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Chapter 31: Moving the table

It was already dark when we left the police station.

Yao Mulan stood on the side of the street, looking at the other side of the highway through the traffic flow; on the sidewalk across the road stood a woman in a black dress. The woman was very strange, wearing sunglasses and black clothes at night,

Carrying a black handbag, it reminded her of the mourning bird that she had seen in a novel.

Yao Mulan stared at her intently, because the woman was also watching her closely. From the moment she walked out of the police station and stood on the roadside waiting for the bus to now, the woman stared at her motionless, as if waiting for her, and as if

Monitoring her...The lawyer's car drove over, and Yao Zichen was sitting in the co-pilot. The lawyer parked the car on the side of the road, and Yao Mulan got in the car and sat in the back seat, looking back through the window. The woman's

As expected, his eyes followed her direction until the car turned around the intersection and the woman was no longer visible.

The lawyer drove the car downstairs, opened the car door for Yao Zichen, and blocked the roof of the car with his hand. His care was beyond words.

Yao Zichen, as graceful as a willow, got out of the car and said to him: "Thank you for your hard work today."

The lawyer smiled attentively and flatteringly: "As long as I can help you, no matter how hard it is, it's worth it."

Yao Mulan ignored them, got out of the car and went directly into the unit building.

Yao Zichen smiled apologetically at the lawyer and said, "It's too late today, so I won't keep you."

Lawyer: "Go back and have a good rest. If you need anything, call me anytime."

She watched the lawyer's car drive for a distance, then picked up her cheongsam and walked up the steps of the unit building. When she got home, the nanny was preparing dinner in the kitchen, and Yao Mulan was playing with the golden retriever Liangliang in the living room.

When the nanny saw Yao Zichen coming back, she raised her voice in the kitchen and said, "Teacher Yao is back. Let's start dinner soon."

Yao Zichen changed from being weak and meek in front of others, and said expressionlessly: "Sister Qin, you go back to the room first."

The nanny didn't dare to ask anything. She turned off the fire in the kitchen and went back to the room and closed the door.

Yao Zichen walked up behind Yao Mulan, grabbed Yao Mulan's arm and pulled Yao Mulan up hard. The moment Yao Mulan was forced to turn back, she slapped Yao Mulan hard on the face.

Yao Mulan received a slap on the left side of her face. Her disheveled hair covered her eyes. She pushed her hair back, revealing a reddish-brown birthmark on her left cheek. She looked at Yao Zichen calmly, with only the indifference of dead water in her eyes.


Yao Zichen: "What have you done?"

Yao Mulan smiled coldly: "It won't be more extreme than what you did to those people."

Yao Zichen: "It's not your turn to tell me what to do!"

Her roar was hysterical, and her beautiful face was pulled into a ferocious shape by anger.

Yao Mulan seemed to be used to seeing her like this, and felt that her appearance was funny and ridiculous. The look he looked at her added a layer of teasing and contempt: "Okay, I don't care about your business, and you can't care about me either."


She returned to her room, locked the door, and ignored Yao Zichen's calls for the door.

Soon, there was no movement outside the door. She guessed that Yao Zichen left again. She went to the window and looked down. Sure enough, she saw Yao Zichen's blue Porsche driving past the unit building. She had long been used to Yao Zichen's coming and going.

.Since she can remember, Yao Zichen has gone home very few times, and every time she goes home, she only stays for one night and then leaves in a hurry. Yao Zichen is not a mother to her, but just a stranger with blood ties. And she hates it.

The blood of Yao Zichen flowing in her body was Yao Zichen who gave her the ugly birthmark, and it was Yao Zichen who gave her a twisted, dark, and deformed personality. She hated her face, her character, her fate, and her personality.

Life. If she could choose, she would rather be a beast and a beggar than be Yao Zichen's daughter. But she had no choice, she could only be Yao Mulan.

Yao Mulan walked to the bed and suddenly felt that her knees were weak and her whole body was weak. She lay on the bed, picked up the landline phone on the bedside table and put it beside the pillow, looking at it eagerly. She was waiting for a call, and the landline phone was indeed

It rang, but it wasn't the person she was waiting for.

Yao Mulan: "Hello?"

On the phone was a middle-aged man with a rough voice: "It's me."

Yao Mulan was disappointed: "What?"

Man: "I heard you went home."

Yao Mulan: "Yeah."

Man: "I also heard that the police caught the murderer of Li Feifei."

Yao Mulan: "Tell me the important point."

The man sneered: "You are really capable."

Yao Mulan: "You don't need to praise me, you just need to hide your tail, and this matter will be over."

Man: "Then we're even?"

Yao Mulan: "Yes, so don't call me again in the future."

After hanging up the phone, Yao Mulan looked out the window. Outside the window were tall buildings with several lights on, like twinkling eyes, staring at her closely in the dark night...

Tonight there were a few stars that rarely appeared, hidden behind a wisp of thin clouds, flickering in and out.

When Zhou Song returned to the community, he inadvertently looked up and noticed the scattered stars in the sky. He suddenly had a whim and wanted to count how many stars there were tonight, so he walked and counted them, and unknowingly walked to the bottom of the unit building.

He was so focused on counting that he didn't notice a person standing under the shadow of the trees on the roadside. Only when the person crept up behind him did he realize with horror, he turned around suddenly and was about to send out his fist!

"It's me! It's me!"

Hearing Qin Xiao's voice, Zhou Song's raised arm froze in mid-air.

Qin Xiao quickly took a step back and raised his arm to protect his head.

Zhou Songbo was shocked and slightly angry: "Why don't you say anything?"

Qin Xiao: "I wanted to scare you, but I almost failed."

Zhou Song still wanted to say something, but he held back his words, opened the door of the unit building and walked in.

Qin Xiao quickly followed him into the elevator and looked at his face: "Are you scared? I'll die, I'll die, there will be no next time."

There was no emotion on Zhou Song's face. He was silent for a while and then said: "Don't make such jokes with me in the future."

Qin Xiao: "Okay, okay, I'll never do it again. Don't be angry."

Zhou Song adjusted a smile: "I'm not angry, I'm just not used to it."

After returning home, Zhou Song took out a pair of brand new slippers for Qin Xiao. Qin Xiao changed his shoes and walked to the living room to look around: "You live in such a big house alone."

Zhou Song: "My family prepared it for me."

Sister Cai has already left, and there are two dishes and one soup on the dining room table. Zhou Song looked at the dishes, and then asked Qin Xiao: "Have you had dinner?"

Qin Xiao: "I ate two buns before coming here."

Zhou Song pointed to the bathroom and said, "Go and wash your hands, and then come over to eat."

Qin Xiao didn't refuse much, hung the small satchel on his shoulder on the coat rack, and went to the bathroom.

Zhou Song washed his hands in the sink, then poured two glasses of orange juice and brought them to the restaurant. Qin Xiao came out soon, and the two of them sat down to have dinner. Tonight's dishes were braised crucian carp, stir-fried green beans, and winter melon pork ribs.

Soup, Sister Cai also baked cookies for dessert.

Qin Xiao was actually not very hungry, but he couldn't help but add more rice three times. After Zhou Song took a few bites of the food, he pushed the bowl and chopsticks aside and pulled the plate with biscuits in front of him. The plate of biscuits was quickly gone.

Less than half.

Seeing that he was not eating well, Qin Xiao said: "Snacks cannot be eaten as meals, please take a few more bites of vegetables."

Zhou Song couldn't listen to any advice like this, so he just nodded perfunctorily.

Qin Xiao had no choice but to clear the dishes by himself, and took the dishes to the kitchen to be washed. While he was washing the dishes, Zhou Song was sitting in the dining room eating biscuits, and said very insincerely: "I'll wash it."

Of course Qin Xiao would not let him wash it: "Your hands are whiter and tenderer than the little girl's hands. I'm sure you haven't even picked up a rag. Just sit there and rest."

He washed the dishes and wiped the kitchen table clean, then quickly took off the small satchel hanging on the coat rack and asked, "Where is the bathroom?"

Zhou Song led him to the bathroom door with a cookie plate and opened the sliding door. The shower hanging on the shelf was still dripping. Qin Xiao walked in with his bag and neatly removed the entire shower pipe.

, and repaired it every time.

Zhou Song moved a low stool and sat at the door, eating cookies and watching him fix the shower. He found it much more interesting than watching TV.

"Are you driving?" Zhou Song asked.

Qin Xiao quickly removed the screws at the connection of the water pipe: "No, my friend wants to use his own car, so I don't have a car to use."

Zhou Song: "Then how do you move the table?"

Qin Xiao: "I take a taxi. If the taxi doesn't pick me up, I will carry it back."

Zhou Song: "The tables and chairs add up to a lot of weight."

Qin Xiao showed off his biceps: "I don't practice this for nothing."

Zhou Song: "...You'd better find a car."

Qin Xiao chuckled: "I'm just teasing you. My friend will be over soon after get off work."

There was a clanging sound in the bathroom for a while. Qin Xiao installed the shower head and pressed it back on the wall. When he turned the switch, the water flowed down with a splash, soaking Qin Xiao's pocket in an instant. He wiped the water off his face.

Water, said: "Okay, is the water bigger than before?"

Zhou Song covered the plate with his hand to prevent the splashed water droplets from getting the biscuits wet, and gently reminded him: "Your clothes are wet."

Qin Xiao: "Ah, yes! Damn it!" He quickly turned off the water, but it still made him wet.

Zhou Song picked up a biscuit and took a bite: "You might as well take a bath, otherwise you will catch a cold."

Qin Xiao was a little embarrassed: "Is it convenient?"

Zhou Song stood up and walked to the bedroom: "You can use everything in the bathroom except towels. I'll get you some clothes."

When he moved to this house, Liang Xie bought a lot of clothes for him. It was probably because Liang Xie hadn't seen him for several years and had forgotten his body size, or she thought he would grow taller, so she bought the clothes anyway.

It's more than one size too big, and it's too loose for him. It's probably suitable for Qin Xiao.

Zhou Song put the clothes and a brand new towel on the shelf outside the bathroom door, then lay on the sofa in the living room and looked at his mobile phone.

Qin Xiao came out after taking a shower. The white T-shirt and sweatpants Zhou Song found for him fit perfectly. Qin Xiao took the hangtag he had just pulled off his clothes and said, "These clothes of yours are all famous brands. I'll wash them before putting them on."

Give it back to you."

Zhou Song glanced at him, nodded casually, and pointed to the storage room: "The table is in there."

Qin Xiao went to the storage room to look at the table, and came out happily after reading it: "It's very good, not too big, not too small. It's just right in our house."

Zhou Song asked smoothly: "Where is the house rented?"

Qin Xiao walked over and sat on the sofa: "The family building behind the postal building on Changning Road."

Zhou Song didn't know where the postal building was, and he had no impression of the family building there, but he didn't ask in detail. He just said "oh" and then stared at his phone without any movement.

Qin Xiao had nothing to do and looked around the living room carefully. He caught a glimpse of a slim laptop placed at the end of the sofa where Zhou Song was lying, "Is that computer yours?"

Zhou Song said "hmm".

Qin Xiao: "Can I use it?"

Zhou Song still said "hmm" lazily. He only looked at his phone and didn't pay attention to what Qin Xiao said. He lay on the sofa for a while and finished touching the biscuits before lazily getting up and carrying the plate.

The kitchen was loading cookies. Sister Cai knew that he liked to eat sweets, so she baked some more cookies and left some in the oven. He put all the remaining cookies on a plate and returned to the living room with the plate, only to find that

Qin Xiao was sitting on the carpet using his computer. He was bored, so he sat down next to Qin Xiao: "What are you doing?"

Qin Xiao was browsing a website with a simple and straightforward name called "Xunqingwang.com". Qin Xiao opened the administrator backend, which was filled with many posts that needed to be reviewed. He typed on the keyboard and said: "I

I am reviewing posts. I have been too busy with work these days and have no time to go to the Internet cafe. I have accumulated a lot."

Zhou Song squeezed to the computer: "Xunxing.com? Is this the kind of website I understand?"

Qin Xiao: "Yes, this website is a voluntary public welfare organization that helps families who have lost their children find their children, and also helps victims of trafficking find their families."

Zhou Song: "How do you know about this kind of website? And you became the management."

Qin Xiao smiled and said: "I was also abducted. My mother wanted to help me find my family, so she asked around and found this website. She didn't know how to use a computer, so she asked me to post a request for help on the website.

.At first I was doing it to deal with her, but later I found out that it was very meaningful and there were many separated families in need of help, so I slowly started doing it."

Zhou Song: "How do you help others find children? Are you just posting online?"

Qin Xiao: "It can be said that what we can do is limited. We can only try to make every real case visible to netizens across the country. If any netizen recognizes the photos or videos of the missing children, they can give us timely feedback.

We will try to contact the local police station or ask some enthusiastic local netizens to help find it."

Qin Xiao opened his QQ, and many QQ groups popped up. These groups were named after places, "Look, we have many groups formed by local netizens, and there are people from all walks of life in them. The important thing is that they are very warm-hearted.

They are also very willing to help.”

Zhou Song joked: "I didn't expect your intelligence system to be so powerful."

Qin Xiao smiled and said: "I asked a netizen to find out the information about Zuo Ye, a folk master of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

Zhou Song became very interested in the missing person posts on the site. After Qin Xiao finished reviewing the posts, he started to read the posts. He read these posts as stories and read one after another. Unknowingly, it was approaching midnight.

He opened the first few posts. He was already a little tired, but when he saw the title of this post, his sleepiness disappeared.

The title of the post is: Looking for daughter Dou Qing, 29 years old, from Shihe County, Chuzhou, who has been missing for 3 years.

Seeing the name "Dou Qing", Zhou Song immediately thought of the woman dressed in black he had met at Tong Yue's memorial service. He also thought of the broken driver's license found at Zuo Ye's house.

The woman wearing the clothes and the owner of the driver's license were Dou Qing. He had only met Dou Qing a week ago, but at this time Dou Qing appeared on the family-hunting website and had been missing for three years.

The poster claimed to be Dou Qing’s mother and said that Dou Qing was deceived by a man from her hometown to work in Vietnam in 2018 and has lost contact to this day. The family reported to the police, but Dou Qing was far away in Vietnam and voluntarily left with her boyfriend, so the police

It is very difficult to file a case; there are countless girls like Dou Qing who go abroad to work every year, and it is difficult to find out their specific whereabouts, so when they call the police, there is no news. A photo of Dou Qing is posted in the building, and Dou in the photo

Qing was young, beautiful, and tall. Just looking at her figure, she looked very similar to Dou Qing at Tong Yue's memorial service.

Zhou Song paid attention to the posting time and found that this missing person post was published two years ago, which means that Dou Qing has not been missing for 3 years, but has been missing for 5 years. His current age is not 29, but 31 years old; a missing person is 5 years old.

A 20-year-old woman appeared inexplicably at Tong Yue's memorial service and was related to Zuo Ye. There must be some unknown secret hidden in this mysterious woman.

He saved the webpage of this post to his mobile phone, intending to find an opportunity to tell Han Feilu everything about it. After saving the URL, he looked at the time. It was already past midnight, and it was time for him to go to bed.


"When will your friend come?" Zhou Song asked.

Qin Xiao made a phone call and said after the call: "He still needs more than an hour. How about I carry him? It doesn't seem to weigh much."

Zhou Song has a problem. He loses energy after midnight. He is also sleepy at this time: "You can just wait. I'm sleepy and I want to sleep."

After saying that, he walked to the bedroom, closed the door, and left Qin Xiao alone in the living room.

This chapter has been completed!
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