Incomplete summary of police drama
(1) Department A (action office) 1. Action Department 1) Action Division: 1 Anti -terrorist activity and internal security group: Inspector: Song Leqi (Guo Xianni) "Anonymous Angel 3D" 2 Key and search team: Police dog team: 3 Action Group: 2) Police Motor Force 3) Explosive processing group: ? Yang Yisheng (Zheng Jiaying) Disassembling expert "Forensic Pioneer" 2. Police Region The police force is divided into six communities, and the central area is divided into districts and partitions. In several cases, the scope of police jurisdiction is based on the police station. At present, there are 23 police districts in Hong Kong: 1) Hong Kong Island Terminal 2) Eastern Kowloon Terminal 3) West Kowloon Region Tsim Shazu Division Assistant Commander (Action) Chairman: Liao Xiuzhu ﹝ Luo Guanlan ﹞ "Detective Records" 4) Xinton South 5) New Territories North 6) Water Police Police • West Kowloon Casino Team: ? Kuang Zijian (Lin Wenlong) "Tuo Gun Sister IV" ? Administrative: Peng Guodong (Ouyang Zhenhua) "Negotiation Expert" Cheng Feng (Wei Junjie) "Tuo Gun Sister IV" Zhuang Xin (Dai Zhiwei) "Interpol" ? Senior supervisor: Liang Xiaorou (Meng Jiahui) "Forensic Pioneer" Ma Yingying (Shi Shiman) "Forensic Pioneer II" Zheng Baiyu (Cao Yonglian) "ID Elite" Cheng Feng (Wei Junjie) "Tuo Gun Sister IV" Ling Qianer (Xu Zishan) "Forensic Pioneer III" (SIP: 14752) Mi Anda (Miao Qiaowei) "Interpol" Yao Xuechen (Lin Baoyi) "Reading the Heart Intellectual" • Trainee inspector: Low Ji Ji (Wang Haoxin) "Interpol" ? Police sheriff: Xu Wenshi (Hu Dingxin) "Interpol" Ye Zhanting (Tian Ruini) "Reading the Heart Detective" ? Sheriff (sand exhibition): Feng Zhiwei (Fang Zhongxin) "Return to the Return" Li Zhanfeng (Teng Liming) "Forensic Pioneer III" (SGT: 63251) Xu Wenshi (Hu Dingxin) "Interpol" He Lixian (Huang Zongze) "Reading the Heart Detective" • Police Police District Case Team: ? Low -level police prosecutors: Gu Yujiao, Chen Yanjing ﹞ "Talking about the Case" ? Low -level inspectors: Lu Tianheng ﹝ Ma Guoming ﹞ The 3rd Team "Talking about Cases" Inspector: Zhou Jiarong 家 Zhang Jiahui ﹞ The 1st team "Detective Records" ? Detector: Xu Dali ﹝ Yang Yi ﹞ The 3rd Team "Talking about the Case" ? New Territories North District Case Team: Inspector: Ma Xiaoxian (Ma Dezhong) "New Police Circle of Zhiyong" • Sha Zhan: Fang Wazai (Lin Baoyi) "New Police Circle of Zhiyong" Detective: Tao Zhanxiong (Chen Haomin) "New Police Community" ? Sweeping group: ? Low -level inspectors: Simple (Guo Keying) "Negotiation Expert" ? Xi Silong Sweeping Group: Inspector: Jiang Chufan (Wu Zhuohua) Group B "Sweeping the Pioneer" Detective: Yang Xiong Tie (Yin Mingyang) Group B "Sweeping the Pioneer" ? VISE S.D.S Anti -Porn Action Group: Zheng Jiaying (Li Baiqiao) "Sister Tuo Gun I" ? CAIU child abuse survey team: Ouyang Zhen (Wu Zhuohua) "Sister Tuo Gun II" Zheng Jiaying (Li Baiqiao) "Sister Tuo Gun II" Zhu Su'e (Guan Yonghe) "Sister Tuo Gun II" ? Anti -White Group: "Anti -White Pioneer" • Oil Tsou Police District Anti -White Group: Low -level inspector: Zhang Guofeng 察 Guo Jinan's first team "Duke's Record" Sand Exhibition: Qian Yali Yuan Jieying ﹞ The first team of "Detective Records" ? Special team: ? Low -level inspector: Ouyang Zhen (Wu Zhuohua) "Tuo Gun Sister III" Police: Wei Yingzi WPC53289 (Cai Dofen) "Sister Tuo Gun Sister III" ? Oil linen miscellaneous investigation team: Inspector: Yuan Huii WiP38121 ﹝ Guo Xianni ﹞ "The Police Out of the Police" Police officer: Zhang Nianen WPC66531 (Rong Zuer) "The Police Police Up" ? No organization and minor crime investigation department: ? Inspector: Yin Xiangming (Ma Guoming) "Breakout" ? General Activities: ? Low -level inspectors: Shao Zhonghuan (Wu Zhuojiao) "Sister Tuo Gun IV" ? Rong Duoyi 67981 (Chen Yinwei) "Fire Fire III" 3. Lowlon Terminal (seven subordinate regions have one headquarters each, no :) 1) Action Department 1 Command and Control Center [will be responsible for answering the citizen's 999 help phone number] 2 charge team EU (Emergar Unit) • Hong Kong Island General District Headquarters charge team: Sheriff: Situ Chao (Bai Biao) "Study Police Sniper" Zhu Su'e (Guan Yonghe) "Sister Tuo Gun II" Police: Shi Shiman (Chen Sanyuan) "School Police Sniper" Hua Ruoyu (Liang Jiaqi) "Academic Police Sniper" Zheng Jiaying (Li Baiqiao) "Sister Tuo Gun II" 3 Police Mobile Force Team PTU: ? Xi Silong PTU Brigade: Sheriff: Zhang Jingfeng SGT39270 (Tao Xiaoyu) "Study Police" Qu Mingchang SGT38269 (Qian Jiale) "The Police Police Up" ? Police: Zhong Liwen PC66336 (Teng Liming) "The Police Police Transfer" Shi Shiman PC66341 (Chen Sanyuan) "Study Police" Zheng Jiaying WPC20447 (Li Baiqiao) "Sister Tuo Gun I" Zhu Su'e WPC17614 (Guan Yonghe) "Sister Tuo Gun I" He Yingbiao PC99977 (Chen Guobang) "Jun Detective Realms" 4 Flying Tiger SDU (Special Duties Unit) Ma Xiaoxian (Ma Dezhong) "Zhiyong New Police" " Yang Jiacong (Lu Songxian) "Outdency Special Police" 2) Administrative Department ? Oil linen police -civilian relations group: Inspector: Mo Jiacong (Chen Hao) "Negotiation Expert" Police: Ye Keren (Wen Songxian) "Negotiation Expert" 3) Criminal Investigations Department (CID) ? General Australia Police Station: Zhang Xiaoyong (Tao Xiaoyu) "Criminal Investigation Archives 123" Li Zhongyi (Liang Rongzhong) "Criminal Investigation Archives 123" ? Central police station: ? Low -level inspectors: Jiang Zishan (Chen Jinhong) "Criminal Investigation Archives 4" Sheriff: Xu Fei (Gu Tianle) "Criminal Investigation Archives 4" 4) Transportation Department ? Xisi Dragon Police District Transportation Department: Sheriff: Wei Yingzi (Cai Dofen) "Sister Tou Gun IV" ? Senate Inspector: Zheng Jiaying (Shao Zhonghuan) "Tuo Gun Sister III" • Traffic Intellectual Investigation Division: Zheng Jiaying (Li Baiqiao) "Sister Tuo Gun IV" 4. Water Police Region: 1) Action Division 2) Administrative Division 3) Support Section 5. Support Department 1) Support section: 1 Planning Action Course 2 Total Course 3 Transportation Course 4 Police Force Information and Public Information Organization Group 5 Police license class 2) Division of Police Public Relations: 1 Community Relations Section 2 News and Publicity Division: Inspector: Jiang Chufan (Wu Zhuohua) "Sweeping the Pioneer" Zhang Simin (Chen Minzhi) "Search for Compassion" 3) Transportation Headquarters: 1 Traffic Management Section 2 Central Transportation Violation Prosecution Section 3 Administration (7) Department B (Criminal and Security Office) 1. Criminal Department: 1) Headquarters 2) Criminal Support Section 3) Mercial crime b): ? Bao Wenlong (Zheng Yijian) "Laughing and Looking at the Fengyun" 4) Drug Investigation Division: ? Low -level police prisoner: Hu Zhuoren (Lin Jiahua) "Sniper Sniper" ? Low -level inspectors: Ma Yingying (Chen Jianfeng) "Forensic Pioneer II" 5) Criminal Records ? Central Police Station: Wen Wanlan (Chen Jianfeng) "Criminal Investigation Archives 4" 6) No crime and the Eight -in Investigation Division (O Ji) ? Low -level police prosecutors: Hu Zhuoren (Lin Jiahua) "School Police Sniper" ? Low -level inspectors: Lu Yaoguo (Chen Hao) "Rights Rights Cinerian" Yang Haoran (Huang Debin) "Flying Men's True Story" Inspector: Wang Zhizhen (Huang Rihua) "O Records" • Trainee inspector: Shi Shiman (Chen Sanyuan) "School Police Sniper" ? Detector: Yao Lihua (Shao Zhonghuan) "Famous Angel 3D" 7) CIB of Criminal Intelligence Division: ? Low -level police: Gong Jiapei (Liu Songren) "Sneak Sniper" ? ? Low -level inspectors: Huang Jiahui (Chen Xiaosheng) Group A "Return to the Return" Luo Xiuling (Yuan Caiyun) Group B "Return to Division" Zhou Wangqing (Chen Fara) "Sneak Sniper" ? Police Department Sheriff: Liang Xiaotang (Xie Tianhua) "Sneak Sniper" Situ Kai (Guo Zhenghong) "Sneak Sniper" (tracking group) Detective: Deng Weiqing (Cao Minli) Group A team member "Return to the Return" Zhong Zheng (Wang Xi) "CIB Criminal Intelligence Department" Mengxin Ling (Huang Zhiwen) "Sneak Sniper" 8) Military and Foreign Foreign Science Department [Military weapon and ammunition verification institution, also responsible for some matters related to crimes, such as evaluating the performance of firearms and ammunition for the police forces and ammunition. ? Low -level inspectors: Ouyang Zhen (Wu Zhuohua) "Sister Tuo Gun II" Inspector: Ouyang Zhen (Wu Zhuohua) "Sister Tuo Tuo I" 9) Authentication department: ? Low -level inspectors of the Forensic Affairs Department: Bowan Bo (Wu Zhuohua) "Forensic Pioneer II" Boss Dong (Li Yaoxiang) "Forensic Pioneer III" • Trialist Department of the Forensic Affairs Department: Yang Yisheng (Chen Xiaosheng) "Forensic Pioneer II" Yang Zhilun (Liu Kaiwei) "Authentication II" Yuan Tianqing (Chen Cailan) "Authentication II" • Director of Scientific Lesson Director of the Forensic Affairs Department: Fang Qing (Meng Jiahui) "Sister Tuo Gun IV" Mo Shuyuan (Guo Duoyun) "Forensic Pioneer" Zeng Jiaqiao (Lu Wenjie) "Evidence Real Record II" You Jianbao (Jiang Zhiguang) "Forensic Pioneer III" • Technician technicians: Zeng Jiaqiao (Lu Wenjie) "Evidence Real Record I" Cao Zhirui (Guo Zhenghong) "Authentication I Record I" He Zhengmin (Xiao Zhengnan) "Forensic Pioneer III" Jiang Zhuojun (Chen Yinzheng) "Forensic Pioneer III" ? Forensic: Gu Zichen (Lin Wenlong) "Forensic Pioneer II" Nie Baoyan (Chen Huishan) "Reality Record" Zhong Xuexin (Zhang Keyi) "Forensic Pioneer III" 2. Ministry of Security: 1 The Witness Protection Unit (WPU) Chen Fugui (Wang Xi) "Protection Witnesses Group" 2 Protection requires people group (8) Department C (personnel and training place) 1. Personnel Department: 1) Human Resources Section: 1 Human Resources Course 2 Promotion and Research Course 2) Service conditions and discipline section 3) Human Services and Staff Relations Division: 1Meal, Club and Physical Education Section 2Welfare Services Section 3Support Section 4 Psychological Service Class: ?Police Clinical Psychologist: Wu Qiaojun (Xuan Xuan) "Criminal Investigation Files iv" Pan Zitao (Cai Zijian) "Criminal Investigation Files III" 5Staff Relations Section 2. Hong Kong Police College ?Principal: Jiang Ping (Liu Jiang) "School Police Ambition" 1) Vice President 1: 1Basic Training Center 1-1 Police trainee training [mainly responsible for the basic training of trainee police officers and trainee inspectors]: ?Instructor: Class teacher: Gao Huijun (Gu Jiyun) "School Police Ambition" Deputy head teacher: Li Wensheng sgt39007 (Miao Qiaowei) "Study Police Ambition" Police academy shooting range instructor: Qu Mingchang sgt38269 (Qian Jiale) "Police Ambition" ?School police officer: Zhong Liwenpc66336 (Teng Liming) "The Ambition of a School Police Officer" Charmaine Sheh pc66341 (Chen Sanyuan) "Academic Police Ambition" Ma Ailin pc66343 (Fiona Sit) "School Police Ambition" Wen Jing wpc66865 (Xu Zishan) "School Police Update" 1-2 detective training; 1-3 firearms training; 1-4 police driving and traffic training; 1-5 support; 1-6 police band 2Professional Development Learning Center 2) Vice President Seven 1Learning Development Support Center2Research Center3College Administrative Center (7) Department D (Supervision Office) 1. Information Systems Department: 1) Information Systems Department Headquarters 2 Business Services Section 3) Communications Section 4) Information Application 2. Service Quality Supervision Department: 1) Research and Supervision Division 2) Complaints and Internal Investigation Division: ?Inspector of Complaints Section: Ouyang Feng (Guo Keying) "Anti-Pornography Pioneer" (7) Department E (Finance, Government Affairs and Planning Department) 1. Ministry of Government Affairs: 1) Personnel and General Affairs Section 2) Establishment and Civilian Personnel Relations Section 2. Finance Department: 1) Finance Department 2) Internal Audit Department 3) Materials Coordination Department 3. Planning and Development Department Police rank (from highest to lowest): Rank: 1 police officer (pc) 2 junior police officer 3 sergeant (sajian) 4 police station sergeant Superintendent level: 1 trainee inspector 2 inspector (ip) (assistant) 3 junior inspector 4 chief inspector 5 superintendent 6 junior superintendent 7 chief superintendent Director level: 1 Chief of Police 2 Junior Assistant Commissioner of Police (seven) 3 Deputy Commissioner of Police (two), divided into "operation" and "management" 4 Commissioner of Police (one) This chapter has been completed!