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Chapter 33: There is nothing that cannot be solved with one stroke

Behind them, two more prairie otters came from nowhere!


They had only noticed the two prairie otters in front of them just now, and were completely unaware of them!

If they had left Ji Yi and escaped alone just now, they would have been torn into bloody rotten flesh by the two prairie otters behind them!

"Damn it, you have to use the art of war! One prairie land otter is enough for us to drink a pot. We have stabbed the lair of the prairie land otter. Five of them came at once and we were chasing and intercepting them!"

Lao Hu's face was as dark as an iron pot, and he immediately broke his guard.

"They're all here."

When Lin Yi saw that the five prairie otters were all here, he smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth.

In my first battle at the master level, I will attack you first!

"I'm sorry, you five prairie otters are all surrounded by Mr. Lin."

Ji Yi let out a low cry, a cold light flashed in his hand, and he stamped his toes on the ground. A majestic force burst out from under his feet, and his whole body rose up from the ground!

The ceiling of the Little Devil's Fortress is very high, more than two floors, estimated to be seven or eight meters high!

The prairie ground otter relies on its innate advantages to crawl on walls unimpeded. Its skin is rough and thick, and it is not afraid of submachine guns. It has no natural enemies at all!

Looking at the four people from the seven-eight-meter-high ceiling, Halazi, who was dripping with white flowers, seemed to have treated the four of them as a sumptuous dinner.


Just when Ji Yi jumped like this, his figure was like a flying arrow flying off the string, like a ghost, shooting towards the big land otter.

In just the blink of an eye, as a black light flashed above everyone's heads, Ji Yi quickly fell from the sky.

at the same time.

The blood formed a blood line and flowed down from the air. There was more and more blood, and the blood line became wider and wider, until it finally looked like a small waterfall.

In just the blink of an eye...

The first prairie otter lurking above their heads was completely hacked to death. Its limbs could no longer grasp the ceiling, and its huge body fell from above.


The body of the prairie otter hit the ground heavily!

The impact of the corpse caused blood to fly everywhere.

Lin Yi and Yingzi are far apart, so it has no impact.

Lao Hu and Fatty were closest to the corpse, so a lot of blood was spattered on them.

"Damn it, old Hu, be careful!"

Just now, Lao Hu and Fatty's attention was focused on the two prairie otters behind them. Fatty was startled by the sudden movement and quickly turned around, thinking that the three prairie otters in front of them were attacking them.

Lao Hu also raised his submachine gun, ready to give them a shot first.

However, the bloody carcass of a prairie otter in front of them made them look confused.

What's going on?

What's going on?!

Why did the prairie otter die?

Yingzi asked with some doubts, "Brother Lin, just now you..."

Just now, she was beside Ji Yi, but in the darkness, even with the firelight, she still couldn't see clearly enough.

This all happened so suddenly!

It only takes a blink of an eye!

The carcass of the prairie otter fell down!

Even she doubted whether her eyes were dazzled!

Not to mention it was her, even Ji Yi himself was surprised.

After advancing to the Grandmaster realm, he is really much more powerful than before!

The jump just now was so fast that if he hadn't stopped his force in time, he might have hit the roof directly.

The ancient black gold sword in his hand can now be wielded with ease.

He was also worried that the queen mother of the grassland otter skin and flesh would not be killed in one stroke, so he used the Seven-layered Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu and chopped it down without any hesitation!

As a result, who would have thought that the prairie land otter was as weak as paper in front of his ancient black gold sword, so he could not resist being beaten.

Just one knife stabbed me to the core.


The prairie land otter is rampant in the underground world. It has never suffered such a loss. Seeing its companions killed, it makes them shocked and angry.

There were two at the front and the back, and the four people surrounding them let out a muffled roar, staring at Ji Yi, ready to take action at any time!

Lin Yi did not answer Yingzi, of course he would start a killing spree at this time!

If this group of prairie otters reacted and fled in all directions, would my mission have been completed?

After a moment, Lin Yi rushed out in one stride, a full two or three meters away. Then he used his feet hard and jumped two or three feet, followed by a flash of black light.

A prairie otter that was still watching was already dead.

Lao Hu, Fatty, and Yingzi were completely shocked when they saw this scene.

Is this something that humans can do?

How can a person jump so high?

Ji Yi’s power wasn’t that great before!

Could it be that his strength has increased again? And it has increased by more than just a little bit.

Even the copper-skinned and iron-boned prairie land otter was chopped down by him with one knife!

Off the mark!

"Old Lin, no wonder you stopped me. It turns out you were already prepared and you made us worry so much!" The fat man relaxed completely when he saw how brave Ji Lin Yi was and put down the gun in his hand.


A flash of surprise flashed across Lao Hu's eyebrows, and he also breathed a sigh of relief.

Yingzi looked at Lin Yi with fascination.

She never imagined that a man could be so handsome!

It was so exciting that it made her heart beat wildly!

As the overlord of the underground world, the prairie otter is definitely one of the best in intelligence among wild beasts.

When they saw that Lin Yi had killed two of them in a row, leaving three prairie otters, they all turned their attention to the fat man.

at the same time.

The three prairie otters swooped over with a 'swish' sound.

Probably because the fat man has a lot of meat, he planned to give him a toothpaste first.

Lao Hu and Yingzi immediately took submachine guns and started shooting at the two prairie otters.

The fat man was a little panicked, and then he touched the ground looking for a weapon. There happened to be a bayonet for roasting bats on the ground. The fat man picked it up and stabbed the prairie land otter's arm straight to the handle.

The knife had been roasted for a long time, and it was like a red iron bar. After it stabbed the prairie otter, there was only a burning stench in the nose.

Three prairie otters saw that something was going wrong and decided to run away.

These people are so fierce!

It seems like they are not something they can afford to offend!

Although the other two were shot by submachine guns, they were not injured and escaped quickly.

The prairie otter that was stabbed by the fat man's hot bayonet was not so lucky.

Just when it was about to escape, Lin Yi came back behind it and then killed it with a knife.

"I let you escape. Master Lin, have I still completed my mission?"

Lin Yi looked at the prairie otters fleeing separately, with a playful smile on his lips.

Then, he grasped the black gold ancient sword tightly, and power continued to flow into his arm.

The next moment.

The ancient black gold sword came out of his hand.

A black light streaked across the sky, flying towards one of the escaped prairie otters.

Ji Yi turned around and chased the other one.

The prairie otter crawls quickly.

But that's relative to ordinary people.

For someone like Ji Yi who can stride two or three meters in one step, it is too slow!

What is the concept of two or three meters per step?

The world record for the 100-meter run, completed in 41 steps, with one step only 2.44 meters!

It can be said that Ji Yi has now completely surpassed the human limit of the 100-meter run!

The visual impact is extremely strong when running, and it feels like flying.

"Old Lin, don't chase..."

Lao Hu looked confused when he saw Ji Yi's operation.

You've thrown the black gold ancient sword away. Are you going to run over and have a hand-to-hand fight with the prairie land otter?

However, before he finished speaking, Ji Yi had already caught up with the prairie land otter.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yi swung his fist and hit the prairie land otter hard on the head.


The prairie land otter's head hit the wall next to it hard, causing a muffled roar.


The prairie otter was stunned by this punch, his head felt buzzing, and he howled.

Ji Yi didn't give it a chance to breathe. He grabbed the rough skin on its back, held it tightly, and exerted force.

The body, which was much taller than a human, flew directly over Ji Yi's head and hit the ground with a muffled sound.

Perfect over-the-shoulder throw!

It has to be said that the prairie land otter is really resistant to beatings.

Ordinary people, if they were thrown by Ji Yi like this, they would have hiccupped a long time ago.

Especially, that punch hit the wall again, and his head would probably pop out.

The prairie otter seemed to have just become confused and was not fatally injured.

At this time, the prairie otter was wailing, angrily raising its sharp claws and attacking Ji Yi's abdomen.

How could Ji Ji give it such a chance? He held its arm with both hands and bent it hard. Even though the grassland otter was extremely powerful, he was much weaker when facing him. His thick arm was bent hard!

Then, Ji Yi exerted force again, pushing its sharp claws forward and stabbing it towards its belly.


Suddenly, blood flowed from the prairie otter's belly, and blood poured out.

The prairie ground otter's limbs and the fur on its back are indeed made of iron and steel, but it also has weaknesses.

That's its belly!

Although the abdomen is also extremely hard, it is much more fragile than other parts of the body.

In addition, ground otters often crawl around and don't worry about being attacked on their abdomen, so this weakness can almost be ignored.

It's a pity that this unlucky guy met Ji Yi...

This chapter has been completed!
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