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Chapter 43: The Devil

Dark, damp, and cold. This was Zhou Song's first feeling after regaining consciousness. He could feel that he was lying on the uneven cement floor, and the back of his head that had been hit hard was almost pierced by sharp protrusions on the ground. He had a headache.

He was about to burst. He heard someone walking next to him, probably Shao Yang. He tried to move his hands and found that his hands were tied and there were ropes wrapped around his ankles.

Footsteps suddenly approached, and then someone squatted down beside him and asked, "Are you awake?"

Hearing Shao Yang's voice, Zhou Song was discouraged for a moment, then put his elbows on the ground and sat up, looking around: "What is this place?"

In fact, he could tell that this was an underground garage that had not yet been built. It was empty with only a few structural columns and cement boards and other inspection materials piled in the corners. A black Buick was parked not far away with its lights on. This was it.

The only light source in the parking lot. Zhou Song looked carefully at the license plate and found that it was not Shao Yang's car.

Shao Yang took out a butterfly knife from his pocket, cut the rope on his feet, and said: "This was originally the Lijing Garden Community. The developer ran away as soon as the building was built, and it became an unfinished building."

He raised his head and smiled at Zhou Song, "Fortunately I don't have money to buy a house, otherwise I would have become a refugee."

Although Shao Yang untied the rope around his feet, Zhou Song could only sit because he was so dizzy now. He sat with his back against the structural column for a while, and then he realized that there were two people sitting on the wall outside the light.

, because the high beams were on and the area outside the light was very dim, so their faces could not be seen clearly, but they could vaguely be identified as two women from their figures.

Zhou Song asked: "Who are they?"

Shao Yang said: "Feng Danian's wife and daughter."

Speaking of Feng Danian, Zhou Song immediately remembered that he recognized Feng Danian who passed by him that day near the hospital, so Han Feilu was able to arrest Feng Danian in time. Now it seems that both he and Han Feilu were trapped.

Feng Danian was arrested on purpose to cooperate with Li Ran's show. As for why he sacrificed himself, the reason is self-evident - his wife and children were in Shao Yang's hands.

Shao Yang opened the trunk of the car and pulled out the unconscious man with blood all over his head. The wallet in the man's pocket fell out and fell at Zhou Song's feet. Zhou Song saw the driver's license and

After checking his ID card, he found out that the man was the owner of the black Buick, named Wang Rui. It was obvious that Wang Rui was the unlucky guy who had his car taken away by Shao Yang. Shao Yang would not be stupid enough to escape in his own car, so he chose an escape route.

He opened a surveillance area, knocked out the driver, stole a car, and then came to the underground parking lot of this unfinished building. In this way, the police's search for him will encounter significant resistance, because no one knows what he was driving when he escaped.

What kind of car it is? The police need to spend a lot of time investigating.

"Aren't you going to surrender?" Zhou Song asked.

Shao Yang picked up Wang Rui's wallet and put it into his pocket, and asked, "Surrender yourself?"

Zhou Song said: "Han Feilu already knows what you have done. It is estimated that the streets are full of police cars now. You can't run out of Yucheng."

Shao Yang said: "You'd better pray that I can successfully escape from the city."

Zhou Song: "Why?"

Shao Yang: “Because I will kill you before the police catch me.”

Zhou Song was not afraid of his threat at all and said with a smile: "Even if you can escape, will you let me go?"

To his surprise, Shao Yang said: "Yes." Shao Yang took two steps forward and squatted in front of Zhou Song, "You are good to me. I have few friends, and you are one of them."

Zhou Song: "Since you consider me a friend, why did you let Lan Lan steal the buttons on my school uniform and frame me for killing Wei Chunhong?"

Shao Yang looked ashamed and said with a smile: "I can't help it. Back then, your reputation was so bad that almost everyone doubted you. If I had other choices, I wouldn't choose you."

Zhou Song didn't really care about the reason why Shao Yang framed him. He only cared about another thing: "Why did you kill Wei Chunhong?"

The smile on Shao Yang's lips froze. He sat down in front of Zhou Song and pretended to have a long conversation: "Remember she gave us pens?"

Zhou Song immediately understood: "She took back the pen she gave you?"

Shao Yang stared at him with a strange look: "Yes."

Zhou Song seemed to see him for the first time. He looked around his face carefully before asking: "Why?"

Shao Yang: "She thinks I cheated on the exam."

Zhou Song: "Oh, do you have one?"

Shao Yang: "No. If I did cheat, I wouldn't kill her."

Zhou Song did not know about this matter, and perhaps no other person besides Shao Yang and Wei Chunhong knew about it.

Zhou Song did not continue to ask "why". Wei Chunhong unjustly accused Shao Yang of cheating in the exam and took back Shao Yang's prize. This absurd motive for murder was not absurd to Shao Yang. It was precisely because he understood Shao Yang's motive for murder.

It's not absurd, so Zhou Song 'understood' him.

But Shao Yang said: "I hate it when you look at me like this. You seem to be saying to me: I tolerate you and I understand you."

Zhou Song: “I just don’t find it strange.”

Shao Yang: "That's right, you and I are from the same place. It's precisely because we are similar that I have always had a crush on you. But I don't understand why you would help the police? Aren't you digging your own grave?"

Zhou Song: "You mean Han Feilu? I'm not helping the police, I'm just helping Han Feilu."

Shao Yang frowned and his smile became even weirder: "You and Han Feilu? Your combination is really strange, like a cat and a mouse."

Zhou Song found it interesting: "He is a cat and I am a mouse?"

Shao Yang said: "No, you are a cat and he is a mouse."

Zhou Song was silent. Shao Yang really understood him, at least better than Han Feilu.

Shao Yang added: "As long as you want, you can eat him at any time."

Just as Shao Yang hated being seen through by him, he also hated being seen through by Shao Yang, so he deliberately said: "I can't, Han Feilu is my friend."

Shao Yang shook his head and laughed: "I see a sense of humor in you, the person who should not be naive is so naive."

Zhou Song's face froze.

Shao Yang took out an old but brand new mobile phone from his pocket and asked: "What is Han Feilu's mobile phone number? I saved it on my previous mobile phone, but I threw it away."

Zhou Song: "What do you want to do?"

Shao Yang: "Call him and ask him to rescue you. What is his cell phone number?"

Zhou Song's cell phone was also thrown away by Shao Yang. He thought he would not be able to recite Han Feilu's cell phone number, but after thinking about it for a moment, he remembered it. He read out Han Feilu's cell phone number, and Shao Yang dialed it.

Go, and while waiting for the call to be connected, he did not forget to clarify Zhou Song's doubts: "Don't worry, I installed anti-tracking facilities on my mobile phone, and the police can't locate the signal location."

After the call was connected, Han Feilu said: "Hello?"

Shao Yang turned on the speakerphone, and Zhou Song could hear the noisy background sound on the other side.

Shao Yang said: "Officer Han, it's me. You seem to be very busy. Did I disturb you?"

The sound of closing the car door came from the mobile phone. Han Feilu seemed to get into the car and said: "Don't talk nonsense, Zhou Song is in your hands?"

Shao Yang: "Not only Zhou Song, but Feng Danian's wife and children are also in my hands. There is also a poor guy whose car I robbed."

Han Feilu: "What do you want to do on the phone? Negotiate?"

Shao Yang smiled and said: "Yes, negotiation. Having so many people in my hands is a drag on me. I only need one hostage, and I will let go of the rest."

When Zhou Song heard this, he understood what Shao Yang wanted. Han Feilu seemed to have noticed it, so he remained silent.

Shao Yang: "Let's start negotiating now. Feng Danian's wife, children, and Zhou Song. I want to keep one of these three people as a hostage. Which one do you want me to keep?"

Han Feilu gritted his teeth and said: "Shao Yang, your strength has been exhausted. Open your eyes and see how many police cars and plainclothes there are on the street. The entire city's police force is searching for you alone. Unless you fly to the sky and escape, you can't escape."

Yucheng! If you know better and release all the hostages, then surrender, I’ll count on you——”

Shao Yang was impatient: "I let you make a choice, I didn't ask you to surrender. I'll give you one minute. If you don't give me a name within one minute, I'll kill that poor guy first."

Han Feilu said angrily: "Do you think we can't find you? We have already found out that you drove to the intersection of Lane 3 of Gulou Street, where you avoided surveillance and found a new car. It was only a matter of time before we found the license plate number!


Shao Yang suddenly stood up and walked towards Wang Rui, who was lying on the ground dying. He stepped on Wang Rui's palm with his right foot and pressed down with all his strength. The severe pain made Wang Rui regain some consciousness and wailed loudly.

Shao Yang: "Did you hear that? You still have ten seconds to make a choice, otherwise I will kill him." He raised his wrist and looked at the watch to count the seconds, "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4——


When he counted to three, Han Feilu said: "Zhou Song! Keep Zhou Song and let the others go!"

Shao Yang returned to Zhou Song and showed a victorious smile: "How was it?"

Han Feilu: "Who are you talking to? Is Zhou Song next to you? Let him say something. I want to know that he is okay!"

Shao Yang handed the phone to Zhou Song's mouth and said, "Tell him a word."

Zhou Song tilted his head back, closed his eyes as if tired, and said, "Just hang up."

Shao Yang hung up the phone and looked at Zhou Song's face with interest: "You had a chance to tell us our location just now, but you didn't say anything because you also wanted to know what he would choose. Now you know

, did the result disappoint you?"

Zhou Song closed his eyes, his face emotionless and emotionless. But Shao Yang knew that he must be feeling something. He wanted to know what Zhou Song was thinking, but Zhou Song was too calm and he couldn't see anything. If he knew Zhou Song's identity at this time,

Thought, he would regret angering Zhou Song.

Zhou Song seemed to have had enough rest. He opened his eyes with a dull expression: "Aren't you leaving? Han Feilu has already found out that you are changing cars, and you will find him here in less than half an hour."

Shao Yang helped him up and said, "Wait a moment, I'll go get the car."

Zhou Song thought Shao Yang would continue to drive the black Buick, but Shao Yang walked to the corner outside the light. He took a closer look and found a car parked in the corner. The car was covered with gray canvas. It seemed that it was already in the corner.

They stopped here for a long time. Shao Yang took off the canvas and drove the car over. It turned out to be a police car.

The rope on Zhou Song's hand was replaced with handcuffs, and he got into the back seat of the police car. Shao Yang drove the car out of the unfinished building and drove on a quiet road with few people.

Zhou Song asked: "Where did you get the police car?"

Shao Yang said: "As long as you are willing to spend money, you can get anything."

He had just changed his attire and put on a set of clothes that were kept in the police car. He also used a clipper to shave his hair into a square inch in the parking lot. At this time, his image changed drastically, and even Zhou Song looked at him very badly.

He was so unfamiliar that the police probably wouldn't be able to recognize him at a glance even if they took the photo.

What Han Feilu said is true. The police have implemented a round-up operation against Shao Yang and mobilized a large number of police forces. Police cars passed by the intersection from time to time, and the two traffic policemen in front were intercepting every suspicious vehicle. Their police cars drove slowly.

Toward the intersection, Shao Yang threw a black hood into the back seat and said, "Put it on."

Zhou Songdao: "Do you think I will be stupid enough to call the traffic police for help? Even if they can find out that you are a wanted criminal, you still have to take me to escape. If you are caught by the police, you will still kill me before being caught. So you

Don't worry, I won't do anything. As long as you can keep your promise and let me go free after escaping from Yucheng."

Shao Yang smiled and said: "You know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. I asked you to wear a hood to prevent the police from recognizing your face. After all, you have a good ability to be remembered by people."

Zhou Song listened to him and put on his hood as he was told. Through the cracks in the rough fabric, he could still see the pedestrians and police outside, and could roughly judge the police's actions.

The car quickly arrived at the intersection. Shao Yang parked the police car firmly on the roadside, then lowered the window and raised his hand to the traffic policeman on the roadside. When the traffic policeman approached, he asked: "I am from the patrol team, which road is ahead of me?"

Is the road fast?"

The traffic police said: "There just happened a rear-end car accident on Planning South Road. The whole street is paralyzed. We are evacuating traffic. You can take the north road and turn out from Guomao. The checkpoint north of Guomao is full."

Shao Yang said thank you, turned the intersection and drove towards Planning North Road.

When the car drove away, Zhou Song pulled off his hood and said with a half-smile, "Okay now, the police will show you which street is easier for you to escape."

Shao Yang said: "This is called hiding in the city."

Walking on Planning North Road, patrol cars kept passing by, and the number of police patrols also greatly increased. A dragnet had quietly opened above the heads of the city crowd, and a siege drama was going on in the middle of the night. If it hadn't been for their car

The car is a police car, which is equivalent to being invisible among the public vehicles. They have been stopped and inspected no less than ten times.

Going down North Road from the Guomao Building is a back alley of a food street. Different from the downtown area, there are few pedestrians. As long as you can drive through this street smoothly, you can break out of the encirclement set up by the police in the city center and find a hiding place.

Seeing Shao Yang's victory in sight, Zhou Song asked: "What's the next plan?"

Shao Yang said: "Find a place to hide first, and wait until the wind is less intense before leaving the city."

Just when Shao Yang's plan was about to succeed, an uninvited guest suddenly arrived in front of him. A man waved to them from a distance and motioned for them to pull over. Shao Yang was driving a police car. When the man intercepted the police car, he was either a policeman or

I discovered that the person driving the police car was a wanted criminal.

Shao Yang hesitated for a moment between driving over or pulling over, and quickly chose the latter. Because the road was smooth in both directions and there were no checkpoints, even if this person was a policeman, he was alone.

He parked the car on the side of the road and asked, "What's wrong?"

The man bent down and held on to the car window and asked: "Brother, which company do you belong to?"

Shao Yang said: "Inspection team members, go to the front to provide support."

Man: "My name is Liu Peng, from Sanliqiao Police Station." As he said that, he looked into the back seat and saw Zhou Song wearing a hood, "Why do you bring someone with you?"

Shao Yang said: "I just caught him on the road. He was dishonest. I covered him up. Are you okay?"

Liu Peng said: "I see your car sinking to the right, maybe the tire is flat."

Shao Yang had no choice but to get out of the car to check the tire and put a hat on his head. The right rear tire was indeed flat and half empty. Liu Peng squatted down to check the tire and said, "It's been penetrated by a nail. Your car is

Is there a spare tire in there?"

Shao Yang said: "No. Let's go ahead and do your work first, and I'll ask my colleagues to come over and help."

Liu Peng said enthusiastically: "I am on vacation today and did not participate in your action. Don't call your colleagues. A friend of mine opened an auto repair shop nearby. I asked him to come over."

He turned his back to Shao Yang and took out his mobile phone to make a call. He kept talking: "But your tires should have been replaced a long time ago. And this lamp, the lampshade is also cracked. This car has reached the scrap standard -"

Halfway through his words, he suddenly fell silent because he noticed the license plate. The patrol team has a fixed license plate number, but the license plate number of this police car is not the patrol team's number...

Shao Yang stood behind him, staring at him with dark eyes. The butterfly knife hidden in his sleeve slipped quietly into the palm of his hand. He saw Liu Peng silently put down his phone. The moment Liu Peng turned around, Shao Yang suddenly stepped forward to grab it.

He pressed him against the carriage, then raised the knife in his hand and stabbed the side of his neck!

Liu Peng was stabbed in the neck with a knife and immediately lost the ability to resist. Shao Yang twisted the blade around, then pulled out the knife, and blood spurted out. Liu Peng was not dead yet, but he could not last more than ten minutes.

Shao Yang quickly opened the trunk and stuffed Liu Peng in. He saw that the lid of the trunk was full of blood. He raised his head and saw the camera facing him on the roadside. He kicked the tire angrily, and then

He wiped the blood from his hands with Liu Peng's clothes and closed the trunk lid.

Zhou Song also got out of the car. When he saw the blood on the ground, he knew what had just happened: "Is someone dead?"

The man was dying, and they couldn't take the car. A blood-stained police car was a living target, so they had no choice but to abandon the car and walk. Shao Yang grabbed Zhou Song and hid behind the green belt on the roadside, put a knife on Zhou Song's waist, and lowered his head.

The voice said: "If I am safe, you are safe, understand?"

Zhou Song ignored him and was busy looking around. To the south was the back door of a supermarket, surrounded by closed-loop shops and parking lots. At this time, a minivan was parked outside the back door, and several workers were coming in and out, unloading goods.


He bumped Shao Yang with his elbow, and then raised his chin towards the truck.

Shao Yang understood, but had concerns: "Even if we can get into that car, the camera will capture it clearly."

Zhou Song: "Look carefully, that's the loading and unloading area at the back door of the supermarket. If the camera is on, will they load the goods into private cars?"

Shao Yang took a closer look and discovered that there was a black car parked next to the truck. A man moved several boxes of wine from the truck and put them into the trunk of the car one by one. A man wearing a supermarket uniform was supervising the work and looking back to the supermarket from time to time.

Taking a look inside, it looks like they are spying for a drunken man. It is obvious that these two people are enriching themselves, but they do not avoid the camera at all. The reason can only be that the camera is in name only.

Seeing that Shao Yang was still hesitant, Zhou Song said: "The police car you parked on the roadside will soon be discovered by the police. You have ten minutes at most to escape the scene. If you don't get in that car now, you will be caught in a trap."

Shao Yang was persuaded by him. Soon, the man moved the last box of wine into the trunk, and then got into a black car with the man in hotel uniform, discussing something secretly. The two took the opportunity to get into the truck compartment, and there were piles of wine in the truck compartment.

There were many boxes, and they hid behind them without leaving a trace.

"Okay, see you later."

The two people seemed to have reached an agreement, and parted ways while chatting and laughing. The car door was closed, and the interior of the car was dark.

Zhou Song was sitting on the floor of the carriage. Shao Yang was sitting next to him, holding his shoulders and putting the blade against his neck. He couldn't see anything in the darkness. He could smell the blood on Shao Yang's body and feel it.

The blade pressed against the side of his neck was still stained with sticky, warm blood.

Zhou Song whispered: "Take the knife away, Dirty."

Instead, Shao Yang hugged him tighter: "Keep it up."

The truck drove for about ten minutes. The driver stopped once, waited for a traffic light, and turned twice. Just after turning the third turn, the truck drove forward and stopped again within a minute.

Zhou Song had a premonition that the stop was not at a red light, but at an intercept point set up by the police. Shao Yang also noticed it, so he pointed the tip of the knife at Zhou Song's throat and whispered: "Don't make any sound."

Zhou Song ignored his threat and only focused on listening to the noise outside the car. Sure enough, the truck driver was interrogated by the police. He showed his ID card and driver's license one after another and answered his question of 'where are you from?'

"What's in the car?" the policeman asked.

The driver said: "Some fruits. I just finished delivering goods to the supermarket."

The policeman patted the car twice and said, "Open the door."

After Zhou Song heard this, his heart was slightly suspended, and he began to think about whether he should find a way to seize Shao Yang's knife after being discovered by the police later, or cooperate with Shao Yang as a hostage and get rid of the police before making a plan.

The padlock outside the carriage rang a few times, and then the door was pulled open. The light from the roadside spilled into the carriage, illuminating several stacks of cardboard boxes inside.

The driver said: "Look, it's really just a few boxes of fruit."

A policeman jumped up and slowly turned from left to right with a flashlight. When he was about to reach the corner where they were hiding, the policeman's walkie-talkie suddenly rang: "The target has been found on the planning north road! The nearby patrol team rushed over to provide support!"

Police: "Copy that!"

The police quickly got out of the car and drove the police car in the opposite direction. The driver closed the door and the truck continued to move forward. Silence and darkness returned to the car.

Shao Yang said: "We are lucky."

Zhou Song curved his lips and smiled faintly, without commenting.

The truck drove for more than ten minutes when it suddenly ran over a speed bump and the vehicle suddenly shook. Zhou Song took the opportunity to bump into Shao Yang's arms and said, "Sorry."

Shao Yang smiled and said, "I don't mind if you keep doing this."

Zhou Song quickly sat down and had a small key in his hand. He took it out of Shao Yang's pocket just now. When Shao Yang put the handcuffs on him, he saw with his own eyes that Shao Yang put the handcuff key into his pants pocket.

Here. He had been looking for opportunities to steal the key along the way, and now he finally succeeded.

After another ten minutes, the truck finally stopped. The driver opened the door, picked up a box of fruit and left. Judging from the sound of footsteps that the man was walking away, Zhou Song and Shao Yang got out of the car quietly. Only after they saw the light of day again did Zhou Song discover them.

He was taken to the agricultural product wholesale market in the west of the city. This is the largest wholesale market in Yucheng. More than 80% of the fruits, vegetables, eggs and meat in the city are distributed from here every day.

Late at night, the market was quiet, but it was full of vans and trucks carrying goods. They ran past a row of warehouses, and suddenly a truck full of vegetables came in front of them. The two hurriedly hid under the vegetable stalls.

Zhou Song looked at his watch and said: "It's past 11 o'clock now. In two or three hours, large trucks selling fruits and vegetables will enter the market one after another to take up space. Before dawn, small traders will come to purchase goods. No later than four in the morning

At five o'clock, this place will be busier than the Commercial Street. You might as well just turn yourself in if you hide here."

Shao Yang: "Where else can I go?"

Zhou Song turned his head and looked at him, his eyes flashing with a dark light: "I will take you to a place that is absolutely safe."

There is an abandoned warehouse to the south of the wholesale market. It was originally used as a cold storage for storing meat. However, the conditions were not perfect more than ten years ago. The lines in the cold storage melted and caught fire, burning down the entire row of connected warehouses. Later, the market was reopened.

According to the plan, the cold storage was built to the north, and the warehouse in the south has been abandoned until now.

Zhou Song took Shao Yang to the abandoned warehouses in the south. These warehouses are actually well preserved and have little damage. They may be reused, so there is a lock on the door. However, the lock has been picked so many times that it has become useless. Shao

Yang was taken into the southernmost room by Zhou Song and closed the door. The inside was dark and empty, with only two small windows open at the top. Shao Yang checked around with his flashlight, and found that there was nothing inside. He carried his back

He sat on the ground against the wall, took a few breaths, and said, "I just didn't know there was such a good place."

Zhou Song walked slowly in the warehouse, looking up and looking around: "There are a lot of cars outside. You can get one at will, or you can take a ride. Considering that vehicles will definitely be interrogated when they leave the city, I suggest you hide the goods.

In the car.”

Shao Yang joked: "You won't come with me?"

Zhou Song: "I am only responsible for escorting you here. You have to let me go at dawn."

Shao Yang: "What if I don't let go."

Zhou Song stopped, turned his head slightly, and saw Shao Yang smiling. Shao Yang put the flashlight on the ground, and the lower half of his face appeared in the beam of the flashlight. You can see his smiling lips and the upper half of his face.

Hidden in the dim night, you can see his cold eyes. His face was cut in half by the beam of light, like two people.

Shao Yang spoke with smiling lips and his cold eyes remained motionless: "Maybe you should go with me. Han Feilu is not your confidant, I am."

Zhou Song stared at him expressionlessly for a long time, then looked away lightly and continued walking forward: "There is a small room inside. To be on the safe side, it's better for you and me to keep our distance until dawn."

There was another small cubicle on the right side of the warehouse, and the door had been removed. He walked in without saying anything, took out the key he had been holding in his hand, opened the handcuffs, put the handcuffs into his pants pocket, and then walked slowly against the wall.

When he walked to the corner, he stepped on something hard under his feet. He squatted down and touched it with his hands, and felt the unique hard and cold texture of the iron chain. Unexpectedly, more than ten years later, the iron chain was still in the same place.

The chain was very thick, as thick as two or three fingers. He picked up the chain, walked under the small window, swung it up and threw it against the wall with a clang.

Shao Yang heard the sound and alertly picked up the flashlight and walked over: "What's the sound?"

There was only deathly silence in response to him.

Arriving at the door, Shao Yang hesitated for a moment and walked in slowly: "Zhou Song?"

The light of the flashlight crawled deep along the wall, and Zhou Song's figure was like a ghost that suddenly appeared in the light. His face was covered with ice, his eyes were cold, and he was holding a long and thick iron chain in his hand. Zhou Song moved quickly

, so fast that Shao Yang had no time to react, the chain hit him head-on and hit him hard on the temple!

Shao Yang fell to the ground, his head hurting and dizzy, as if half his head had been cut off. The flashlight fell in his hand, and he saw Zhou Song's feet stepping into the light, walking towards him step by step...

.. He woke up and regretted it. He should never have forgotten that Zhou Song was a devil just like him.

This chapter has been completed!
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