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Chapter 137: The Iron-headed Dragon King, the mysterious businessman!

However, the boss of the boat at the helm kept waving to the fat man and shouted: "No! The current is strong here, and my boat is small and can't reach the shore. You wait for the big boat!"

After hearing this, the fat man's face darkened and he couldn't help but curse: "What a bastard. I finally waited for a ship and it didn't stop. Are we still going to stay in the rain?"

Lao Hu is also at a loss. They don't have anything to do if they don't stop the boat. How can they fly over and force others to stop the boat and dock?

Da Jinya was not a reckless man. He had never encountered such a thing before and didn't know what to do. He sighed and said, "It seems we can only wait for the next ship."

Ji Yi took out a few bills from his pocket, raised his hand high, and shouted, "Boatman, we are willing to pay three times the money! Please take us across the river!"

Seeing the money in Lin Yi's hand, the ship's boss, who had always refused, immediately shouted, "Brothers, this is not about money! Seeing that you are so impatient, there must be something important! Just wait a moment.

, I will stop the boat and dock~~"

Lao Hu: “(ΩДΩ)!”

Fatty: "xiaomimi"

Li Chunlai looked eagerly at the money in Lin Yi's hand, and sighed sincerely in his heart, "It's great to have money!"

Big gold tooth: “*^$##”

Because the ferry is swollen and the current is strong, the boat cannot dock. Not far ahead, there is a bend in the river where you can dock.

The boss of the boat parked the boat at a bend in the river, and Lin Yi and five others boarded the boat.

The ship is not big, and there are many metal parts on it. It is obviously not a passenger ship. There is also an eleven or twelve-year-old boy on the ship. It seems that the boss of the ship is transporting things with his son.

After getting on the boat, the fat man handed the boat boss ten yuan.

Li Chunlai next to him stared at the fat man eagerly as he handed the ten yuan away.

Although ten dollars is nothing to Lin Yi and others, for people like Li Chunlai and the ship boss, it may be a considerable amount of income.

The boss of the ship was extremely happy, as if the previous unpleasantness had never happened, and he was very enthusiastic.

Ji Yi and the others don’t care about those details.

After all, the vast majority of poor people cannot compare with them.

If they go to the tomb and steal a fight, they can make huge profits.

It is really not easy for people like the boat boss to take their children out to work even if it rains.

There is no point in arguing with them about three walnuts and two dates.

Due to continuous rains in the Yellow River, the water level has risen and the waves are rough. This small boat goes up and down along the current, which feels like riding a roller coaster.

However, the boss of the boat is obviously an experienced boat operator, and he seems to be able to drive the boat with ease. It is estimated that the boss of the boat wants his son to inherit his father's legacy, and he also teaches the children around him.

Lin Yi, Lao Hu and Fatty lay down comfortably on the boat, but Big Jinya felt uncomfortable.

I almost vomited after taking the bus, but now that I was on a small boat like this, my stomach was so full that I just pulled on the side of the boat and vomited out all the food I had just drank.

Lin Yi looked at the tortured Big Jinya and said with a smile, "Master Jin, it's not easy for you to lie down here! Take it easy, don't be eaten by the big fish that suddenly pops out of the river!"

The big gold tooth lay like a dead fish, smiling helplessly.

This trip was really not easy, it was too taxing.

The fat man looked at the surging river and said with a smile, "Master Jin, don't listen to Lao Lin, he is always good at scaring people! What kind of fish can swallow people in the Yellow River!"

Hearing what the fat man said, Ji Yi smiled and said nothing.

On the contrary, it was the boss of the boat next to him who continued, "Yes! One year, the weather was similar to today's weather. The water came and went quickly! When the river receded, guess what..."

Having said this, the captain of the ship paused, as if waiting for others to cooperate with him.

Who knows, Lao Hu and the others didn't say anything.

Ji Yi smiled and cooperated, "What's wrong? Go on! I want to hear it!"

The boss of the boat said enthusiastically again, "A dead fish bigger than a house washed up on the shore! This dead fish has seven layers of green scales on its body and a black head, which is thicker than an iron plate.

No one knows how he died if he was too tough. Boat racers like you all think this is the reincarnation of the Dragon King. They even gave it a special name, Iron-Headed Dragon King!"

Seeing what he said was so wicked, Lao Hu and Fatty both smiled and said nothing.

Aren’t all the fish as big as a house in the sea?

When did you run into the Yellow River?

The boss of this ship boasts more than the two of them can!

However, Ji Yi knew that this Iron-headed Dragon King really existed, and it was estimated that he would meet him soon!

The boss of the ship got excited and continued, "Those days were so hot that it was like a fire. It started to rot within a day, and the stench was so high that you could smell the stench from many miles away. This situation is very easy.

The people nearby were infected with the plague. As a result, after everyone discussed it, they cut the fish meat and burned it, leaving a fish skeleton on the river bank. A businessman from other provinces passed by and was willing to spend money to build this temple to bless this place.

Good weather."

The fat man became more and more curious as he listened, and said with a smile, "This sounds strange to me. Not only are there such big fish bones, but there are also philanthropic businessmen from other provinces."

Da Jinya had seen a lot and had just regained his composure. He smiled and said, "This is not uncommon. There is also a fish bone temple in Jinmen. They use bones as temple doors and fish bones as beams."

The boat boss asked curiously, "Is there one in Jinmen too?"

Da Jinya nodded proudly and said, "Hey!"

The boss of the ship didn’t know much about face, so he said directly, “I’ve never heard of that! But it’s pretty much what you said. This businessman from another province claimed to go to sea and cross rivers frequently, so he had to take boats frequently, so he paid for it.

The money built the fish bone temple.”

Hearing what Big Jinya said, Lao Hu's curiosity was aroused and he asked, "Is the Fish Bone Temple still there now?"


"Where is it?"

"In the mountain col of Longling."

Hearing this, Lao Hu's eyes couldn't help but fall on Lin Yi. The two looked at each other and Lao Hu knew it in his heart!

Eight hundred miles of Qinchuan civil and military land!

Especially this Longling is the place where dragon veins are located, and the feng shui is excellent!

This businessman from other provinces spent money to build a temple, not in a crowded place, but in the Longling Mountain Col. This is obviously against common sense!

Moreover, the Dragon King Temple is not built beside the river, but in the mountains with crisscrossed ravines, which is even more inconsistent with Feng Shui theory.

Later, I heard the boss of the ship complain about the merchants from other provinces, saying that the Fish Bone Temple is useless and there will still be droughts for several years.

Now, Lao Hu is even more sure!

He leaned close to Lin Yi's ear and whispered, "Old Lin, why does this businessman from other provinces feel like a tomb robber?"

Lin Yi looked at Lao Hu and said with a smile, "Lao Hu, you can completely remove the word "like". This businessman from other provinces is not a tomb robber. The fat man will marry a fat woman weighing 250 pounds in the future!"

Fatty: “&*@#¥%”

This chapter has been completed!
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