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Chapter 1: I am Fang Lei

The knife that police officer Liu Peng received narrowly avoided the aorta in his neck, and he was rushed to the hospital in time, so his life was saved. He woke up at noon the next day after rescuing him all night long.

Han Feilu brought a fruit basket and flowers to the hospital to visit Liu Peng. Liu Peng's neck was wrapped with gauze and he was temporarily unable to speak, but his eyes were still bright and alert. When Han Feilu said that he had caught the suspect, his face

A simple and joyful smile appeared on his face.

The patient needed to rest, so Han Feilu did not stay too long. He shook hands with Liu Peng's family again and expressed his gratitude before leaving the ward. Mu Xuecheng stood waiting outside the ward. Seeing Han Feilu come out, he said: "Boss, just now

Brother Lei called me and Shao Yang woke up."

Shao Yang was also in the hospital, just upstairs from Liu Peng. When Shao Yang was sent to the hospital, his injuries were much more serious than Liu Peng's. He suffered continuous severe head injuries and half of his face was bloody. The doctor asked them to be mentally prepared.

Even if the patient can survive, the brain stem damage has been caused, and the most serious consequence is that he will become a vegetative state.

However, Shao Yang seemed to be lucky. After being unconscious for more than ten hours, he gradually regained consciousness and was now sent from the intensive care unit to the general ward. Qi Tianlei and another policeman were guarding outside the ward. The two of them stayed there all night without closing their eyes, sitting

Yawning in the chair.

Han Feilu brought them energy drinks and canned coffee and said, "Hold on for another two hours, and I'll find someone to take your place."

Qi Tianlei took out a can of Red Bull and stared at the cow with big eyes on the can: "I've drank a thousand cans of this stuff and it's useless at all."

Han Feilu: "Then drink a thousand and one cans."

He walked into the ward and saw the nurse helping Shao Yang adjust the height of the bedside. Shao Yang was in miserable shape, leaning on the bedside as if he were boneless, with multiple fractures all over his body, and his head was wrapped with gauze, with only his nose, eyes and mouth exposed.

The left eye was also covered, like a newly unearthed mummy.

The nurse went out, leaving only Shao Yang and Han Feilu in the ward. Han Feilu moved a chair and sat beside the bed, looked at Shao Yang's bloodshot eyes, raised the corners of his lips and said, "The doctor said

Your face is paralyzed, the left side of your face or the right side of your face?"

Shao Yang didn't care about being teased by him and pointed at the left side of his face with a plastered finger.

Han Feilu: "Did Zhou Song beat him?"

The left half of Shao Yang's lips was stiff and unable to move, and his speech was a little blurry: "You know why you ask questions."

Han Feilu: "Fortunately, I arrived in time. Ten minutes later, you would have been lying in the morgue now." He said with a smile, "Now do you know why I asked you to keep Zhou Song as a hostage?


Shao Yang could tell that Han Feilu hated him because he forced Han Feilu to do a multiple-choice question that was not flattering on both ends. Han Feilu had no choice but to choose Zhou Song, so he hated him even more.

Shao Yang asked: "Do you know Zhou Song will kill me?"

Han Feilu said: "I know he has a way to deal with you."

Shao Yang: "But he wants to kill me."

The smile at the corner of Han Feilu's mouth quickly solidified: "But you are still alive. He was acting in self-defense."

Shao Yang shrugged his shoulders and seemed to be smiling: "You two are so weird."

Han Feilu: "What's so strange?"

Shao Yang: "A cat actually wants to protect a mouse."

Han Feilu: "Zhou Song is not a mouse."

Shao Yang smiled sarcastically: "I didn't say you were a cat."

Han Feilu had to admit that Shao Yang was indeed a smart and strong opponent. Although he had been arrested, his battle with the police was not over yet. He always found ways to give himself the upper hand.

Han Feilu: "Then are you a cat or a mouse?"

Shao Yang: "In your eyes, I am a mouse. But in my humble opinion, relatively speaking, I am a cat."

Han Feilu: "Relative to whom?"

Shao Yang: "Wei Chunhong, Lan Lan, Cai Wen, etc."

Han Feilu: "Do you admit that you killed them?"

Shao Yang laughed, but only half of his lips were smiling, so it looked a little weird: "Why don't you admit it? You have already caught Feng Danian and Li Ran, and have found the so-called evidence. In this case, do I still need to hide it?


He confessed his crime so readily, but Han Feilu felt bad in his heart: "I feel very sorry now why you didn't directly become a vegetative state. If you became a vegetative state, your appearance would be a hundred times more pleasing to the eye than now."

Shao Yang didn't care about the bad words he said to him, and just smiled lightly: "You can't find the superiority of a law enforcement officer with me, so you are angry, right?"

Han Feilu: "First, law enforcement officers don't need any bullshit sense of superiority. Second, even if I want to find a sense of superiority, I won't look for it in you, because you are a pile of garbage, and I will look for superiority in a garbage dump."

, then I’m so pitiful.”

Shao Yang: "Whatever you say, the fact is that I won and you lost."

Han Feilu laughed angrily: "You won? Look in the mirror and see what you look like now, a hemiplegic cripple, a murderer who is about to be sent to court. Where did you win?"

Shao Yang smiled leisurely and said: "Song Caiyun."

Han Feilu was speechless.

Shao Yang: "I know you dug up Song Caiyun's body, but you didn't find any evidence that could identify the murderer. And I am the only witness."

Han Feilu: "Will you identify the murderer?"

Not surprisingly, Shao Yang said: "No."

Seeing Han Feilu's angry eyes, Shao Yang was particularly happy: "You are a perfectionist. From Wei Chunhong to Cai Wen, these women are like a chain connected one after another. What will happen even if you catch me?"

As long as one of the links cannot be solved, you will still lose. You know who the murderer of Song Caiyun is, and I know it too. You and I know the name of the murderer, but I will never say it out loud."

Chain set...Who is he referring to? Song Caiyun?

They were talking about Song Caiyun at this time, but Han Feilu suspected that the person Shao Yang was talking about was not Song Caiyun, or rather, it was not just Song Caiyun.

Han Feilu: "This morning Li Ran handed over the things Lan Lan asked her to keep, which are a pen and a tape. Whose pen is it?"

Shao Yang: "...Wei Chunhong's."

Han Feilu: "Where is the tape?"

Shao Yang's bloodshot eye became even redder, so red that it oozed blood: "It's mine."

It was only then that Han Feilu, as the victor, found a sense of having the upper hand: "I have listened to that tape. It is the recording of your mother Qin Siyu."

Shao Yang's mother, Qin Siyu, died in a car accident twenty years ago. Late one night, Qin Siyu was driving alone out of the province. On the way, the vehicle rolled over and fell into a deep ditch on the roadside. The fuel tank exploded and the car caught fire. When Qin Siyu was found, her body had already been

Burnt to black.

Shao Yang remained silent, closed his eyes and leaned on the head of the bed as if he was tired.

Han Feilu continued: "Qin Siyu recorded some farewell words for you. As far as I know, the time of her car accident was July 13, 2002. Was that tape recorded before July 13, 2002?


Shao Yang opened his eyes leisurely, as if he was immersed in warm memories, and his voice was much softer: "It's July 12th."

July 12th...Qin Siyu left a recording for him on the 12th. On the 13th, he left for another province, but died in a car accident on the road. This car accident case that seemed undoubted at the time seems to have emerged today.

New clues.

Shao Yang turned his head and looked at Han Feilu, and suddenly burst into laughter. His voice was rough and low, strangely like the growl of some kind of animal held in its throat: "Looking at your expression, I know what you are suspecting.

I also know the answer, but I won't tell you, so you will lose! Hahahahaha -cough, cough! "

He suddenly coughed violently, and veins appeared on his neck. He coughed up a mouthful of bloody phlegm, then laughed even more crazily, and fell on the bedside, almost dead.

Han Feilu pressed the call bell, and the nurse quickly opened the door and came in. She put the mask on Shao Yang's face and asked Shao Yang to breathe oxygen. She said that the patient needed to rest and asked Han Feilu to leave.

Han Feilu left the hospital and drove back to his unit. Near the entrance of the Public Security Bureau, he saw a black Maybach driving out of the police station. When the Maybach drove in the opposite direction from the lane next to him, through the tan glass window, he saw

Zhou Song was sitting in the back seat. Zhou Song didn't seem to see him. The moment the two cars met, Zhou Song looked straight ahead, his face unmoved.

On the contrary, Liang Xie recognized Han Feilu's car, looked back and asked, "Is that person Han Feilu?"

Zhou Song said "hmm", then leaned back in the chair and looked out the window.

Liang Xie was driving and asked the lawyer sitting in the passenger seat: "Lawyer Jiang, the criminal investigation team leader Han Feilu endangered the life of my second young master during the handling of the case. He personally told the murderer to keep the second young master as a hostage.

Well, does this count as a dereliction of duty on his part?"

Lawyer Jiang said: "Secretary Liang, I understand your feelings. However, this situation hardly constitutes dereliction of duty on the part of the police. The criminal investigation captain acted as a last resort under the coercion and guidance of the suspect. This is an urgent situation."

It can be understood in the process of law enforcement. According to the "People's Police Law", when the police seriously violate disciplines or fail to act -"

Lawyer Jiang was talking incessantly when the stereo was suddenly turned on and a heavy metal rock song played. It was Zhou Song who connected his phone to Bluetooth and was playing the song on his phone.

Liang Xie's expression suddenly changed, and he secretly looked back at Zhou Song, but he couldn't say anything in front of outsiders, so he could only smile apologetically to Lawyer Jiang. Lawyer Jiang was very embarrassed, and found an excuse to get off the car halfway.


As soon as Lawyer Jiang left, Liang Jie immediately turned off the speaker, turned around and asked him: "What's wrong? Why did you suddenly lose your temper?"

Zhou Song lowered the car window and looked out expressionlessly: "Please help me clean up the mess. I'm too grateful. How dare I lose my temper? Let's go quickly. Parking is not allowed here. The traffic police will be here soon."

Liang Xie didn't care about his weirdness: "Lawyer Jiang has helped us so much, and you didn't even say thank you. You didn't politely interrupt him just now. Do you think it's appropriate?"

Zhou Song looked at the rearview mirror outside the driver's door. From the mirror, he could see a line of vehicles following them: "He collects money to do things, and he is not doing charity. Do I still have to bow to him and kowtow to him?"

Kneel down and thank you?”

Liang Xie: "You have been angry ever since I went to pick you up at the police station last night. You have always kept a cold face and quarreled with me every chance you got. Just now, Lawyer Jiang said that your situation was not overly defensive.

It'll be fine once you've recorded the transcript. It's not worth it if you worry about it."

Zhou Song saw a white Ruitu following two cars in the rearview mirror. The car looked familiar, as if he had seen it where Lawyer Jiang got off. "So what if the defense was too much? I thought

Let those people charge me with excessive defense and experience what it's like to go to court with the police."

Liang Xie said sternly: "The more you say it, the more outrageous it becomes. Do you think it is fun for the people to litigate with the police?"

There was a serious traffic jam on this road. Their car came to a slow stop, and there was a fleet of cars in front of them. Zhou Song stared at the white Ruitu in the rearview mirror. Just now Ruitu changed lanes and walked on the straight road in the middle.

After their car stopped, they stopped another car and returned to the right turn lane.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Song was sure that the car was following them. He suddenly opened the door, strode towards the Ruitu, opened the door, grabbed the driver's collar, dragged him out and pinned him on the car.

: "Who are you? Why are you following me?"

The driver was a young man with dark skin, thick eyebrows and handsome eyes. He had a shaved head as close as a stubble and a scar as long as a thumb on his forehead. Before he could speak, Liang Xiao also got out of the car and ran over: "Xiao Song, you

What is this for!"

Zhou Song: "He followed us all the way, and he has been following us since we came out of the police station." Then he asked Liang Xie, "Do you know him?"

Liang Xie: “I haven’t seen it before.”

Zhou Song smiled coldly and said to the man: "Then you will be in trouble." He grabbed the man's hair and slammed it against the car door, "Why are you following me? Who ordered you!"

The man shouted in pain: "Zhou Song, don't, don't do this."

Liang Xie searched the driver's license from the car and handed it to Zhou Song after reading it. Zhou Song let go of him temporarily, took the driver's license and looked at his name, then looked up at his face: "Qin Xiao, your name is Qin Xiao


Qin Xiao nodded.

Zhou Song threw the driver's license to his chest, but he didn't catch it and the driver's license fell to the ground again. Zhou Song asked again: "Who asked you to follow me?"

Qin Xiao bent down to pick up the driver's license, dusted off the dust on the cover, and said: "No one ordered me, I followed you myself."

Zhou Song: "What do you want to do?"

Qin Xiao put his driver's license into his pants pocket, looked at Zhou Song's face, and slowly showed a shy but bright smile: "Can't you recognize me?" He pointed to the scar on his forehead, "I

It’s Fang Lei.”

This chapter has been completed!
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