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Chapter Thirty: I Don't Care

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office, two workers stood on the landing gear suspended high in the sky, with safety ropes tied around their bodies, scrubbing the glass curtain wall outside the office building. The glass was specially designed so that only the outside could be seen from the inside, and the people outside

Can't see inside.

Wen Zaizhou sat in the leather chair behind his desk and had been watching them for a long time without realizing it; the workers were extremely skilled at scrubbing the exterior walls. They sprayed a thick layer of foam on the glass and opened it with a sponge.

Wipe the floor several times, then rinse away the foam with water, and then use a clean rag to carefully dry the water stains... This process is very simple, but they are hundreds of meters above the ground. If an accident occurs,

All the safety measures on them will be in vain. Although they are safe at this moment, their sense of security makes people feel powerless.

Suddenly, the landing gear seemed to be blown by the wind and swayed. A worker lost his balance, staggered slightly, and kicked over the bucket at his feet.

Wen Zaizhou sat upright suddenly, wanting to remind them to be careful. In his panic, he knocked the water glass on the table; with a bang, the glass fell to the hard marble floor and was shattered. The water splashed out and wet him.


He looked down at the scattered glass shards on the ground in trance, his heart still beating hard.

The office door was pushed open, and the secretary heard the noise and asked: "Mr. Wen, what's the matter?"

Wen Zaizhou: "It's okay, the cup is broken."

The secretary came in to collect the glass fragments. He left the office area and walked to the sofa in the reception area. He sat on the sofa and rubbed his temples twice. He had been a little absent-minded all day today, and now he was even more dizzy. He had always been in the meeting just now.

I'm distracted, I don't know why.

The secretary finished cleaning up the broken glass, poured him another glass of water, looked at his face and said, "Mr. Wen, your face doesn't look good. Do you need to go to the hospital?"

Wen Zaizhou shook his head, then closed his eyes to rest his mind: "No need. You can go out, I want to rest for a while."

The secretary went out, but the office door was not closed. Wen Zaizhou heard the noise coming from outside the door and asked loudly: "Xiao Zhang, what's going on?"

Secretary Zhang quickly returned to the office and said, "Mr. Wen, the police are here."

Wen Zaizhou was startled: "Police?"

Secretary Zhang: "Yes, they are right outside——"

Before he finished speaking, Qi Tianlei and two other plainclothes criminal policemen walked in. Qi Tianlei showed his police officer ID to Wen Zaizhou and said: "Wen Zaizhou, right? We are the police of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Shangyuan District. Now

I suspect that you are related to the murder of Li Feifei, please come with us."

In full view of the public, Wen Zaizhou was escorted to the police car in front of the company by three plainclothes men. Two plainclothes men were sitting in the back seat, sandwiching him on the left and right, and the other was sitting in the front and driving. On the way to the Public Security Bureau

, Wen Zaizhou looked at the street scene outside the window in a trance. No wonder he felt uneasy today. He always felt that something was going to happen. It turned out that he was really doomed.

He was taken into an interrogation room, sat on a cold interrogation chair, and his hands were handcuffed. The dazzling light of the incandescent lamp was like a steel needle falling from the sky, pricking his eyes so hard that he could not see outside the aperture clearly.

The faces of the two policemen sitting there seemed familiar to me, and the voice of one of them sounded familiar, like the policeman named Han whom I had seen in the gym.

Han Feilu: "Wen Zaizhou, let me ask you again, from 11:23 pm on June 28 to 2:15 am on the 29th, where were you during this time period?"

Where? Wen Zaizhou felt as if a fireball was burning above his head, making his whole body scorched and his head dizzy. Facing the police's questioning, he reacted slowly and couldn't think.

Han Feilu: "Don't you remember? Then let me remind you that last time in the gym you answered that you were at home and asked us to investigate the surveillance records of you entering the community. We did not find any video of you driving out of the community because

We were checking your car, but you didn’t leave the community in your own car that night, you drove your friend Zheng Jie’s car!”

One second Wen Zaizhou was extremely hot, and the next second he was doused with a basin of cold water, making his whole body feel bitingly cold.

Han Feilu picked up an evidence bag, which contained Zheng Jie's lost car keys: "You picked up the keys that Zheng Jie left in the ditch in the community, because the keys were soaked in water and could not be used directly, so you

I removed the back cover and dried the battery and parts. After using the car, I threw the car keys back into the drain. I guess you dared to throw the car keys back into place because you already had a plan in mind.

The police's countermeasures: Even if the police find that someone drove away Zheng Jie's car, and you are a major suspect, you can still argue that the key is in the ditch, and anyone can pick it up and drive away Zheng Jie's car; we

Even if I suspect you, I can't lock you in. This is indeed a good method, but you made a mistake."

The policeman's face was hidden in the dim air, blurred, and the surface of the evidence bag held by Han Feilu reflected sharp light. Wen Zaizhou could only see the evidence bag lifted by Han Feilu.

He was particularly familiar with the keys in the bag, because not long ago, he fished it out of the ditch at night, disassembled it and dried the internal parts, and then used the set of keys to unlock Zheng Jie's black car.

Car...Suddenly, he remembered, and he understood where he had made a mistake. That night, he took a hair dryer to dry the parts, and the back cover of the key fell on the floor. He quickly picked it up, but forgot that he had already lost it.

Dropped the gloves.

He whispered as if he had lost his soul: "Fingerprints."

Han Feilu heard it and said: "Yes, we found the fingerprint of your right thumb on the inside of the back cover."

He didn't notice when Han Feilu came over. When he noticed, Han Feilu was already standing in front of him.

Han Feilu placed an earring in an evidence bag on the baffle in front of him and asked, "Does it look familiar?"

It was a green beaded earring, with a dark red liquid sandwiched between the two beads, like blood.

Han Feilu: "We identified the blood stains on the earrings and confirmed that they are Li Feifei's earrings. Do you know where we found this earring?"

Wen Zaizhou finally realized his situation, and he was indeed doomed.

"In the trunk," he said.

Han Feilu: "That's right, it's in the trunk of Zheng Jie's black Chia." He leaned over the table and stared at Wen Zaizhou's face, "I'll ask you again, on the night of June 28th

Where were you from 11:23 to 2:15 a.m. on the 29th?"

Wen Zaizhou slowly raised his head, revealing a bloodless face; he looked at Han Feilu's sharp and scrutinizing eyes, and suddenly felt exhausted. He didn't want to struggle anymore, so he closed his eyes and let out a long breath, saying

: "I'm in an unfinished building in Lijing Garden."

Han Feilu: "What to do?"

Wen Zaizhou: "I buried her..."

Han Feilu: "Who?"

Wen Zaizhou lowered his head and looked at the green earring on the table: "Li Feifei."

Han Feilu: "Did you kill her?"

Wen Zaizhou nodded.

Han Feilu: "Speak."

Wen Zaizhou: "Yes."

Han Feilu: "Why?"

Wen Zaizhou was stunned for a while, and then said: "She cheated on her, and I found nude photos of her taken by other men on her phone."

Han Feilu: "Didn't you break up with her? How can you talk about cheating?"

Wen Zaizhou: "She and I didn't break up, we just pretended to be separated. Because my daughter couldn't accept me starting a family with other women, she strongly opposed me being with her. My daughter will be in her senior year of high school next year, and she is going to study.

During the critical period, in order not to distract her, I lied that I had broken up with Li Feifei."

Han Feilu temporarily accepted this reason: "Who is Li Feifei's cheating partner?"

Wen Zaizhou shook his head: "I don't know, she didn't tell me."

Han Feilu: "You don't even know who she cheated on, so why are you sure she cheated on her?"

Wen Zaizhou: "The photos on her phone... are very explicit and were taken by others for her. Friends would never take these things."

Han Feilu: "We didn't find Li Feifei's mobile phone at the crime scene. Did you take it away?"

Wen Zaizhou: "Yes, I threw her cell phone into the river in Shuanglong Bridge Park."

Shuanglong Bridge Park, Shuanglong Bridge Park again.

Han Feilu: "Please explain carefully the process of your crime."

Wen Zaizhou has passed the stage of panic. At this time, he is very calm. When he calms down, he is no different from his usual elegant and gentle image. He narrates his crimes as if he is talking in a conference room: "June 28th

In the evening, the two children went to a classmate's house for a birthday party. I wanted to invite Li Feifei to my house for a talk while they were not at home, and make her promise not to associate with a third party again. However, our conversation did not go smoothly, and she proposed to

I broke up with her and wanted to stop her, but an accident happened."

Han Feilu: "What accident?"

Wen Zaizhou: "She wanted to leave, but I wouldn't let her go. We had a physical conflict at the top of the stairs. As a result, she fell down the stairs and hit the back of her head on the edge of the steps. She died soon after."

Han Feilu: "But the scene of her falling down the stairs was seen by Wen Bo and Wen Xin who suddenly came home, right?"

Wen Zaizhou slowly raised his head and glanced at Han Feilu, then took a deep breath: "Yes, Wen Xin was very scared. I was worried that if you came to find her, she would spill the beans, so I sent her to my grandmother in the country overnight.

At home.”

Han Feilu: "What did you do before you sent Wen Xin away?"

Wen Zaizhou: "I found the car keys that Zheng Jie had lost, put Li Feifei's body in the trunk, drove Zheng Jie's car to the unfinished building in Lijing Garden, and buried Li Feifei's body in a pile of sand.


Han Feilu: "Which building?"

Wen Zaizhou closed his eyes tiredly and said: "I don't know, the night was too dark and there were no lights inside. I also forgot which building I carried Li Feifei into. I only remember that there was a movie on the first floor.

It’s a big open space filled with abandoned building materials.”

After Han Feilu returned to the interrogation table, he checked whether the transcript made by the clerk was complete.

Wen Zaizhou sat quietly for a long time and suddenly asked: "How do you know they saw it?"

What he said was unclear, but Han Feilu understood it. What Wen Zaizhou asked was why the police knew that Li Feifei fell down the stairs that night and was seen by his children. Thinking about it, it was really a trick of fate, and the corner of Han Feilu's mouth

He smiled as if he was mocking someone: "Did you know that your son Wenbo has the habit of keeping a diary?"

Wen Zaizhou was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly understood. He shook his head and laughed, his shoulders shaking slightly with laughter, as if he was sobbing.

In the conference room separated by a wall from the interrogation room, Gu Hai and Mu Xuecheng were sitting on one side of the long table, and on the other side were Yao Mulan, Yao Zichen, and Yao Mulan's lawyer. In the middle of the table was the book found from Yao Mulan's home.


"Why did you lie?" Mu Xuecheng asked.

Yao Mulan lowered her head and played with her fingers, pinching this one and breaking off that one. She was very focused on playing and ignored the policeman's words.

Yao Zichen pushed her arm anxiously: "The police are asking you something, answer it quickly."

Yao Mulan frowned and avoided her hand, then raised her head and looked at Mu Xuecheng, as if she just realized that there were two policemen sitting opposite, and then burst out laughing suddenly.

Mu Xuecheng: "Why are you laughing?"

Yao Mulan: "It's fun."

Mu Xuecheng: "What's fun? Is it fun to lie to the police?"

Yao Mulan stopped talking again, lowered her eyes with a lack of interest, and continued to play with her fingers.

Mu Xuecheng: "Why did you make up two people who didn't exist at all? Do you want to create the illusion that you have mental illness?"

Yao Mulan quietly curled her lips: "Last year, I read a report on the Internet about a thirteen-year-old girl abroad who killed her classmate, but was acquitted because she suffered from schizophrenia.

"She raised her eyes and looked at Mu Xuecheng, "I want to know if you are as stupid as the police abroad."

If it weren't for Zhou Song's warning, Mu Xuecheng would have believed her motive and said: "You are still lying. You are not testing the IQ of our police at all, you are trying to help Wenbo."

Yao Mulan: "What do I want to help him with?"

Mu Xuecheng picked up the diary: "Wenbo recorded the whole process of Wen Zaizhou's killing and burying the body. He was worried about his father's murder. He couldn't bear to see his father commit the murder, and he was also worried about what would happen in the future. He knew about it.

If you don't report, you will be implicated. You saw it and you wanted to help him, so you lied to the police and told a big lie."

Yao Mulan: "You mean that I lied to you that it was Lin Lin and A Zhao who killed Li Feifei? But you didn't believe me, but instead suspected me. Didn't I harm myself by doing this?"

Mu Xuecheng: "This is your scheming. You made up two non-existent people, insisted that they really existed, and led us to suspect that you have mental illness. Even if you are really the murderer of Li Feifei, we can't hold anyone accountable."

Criminal liability of mentally ill minors.”

When Yao Zichen heard this, his face turned pale with fright: "Mulan, how could you do such a thing!"

Yao Mulan's face was expressionless and her eyes were cold.

Mu Xuecheng added: "Since a few months ago, you have been secretly collecting Wenbo's things. You also took this diary from his schoolbag, right?"

Her wording was very soft and she did not use the word "steal".

Yao Mulan glanced at her, her eyes a little grateful. Then she bent down on the table, sighed, and said: "You are right, I do want to help him. He...he is very

Worry, I don’t want to see him so worried, he should be carefree all the time.”

Mu Xuecheng: "Why do you want to help him?"

Yao Mulan was slightly lost in thought, and then remembered the scene in the playground last year, when Wenbo sternly drove away the boys who made fun of her, "because he helped me."

Outside the door, Zhou Song stood by the wall. He could clearly hear every word spoken by the people inside.

After an unknown amount of time, the conference room door was pushed open, and Yao Mulan, Yao Zichen, and the lawyer walked out. Yao Mulan saw Zhou Song standing outside the door, only glanced at him lightly, and then walked past Zhou Song.


Zhou Song looked at her back and suddenly said, "Have you ever thought that he did it on purpose?"

Yao Mulan stopped and looked back at him: "What did you say?"

Zhou Songdao: "Wenbo did it on purpose. He deliberately let you steal the diary and let you see the diary on purpose - he was using you."

Yao Mulan smiled slightly, her smile was simple and soft: "Maybe, but I don't care."

Zhou Song: "He deceived you and used you, do you really not care?"

Yao Mulan shook her head: "You saw him lying to me, I only saw that he needed me and he was asking me for help."

It turns out that she knows everything. She knows that it was no coincidence that she saw the diary. She knows that she has fallen into a deliberate trap, but she doesn't care because she has no beautiful illusions about human nature. She has beautiful illusions.

The target was just that boy. Even if that boy was not beautiful, he was perfect enough in her heart.

Is this love? Maybe yes, this is the essence of love - it is not great, but very narrow; it is not bright, but very dark; it is not selfless, but very selfish; it is not beautiful, but very heavy. But this

A narrow, dark, selfish, heavy, and imperfect love gave an equally imperfect girl a new and beautiful world. In her world, she regarded the quagmire as poetry and the guiding light as the moon.

Maybe for her, Wenbo not only helped her, but saved her.

This chapter has been completed!
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