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Chapter 3: Want the brightest red

The next morning, Zhou Song felt dizzy as soon as he woke up. He opened his heavy eyelids and looked out the window. He found that the window was not closed tightly last night, and the wind came in and blew the curtains, bringing with it moist moisture. There had been a rain last night.

heavy rain.

He got out of bed barefoot, opened the window and walked to the balcony. The floor of the balcony was wet. He leaned on the railing and looked to the horizon. The sun was rising, hiding behind the clouds and scattering thousands of rays of light. There was still water vapor deposited in the air.

Molecules and hovering breezes. It's a nice day, but he's sick.

It rained last night, and he didn't close the windows and was blown by the wind all night, so he had a fever again today. Another reason is that he didn't take good care of the fever last time. The symptoms were not cured but just latent. Today they broke out completely.

The moment his feet touched the ground, the world was spinning and he almost fell down.

He walked out of the bedroom and saw breakfast on the dining room table. He learned that Sister Cai had been here just now. He didn't know where the antipyretic medicine that Sister Cai bought for him last time was placed. He searched around and couldn't find it. His head hurt even more, so

He gave up searching, drank half a cup of hot water, returned to the bedroom and continued to sleep. He fell asleep until noon, looking for water in his dream, and finally woke up with a dry mouth. He reached for the cup on the bedside table and drank half the cup.

water, I threw away the cup and planned to continue sleeping, but I heard the doorbell faintly. I lay on the bed and listened attentively for a while, and the doorbell became clearer and clearer.

Someone came, but Zhou Song didn't want to leave the bed at all, wanting to wait until the other person left. But the doorbell kept ringing, making him unable to sleep. He threw off the quilt angrily, stepped on the floor barefoot and rushed to open the door.

I opened the door and saw Han Feilu's face.

Han Feilu held the door frame with one hand and pinched his waist with the other. He complained with a straight face: "I rang the doorbell for half an hour and you didn't hear? Are your ears degenerated?"

Zhou Song was so angry that he wanted to curse, but his throat was dry, sore and painful, so he glared at him hard and wanted to close the door.

Han Feilu quickly blocked the door with quick hands and eyes, and ducked in at an angle, like a bandit breaking into a house: "Why did you change the door lock code? Are you worried that I will break into your empty door?"

Zhou Song slammed the door with a bang and walked straight to the kitchen to pour water.

Han Feilu followed him, bent down to look at his face, and finally realized something was wrong: "What's wrong with you? Why is your face so white?"

Zhou Song's skin was originally white, but he had a fever. His cheeks and ears were smoky red, and his eyes were filled with mist. His whole body was like spring water wrinkled by the breeze, with water vapor mixed with golden sunlight rising up, like glass.

The person who made it seems to be broken after looking at it for a few more times.

Zhou Song drank half a glass of water and threw it on the homeless platform: "I'm sick, have a fever, and feel uncomfortable. Isn't it obvious enough?"

The water cup was not placed firmly and rolled outward. Han Feilu straightened the cup and tilted his head to look at his face carefully: "You have a fever? Your face doesn't look right. How high is the fever?"

He wanted to touch Zhou Song's forehead, but Zhou Song pushed him away: "If you don't want to see me die of illness, leave quickly and don't disturb my rest."

He left Han Feilu behind and returned to the bedroom. He lay on the bed and listened carefully to what was going on in the living room outside. Han Feilu didn't seem to leave, because he never heard the door closing, but it was very quiet in the living room. It was quiet outside.

About ten minutes later, there was a sudden sound from the door. I guess it was the closing sound of Han Feilu leaving.

Zhou Song sighed slightly, but before he finished his sigh, the bedroom door was suddenly pushed open. He raised his head to look, and saw Han Feilu walking in carrying a bag with a certain pharmacy printed on it. He was stunned:

"You didn't leave?"

Han Feilu said: "I'm waiting outside for a quick delivery."

He bought some medicines on an online shopping platform and ordered flash delivery in the same city. The flash delivery was really fast and was delivered in ten minutes. He walked into the bedroom and sat beside the bed, and found a thermometer from the bag: "Have you taken your temperature?


Zhou Song stared at him weakly and said nothing.

When Han Feilu saw him like this, he couldn't help but laugh: "See, you can't measure it like this. Come on, open your mouth." He also brought in a water cup, put the thermometer into the cup, rinsed it a few times, and then put Zhou Song in

In the mouth, "press it under your tongue, don't hold it in your mouth."

While waiting for the temperature measurement, Han Feilu took out the instruction manual from the medicine box and read it carefully. After reading the instructions, it was time to measure the temperature. He took out the thermometer and looked at it: "39 degrees, almost a high fever.

What ingredient are you allergic to?"

Seeing Zhou Song shaking his head, he took out two pills and handed them over with a glass of water: "Take two pills first. If the fever doesn't subside in an hour, I will take you to the hospital."

Zhou Song tilted his head from the pillow, took two pills in his mouth, and was about to take the cup when Han Feilu handed the water cup to his mouth. He glanced at Han Feilu and drank a few handfuls of water from Han Feilu's hand.

He swallowed the medicine and fell back onto the pillow.

Han Feilu babbled: "Slow down, can you not feel dizzy after falling around like this?"

Zhou Song turned over and turned his back to him, pulled the quilt up to cover his nose, only exposing his eyes, and muttered: "It's so noisy."

The bedroom was quiet for a while, as if there was no other person except him. Zhou Song quietly turned around and saw Han Feilu still sitting by the bed, holding his cell phone as if replying to a message.

Zhou Song: "You go, I want to sleep."

Han Feilu stared at his phone and typed without raising his eyes or stopping: "You sleep in your bed, and I didn't bother you."

Zhou Song: "You don't go to work?"

Han Feilu: "The case is solved, I gave myself a day off."

Zhou Song had no choice but to ignore him, closing his eyes and trying to get sleepy. After a while, when he was about to fall asleep, Han Feilu suddenly asked: "Are you asleep?"

Zhou Song: "...Almost."

Han Feilu made no sound again. He waited patiently. It took a long time before Han Feilu made a sound.

"I've been looking for an opportunity to talk to you about Shao Yang. Hey, let me apologize to you first. I'm sorry."

Zhou Song opened his eyes slightly and remained silent without saying a word.

Han Feilu added: "I'm not quibbling. I really had no choice at that time. It was either you or Feng Danian's wife and children. No matter what choice I made, I couldn't make the right choice, but I had to choose one, otherwise a life would be lost."

Zhou Song still didn't speak.

Han Feilu continued: "If you are angry with me, I can understand. After all, you were also in danger at that time——"

Zhou Song interrupted him in a low voice: "What else?"

Han Feilu: "What?"

Zhou Song: "Besides this matter, do you have nothing else to say to me?"

Han Feilu was silent again, seemingly thinking, and finally said: "No."

Zhou Song didn't believe it. Han Feilu must have wanted to ask him if he wanted to kill Shao Yang that night. He was already ready. If Han Feilu asked, he would admit it because he did have murderous intentions towards Shao Yang. If not

Han Feilu arrived in time, and Shao Yang had already been hanged by him. He knew that his behavior was suspected of excessive defense and he might be sued, but he had no regrets at all. If he had it to do over again, he would definitely get there before the police arrived.

He hanged Shao Yang with his own hands. His motive for killing Shao Yang was very simple and vague - Shao Yang was trying to destroy the only thing he believed in.

Zhou Song said: "I want to kill Shao Yang."

Han Feilu was silent for a long time: "I know." He paused and then said, "Don't do this again."

He waited for Han Feilu to give him a warning, but he only waited for a tolerant persuasion. Han Feilu was like educating two disobedient cats he raised. When the cat made a mistake, Han Feilu said: Don't do this again.


Zhou Song couldn't believe it, but Han Feilu did exactly that. He heard Han Feilu walking out and asked quickly: "Where are you going?"

Han Feilu turned around and said with a smile: "Go to the living room and make a phone call."

The bedroom door opened and closed, leaving Zhou Song alone. He was lying on the bed in a trance, and he didn't know when he fell asleep.

When I woke up again, the heavy dizziness in my head disappeared, and my whole body felt refreshed. Looking out the window, I found that the sun was setting, and the sunlight filtered through the gaps in the tall buildings onto the balcony, as if it was covered with a layer of gold.

of fine sand. He had never calmed down to watch the sunset before. After paying a little attention today, he realized that he had always turned a blind eye to the beauty in the past.

The bedroom door opened and Han Feilu walked in: "Are you awake? I was about to wake you up."

Zhou Song sat up and pushed back his messy hair: "What time is it?"

Han Feilu: "It's 5:30, do you still feel uncomfortable? Take your temperature again."

Zhou Song held the thermometer in his mouth and turned to look out the window, tilting his head lazily and turning his eyes around like a pool of flowing water.

Han Feilu looked at him and felt that he looked very well-behaved and childish, very unlike Zhou Song, or in other words, he was Zhou Song.

36.7 degrees, the fever has subsided. Han Feilu praised himself: "I am really a wonderful doctor."

Zhou Song lifted the quilt and was about to get out of bed, but Han Feilu stopped him and asked, "Where are your slippers?"

Zhou Song hung his feet, unable to land: "It's in the shoe cabinet."

Han Feilu: "What's wrong with you? You're barefoot and don't wear shoes at home?"

Zhou Song: "It's comfortable without shoes."

Han Feilu took his slippers in and threw them at his feet: "The feet have the most acupuncture points. Once your feet get cold, your whole body will feel uncomfortable. I know why you have a fever."

Zhou Song got his feet into his slippers, tossed his hair back, looked up at Han Feilu, and asked, "How old are you?"

Han Feilu: "It's thirty-two going forward, what's wrong?"

Zhou Song stared at him and said, "The words you just said cannot be said by someone who has not had fifty or sixty years of life experience."

Han Feilu didn't care about his ignorance and said with a smile: "I'll just take it as your compliment."

Zhou Song bypassed him and went to the cloakroom. He quickly changed his clothes and came out, then stood in front of the full-length mirror and tied his hair.

Han Feilu asked: "Want to go out?"

Zhou Song: "I'm bored to death, let's go for a walk." She glanced at him in the mirror and asked, "Are you going?"

When Zhou Song said going out, he really just went out for a walk. He walked slowly on the street, turning left or right as he pleased. It didn't matter where he went, without any plan. Han Feilu was looking for a restaurant on the roadside.

Neither he nor Zhou Song had lunch. I don't know if Zhou Song was hungry, but he was already hungry.

Thinking that Zhou Song had just recovered from his illness, it was best to eat something light. He walked two blocks before choosing a shop that specializes in porridge. Without asking Zhou Song's opinion, he dragged Zhou Song in and went in.

He handed the menu to Zhou Song and asked Zhou Song to order. Zhou Song flipped through two pages and frowned in disgust: "I don't want to drink porridge."

Han Feilu was minding his own business, picking up the kettle and pouring tea: "Drink porridge to beautify your skin and prolong your life. Give me what you order, and I'll go to the bathroom."

He left his seat and walked across the lobby to the bathroom, which lasted less than five minutes. When he came back, Zhou Song had disappeared. He went out to look for someone, and saw Zhou Song standing in front of the array cabinet with a dinner plate in the bread next door.

Bread. He reluctantly followed in. When Zhou Song saw that he was looking for it, he handed the dinner plate to his hand: "Hold it for me."

There were several tables in the bakery, and most of the customers were taking out, so the tables were all empty. Zhou Song found a spot with the best light, and sat down with Han Feilu to eat bread. He bought many kinds of bread with different flavors.

, a table full of dazzling assortments, and two glasses of juice.

Han Feilu didn't like sweets, so he picked up a piece wrapped in sausage: "Aren't you tired of eating so many sweets?"

Zhou Song's answer is very anti-human: "I don't get tired of eating sweet things, but I get tired of eating salty things."

Han Feilu: "What a wonderful gift. After eating these breads, will you have dinner?"

When mentioning dinner, Zhou Song suddenly remembered something. He put down the bread and wiped his hands. He picked up his mobile phone and dialed Qin Xiao's number. Qin Xiao invited him to have dinner with him yesterday and he agreed, but he had to break the appointment tonight. The phone call

He explained to Qin Xiao that he was sick today and was not feeling well, so dinner might have to be rescheduled for another day.

Qin Xiao was very worried about him and asked him if it was serious and wanted to come over to see him.

Zhou Song said with a smile: "I'm fine, I just have a little fever, and it's gone now. Don't you still have to go to work at night? There's no need to come over."

Qin Xiao told him to remember to take medicine and have a good rest, and then hung up the phone.

Han Feilu kept listening to Zhou Song talking on the phone. When Zhou Song put down the phone, he asked: "Who?"

Zhou Song felt that he should tell Han Feilu about Qin Xiao, but many explanations were unavoidable. He was too lazy and tired now, so he didn't want to say a word more, so he said: "A friend."

Han Feilu saw that he didn't want to say more, so he stopped asking.

There was a lot of bread left. Han Feilu took the plate to pack and walked out of the bakery with the bag. He saw Zhou Song standing on the side of the road looking across the street. He walked over and asked, "What are you looking at?"

Zhou Song answered the question incorrectly: "I want to cut my hair."

As soon as he finished speaking, the man had already crossed the sidewalk to the other side of the street and entered a barber shop like a fish.

Han Feilu followed helplessly and tiredly, and found Zhou Song on a sofa in the waiting area of ​​the barber shop. He sat down next to Zhou Song and said, "You really let go, I should find a rope."

Tie it on your wrist."

Zhou Song ignored him and lowered his head to look through a hair style album. Han Feilu leaned over and looked at it: "You want a haircut? Then come with me, I will take you to a good place, the Guomao Building

At a 10-yuan quick-cut shop, the haircut can be done in three minutes. The boss uses a vacuum cleaner to suck the hair stubble off your face, which is very exciting and you must have never experienced it before."

He grabbed Zhou Song's wrist and was about to leave, but Zhou Song pulled him back with force: "I don't want others to suck my face with a vacuum cleaner."

Han Feilu had no choice but to sit back and look at the decoration of the store. He thought that this was a paradise for ripping off customers. Then he looked at Zhou Song and thought that this was a sheep that had gone to heaven and was about to be eaten. But he couldn't.

Even if he could prevent the sheep from going to heaven, he could not prevent the sheep from being stripped of their wool. He could not control the sheep when they were bald. When he had nothing to do, he also opened an album, which was full of wigs dyed in various colors. One of them was bright red.

The wig caught his attention. He stopped a passing clerk and asked, "Has anyone dyed this color?"

The clerk smiled and said: "Yes, and they are very popular. Handsome, do you want to try it?"

Han Feilu pointed at his short, stiff hair and said, "Do you think my hair dyed red looks like a mutated sea urchin?"

The clerk was amused: "Which color do you like? How about I recommend a few?"

Han Feilu: "I like this red one, but my hairstyle is not suitable. I will dye it after my hair grows to my heels."

After the clerk left, Zhou Song came over to look at the red wig: "Do you like this color?"

Han Feilu: "I'm dying of diaphragm. My least favorite color is red. Seeing red is like seeing a murder scene. I have red PTSD."

Of course, red ptsd is nonsense, but Zhou Song heard it. It was true that Han Feilu hated the color red. He rolled his eyes slightly and thought about it: "Would you feel uncomfortable if you saw someone with red hair?"

Han Feilu frowned, wishing he could write the word 'disgust' on his face: "I will slap him."

Zhou Song blinked: "Pull it over? Do you still want to hit someone?"

Han Feilu was very speechless: "I'm talking about convulsions and coma. When I saw the dragon fruit become semen, I started to slap people with my mouth. Do I want to change my career or am I going crazy? You have been abroad for several years and you can even hear Chinese.

If you don’t understand, quickly buy a Xinhua dictionary to make up for it.”

Zhou Song listened to what he said as a cross talk and laughed non-stop.

Han Feilu's cell phone rang. He took it out and looked at it, and his expression immediately became serious: "Something happened at work, I have to go back." Then he asked Zhou Song, "Should I leave then?"

Zhou Song waved his hands like a dog.

Not long after Han Feilu left, Zhou Song got his number, and Teacher Tony asked him what haircut he wanted.

Zhou Song sat on a chair and looked at his face in the mirror, twirling a strand of hair with his hand, and said with a smile: "If you don't want to cut it, dye it red for me, the most gorgeous red."

This chapter has been completed!
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