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Chapter Eleven: Zuo Ye

In 1990, Zuo Ye was born in a fishing village in the south. His father died young. He dropped out of junior high school and came to Yucheng to live with his widowed mother Liu Huan. Liu Huan was a cook on the construction site, and the mother and son lived and ate in a house built for the workers on the construction site.

In the simple greenhouse. On the evening of May 10, 2006, foreman Zhang Qiang entered Liu Huan's room and, together with two workers, forcibly molested Liu Huan. When Zuo Ye came home and saw his mother being humiliated, he was furious and picked up stones and bricks and threw them at the three of them.

head, one person died on the spot, and the foreman Zhang Qiang and another worker were slightly injured. The foreman Zhang Qiang sued Zuo Ye for intentional homicide. Zuo Ye had just turned sixteen that year.

Zhang Qiang was very resourceful and found several workers at the construction site to prove that Liu Huan had repeatedly received payment for having sex with them, commonly known as prostitution. Liu Huan also volunteered on the night of the incident and had already received his payment, so it was overturned.

Liu Huan's accusation of attempted rape against him. Regardless of the truth, the police accepted Zhang Qiang's statement and found the 'prostitution money' at Liu Huan's residence. In the end, Zhang Qiang was sentenced to fifteen days of detention and

After being fined and released without charge, Zuo Ye was transferred to the detention center to wait for his day in court.

When Liu Huan learned the news, he was filled with grief and anger, which led to the recurrence of cerebral infarction and his death.

Zuo Ye heard the news of his mother's death in the detention center. He went crazy and injured the prison guard in an attempt to escape from the detention center. He was eventually subdued by a stun gun. On the fifth day after he injured the prison guard, he inserted the sharpened toothbrush head into Chi Chenguang's head.

Throat. On the day of the trial, the prosecution lawyer asked him why he wanted to kill Chi Chenguang. His answer was that Chi Chenguang occupied his bunk, so that he could only sleep next to the smelly toilet.

The reason was very simple and absurd. At that time, everyone thought that Zuo Ye was too deeply stimulated and his temperament had changed drastically, becoming violent and cruel. At the age of sixteen, he was sentenced to thirteen years in prison and also received psychological treatment from a medical institution.

Because he performed well during his sentence and passed the psychological evaluation by a psychiatrist, his sentence was reduced by one year. He was released from prison three years ago and is still in Yucheng.

This is the information Qin Xiao asked his friends to collect. The information was put in a paper bag by Qin Xiao. Zhou Song read the information and found a photo in the paper bag. The photo was taken by Zuo Ye when he was in prison;

The sixteen-year-old boy was wearing a blue-and-white-striped prison uniform, with short hair close to his green scalp. He was thin and yellow, as if he had been malnourished for a long time. Zhou Song looked at his face intently, and he lowered his head slightly.

, the bridge of his nose was straight, his jaw was sharp, and his lips were pursed vigorously. The light fell from the top of his head, casting a shadow at the base of his nose, and his eyes were also sunk in the shadow, like two deep black pits.

If an unknown person sees this photo, he will definitely feel disgusted with the person in the photo, and a timid person will feel scared and uneasy, not because of his appearance, but because of his twisted and sinister temperament;

He lowered his head hesitantly, but gritted his teeth angrily, like a beast locked in a cage. The world outside the cage was a huge threat to him. He roared and retreated, and there was no shortage of people outside the cage.

The courage of a person to fight to the death, he is manic and timid, restless and angry. Most people are animals that can balance their own emotions, so most people will not be so contradictory. If this kind of contradiction appears in a person at the same time, then this person

That's crazy.

Qin Xiao borrowed his friend's car to drive again. As soon as Zhou Song got in the car, he sat in the passenger seat and read the information. He guessed that Zhou Song had almost finished reading the information, so he said, "Can I ask you a question?"

Zhou Song put the photo into the paper bag: "What?"

Qin Xiao asked bluntly: "Are you looking for this person to avenge your father?"

Zhou Song frowned: "Why do you think so?"

Qin Xiao widened his eyes naively: "Avenging your father, this is how it is played on TV."

Zhou Song smiled lightly: "Although art is based on life, it is higher than life and higher than me."

Qin Xiao: "Then why are you looking for him?"

Zhou Song was silent and said, "I'm just asking for clarification."

He wanted to find Zuo Ye because he wanted to ask clearly why Zuo Ye wanted to kill Chi Chenguang. He killed just because Chi Chenguang occupied his bunk. Although this motive for the killing was established by him, combined with Wen Yongshan and Shao Dongcheng

Judging from the incident, there seems to be another hidden motive in this motive. After some exchanges with Han Yuliang, he was almost certain that Chi Chengguang died in a trap, that Wen Yongshan and Shao Dongcheng were both in the trap, and that Tong Tong

A mysterious reporting phone number. He wanted to dig up a story that had not been unearthed by the police back then. This story might be important, or it might be very confusing, or it might not exist at all. But this was a judgment he could only make after he dug out the truth.

Before the truth, he was as misty as that story, and what he was waiting for was for the dust to settle.

Qin Xiao asked again: "Why didn't you let the policeman named Han help you find Zuo Ye?"

Zhou Song said: "He is too busy and I don't want to trouble him."

It is true that he did not ask Han Feilu to help find Zuo Ye, but he did not understand that Han Feilu was busy with work, but had no intention of letting Han Feilu know. In fact, what Shao Yang said was right. The relationship between him and Han Feilu was very strange. Maybe they

They can work together, but only if they all point their finger at a third person and have the same goal. Once their goals are different, there will definitely be differences in opinions and actions, and the way to resolve the differences must be for the two parties to confront each other.

He even used weapons. In order to delay the arrival of this day, Zhou Song chose to hide it from Han Feilu.

Zuo Ye works in the furniture city as a porter and is also responsible for delivering goods. He travels between customers and warehouses on a daily basis. There are a large number of warehouses built in the south of the city near the toll station. There is a warehouse parked in front of the roadside.

There was a red van with two men coming in and out, carrying goods to the vehicle.

Qin Xiao parked the car on the opposite side of the road and pointed at the man wearing blue short-sleeves and jeans through the car window: "It should be him. There is a scar on the left side of his face."

There is a recent photo of Zuo Ye on his mobile phone. It was secretly taken while Zuo Ye was moving goods. The left face in the photo has a scar that is six to seven centimeters long from the cheekbone to the chin, which is very recognizable.

Qin Xiao asked Zhou Song: "Go to him now?"

Zhou Song said: "There's no rush."

Now that he met Zuo Ye in person, Zhou Song had a strong curiosity about Zuo Ye, so he silently observed Zuo Ye. Zuo Ye should be thirty-one years old this year. He spent his youth in prison and was released from prison.

He had already entered a young man from a boy. He was not very tall, about 1.75 meters, with a thin build, a short shaven head, a round and square face, a sallow face, thick eyebrows, and deep eye sockets, like

He has a bit of ethnic minority origin. His eyes are too calm, giving people a calm and cold impression.

After the two of them moved the goods, Zuo Ye locked the carriage, opened the door and got in the passenger seat. The truck started, but he stood still. Zhou Song looked carefully and saw Zuo Ye through the double windows.

Ye sat in the car and answered the phone. Soon, he hung up the phone and got out of the car. Another man drove the truck away. He pushed out an electric car from the warehouse and rode the electric car gradually into the self-built building.


Zhou Song made a quick decision: "Follow him."

Qin Xiao drove behind Zuo Ye, controlling the speed in order not to be discovered, and asked without knowing why: "Where is he going? Why should we follow him?"

Zhou Song didn't know where Zuo Ye was going or what the point of following Zuo Ye was, just because he now had a strong curiosity about Zuo Ye and wanted to spy more on him. They went deep into a self-built area, which was scattered everywhere.

There are residential buildings built by locals one after another, and there are also many six- or seven-story residential buildings built illegally, mainly for rental and business. Zuo Ye's electric car got into an alley less than 1.5 meters wide, and Qin

Xiao's car was blocked at the entrance of the alley and could not be driven in.

Zhou Song immediately got out of the car and said, "Wait for me here."

Qin Xiao: "I'll find a place to park the car and join you...Hey! Zhou Song!"

Zhou Song couldn't wait for him, so he chased him down the alley alone. He followed the back of the electric car and turned left and right. He plunged into the depths of the surrounding alleys and stopped in front of a dilapidated two-story building.

.The door of the small building was closed, and parked outside was the electric car that he had chased all the way.

He observed the surrounding terrain, found an alley between two houses, walked through it, and came to the back of the small building. There were two windows open to the back on the first floor. The glass of the south window suddenly made a sound, and the glass was covered.

Broken. He bent down and walked under the window, and could hear someone talking inside. The sound was strange, like a man moaning in pain.

"Don't struggle. The more you struggle, the faster the blood will flow. If you alarm the neighbors again, I won't be able to tolerate you."

The man who spoke should be Zuo Ye. His voice was dull and smooth, without any fluctuations. It was more like persuasion than threat, but it gave people a hint of cruelty and viciousness. There was a sound in the room for a while, and then there was the sound of closing the door.

Then it became quiet, and Zuo Ye seemed to go out again.

Zhou Song observed the two windows. The window with broken glass had a security window on the outside, but the other one did not. He walked behind the north window and looked in. Inside was the kitchen, and behind the window was the kitchen counter.

The height was barely up to his chest. He tried to open the window, but it was closed from the inside. He looked around on the ground, picked up a stone and smashed the glass, reached in and opened the window, and then jumped forward with his hands on the window sill.

First he stood on the window sill, then got into the kitchen and jumped off the kitchen counter.

He picked up a kitchen knife on the kitchen table and walked out of the kitchen carefully. Outside was an empty living room. The furniture was old wooden furniture. The white-painted walls were covered with crayon graffiti and dirt.

It was dirty and dirty. There was a bedroom opposite the kitchen. The bedroom door was closed tightly, and the door handle was wrapped with iron wire. He walked over with the knife in his hand and heard a slight noise inside, then took off the iron wire and turned sideways.

He pushed the door open against the wall.

The door creaked open, and a foul smell wafted out first, like the smell of blood mixed with feces and rotten flesh, which was unpleasant and pungent. Zhou Song frowned, covered his nose and looked in, even though he had already done it

He was mentally prepared, but the situation in the room gave him a chill. The room was very small, with a camp bed in the middle. There were no beddings, only a dirty bed board. A naked man was tied to the bed.

The man's hands and feet were tied to the head of the bed. The bed board beneath him was stained red with blood, and large pools of blood, feces and other substances dripped on the floor through the gaps in the bed board. The man was naked, with a pair of clothes hanging in the middle of his legs.

Towel and two ice packs, when he heard the sound of the door opening, he raised his head and looked at the door with difficulty. The ice pack slipped from between his legs, revealing a flat scar... He was castrated, and the person who castrated him wanted to

To prevent him from fainting from the pain, put ice packs on his wounds to ease his pain.


Seeing Zhou Song, the man seemed to see hope, struggling to stretch his hands and whimpering for help.

Zhou Song walked inside, walked to the bed and looked down at him. There were dozens of cuts on his skin. The knife avoided his vital points, but the wounds were very deep. Bones were visible in several places, and the wounds kept oozing out.

His legs were bloodshot, and several wounds on his legs had turned black, oozing pus, and were rotting. It was obvious that he was suffering a punishment similar to 'Ling Chi'. A towel was tightly tied around his mouth, and he looked at Zhou Song with wide eyes.

, the back of his head hit the bed board. Zhou Song untied the towel. He couldn't wait to speak, but when he opened his mouth, a half-broken tongue was revealed. Not only had he been castrated, but his tongue had also been cut.

Zhou Song looked at him with lowered eyes, probably guessing his identity: "Are you Zhang Qiang?"

Zhang Qiang was the instigator who collaborated with others to rape Zuo Ye's mother more than ten years ago. After the incident, he accused Liu Huan of prostitution. Liu Huan suffered a cerebral infarction and died of a cerebral infarction in anger. He was the direct murderer of Liu Huan.

, was also the main culprit that caused Zuo Ye to be imprisoned for more than ten years. He must have guessed correctly, because when this man heard the name 'Zhang Qiang', his reaction was very intense, and tears even flowed from his eyes.

Zhou Song understood. Zuo Ye kidnapped Zhang Qiang, first castrated him and then tortured him. He was obviously seeking revenge on him. Zhang Qiang's face was also very beautiful. He had been scratched so many times that it was hard to even get a good piece of meat.

Xun's upper lip was cut open, exposing the gums in his mouth, and all the teeth in his mouth had been pulled out. He looked really ugly and frightening, and the smell in the room was really bad. Zhou Song threw the towel in his face and left.

the bedroom.

He wanted to wait here for Zuo Ye to come back. He discovered the secret of Zuo Ye's abuse of lynching. Maybe he could make an equal exchange with Zuo Ye and force Zuo Ye to tell the real motive for killing Chi Chenguang. If this motive was true

If there exists. But it cannot be ruled out that Zuo Ye has no humanity. After being threatened by him, he wanted to kill him and silence him, so he had to pave a way out for himself.

Zhou Song dialed Qin Xiao's number, intending to tell Qin Xiao the address here and ask Qin Xiao to pick him up outside. If he didn't return after half an hour, Qin Xiao could come to rescue him in time. He had a plan in mind and stood there.

While waiting for the call to be answered in front of the living room window, he saw a bunch of keys on the window sill. The moment he saw the bunch of keys, Zhou Song's heart sank, and a chill shot down his back - he had been fooled, he had been careless, it turned out that he had already

Exposed; this bunch of keys are Zuo Ye's electric car keys. The fact that the keys are still in the room means that Zuo Ye has not gone out at all. At this moment, Zuo Ye is in this room.

Zhou Song turned around and saw Zuo Ye standing at the door of the kitchen, holding a gun in his hand and looking at him expressionlessly.

This chapter has been completed!
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