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Chapter 243: The Ancient Trigram of Zhou Tian!

King Wen of Zhou once recorded these contents in detail in the Book of Heaven, but these secrets were always in the hands of the ruling class named Ji such as the Emperor of Zhou.

Qin unified the seven kingdoms. They only knew that the Muchen Bead could lead to immortality, but they didn't know how to use it, let alone where it ended up.

The First Emperor wanted to live forever, so he sent Xu Fu eastward to Fusang in search of the elixir of immortality. The secret of the Muchen Bead that can lead to immortality was lost in the torrent of history.

Until the end of the Qin Dynasty, the Muchen Bead fell to southern Yunnan. The king was unwilling to part with the Muchen Bead, so he took it with him and escaped into the high mountains to study its secrets.

At that time, a Feng Shui wizard appeared in the Kingdom of Xian, claiming to be able to build a fairy cave for King Xian that could disintegrate corpses and ascend to heaven, and he proposed the original idea!

After that, King Xian spent twenty-seven years, and the manpower for construction was always maintained at about 100,000, which was almost the strength of the entire country. In addition to slaves, there were also many local barbarians. According to the method of the Feng Shui wizard, this fairy cave was designed.


In addition, there is also the situation of accompanying the tomb.

Apart from the burial pit, the only real tomb is the high priest's tomb!

After King Xian was buried, the Feng Shui wizard found two couple trees that could suppress the evil position. He first buried the Zhenling tree in the ground, then planted the couple trees on top, and then used artificially raised giant pythons to feed people.

The figurines skinned the giant python when it fell into a deep sleep, put the flesh and blood of the giant python, and the high priest who was still alive at the time. While the high priest performed witchcraft, they put them into a jade coffin, and finally buried them vertically.

Into the heart of the ancient tree of the couple.

The human body was made of python flesh, and an ancient tree was used as a coffin so that the spirit of the high priest would not escape and the flesh would not rot.

Because the jade coffin was damaged, the Feng Shui pattern here was broken, and the earth energy that had been suppressed underground for thousands of years was released, and the mausoleum genealogy buried under the tree was uncovered.

The second half of the Zhenling Pu contains some praises and praises.

After listening to Lin Yi's description of the contents of the mausoleum genealogy, everyone couldn't help but complain.

"It's all because of the illusory dream of becoming an immortal. This Mr. Xian Wang has never done anything in his life. He just wants to become an immortal!"

"In order to become an immortal, he did everything. I thought that the high priest was not a good person, but I didn't expect that he was buried alive by King Xian."

"It's so irritating. You're just praising him! He deserves to be robbed of his tomb by us!"

Shirley Yang thought carefully, plucked the back of the stone tablet with her hand, and said, "Old Lin, there seems to be writing on the back of this stone tablet."

Everyone came over to take a look and finished cleaning up the soil behind the stone monument.

An exquisite relief sculpture appeared in front of everyone.

A majestic and majestic palace suspended above the neon clouds in the sky!

Among the reliefs, there is a splendid palace at the highest point, with a moon city, turrets, inner city, stele, tower, sacred wall, stele pavilion, sacrificial hall, spiritual platform and other buildings. The mountains and rivers behind are all distant views, and there are no buildings under the palace.

The foundation stone of the hill is made up of several rays of rays of light and rainbow shadows, flying in the air, surrounded by flying dragons, showing the elegance of an otherworldly fairy pavilion.

Below, it shows the Shinto under Xuan Palace. Mountains stretch on both sides of the Shinto, and the towering peaks are dense and dangerous, making the castles in the sky even more majestic. This Shinto should be the valley called Insect Valley.

Old Hu clicked his tongue and said, "Is it possible that the tomb dedicated to the king can still be built in the sky?"

The fat man cursed, "This bitch wants to become an immortal and wants to be an immortal. If he is still building a mausoleum in the sky, then he might as well just build the mausoleum on the moon."

Lin Yi smiled slightly and said, "This should be artistically processed. Castles in the air were completely impossible to realize in ancient times. Even in modern society, it is still very difficult. Moreover, this palace does not look like a mausoleum, but rather like a bright tower."

According to the system of the Qin and Han Dynasties, a bright tower was built ten feet above the underground palace of the king's tomb, so that every once in a while, someone would worship the owner of the tomb in the bright tower.

However, this relief carves a lot of the interior of the ancient tomb, and the human skin map in their hands mostly depicts the exterior of the ancient tomb, with very little mention of the interior of the ancient tomb.

On the human skin map, deep in the valley, there is a giant toad, and the toad's mouth is closed.

On the reliefs, it can be seen that the mouth of the toad deep in the valley is open, and near the tomb of King Xian, there is a symmetrical toad with the same open mouth.

Lao Hu frowned and said in surprise, "Strange, this toad seems to have another secret."

Lin Yi pondered for a moment and said, "Now there is a discrepancy between the mausoleum map and the human skin map, and there is also a bright tower in the tomb of King Xian, which shows that after the tomb of King Xian was built, there were still people who avoided the white poison in the insect valley.

The fog enters the bright building through a secret passage. Look, does the toad's mouth look like the entrance to the secret passage?"

After hearing what Lin Yi said, everyone suddenly felt enlightened.

Shirley Yang's beautiful eyes were filled with joy, and she said, "What Lao Lin said makes sense. If the plane hadn't hit the couple's tree and we discovered the high priest's coffin, which destroyed the feng shui of the place, and then discovered the mausoleum of this town, we would have followed Chen Xiazi's instructions.

If we continue on the same old path, I’m afraid we will follow in his footsteps!”

The fat man grinned and said, "In this way, we have taken advantage of the right time and place. With the luck of our brothers, it will be difficult not to find the Muchen Bead!"

Shirley Yang immediately used a camera to take pictures of the relief behind the Zhenling Pu.

After sorting out the equipment and getting ready to set off, Lin Yi took the time to collect all the blood jade coffins and mausoleum-preserving genealogies.

Just when everyone was about to set off, the system's voice sounded in Ji Yi's mind.

"Ding, the second check-in location has been refreshed, it is the Broken Insect Path, and the reward is: Fragments of the Ancient Zhou Tian Gua."

Where is the Broken Insect Path?

After pondering for a moment, Ji Yi still couldn't figure out the location of the Broken Insect Path, so he could only take one step at a time.

The reward surprised Ji Yi a little, Zhou Tian Gu Gu Gua!

Long before the time of King Wen of Zhou Dynasty, the human king Fuxi created the Xiantian Bagua, also known as "Fuxi Xiantian Bagua Diagram".

This innate gossip spread to the end of the Shang Dynasty and the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty. King Wen of Zhou, who had great sagacity, invented the acquired gossip based on the numbers of the nine palaces in the Hetu Luoshu.

He integrated and deduced the innate and acquired hexagrams, and finally deduced the sixteen hexagrams of Zhoutian, also known as the ancient hexagrams of Zhoutian, which are said to be able to "exhaustively study the changes in heaven and earth and reveal the hidden secrets of heaven".

According to legend, Zhang San Lianzi stole a Zhou tomb and accidentally found the ancient Zhou Tian Gua in it. Based on the sixteen characters of the Zhou Tian Gu Gua and combined with what he had learned throughout his life, he wrote the gold-touching book.

The Bible of Pulses, the Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique.

The origin and usage of Muchen Beads were deduced by King Wen of Zhou from the ancient hexagram of Zhou Tian!

Despite the deduction, King Wen of Zhou exhausted his efforts and died soon after.

It can be said that the sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique and the Ancient Zhou Tian Gua are the relationship between son and father.

Both have their own merits. The sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui secret technique is more inclined to tomb robbing, while the Zhou Tian Gu Gua is more inclined to deduce divination.

If you get the ancient hexagram of Zhou Tian, ​​you will be able to calculate all the secrets.

But what's going on with the fragments of the Zhou Tian Gu Gua this week?

The little brother of the system is not open at all.

This chapter has been completed!
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