zhou Song: "Yes. And he is a staff member and cannot leave early, so he should stay until the end." He said with doubts on his face, "You just said that he took away a handbag containing 300,000 yuan in cash.

, this money was prepared by Pan Shaojie in advance. Perhaps Pan Shaojie prepared this money to give him, which is very much like... blackmail? "

Han Feilu: "If it's blackmail, then Li Wenjie must know something detrimental to Pan Shaojie. He attended the banquet on the 14th again. I guess he saw something that night and caught Pan Shaojie's hand.

This is blackmailing Pan Shaojie."

Zhou Song: "After all, we still can't get around the Sanding Building land. Pan Shaojie called Liao Yuntao that night to sell the land. Something must have happened that night, and these things were the trigger for a series of cases."

Han Feilu was so weak that he fell back and collapsed on the sofa: "Pan Shaojie and Liao Yuntao... what the hell did these two people do? Liao Yuntao is abroad now, and his assistant will answer his calls.

I can’t even ask any questions.”

Zhou Song said: "Speaking of Liao Yuntao, I met his wife yesterday. Do you only know that they are getting divorced?"

Han Feilu: "I don't know. Is it related to the case?"

Zhou Song said seriously: "Maybe it is true. Liao Yuntao has been divorced twice, and his current wife Qiu Yun is also divorcing him. Qiu Yun has a daughter who was born to her ex-husband. Her daughter is thirteen years old today. Two months ago

She was diagnosed with depression. She ran away from home last night to find a friend, who was also diagnosed with depression. The two of them usually communicated on mobile phones, but her friend had not contacted her for several days. She was suspicious.

Something happened to my friend, so I secretly ran to find her."

Han Feilu was a little confused: "What's the point?"

Zhou Songdao: "The point is that Qiu Yun's daughter's friend lives in Baiyanggou, named Cai Wen. If I remember correctly, Cai Minmin also lives in Baiyanggou, Cai Minmin and Cai Wen... these two people will

Does it matter?"

Han Feilu felt that Cai Wen's name was very familiar, so he took out a piece of information from the filing cabinet and sat down in front of Zhou Song, saying: "Cai Wen? I have definitely heard of her name. I investigated Cai Minmin's name two days ago.

Regarding family relations, she seems to have a cousin named Cai Wen, who is her uncle's daughter."

He acted very quickly and found Cai Wen's name among Cai Minmin's relatives, but there was only a name and date of birth, and no specific details. He immediately dialed the number of Cai Minmin's parents, but no one answered. He called Cai Wen directly.

I called my parents but couldn't get through.

He thought for a moment and asked, "Did you just say that Cai Wen suffers from depression?"

Zhou Song: "Yes, she and Qiu Yun's daughter met in the hospital."

Han Feilu picked up the car keys and walked out: "Go to the hospital."

Zhou Song should go with him as a matter of course. In the car, he called Qiu Yun and asked about the hospital where Jiajia was treated and the attending doctor. Qiu Yun said that she was accompanying Jiajia for a follow-up visit at the hospital. Zhou Song heard this and quickly asked her to stay in the hospital for a while, and then

She hung up the phone and said: "Qiu Yun and her daughter are in the psychiatric department on the 13th floor of the Shenwai Hospital."

Han Feilu speeded up and arrived at the hospital ten minutes later. He and Zhou Song arrived at the psychiatry department on the 13th floor. Zhou Song saw Qiu Yun in the waiting area in front of the nurse's desk, and walked over with Han Feilu, smiling.

: "We meet again, Director Qiu."

Jiajia has completed her follow-up consultation, and her condition has worsened. The doctor has increased the dosage of medication. Therefore, Qiu Yun was not in a high mood. She looked at Han Feilu and asked, "Who is this?"

Zhou Song said: "He is a policeman, here to help find Cai Wen."

Han Feilu said: "Hello."

Qiu Yun: "Hello."

Han Feilu looked at the girl in her arms and asked, "Is this your daughter?"

Qiu Yun said: "Yes, this is my daughter Jiajia."

Jiajia was lying in her mother's arms, wearing a black long-sleeved sweater and the hat that came with the sweater, her eyes lowered and her expression dull.

Han Feilu: "Are Cai Wen and Jiajia the same attending doctor?"

Qiu Yun: "Well, they are all Dr. Hu Lin."

Han Feilu asked her to sit here for a while, and when he came back he still had something to ask her, and then he and Zhou Song went to the psychiatric office to find Dr. Hu Lin. Dr. Hu Lin was in her thirties and had a neat hairstyle.

He had short hair and was eating lunch in the office when the police came to his door.

Han Feilu first identified himself and then asked her if she had a patient named Cai Wen.

Dr. Hu was quite impressed by Cai Wen and asked: "Is she the little girl who took her mother's surname?"

Han Feilu: "Are you talking about Cai Minmin?"

Dr. Hu: "I only know that her mother's surname is Cai, but I don't know if her name is Cai Minmin."

Han Feilu found Cai Minmin's photo from his phone and showed it to her: "Is it her?"

Dr. Hu: "Yes, yes, it's her. Because this mother is very young, I have a deeper impression."

Han Feilu said: "According to our investigation, Cai Minmin is not Cai Wen's mother, but Cai Wen's cousin. Why do you say Cai Minmin is Cai Wen's mother?"

Dr. Hu: "Ah? I don't know that. Cai Minmin said it herself. Cai Wen is her daughter who dropped out of high school."

Han Feilu pressed the question for the time being and asked her about Cai Wen's condition. Doctor Hu said: "The first time Cai Wen came here was in February. Her mental condition was very bad at that time. Cai Minmin said that she had been diagnosed in her hometown.

She suffered from depression, but her family didn't take her seriously and didn't treat her, so she took Cai Wen out of her hometown and left her in Yucheng for treatment."

Han Feilu: "When was the last time Cai Wen came here?"

Dr. Hu: "She came for follow-up consultation on the 1st of last month. She should come once a month, but she hasn't come this month. I was planning to call her mother to ask."

Zhou Song asked: "Is Cai Wen's depression serious?"

Dr. Hu: "It's quite serious. She suffered long-term bullying in her hometown school, and her left little finger was broken. Since last year, she has become silent and unwilling to go out. Cai Minmin said that she only goes out once a month.

, that’s the day when I come to the hospital for follow-up consultation.”

Zhou Song: "Do you know where Cai Wen lives?"

Dr. Hu: "Cai Minmin said that they rent a house in Baiyanggou City Village."

After leaving Dr. Hu's office, Zhou Song and Han Feilu stood in the quiet corridor. Zhou Song asked, "What do you think?"

Han Feilu said: "If Cai Wen is really Cai Minmin's daughter, then Cai Wen should have been adopted into Cai Minmin's uncle's house. Cai Minmin is 29 years old this year, and she was only 16 years old when she gave birth to Cai Wen. Not only does she not have the ability to raise a child, she is 16

Dropping out of school at the age of 18 will also have an impact on her future. In this case, adopting the child to relatives is her only choice."

Zhou Song said: "If Cai Wen and Cai Minmin live together, why didn't you find out?"

Han Feilu said: "As you just heard, Cai Wen doesn't want to go out. She only goes out once a month for follow-up consultation. She probably stays in the house rented by Cai Minmin all day long on weekdays. I called Cai Minmin's landlord.

The landlord didn't want Cai Minmin to find a roommate. Maybe Cai Minmin hid Cai Wen at home without telling the neighbors in order to avoid being evicted by the landlord." He sighed, "Hiding her here and there, until Cai Wen disappeared and no one was there.


Zhou Song: "Are you sure Cai Wen is missing?"

Han Feilu: "I went to Cai Minmin's house to see the scene. Apart from Cai Minmin's body, there was not even a ghost in the house."

As he spoke, he had dialed Mu Xuecheng's number and asked Mu Xuecheng to immediately search for Cai Wen's whereabouts. After speaking, he put away his phone and saw Zhou Song leaning against the white wall with his arms folded, smiling slightly.

He lowered his head, thinking deeply, and his thick, long black eyelashes fell down, casting a faint shadow.

He was very familiar with Zhou Song's expression, which was just a kind of indifference and helplessness that ignored all the sorrows in the world.

Han Feilu asked: "What are you thinking about?"

Zhou Song raised his head, his expression unchanged, but the shadows in his eyes had disappeared: "You should ask Qiu Yun why she divorced Liao Yuntao."

When Qiu Yun was asked about the reason for her divorce from Liao Yuntao, her kind face suddenly froze. She took her daughter to the elevator. Han Feilu chased her to the elevator and persuaded her to cooperate with the police. Qiu Yun was furious.

Angry, he shouted at Han Feilu with red eyes: "My divorce has nothing to do with you police! If you harass me again, I will report you!"

The elevator door opened, she led Jiajia into the elevator, immediately closed the elevator door and went downstairs.

Zhou Song opened the door of another elevator nearby, walked in with Han Feilu, pressed the button for the first floor, and said: "Her reaction is so unusual, it seems we have found the crux."

Walking out of the hospital building, Han Feilu caught up with Qiu Yun again and said, "Ms. Qiu, I know my question is a bit abrupt, but your husband Liao Yuntao is related to Cai Wen's disappearance. You need to cooperate with our investigation."

Qiu Yun hugged Jiajia tightly, covered Jiajia's ears with her hands, and still refused to let go: "Liao Yuntao's matter has nothing to do with me. If you have any questions, go ask him directly. Don't follow us anymore!"

Han Feilu took a look at Jiajia, who was being protected in her arms, and decided to take a strong dose of medicine: "Is it related to your daughter's illness?"

Qiu Yun stopped suddenly, turned around, and looked at him with eyes that wanted to kill Han Feilu: "Officer, don't anger a mother. She will do anything to protect her children!"

Han Feilu was shocked by her anger and stood there watching Qiu Yun and Jiajia walk quickly to the parking lot. Qiu Yun got in the car and backed the car out of the parking space, while Jiajia stood aside and waited.

A middle-aged man got out of the car. Jiajia stood between the two parking spaces. After the man got out of the car, he inevitably walked past her and accidentally touched her arm.

Jiajia turned around and saw him, suddenly screamed loudly, hugged her arms tightly and dodged back. Qiu Yun quickly got out of the car, held Jiajia in her arms, put her in the car, and drove away from the hospital.

Seeing this scene, Han Feilu understood something instantly. He turned back to look at Zhou Song. Zhou Song was standing not far behind him, showing the clear and helpless expression just now, with dark eyes.

There is a faint shadow, like a condescending inspection.

At a certain moment, Han Feilu suddenly felt that Zhou Song was unreal, not even like a living person, because no one could show tolerance and indifference to all the evils in the world like him. It seemed that

In his eyes, both good and evil are reasonable.

Zhou Song slowly walked towards Han Feilu, his eyes uninterested: "Your cell phone is ringing."

Han Feilu's cell phone had rang two or three times, and he didn't realize it until Zhou Song reminded him. He took out his cell phone, turned his back slightly and answered the call: "Hello?"

Gu Hai said: "We found Li Wenjie, but he was in a car accident and is already dead."

When Han Feilu heard this, he closed his eyes reflexively and sighed.

Gu Hai added: "But there is another person in his car who is being treated in the hospital."

Han Feilu: "Who?"

Gu Hai: "Pan Shaojie's secretary we went to see, Li Ran."

This chapter has been completed!
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