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Chapter 326: Golden Silk Book, Skeleton Carrying Coffin!

"One of the treasures in the box should be the legendary Ghost Seal, which can mobilize Yin soldiers. In this way, King Lu Shang can be invincible when digging tombs. As for the second piece, it doesn't say, I

Not too sure either.”

"The silk book records that one time, the Duke of Lu was chased by the rebels. It was King Lu Shang who led his troops to rescue the Duke of Lu and his concubine, and the concubine Yao Guang had a relationship with King Lu Shang.

Ah, the past, but King Lu Shang has been robbing tombs, so this woman was forced to marry Duke Lu."

"Not long after, King Lu Shang began to suffer from many physical problems. The giant bloody snake appeared in his dream for the second time, saying that he would meet him in the underworld soon. So King Lu Shang found his military advisor Tie Mian Sheng.

According to Tie Mian Sheng, it is said that in ancient times, there was a set of jade figurines that, after being worn, had the effect of rejuvenating youth and bringing the dead back to life."

"Later, when King Lu Shang had a private meeting with his concubine Yao Guang, word reached the ears of Duke Lu. Duke Lu ordered King Lu Shang to steal the ancient tomb. At the same time, Tie Mian Sheng also called out the animals he had raised.

The blue-eyed fox demon. And the concubine Yao Guang wanted to run away with King Lu Shang while he was leaving the capital, but was discovered by Duke Lu, who then pushed him into the flower pond and killed her."

"King Lu Shang was furious and prepared to kill Duke Lu, but Tie Miansheng stopped him and used the illusion of a blue-eyed fox demon to convince King Lu Shang that as long as he found the jade figurine, Yao Guang could be resurrected.

And that jade figurine is in a mausoleum from the Western Zhou Dynasty!"

"So King Lu Shang obtained Yao Guang's body, searched for the Western Zhou mausoleum, and created the illusion of death to hide it from the Duke of Lu. Finally, after half a year, they finally dug up the Western Zhou mausoleum and took it out.

The body in the jade figurine was sealed in a sarcophagus. That is, the same sarcophagus we had when we first came in."

"From this point of view, the person in the sarcophagus should be a person from the Zhou Dynasty."

"The ending is that the concubine Yao Guang entered the jade figurines, but the whereabouts of King Lu Shang and Tie Miansheng were not mentioned."


After hearing Wu Sansheng tell the story in the golden silk book, Lin Yi spoke directly.

"Fake?" Wu Sansheng looked at Ji Yi in surprise and asked in confusion, "This gold silk book was taken out of the eight-fold treasure letter. How could it be fake?"

Lin Yi said, "First, do you think King Lu Shang is a lover? Can you give up the chance of eternal life for a woman?"

The fat man nodded and said, "Yes, we have robbed too many tombs. Those women and so on were all buried objects in ancient times. They were offered to the old king and his wife was used to block Tai Sui's eyes! King Lu Shang finally obtained the jade figurines.

, how could it be used on women?”

The little brother frowned slightly when he heard Lin Yi's explanation.

Lin Yi took the gold silk book, picked it up in his hands, and said, "Secondly, this gold silk book is intentionally made old. Judging from the size and weight of the gold silk book, the gold silk of the silk book was woven.

The purity should not be low, it is obviously not something that could be smelted during the Warring States Period."

"Master Lin, do you feel this? Your skills are so impressive!"

"It's nothing."

Many vendors who have been in business for a long time can do this little trick.

What's more, it's Lin Yi.

The little brother looked at the gold silk book in Lin Yi's hand, a little lost in thought, and a little confused. After a while, he returned to his usual indifference.

Wu Sansheng was even more confused and asked, "Master Lin, if what this gold silk book tells is fake, then who made the fake silk book and put it here? And if the other party can come in, why?

Is this ancient tomb almost intact?”

You must know that once the key is taken out of the female corpse's mouth, the female corpse will turn into withered bones!

If this gold silk book is really fake, then this kind of thing is really incredible.

And why is it so carefully laid out?

Is it ‘it’ or ‘he’?

While thinking, Ji Yi's eyes swept over the little brother.

The younger brother's identity is very mysterious. Not only is he immortal, he also suffers from amnesia. Every once in a while, his memory is lost.

No one knows how many things he has experienced, the people he has met, and the places he has been to, not even the little brother himself knows.

Lin Yi said, "Let's find out where the jade figurines are first."

"Old Lin, Old Lin, come here and see, does this look like a small sacrificial altar?"

The fat man didn't know when he had groped his way to a small platform not far away.

The fat man was now considered to have rich experience, and he had also seen the altar in Gourd World. After arriving at the small platform, he shouted excitedly to Ji Yi.

However, just as the fat man's voice fell, a roar was heard, and the sacrificial altar sank suddenly, falling about thirty centimeters before stopping.

However, the roar did not stop.

I saw the Hydra cypress shaking violently and the vines shaking constantly.

As the vines trembled, everyone hid in the depths of the vines and saw corpses one after another. They were densely packed and connected together, and they didn't know the depth.

It's like this majestic Hydra cypress has corpses piled up.

The bones include human bones and bones of animals and beasts. They are entangled by the vines of the Hydra cypress and become part of the Hydra cypress.

The scalps of everyone watching were numb and their breathing became rapid.

at the same time.

On one side of the Hydra cypress, a two-meter-long gap suddenly opened. Looking inside, you can see that there is no end at all. It is extremely dark, and there are extremely cold breaths coming from inside.

Sent out.

Immediately afterwards, a giant bronze coffin was slowly pulled out, and on the giant bronze coffin, there were more than a dozen criss-crossed dark iron chains as thick as wrists!

The iron chains tied the bronze coffin tightly, as if to seal the contents inside and prevent them from coming out!

Everyone gathered over, and Ji Yi conveniently took away a blood-colored stone placed on the blue-eyed fox demon's abdomen.

Around the huge bronze coffin, the life story of King Lu Shang is densely engraved.

"Finally we are going to meet the real owner!"

Wu Sansheng ordered Pan Zi to shoot off the iron chain.

After shooting off the iron chain, Pan Zi and Dakui pushed open the lid of the bronze coffin.

After the lid of the bronze coffin was pushed open, there was a strange jade-inlaid coffin inside!

The coffin is inlaid with Xinjiang Manasi jade. The quality of the jade is much better than that of the previous Jade Gate. If it is taken out, it will definitely sell for a good price.

The fat man looked at the jade in his eyes and couldn't take his eyes away for a while.

"Old Lin, the jade stone...is such a big piece!"

Lin Yi smiled slightly.

Everything is left unsaid.

I understand everything!

I saw Lin Yi pushing the side of the jade with one hand, and the huge jade was pushed away by him. Then, he carefully lifted the jade and put it into the space ring with his backhand.

Another large sum of money has been added to the account!

If it were auctioned in Wanbao Pavilion, it would be another treasure worth tens of millions!


Wu Sansheng and others were no longer surprised to see Lin Yi put away such a big thing.

Their eyes all fell on the coffin under the jade!

This coffin is a painted lacquered wood coffin.

During the Warring States Period, the emphasis was on two-layer coffins and three-layer coffins.

After opening the lacquered wood coffin, the wooden coffin inside was revealed!

The wooden coffin is painted with a burial scene at that time, with more than a dozen skeletons carrying the coffin, and around the coffin, many people are kneeling.

This chapter has been completed!
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