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Chapter Thirty-Nine: Want to Cover

On Saturday, Liang Xie called Zhou Song early in the morning and asked Zhou Song to spare time this morning and take him to play golf.

Zhou Song was in the cloakroom picking out the clothes he was going to change into later and said, "With whom? Or Mr. Wang from the Urban Construction Group?"

Liang Xie: "Yes, we didn't reach an agreement last time. Let's try to get him to sign the contract this time."

Zhou Song refused without even thinking: "I won't go, I have no talent for golf."

Liang Xie said: "It doesn't matter whether you fought well or not. What matters is that you were present and let him know the sincerity of our company."

Zhou Song is very self-aware: "Brother Ah Xie, please stop trying to trick me. People named Wang don't look down on me at all. You asked me to go with you just because you wanted to find a follower."

Liang Xie smiled and said: "What are you talking about? You are my future young master and you will be my follower? Be obedient and get ready quickly. I will pick you up later."

Zhou Song said, "I'm not going anyway. I have something to do today and am already outside."

Liang Xie: "I don't believe you have anything serious to do, other than going out drinking and clubbing with your friends."

Zhou Song: "I really have something serious to do. I want to assist the police in investigating the case."

Liang Xie: "Is it Han Feilu again? Why do you spend the whole day with him—"

Before Liang Xie could finish nagging, Zhou Song hung up the phone, took a shirt from the hanger and compared it with himself, picked out another pair of pants, changed his clothes and went out. He stood on the roadside outside the community gate.

After waiting for a car, after a while, a black SUV stopped in front of him. He opened the door and sat in the passenger seat and said, "Today is the weekend. Don't you police know what a legal holiday is?"

Wearing sunglasses, Han Feilu merged the car into the traffic flow and drove on the highway: "Our rest time depends on the situation and is not under the control of Ford Henry. Have you had breakfast? There is bread in the back seat."

It was past nine o'clock when Zhou Song opened his eyes. Naturally, he missed breakfast time and was indeed a little hungry now. He picked up a bag with a bakery logo printed on it from the back seat and opened it. There were three or four kinds of bread in it, and some

There is a bottle of freshly squeezed juice. Han Feilu has figured out his eating habits and knows that he prefers bread snacks to meals, especially sweet ones. Last time we had breakfast with him, I saw him adding more to the porridge.

I bought several spoons of sugar, so I bought him some bread.

Zhou Song picked a piece filled with chocolate sauce and asked, "Where are you going?" while eating it.

Han Feilu glanced at him and said with a smile: "Since you don't even know where I'm taking you, why don't you worry about me selling you? With your appearance, you will be in hot demand wherever you go."

Zhou Song picked out the good words from his nonsense: "Thank you, I also think I am in demand, marketable but priceless. Where on earth are I going?"

Han Feilu: "Go to Pan Shaojie's resort hotel and take a look at the scene."

Zhou Song was very relaxed in his car, adjusting his posture to lean into the back of the seat, eating bread and playing with his mobile phone, as comfortable as if he were traveling.

Han Feilu was not at all comfortable. His eyes hidden behind his sunglasses would drift to Zhou Song's face from time to time. He was a little absent-minded. There were many thoughts in his mind, but he couldn't find a complete thought. He was just minding his own business for no reason.

Troubled. He wanted to talk to Zhou Song about the bodies dug up by the police from the square, and also wanted to talk to Zhou Song about Lan Zhaolin in human skin. He had so many thoughts that he didn’t know how to speak. He thought Zhou Song was also very concerned.

But at this moment, Zhou Song seemed to have thrown Song Caiyun out of the sky. Song Caiyun, Lan Zhaolin and Lan Lan combined were not as important as the chocolate sandwich bread in his hand.

Han Feilu recalled what Lan Zhaolin said to him: If I were a monster, then who was Zhou Song who wanted to defeat the monster?

"Hey, Han Feilu? Han Feilu!"

He was so distracted that he didn't notice that there was a traffic jam in front of him. The car in front of him had stopped. He didn't slow down and was about to rear-end him. Zhou Song woke him up with a loud voice. He braked quickly and both of them were used to it.

He threw it forward forcefully.

Zhou Song's bread fell to the ground, and his chest was painfully strangled by the seat belt. He rubbed his chest and complained: "What are you thinking? You can't see such a big butt of the car in front!"

Han Feilu picked up the half-eaten bread and handed it to him: "Do you still want to eat?"

Zhou Song rubbed his chest and kept calming himself down: "You feed me like a dog?"

In fact, the bread was packed in a paper bag and was not dirty at all. Han Feilu looked around and thought it would be a waste to throw it away, so he stuffed the remaining half into his mouth and said: "There is still more in the bag, you can eat it"


Zhou Song was fussy about everything and didn't remember his good points at all. He opened the bag with a heavy hand and took out a croissant. He muttered: "It's my fault that I forgot to read the almanac when I went out today, so I got into your hearse."

Han Feilu knew that he almost got into an accident when he was distracted, so he turned a blind eye to Zhou Song's repeated meanness. However, Zhou Song was endless and didn't understand what is enough.

He only slept for less than 4 hours last night and was very tired. Firstly, he worked overtime until about three o'clock in the morning, and secondly, he was always thinking about Lan Zhaolin's verdict against Zhou Song. He lay straight in bed and thought about Zhou Song.

Song thought about it for more than an hour, and then he urged himself to sleep as the sky gradually became brighter. His worries all night could be said to be caused by Zhou Song, and he was troubled by Zhou Song. I saw Zhou Song today and wanted to talk to him.

, to solve the confusion, but he knew that this confusion was unsolvable, and speaking out would only make Zhou Song's disciples more dissatisfied. So he chose to resolve it slowly by himself, not wanting to exert a negative influence on Zhou Song.

But he was so worried about Zhou Song that Zhou Song not only didn't notice it at all, but complained endlessly about getting into his hearse. He got angry, took off his sunglasses and threw them on the driver's seat with a sigh, and drove past at a sudden speed.


As soon as he threw his sunglasses, Zhou Song knew that he was angry. In fact, Zhou Song was very good at observing words and situations, and he did whatever he wanted based on Han Feilu's tolerance for him. After spending these days with Han Feilu, he understood

He felt that Han Feilu's indulgence towards him seemed to have no bottom line, so he often let himself go to do whatever he wanted.

At this moment, Han Feilu lost his temper. His first reaction was not to reflect on himself, but to find the reason from Han Feilu. He knew the bottom line of Han Feilu's tolerance for him, and Han Feilu would never do it because of him.

There must be other reasons why he changed his face after complaining for a few words. But he is not good at putting himself in someone else's shoes. After thinking about it for a while, he couldn't figure out why Han Feilu was so crazy. But he knew that Han Feilu took soft things rather than hard ones.

If he shows kindness by showing weakness, he can use retreat to make progress.

Zhou Song secretly glanced at him a few times, scrolled through his phone for a while, and suddenly said: "This cat looks really white, exactly like Baoyu. I'll send it to you for a look."

Han Feilu said nothing and kept a straight face. He could make a lot of children cry when he stood in front of others.

Zhou Song stretched out his melon seeds to fiddle with a long string of beads hanging from the roof of the car, and said, "Han Feilu, what are these beads made of? Why are they blue? Are they stones?"

While he was talking, he glanced at Han Feilu out of the corner of his eye, and sure enough, he saw that his expression softened slightly. He smiled secretly in his heart and thought: I knew you were going to do this. He kept up his efforts and was so energetic that he had nothing to say.

"Han Feilu, when did you buy this car? It's been well maintained, so it cost a lot of money, right?"

"Huh? There's a new Huaiyang restaurant on this street. Let's try it some other time. I'll treat you."

"Look, look, there's a fight on the side of the road ahead. Drive slower, I want to watch the fight. Oh, it's all over now? It's really boring."

"Wow, the juice you bought is so delicious, fresh and sweet, please try it."

He inserted a straw into the bottle and handed it to Han Feilu's mouth. Han Feilu tilted his head and hid, but remained silent and sullen.

Zhou Song: "Try it, it's fresh. Han Feilu? Han Feilu Han Feilu Han Feilu Han Feilu -"

Han Feilu's heart was numb from his shouts. He knew that he had to go down this step, so he took a sip meaningfully and said: "Drink it yourself, don't hinder me from driving."

Zhou Song raised his eyebrows and showed a smile of success. He thought that Han Feilu was really easy to deal with. If his previous girlfriends had one-tenth of his ability, they would probably have cultivated themselves and had children.

It takes more than an hour to drive from the city bureau to the resort hotel. Han Feilu parked the car in the open-air parking lot outside the gate. As soon as Zhou Song got out of the car, he saw the vast blue lake. On the left bank were the rolling tea mountains and on the right bank were the gorgeous lakes.

Flower field. Take a deep breath and feel refreshed.

Han Feilu said: "We'll see the scenery another day, but we have to do business today."

The two of them walked towards the hotel door. Zhou Song asked, "What box did the cleaning lady who brought you back to the police station the day before yesterday leave behind?"

Han Feilu said: "She couldn't tell clearly, she just said it was red. But she took the suitcase and traveled with a group last year, and the travel agency took a photo of her. I asked someone to go home with her to look for that photo.

The photos are gone.”

Zhou Song said: "Is it worth spending so much time to find a box?"

The hotel was also temporarily closed, and the doorman who was supposed to be waiting at the gate was also put on leave. Han Feilu took two quick steps and pushed open the glass door, saying, "You'll find out if it's worth it or not."

Zhou Song walked in first and saw that the lobby on the first floor was empty. There were only a few uniformed staff sitting in the rest area, as if they were having a meeting. Liu Yazhi, the person in charge of the hotel, walked over quickly and asked: "Officer Han, are you here this time?"

Is something wrong?"

Han Feilu glanced at several other staff members and asked, "Where is Zhang Liwei?"

Liu Yazhi waved, and Zhang Liwei came over with a cautious look: "Are you looking for me?"

Han Feilu said: "We are going upstairs to take a look, you follow us."

The three of them walked into the elevator, and Zhang Liwei pressed the floor button for the 8th floor. Zhou Song had been paying attention to her every move. When she pressed the floor button, he saw the colorful manicure covered with sequins on her fingers, and then looked at her chest.

I saw the nameplate in front of me and asked: "Are you the foreman?"

After Pan Shaojie's death, her relationship with Pan Shaojie was also exposed. Not only was she questioned by the police, but she was also viewed differently by her colleagues. Therefore, she was now sensitive and embarrassed. She lowered her head and said, "Yes."

When they arrived on the eighth floor, they came out of the elevator and diagonally across from room 8012, the scene of the crime. Zhang Liwei opened the door for them with the key card, but she stood outside the door and did not go in.

Zhou Song walked in, looked at the room type, and found that it was a suite, divided into a living room and a bedroom. The bedroom door was open, but a cordon was drawn. He walked over and looked inside, and saw a pool of dried blood on the carpet.

Han Feilu: "Pan Shaojie died in the bedroom, his occipital bone was smashed by a sculpture."

Zhou Song returned to the living room and walked around: "What do you want me to see?"

Han Feilu: "We talked two days ago. Li Wenjie came to this hotel to get the hush money Pan Shaojie gave him, but I don't know what Li Wenjie saw on the night of the 14th, so Pan Shaojie gave him 300,000.

I have to find out why Pan Shaojie is willing to pay him 300,000 yuan."

Zhou Song stood at the window and looked outside, seeing the blue lake surrounded by flower fields and tea mountains: "Can you find the answer here?"

Han Feilu walked to him and looked outside: "Magnify all doubts and find clues from the details. This is my method."

Zhou Song: "There are still doubts about Pan Shaojie's death case? Aren't you sure that Li Wenjie killed him?"

After two clicks, Han Feilu knocked on the glass window several times and said: "Theoretically, Li Wenjie is the only suspect, and the murderer can only be Li Wenjie, because he was the only one who had been to Pan Shaojie's room beforehand, and he was the only one who had been to Pan Shaojie's room beforehand.

The fact that he escaped with 300,000 in cash is also very telling."

Zhou Song knew that there would be a turning point for him: "But?"

Han Feilu glanced at him and deliberately changed his words: "But. But he came with Li Ran. He hid Li Ran in the trunk and wanted to fly away with Li Ran. This was Li Ran's excuse. Because Li Wenjie

She happened to be in a car accident and died, so we have no way of verifying whether what Li Ran said was true or not."

Zhou Song: "You suspect that Li Ran is lying. She was not forced to come to the hotel, but came to the hotel on her own initiative. Are she and Li Wenjie an accomplice? She also wants the 300,000?"

Han Feilu said: "It doesn't make sense. If she wanted the three hundred thousand, she should have found a way to run away with the money after the car accident. But she stayed there waiting for rescue, more like waiting to be discovered by us."

Zhou Song crossed his arms and leaned against the glass window: "If she really came to the hotel voluntarily, since she was not seeking money, could she have killed herself?"

When he got to the point, Han Feilu asked: "Whose life do you think she killed?"

Zhou Song shrugged: "Obviously, it was Li Wenjie. She was the only one who survived the car accident, thanks to the fact that the car window was covered with tape in advance. Maybe this was a big gamble, and if she won, she could kill Li Wenjie.

, live alone.”

Han Feilu: "Why did she want to live alone? What was the motive for killing Li Wenjie?"

It turned out that after a big circle, he returned to Han Feilu's original question. Zhou Song suddenly realized: "Li Wenjie must have seen something that night. The person who wanted to kill him was not only Pan Shaojie, but also Li Ran?"

Han Feilu: "So, Li Ran and Pan Shaojie are on the same side."

Zhou Song: "If Li Ran really killed Li Wenjie, then Pan Shaojie's death was also strange. Don't you think Li Wenjie actually had no reason to kill Pan Shaojie?"

Han Feilu: "I also thought that if Li Wenjie was doing it for money, then he didn't actually have to kill anyone. If he killed someone, it was possible that Pan Shaojie wanted to kill him to silence him, but he killed him instead."

Zhou Song: "But you just said that Pan Shaojie was smashed on the back of his head. This was a sneak attack, which shows that the murderer killed him when he was unprepared. It does not seem that the murderer killed him in self-defense.


Li Wenjie's motive for killing and Pan Shaojie's method of death became inextricably linked again. Han Feilu suddenly felt a headache: "What do you think?"

Zhou Song didn't say anything, and walked slowly in front of the window, stopping as he walked, trying to open the window and go to the balcony, but the window was locked.

Han Feilu saw his intention: "The windows in all rooms are locked and can only be opened from the inside. All rooms have only one exit, the front door. Once the door is closed, the room becomes a secret room. Is it possible for you?

Do you suspect this is a secret room murder case?"

Zhou Song didn't answer, but dusted off the non-existent dust on his palms: "Go next door and have a look."

Room 8011 in the south was the room Li Wenjie stayed in on the day of the incident. Zhou Song went in and walked around, then came to the floor-to-ceiling window, leaned out and looked out, saying: "Look, the balconies outside are connected. You can pass through the balcony from

Going from room to room.”

Han Feilu had already noticed this: "The premise is that someone opens the window in the room. Not only does someone need to be in the room to respond in advance, but they also need to get the key that only the guest room foreman has. But based on the information we currently have,

This possibility is zero, because Pan Shaojie would not be stupid enough to leave a window for the murderer, and the corridor surveillance did not capture anyone except Li Wenjie leaving this room."

After Zhou Song heard this, he didn't comment and just said: "Go next door and have a look."

Adjacent to Room 8012 in the north is Room 8013, which is no different from the other rooms. Zhou Song was still standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window looking at the balcony outside. Han Feilu said: "This room was unoccupied on the day of the crime."

Check in. We also checked here after the incident and found no traces of human activity.”

This room was not the scene of a murder, so Zhang Liwei also followed in and made the bed as usual.

Zhou Song looked at her for a while and suddenly asked: "Director Zhang, do you have a universal key card for the guest room?"

Zhang Liwei stood up professionally, placed her hands neatly on her lower abdomen, and said, "Yes, I have a key card that is common to all guest rooms."

Zhou Song asked again: "Only you have it?"

Zhang Liwei: "There are also foremen on the other three floors, but their key cards can only open the rooms on the floors they are responsible for. My key card can open all guest rooms."

Zhou Song: "Do you usually carry the key card with you?"

Zhang Liwei: "Yes."

Zhou Song: "Let me ask you more directly. The day before Pan Shaojie's incident, you went to his room to accompany him. Did you have the key card with you?"

Zhang Liwei blushed in embarrassment and whispered: "I usually put the card in the inner pocket of my uniform jacket and carry it with me everywhere."

The answer was about to come out. Zhou Song stopped asking more directly, knocked on the floor-to-ceiling window glass, and asked again: "How to open the window?"

Zhang Liwei: "There is a special key."

Zhou Song: “Where is the key?”

Zhang Liwei: "In my lounge."

Zhou Song: "Have you always been put in the lounge?"

Zhang Liwei: "I usually keep it in the lounge and only take it with me when I need to lock the window."

Zhou Song: "Let me ask more directly, did you take the keys with you that day?"

The 'day' he was talking about was naturally the day when Pan Shaojie went to Pan Shaojie's room the day before. Zhou Song originally thought that Zhang Liwei would need to recall this detail for a long time, but Zhang Liwei said with certainty: "Yes, I took him with me at that time.

Hold the key."

Something flashed across Zhou Song's eyes, like a bird flapping its wings: "Why do you remember it so clearly?"

Zhang Liwei looked embarrassed again: "That day, Mr. Pan said he wanted to drink on the balcony and asked me to bring the key and open the window."

The smile on Zhou Song's face deepened, he turned his head and said meaningfully to Han Feilu: "Officer Han, you are careless."

Han Feilu almost couldn't hold back a curse word and asked Zhang Liwei: "That day at the Public Security Bureau, I asked you what you did in the room with Pan Shaojie. Why didn't you tell me? Did you want to hide it deliberately?"

Zhang Liwei said in a panic: "No, what I answered you at the time was that Mr. Pan and I drank some wine and then... took a rest."

Han Feilu: "You said you drank wine in the bathtub!"

Zhang Liwei: "Yes, it was originally in the bathtub. Later, Mr. Pan said that the air on the balcony was good, so we went to the balcony."

Han Feilu was even more furious: "Why didn't you make it clear at that time!"

Zhang Liwei was so frightened by him that she almost burst into tears: "I was too nervous at the time. I forgot about it when I was nervous. I really didn't mean not to say it."

At this point, it was useless for Han Feilu to stay angry. He asked her if she had concealed any details, and she said that she had not forgotten any details. But Zhou Song uncovered another blind spot and asked: "Director Zhang, were you sleeping in Pan Shaojie's room that day?"


Zhang Liwei: "I fell asleep. I slept for more than half an hour."

Zhou Song: "Exact time."

Zhang Liwei: "I woke up at 4:10 in the evening. I fell asleep between 3:30 and 4:10."

Zhou Song: "In other words, you fell asleep between 3:30 and 4:10, and you didn't know what Pan Shaojie did during this period."

Zhang Liwei: "Yes."

Zhou Song said with satisfaction: "That's enough, I've finished asking."

This chapter has been completed!
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