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Chapter 10: Tianbao Dragon Fire Glazed Tile!

Lin Yi frowned.

Before making the mobile game of the same name, he had just watched the TV series. I can't say that he remembered it clearly, but he still knew the general plot.

After they found the tomb robbing tools, they should go back to the camp directly, get some sleep, and start digging the tombs the next day.

What's going on with this barking dog?

He doesn’t remember such a part in the TV series!

Could it be that the plot has changed because of his arrival?

"Come on, let's go back and take a look."

Lao Hu and Fatty stopped talking nonsense and neatly put away the tomb robbing tools.

A group of four people quickly returned to the camp.

The bonfire was still burning, and several hounds and mastiffs were barking crazily at the ancient tree where the horses were tied.

It was as if they saw something unclean that made them particularly afraid.

"Lao Lin, Lao Hu, I heard that dogs can see things that humans can't see... No... there can't be ghosts..."

"I am the successor of socialism. The glory of the party shines in my heart. Monsters, monsters, cows, ghosts, gods, and snakes are all paper tigers. Tathagata, Buddha, and the Jade Emperor protect me from encountering..."

The fat man's body trembled, his scalp felt numb, he held the Japanese saber in his hand, kept muttering, and looked under the tree in fear.

By the light of the flashlight, under the old tree, several horses were faintly panting and huddled in the corner. They were all obviously frightened.

One horse.

Two horses.

Three horses.


One horse is missing!

When I realized this, the smell of blood in the air became stronger and stronger.

Lin Yi held the ancient black gold sword in his hand and walked over quickly.

He doesn't care about any monsters and monsters. Now that they are here, Mr. Lin will accept them all.

The four people walked over and saw a scene of blood.

A pony tied to a tree had its entire belly broken open and its intestines flowed all over the floor. The pony was still alive and fell to the ground twitching continuously. It was obvious that it was dead.

The hunting dogs gathered around the pony and barked at it, as if they had seen something terrible, and their barks were filled with uneasy restlessness.

"Horses and dogs are good friends, and the pony was definitely not bitten by a dog. It must have been torn open by some wild beast." After seeing this, Lao Hu said with a solemn face.

The fat man looked frightened and trembled. He clenched the Japanese saber in his hand tighter and tighter, "Several mastiffs and hounds were surrounding us, but we didn't catch the murderous beast? Even humans and bears can't do that, right?!"

Ji Yi pondered for a moment, then attacked the pony secretly and was able to tear the pony's belly open.

In his memory, there were quite a few savage ditches.

Red cane is fine.

It is said that the red tiger is a very aggressive beast on the grassland, like a big red ape, with a body as hard as iron and likes to dig holes underground.

On the grassland, the red dog is just a legend, no one has really seen it.

Or maybe...

Everyone I saw was dead!

And there’s the prairie otter!

This is a terrifying carnivorous beast that is active at night and hunts big bats, big rats, and pythons!

He also has absolute strength, and it is not difficult to tear open the belly of a pony.

While Ji Yi was thinking, the pony's bloody intestines were moving, as if being pulled down by something.

"Lao Hu, fat man."

Lin Yi shouted softly.

The two immediately understood each other.

If you want to see what it is, you have to remove the horse body.

Yingzi raised his shotgun and pointed it at the horse's corpse. As long as the thing dared to show its head, a bullet would hit it.

The shotgun has a small caliber and is fine for hunting rabbits, elk, wild boars, whatever.

To deal with large beasts, the lethality is somewhat insufficient.

The three mastiffs and five hounds are all ready to go.

The three of them looked at each other and began to push the horse's body away together.

Soon, the horse's body was removed. The beast was not seen, but a bottomless hole was seen.

The hole was about the thickness of a small bucket. I looked at it with a flashlight and found that the hole was not naturally formed. It seemed that something had dug it out with its claws.

"Yingzi, can you see any beasts?" Lin Yi looked at Yingzi and asked.

"I have been hunting for so long and I have never seen such a beast."

Yingzi is not very old, but he is an experienced hunter in the jungle.

Even she had never seen it, so Old Hu and Fatty didn't even know what kind of monster it was!

However, since it is a beast and not an unclean thing, everyone is not so worried.

They have three mastiffs, five hounds, shotguns, and Lin Yi's ancient black gold sword.

Don't be afraid of any beast!

the next day.

According to Lao Hu, he has basically determined the location of the ancient tomb, and it is not easy to bury deep here, so the underground tomb will never be too deep.

Lao Hu and Fatty, together with five hunting dogs, began to dig the grave in the ditch according to the location of the cave according to the money.

Lin Yi and Yingzi took three giant mastiffs and looked around for the monster that attacked the pony last night.

At this time, Ji Yi seemed to understand a little bit!

He remembered that in the TV series, when Lao Hu and Fatty were dejected after digging the Tianbao Dragon Fire glazed tiles, Yingzi fell into a hole inexplicably, and then everyone went in and discovered the ancient tomb.

While watching it, he thought it was so outrageous.

Why did Yingzi go there in such a good way?

Now it seems that everything is falling into place!

Yingzi led the giant mastiff and looked for the monster that attacked the pony last night.

The TV series "Jingjue Ancient City" is generally quite faithful to the original work.

But in TV series, it is inevitable that there will be some modifications and deletions.

In this way, the pony's belly was torn apart by the monster, which is probably in the original book. In the TV series, it was harmonized because it was too bloody.

In fact, Lin Yi has read the original work before, but it took so long that he almost forgot about it.

Not long after, Fatty approached Lin Yi.

Just like in the TV series, Lao Hu and Fatty dug a hole and encountered a natural dragon fire glazed tile.

This kind of extremely thin glazed tile has bags of Western Regions Fire Dragon Oil on the tile, and then there is another layer of glazed tiles, and then there is the sealing mound. As long as there is an external force entering, the roof will break when it is touched. Western Regions Fire Dragon Oil sees

The air is there.

Once a tomb robber approaches, it will burn instantly.

The tomb robbers, the grave goods, and the body of the tomb owner will all be burned and the tomb will be dug up!

However, Lao Hu said in his half of the book that this kind of ancient tomb with glazed tiles may seem invulnerable, but in fact, it is most afraid of digging.

Soon, they dug into the rammed earth layer.

This kind of soil is a secret recipe of the palace. It is made of children's urine, glutinous rice and other messy materials. It is stronger than today's concrete.

Then the fat man came to find Lin Yi.

For nothing else.

Just to borrow a knife!

Ji Yi followed Fatty over while recalling the plot of the TV series.

In the TV series, it was Yingzi who accidentally fell into a cave and discovered the stolen tomb of the Jin Kingdom general.

Some people speculate that it was stolen by a group of tomb robbers, while others say that it was stolen by a kid.

Who dares to rob a tomb without any skills?

But no matter who entered the main tomb and found no coffin, they must have searched privately. Even if there was a mechanism, they would have been discovered long ago.

Who else can leave you the coffin of General Jin Guo?

Moreover, when the air was introduced and there was no corpse air in the tomb, how could the general of the Jin Kingdom turn into a big rice dumpling?

Thinking about it now, maybe the world he lives in now is a fusion of the original work and the TV series, not just the same one.

If the tomb of the general of the Jin Kingdom had not been robbed.


There's no telling if there really is a treasure inside!


Things are getting interesting!

Lin Yi laughed dumbly and became more and more interested in the world today.

This chapter has been completed!
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