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Chapter 27: Imitation

The autopsy results of Li Feifei came out; the cause of death was intracranial hemorrhage caused by a heavy blow to the occipital bone, and there were no other external injuries on the body. The time of death was between 10 pm on June 28 and 3 am on the 29th.

The autopsy report was more than twenty pages thick. Han Feilu skipped the detailed analysis and only read the conclusion. After reading it, he put the report into the document bag and threw it into the back seat, started the car and drove out of the Public Security Bureau compound and onto the highway.

. He drove the car to the roadside of the Wanheng Group office building, took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhou Song's number: "I'm here, where are you?"

Zhou Song: "Wait for me for a while, I'm buying a drink."

Han Feilu hung up the phone and looked at the milk tea shop across the street. The last time he came to see Zhou Song, he bought two cups of milk tea in that shop. Sure enough, he found Zhou Song's back among the few girls lining up.


A few minutes later, Zhou Song came out with two glasses of cold drinks. He took off his suit jacket and put it on his shoulders because he was too hot. He put up an awning to block the sun and walked across the street. His skin was too fair, and under the bright light

It looks like a walking luminous body in the sun.

Zhou Song opened the car door, threw his suit jacket into the back seat, sat in the passenger seat and opened the collar of his shirt: "It's so hot, it has to be 40 degrees today."

Han Feilu turned up the air conditioner and said, "It's only thirty-six degrees. It will get hotter in a few days."

Zhou Song lifted the bag containing the cold drink and showed it to him: "Lemon or oolong peach, which one do you drink?"

Han Feilu drove the car onto the road and said, "Explosive lemon sounds very rude and suits me."

Zhou Song: "I also think this cup is suitable for you." He inserted a straw into the cup and handed it to Han Feilu's mouth.

Han Feilu ducked back and said, "I can't move, so you put it down first."

Zhou Song: "Hurry up and drink."

Han Feilu glanced at him, took a quick sip of the drink, then turned his face away and motioned for Zhou Song to take the drink away.

Zhou Song no longer paid attention to him, leaning in the gap between the seat and the door, blowing on the air conditioner, drinking drinks and playing with his mobile phone. He was very comfortable. He ran out during the lunch break and only had two hours to rest. He would take a break later.

He still had to go back to the company. Messages kept popping up in the work group, and a few @ him. He typed replies one by one, then closed the work group, opened the chat page with Qin Xiao, and sent a voice message: "I have a small set at home.

It has never been used and has been kept in the storage room. You can move it to my house when you have time."

Qin Xiao quickly replied to the message with the same voice: "No, no, I'll go to the mall and buy a set. It won't cost much. Have the water pipes in your bathroom been repaired?"

Zhou Song's cell phone volume was turned up high, and this voice was also heard by Han Feilu. Han Feilu secretly glanced sideways at Zhou Song, paying attention to listen to his chat with Qin Xiao.

Zhou Song said to the phone: "Not yet. I tried the method you taught me last night. The water was much smaller, but it still kept leaking. I called the property management this morning and they didn't care. I was so angry.

That set of tables and chairs was given by the furniture store and has been kept in the storage room unused. If you need to, you can move it out without being polite to me."

Qin Xiao: "Okay, thank you then. I'm off tonight, so I'll go move there tonight and help you fix the pipes."

Zhou Song: "You bring your own tools, I don't have a single nail."

Qin Xiao: "Okay, okay, no more chatting, I have to work."

Zhou Song put down his phone and took a sip of the drink from the cup.

Han Feilu asked knowingly: "Who?"

Zhou Song: "Qin Xiao."

Han Feilu: "What is he looking for you for?"

Zhou Song: "He moved out of his dormitory and shared a room with his friends. There is no dining table in his new home, so I happened to have an extra one there. Let him move out and make the best use of it."

Han Feilu: "You are very generous."

The phone sounded a message notification again. Zhou Song picked up the phone and started typing.

The car drove quietly for a while, and Han Feilu suddenly asked again: "What's broken in your house?"

Zhou Song was only focused on replying to the message and didn't hear clearly: "Huh?"

Han Feilu: "I just heard you say there was a leak."

In fact, he heard clearly that the water pipe in the bathroom was leaking.

Zhou Song said: "The water pipe is broken and cannot be closed tightly."

Han Feilu: "When did it break?"

Zhou Song: "Last night, no, it should have been early in the morning."

Han Feilu: "Why don't you call me? Don't you know that I worked as a maintenance worker before becoming a police officer?"

Zhou Song turned his head and looked at Han Feilu with an expression that said, "What nonsense are you talking about?" "How would I know?"

Han Feilu: "Then how do you know Qin Xiao can cultivate?"

Zhou Song: "At one or two o'clock in the morning, who else can I call besides him?"

Han Feilu: "Oh, it turns out you only know him in the whole world."

Zhou Song was irritated by his strange temper: "Are you done? I didn't provoke you or provoke you. Why are you causing trouble for me for no reason?"

Han Feilu shamelessly quibbled: "I only want to trouble you after chatting with you for a few words? You are really good at putting high hats on others."

Zhou Song: "Are you chatting with me? You are interrogating thieves!"

Han Feilu: "It's too early to say anything. You haven't seen me interrogate the thief yet."

Zhou Song: "I don't care what kind of bad habits you have, or what unsatisfactory things you encounter at work, in short, don't take your anger out on me."

Han Feilu: "You can't even hear a good word, did I take it out on you? I obviously meant to help you out of kindness."

Zhou Song: "What can you help me with? Repair my shower? Then save it, you don't have to worry about my house being blown up!"

Upon hearing this, Han Feilu sneered almost arrogantly.

Hearing his sneer, Zhou Song almost wanted to rush over and scratch him to death, but not to be outdone, he sneered hard.

When he arrived at the school gate, Han Feilu found a place to park his car on the roadside, took out his car keys, picked up his drink and wanted to get out of the car, but Zhou Song snatched the drink away and took out the straw from his empty cup and replaced it.

He took out the straw in the cup, then threw the replaced straw at Han Feilu, pushed the door open and got out of the car.

Han Feilu threw the straw into the trash can, put his hands in his pockets and followed Zhou Song slowly towards the school gate.

The school security guard poked his head out of the security room and asked loudly: "Are you the police?"

Han Feilu: "Yes, I'm looking for Teacher Gong from Class 22."

Security guard: "Teacher Gong just told me, you can come in."

The electric gate opened, the two of them walked in, and the electric gate closed again.

The school is very large, with multiple teaching buildings organized in an orderly manner. It is school time, and there are two classes on the playground taking physical education classes. The other students are staying in the classroom. After entering the school, Zhou Song did not know the way, so

Stopped and waited for Han Feilu. Han Feilu walked past him slowly, then led the way to a teaching building called "Bozhi Building".

Standing on the steps in front of the teaching building was a thin woman in her early forties wearing glasses and a loudspeaker on her waist. Han Feilu walked over and asked, "Are you Teacher Gong?"

Teacher Gong said: "Yes, it's me."

Han Feilu: "I am the police officer who called you just now. I came to see you today to find out more about your student Yao Mulan."

Teacher Gong: "I know, you made it very clear on the phone."

Han Feilu looked around and saw a bench beside the corridor, so he said, "Let's sit down and talk."

He and Teacher Gong were sitting on the same chair, and Zhou Song was sitting diagonally across from them. The distance was not far and he could hear their conversation clearly.

Han Feilu said: "I learned about Yao Mulan's family situation in advance. She grew up in a single-parent family, and her mother was often not at home. Yao Mulan's mother lacked understanding of Yao Mulan. I thought that Yao Mulan spent most of her time

Staying at school, you spend much more time with her than her mother, so you should know something about Yao Mulan."

Teacher Gong: "She has been my student for two years, and I know her temperament very well."

Han Feilu: "Then tell me what kind of person she is in school."

Teacher Gong had a bitter look on his face and frowned slightly: "How should I put it... Yao Mulan, this child, is not bad at studying, and she even took the first place in English for her age. But she is very introverted and sensitive, and she is a loner.

He is a solitary person and has no friends at school."

Han Feilu: "You just said that she is very sensitive. In what way is it reflected?"

Teacher Gong: "Probably during the first semester of high school, there was a physical education class. The students were running on the playground. The wind lifted Yao Mulan's bangs, revealing the birthmark on her left face. A few naughty boys laughed at her. She didn't

She didn't cry and went home directly. She didn't go back to school until more than a week later. From then on, she became even more withdrawn and ignored everyone."

Zhou Song heard this and said lukewarmly: "It's not her fault for being sensitive, it's the rudeness of those boys. Could it be that everyone was watching the fun and no one helped her?"

Teacher Gong: "No, the monitor drove those boys away immediately."

Zhou Song: "Who is the monitor?"

Teacher Gong: "A child named Wenbo has very good grades and personality."


Zhou Song thought of the young man she met in the nursing home. Could it be that the Wenbo she mentioned was Wen Yongshan's nephew Wenbo?

Han Feilu glanced at Zhou Song and asked, "How is the relationship between Wenbo and Yao Mulan?"

Teacher Gong: "They probably don't communicate much on weekdays. I've observed Yao Mulan carefully. She doesn't say a word every day. She doesn't respond when the teacher asks her to answer questions. All the teachers think she has a mental problem and needs to see a psychiatrist.


After finishing speaking, Teacher Gong looked hesitant and hesitated to speak.

Han Feilu saw it and said, "Whatever comes to your mind, just say it. Don't hide it."

Teacher Gong hesitated for a moment and then said: "Since last month, things have been lost in the class. One day, some students returned to the classroom after doing recess exercises and saw Yao Mulan hiding something in her sleeves in a panic.

Something. So everyone in the class suspected that she stole it."

Han Feilu: "Whose things are lost?"

Teacher Gong: "This is also very strange. All the things that were thrown away were cultural and museum things."

Han Feilu: "Only the cultural relics were stolen?"

Teacher Gong: "Yes, Wenbo has lost pens, homework books, extracurricular books, pencil cases, tissues, snacks in the desk, and even the pendants on the schoolbag have been stolen.


Zhou Song couldn't help but interject: "Are you sure Yao Mulan stole it?"

Teacher Gong shook his head: "I don't dare to be arbitrary about this kind of thing. It's just that a few students saw Yao Mulan next to the seat of Wenbo. Wenbo lost a pen that day."

Zhou Song looked at Han Feilu: "It's best to confirm with the person involved in person."

Han Feilu said: "Wenbo is in class?"

Teacher Gong: "He should be in math class. I will take you to find him in class."

Han Feilu and Zhou Song followed Teacher Gong into the teaching building, went up to the fourth floor, and walked outside the back door of the classroom. Through the glass window on the door, Teacher Gong pointed to a young man sitting in the fourth row by the window and said: "

The kid with glasses is Wenbo."

Zhou Song looked over and saw that the boy was really Wen Yongshan's nephew; Wenbo was wearing the same school uniform as his classmates, but his uniform seemed cleaner than others and his temperament was fresher. He had fair skin, handsome facial features, and a square frame on his face

The rimless glasses fit him very well, giving him a gentle and mature temperament. At this time, Wenbo slightly lowered his head to look at the books on the table, occasionally looked up at the teacher on the podium, and then took two notes. After writing the notes, he

He put down the pen, pinched his fingers that were stiff from holding the pen for a long time, then took off his glasses and gently hung them on the temples to tickle the wings of his nose. This action was very childish, but Zhou Song couldn't help but feel that he was imitating it.

For a certain person, this imitation has become his habit.

This chapter has been completed!
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