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Chapter 5: Benefactor

The terrain here is very open and sparsely populated. Although there are scattered cameras on the street lights, there are blind spots for surveillance everywhere. There is a small shop a few hundred meters away from the observation deck. The door of the shop is now locked and a transfer sign is hung.

Han Feilu pointed to the store and said: "That store was opened by Qiao Yu's parents. Qiao Yu came here with his parents every day after school. When his parents were doing business, he sat in the pavilion and did his homework. On the day of the incident, Qiao Yu

Yu's parents closed the shop and found that Qiao Yu was not in the pavilion. They looked around and found his body in the pool. I will take you to the pavilion to have a look."

Without waiting for Zhou Song to express his position, Han Feilu led the way and led Zhou Song into a small Suigu pavilion in the forest belt. There was a round marble table in the pavilion and a circle of stone benches next to it. It was where Qiao Yu wrote every day before his accident.

A place to work.

Zhou Song looked around: "Where is the place where Qiao Yu fell into the water?"

Han Feilu led him to the plank road hidden behind a few willow trees. Standing at the end of the plank road, there was a sparkling pool of water in front of him. However, the water here was very shallow, only more than one meter deep. If Qiao Yu could stand after falling into the water,

When he got up, the water could only cover his neck. But he sank to the bottom and died of suffocation.

There is a stone pier in the water. The stone pier is only a few centimeters higher than the water surface. At night, the stone pier will emit changing colored lights. Han Feilu squatted down and pointed at the stone pier, "Have you seen that stone pier in the water?"

Zhou Song manages his manners all the time. He will not squat down like him regardless of his appearance, and just lower his head to look into the water: "I saw it."

Han Feilu: "We did an autopsy on Qiao Yu. He did indeed drown after falling into the water, but there was a bruise on the back of his head, where he hit the stone pier."

Zhou Song thought thoughtfully: "The back of the head? That means he fell into the water on his back?"

Han Feilu: "Yes, I also suspect that when Qiao Yu fell into the water, his back entered the water first, so he hit the back of his head. Maybe it was also because he hit the back of his head that he suffered a brief dizziness, and the short dizziness was enough for him to lose his ability.

His consciousness didn’t ask for help, so he drowned.”

Zhou Song: "It would be very strange if Qiao Yu fell into the water on his back."

Han Feilu stood up and said: "He was chased by someone. He ran here, faced that person and stepped back, but accidentally stepped on the air and fell into the water."

Plop - A child fell into the water, but no one knew it because there were few tourists around and the sound of the water was booming. Compared with the sound of Qiao Yu falling into the water, it was as small as a tiny bubble.

Zhou Song: "If Qiao Yu was indeed chased by someone and he fell into the water and drowned, then what was the purpose of the person chasing him? If Qiao Yu had not slipped and fell into the water, would he have ended up like Hong Yibai, who has been missing to this day?"

Zhou Song said what Han Feilu was thinking, and Han Feilu continued: "We have been investigating the video of the night Hong Yibai disappeared. The surveillance video captured Hong Yibai walking around in the octagonal pavilion on the dam, and then walking back along the river.

I walked around the city for about a kilometer and walked along a path into the woods beside the river. On the other side of the woods was Zhichun Road. At the time of the incident, Zhichun Road passed countless cars, and there were no witnesses or surveillance videos.

, our investigation work has not made progress yet.”

Zhou Song: "Find out which car took away Hong Yibai?"

Han Feilu: "Yes, Hong Yibai will not disappear from the world. If the prisoner wants to take him away, he can only hide him in the car. The surveillance camera by the river captured Hong Yibai walking into the woods and never returning. Logically speaking,

Hong Yibai could only walk through the woods and be put into a car by the prisoners and taken away."

Zhou Song suddenly took two steps closer to Han Feilu and said, "Is it possible that Hong Yibai left by water?"

Han Feilu frowned: "Walk by water? How could the prisoner take him by water? Two people swimming back to the city?"

Zhou Song smiled and asked a question that seemed to have nothing to do with the case: "Officer Han, how long has it been since you visited here?"

Han Feilu said: "Except for coming to the scene, the last time I came was in November last year."

Zhou Song: "In November, it's still winter. Then you must not know that starting from the beginning of spring, there will be a new amusement park in the city center."

Han Feilu: "What kind of amusement park?"

Zhou Song raised his arm and pointed from the dam waterfall to the distance of the river, "Take a speedboat tour of the river, a round trip costs 100 yuan."

When Han Feilu heard this, he suddenly had an idea: "Did Hong Yibai leave by speedboat? Was he voluntary? No, if Hong Yibai voluntarily left by speedboat, the person driving the speedboat and the tourists on the speedboat must have an impression of him, but

But no eyewitness came forward. There is only one explanation: the person driving the speedboat hid him. So we have not yet found the suspect vehicle involved!"

Zhou Song didn't expect that Han Feilu's mind worked so quickly, and he couldn't help but take a high look at the police profession.

Han Feilu looked troubled in the blink of an eye: "That's not right. If the speedboat driver hid Hong Yibai on the speedboat, he would have to dock the speedboat to create time for himself to commit the crime. Only in this way can he succeed. This amusement project is not

It will be a waste of time to dock at the end. At most, it will stop on the water for a while and then return. Moreover, if the speedboat docks privately and the driver of the boat runs to catch a child, other people on the boat will not be aware of it. "

After Zhou Song listened to his analysis, he smiled and said: "You have said everything you need to say, let me say what you want."

Han Feilu's eyes were sharp, and he could tell at a glance that he was smiling brightly, "You can say whatever you want, I'm very willing to listen to your opinion."

Zhou Song said: "I don't have any insights. I only have a few photos to prove that Hong Yibai did leave by speedboat on the night of the accident." As he said that, he took out his mobile phone and clicked a few times before handing it to Han Feilu.

Han Feilu took it and parked his phone on Zhou Song's Moments page. In the middle of the screen was a message posted by a WeChat account with the note 'Lan Lan' at 11:21 pm three days ago. It read: Late Night

Walking around Shuanglong Bridge, it feels like flying. Below are a few photos. Click on it. One of the photos is of several young men and women standing on a speedboat.

There is also a group photo of them in a glass tube. The inside of the tube is full of colorful lights. In fact, it is not a tube, but a bridge. The bridge is right in front of you, just a hundred meters away, spanning

The river connects the left and right banks. The citizens gave it a nickname, called 'Rainbow Bridge'.

The photos are useless. They are just a group photo of several men and women. At best, it shows that they took a speedboat on the night of the crime and are potential witnesses. However, in the lower right corner of each photo, there is the model and time of the mobile phone that took these photos. It is a certain brand.

The function that comes with the phone by default. Han Feilu zoomed in on the group photo. The time in the lower right corner is 21:5 on May 5. It can be distinguished by a stone sculpture in the photo. This photo was taken when the speedboat just set off from the inner part of the park.

He looked at the group photo at the Rainbow Bridge again. The photo was taken at 21:20 on May 5.

Han Feilu: "The time is wrong."

Zhou Song: "Yes, the time is wrong. I personally took a speedboat ride yesterday. The total length of the river from here to the Central Park is 12 kilometers. It takes about 15 minutes to go back and forth by speedboat. The speed of each trip is fixed and not too fast.

It’s not too slow. But the two photos are 15 minutes apart. They should have returned to the starting point, but they were still taking photos on the bridge. It means that they stayed here for at least 10 minutes for some reason.”

Han Feilu turned the phone over, faced Zhou Song's face, and said solemnly: "Who is this person? I want her contact information."

Zhou Song took the phone back, called up a number, and handed the phone to Han Feilu: "She is my high school classmate, her name is Lan Lan. You'd better use your own phone to call her."

Han Feilu followed the instructions and made the call with his mobile phone. He faced the water and waited for a while. The call was quickly connected, and a woman asked: "Who is it?"

Han Feilu: "Ms. Lan Lan?"

Lan Lan: "Ah? I am, who are you?"

Han Feilu: "I am a criminal police officer in the detachment, and my surname is Han. Did you take a speedboat to Shuanglong Bridge on the night of May 5th?"

Lan Lan was stunned for a while and then said: "Yes, I went with my friends."

Han Feilu: "Listen carefully, you and your friends are related to a disappearance case. You must cooperate with our police investigation and answer my questions truthfully."

Lan Lan: "Okay, okay, I'll cooperate."

Han Feilu: "I saw the post you posted on Moments on the night of the 5th. You set off at 9:05 and should have returned to the place where you boarded the speedboat within 15 minutes, but you were still near the dam at 9:20.

Take photos on the Rainbow Bridge. Explain that you left the speedboat and landed on the shore, and stayed there for at least 10 minutes. Why is this?"

Lan Lan: "Because the boat deck was leaking, the speedboat master asked us to go down and take a walk while he repaired the boat deck before we left. So we walked around."

Han Feilu's eyelids trembled, his eyes showing a cold light: "How long have you been walking around after getting off the boat?"

Lan Lan: "Just ten minutes."

Han Feilu: "Do you know the name of the master who drives the boat?"

Lan Lan: "I don't know that."

Although he did not ask for the name of the boat operator, he had enough information for now. Han Feilu hung up the phone, returned the phone to Zhou Song, and said: "Thank you, Mr. Zhou, you have helped me a lot."

Zhou Song put his mobile phone in his pocket, put a awning in front of his forehead to block the sun, and said, "Can you go back to the car and blow on the air conditioner to say thank you to me? The sun is going to kill you."

After he finished speaking, he walked back. Han Feilu stared at his back, suddenly took a few steps quickly, grabbed his wrist and pulled him back. A strong force forced Zhou Song to turn around, and the next second Han Feilu

Fold his hand behind his back, cross his right arm against his chest, push him to a tree trunk in a few steps, look into his eyes, and ask: "Who are you?"

Zhou Song was more or less good at punching and kicking, but he had no power to fight back in front of Han Feilu. He smiled helplessly and said: "Officer Han, you just thanked me, and now you are using violence against me. You really mean it."

Not the same."

Han Feilu: "Why are you so concerned about these three cases? Don't tell me that you just happened to see Yu Jiao and Jin Tao meeting, and you happened to see Lan Lanfa's Moments. Others can see these things, but they can't

I will take it as seriously as you do, and even investigate the case back to its source. What is your purpose?"

Zhou Song: "My purpose? My purpose is just to help you."

Han Feilu naturally didn't believe it: "This is strange. You and I are strangers. Why do you want to help me?"

Han Feilu's gaze was extremely penetrating, and Zhou Song could clearly see the thorn-like cold light shooting out of Han Feilu's eyes. He and Han Feilu looked at each other for a long time, and sighed lowly as if they were discouraged.

He said angrily: "I am Zhou Song."

Zhou Song?

Han Feilu felt that this name was very familiar, and when he thought about it for a moment, he was stunned.

A smile slowly overflowed from the corner of Zhou Song's mouth. Although the smile was shallow, it looked more sincere than ever, "Do you really not remember me? My benefactor."

Han Feilu finally remembered that the reason why he felt that Zhou Song looked familiar was not because Zhou Song looked so much like the unknown wild god he had seen on the murals in foreign churches, but because he and Zhou Song had known each other more than ten years ago.

Met once.

This chapter has been completed!
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