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Chapter 106: Underground Palace Treasure Palace, Earth Lake Water Source!

After the door opened, the fat man picked up the assault rifle and walked out of the terracotta warriors corridor first, while the rest of the people filed out.

Lin Yi entered the main hall of the underground palace mausoleum and looked around.

Although it is an underground building, the surrounding space is huge. Although the carved beams and pillars have peeled off, the gorgeous atmosphere of the past can still be seen. The brick wall exit is behind a throne carved from jade!

The throne and floor of the main hall are made of jade, and the lamp chains on the ceiling are rotten and broken, falling to the ground. There are also a few gerbils crawling in various corners. It seems that the air is circulated here.

In addition to some jade products, pottery, wood, iron, bronze, silk fabrics and other items have been extremely damaged by air erosion.

However, after thousands of years, and the ancient tomb in the desert, although it is mysterious to humans, for gerbils accustomed to the desert environment, this place is like their home, and the clay pots have become rotten

It's so bad that it will probably become a piece of cake if you touch it.

There are countless rusty and scarred armor blades scattered around, such as tentacle-shaped curved swords, crane-billed giant axes, and curved-back concave-blade knives. The armor has various weird plaques and buckles with national characteristics, and it is also in tatters.

It's rotten and has no value.

In the main hall, the best preserved thing is the huge jade throne in front of you!

A red jade eye is engraved on the top of the jade throne. The whole body of the throne is inlaid with gold and silver, and is engraved with fairy mountains, clouds, flowers, birds, fish and beasts.

The base is a large piece of jade as white as goat's milk, which is particularly eye-catching in the main hall with black tones.

Lin Yi's eyes hurriedly glanced at the throne, and he felt a little satisfied. If this throne was sold, there should be many tomb robberies, right?

Lin Yi closed his eyes and felt. With his magical skills, he had keen senses. He felt weak wind blowing on his face. He said to everyone with certainty: "There is flowing air here, which means it is connected with the underground water!"

Ye Yixin was overjoyed and said: "Great, with underground water veins, we will have water."

Lao Hu held the ak on his arm and shouted to everyone: "Let's go find the water source first. The place is in such a state of ruin, there is nothing to study."

The fat man didn't know when he was sitting on Queen Jingjue's huge throne, and said with a smile: "Who said it's tattered? Look at this throne, Lao Lin, Lao Hu, do you think they look like a prince?"

Ji Yi glanced at the fat man. This guy really didn't miss any opportunity to have close contact with the baby. He smiled and said: "Hey, little fat man, not only can't you control your hands now, but you can't control your butt too?"

The fat man grinned and said, "It depends on what you said, let's do it without taking it away."

After hearing this, Professor Chen walked towards the fat man tremblingly and said hurriedly: "No, no. This is a cultural relic. When we go back and report it, we will carry out all-round excavation and development here.

, these things cannot be touched!"

The fat man curled his lips and said angrily: "If you don't move, just don't move. I just sit down for a while, but I won't let you sit down. Could it be that if I sit down for a while, I can kill it?"

Lin Yi touched his nose, haha, the fat man's foul mouth really hit the mark. If the higher authorities really excavated this ancient tomb, they would probably never see such a majestic throne.

Although the Jingjue Ancient Kingdom is the overlord of the thirty-six kingdoms in the Western Regions, it is still far behind the mainstream dynasties in history.

Its underground palace is not as big as expected, and the side halls are still a bit dilapidated. It cannot be compared with the imperial palaces of the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties.

Before leaving, Lin Yi walked behind and took back the jade throne.

Although this kind of throne is very rare, is made of jade, is beautifully carved, and has a long history, it has been exposed to the outside world for thousands of years and has many flaws, and the original quality of the jade is not of the highest quality.

Therefore, the value of the throne is not too high, only 2000 tomb robbing points.

Then everyone looked at the side halls on both sides, and then moved to the back hall, which was mainly where the princes and nobles lived. They also saw several fountains, but the water had dried up long ago.

When they got here, Shirley Yang listened attentively and said in surprise: "Listen quickly, is it the sound of running water?"

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this and hurried through the apse and saw a dark cave. The sound of running water came from the cave.

The cave is extremely low-lying, and you go deep down to a natural stone cave the size of a golf course.

Although this place is natural, it has obviously been artificially repaired. The ground is very flat. There is a small underground lake in the cave. A convex land rises in the lake, like an island in the middle of the lake. It is only ten square meters in size. It is as flat as a lake.

Mirrors surround it.

Everyone was so happy to see this small lake.

In the desert, they were worried that there was not enough water and had been reluctant to drink it. Now when they saw the small lake, they were all excited and took off their kettles to fill the lake with water.

Ye Yixin also wanted to go down to fill the water, but was held back by Lin Yi. She asked in confusion: "Brother Lin, is there any problem?"

Ji Yi glanced at the calm water and said, "This water is not drinkable."

"Can't drink?" When the fat man heard this, he was stunned and asked: "Why can't you drink?"

Sa Di Peng almost went crazy drinking, and refused to let him drink even if there was water in front of him. What kind of mentality is this? Is he trying to make everyone die of thirst?!

Sa Di Peng, who was usually timid, now had a feverish mind and retorted angrily: "It's okay if you don't drink. Why should we drink? Professor Chen is almost suffering from dehydration!"

Ye Yixin also looked at Lin Yi doubtfully. Shirley Yang glanced at the calm lake surface, frowned, and said: "Old Lin is right. This water source has been abandoned for many years, and it is not known whether it is stagnant or living water. Moreover, the underground rivers are constantly changing their routes.

The current groundwater may not be the same as it was two thousand years ago. The Western Region has the most nitrate and sulfur underground. What to do if the water is poisonous? Let’s take a look first.”

Lin Yi pointed at the lake water and said with a smile: "You are thinking too much. There are fish in this lake, and there must be a spring deep in the lake. It is living water and will not be poisonous."

Shirley Yang was also puzzled and asked in surprise: "Then why did you say you can't drink it?"

Sa Di Peng couldn't bear it anymore, so he rushed forward first and filled the kettle with water. At the same time, Professor Chen also filled the kettle, and the two of them started drinking.

The fat man didn't care so much, rolled up his sleeves and went down. Although Lao Hu was cautious, he saw that there was nothing wrong with the water, so he went down with the fat man.

Shirley Yang was confused, but did not go to drink water. Although Ye Yixin felt uncomfortable with thirst, she still stood beside Ji Yi very obediently, watching them drink water with her big eyes, and kept swallowing saliva.

After Professor Chen quenched his thirst, he felt much better. He said to Lin Yi kindly: "Xiao Lin, although the taste is not very good, it is refreshing and delicious. Are you really not going to drink it?"

This chapter has been completed!
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