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Chapter 4: Check-in location - Savage Ditch!

Ji Yi clenched his fist slightly, and a force came from his arm. The meridians seemed to be alive. The muscles in his body were not big, but they were very strong. The contours were sharp and angular, almost perfect.

The power of the body is like a lion trying to break out of the cage, destroying everything in front of it.


Ji Yi took a long breath to relieve the surprise in his heart.

In the blink of an eye, my strength increased by an unknown amount.

Vaguely, he even has a sense of confidence. Now he is probably better than someone who has been training for several years!

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have accomplished the Dragon Elephant Prajna, successfully broke through the ordinary realm, and become a veritable master."

Hearing the sound of the system, Lin Yi thought.

It seems that my feeling is right!

He has indeed become a master!

A few short breaths are better than years of hard work for others.

This feeling is really great!

If other Lian Jiazi found out, they would probably faint in the toilet from crying.

If the country knew about it, it would not be impossible for him to be taken away for research.

Of course, no one in the world would know that he became a master in the blink of an eye.

Even if you say it yourself, no one will believe it.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully breaking through, reward: world-class mounted archery!"

"Hey, what an unexpected surprise!"

Lin Yi smiled faintly.

Lin Yi is now very poor. Not to mention a car, he doesn’t even own a bicycle.

If you want to find the tomb of the Jin Kingdom general in the vast ancient black border, it is very rare to find a few horses in the village.

This world-class mounted archer just comes in handy.

When the system's reward sound fell, a lot more knowledge about riding and shooting came to Ji Yi's mind.

From the classification and habits of various horses in the world, to the key points and key points of horse riding, as well as a lot of horse riding experience~

At that moment, Ji Yi felt that he had ridden countless horses and had decades of riding experience. Even the strongest horse in the world would succumb to his crotch.

Tsk tsk.

With this technology, even if you participate in the Olympics, winning the championship will not be a problem.

When Lin Yi checked in, Lao Hu and Fatty had already set up a TV. Unfortunately, there was no electricity in the village, and even if there was a TV, they couldn't watch it.

Then, I mixed two cold vegetables, got a plate of peanuts, and brought two bottles of home-brewed liquor.

Lin Yi, the three brothers, the old party secretary, and Yan Zi's father sat on the kang and started chatting animatedly.

As for Yanzi and the others, they went to prepare hard dishes and entertain the three of them.

As soon as these people got on the kang, Father Yan Zi couldn't wait to ask questions.

"Why are you three here at this time? You also bought a lot of things. It seems like you have to spend a lot of money?"

In their view, Ji and Ji are all city dwellers, and they are people who make a lot of money!

It's so envious for ordinary people like them to still live in such a remote village!

When Father Yanzi asked this, all three of Lin Yi laughed.

Lao Hu and Fatty looked embarrassed and smiled coquettishly.

Lin Yi smiled more naturally.

He knew that Tiger and Fatty could not make much money.

Bringing gifts to the villagers was just a way of showing off, and I didn’t even have the money to pay for my return trip. I was hoping to pick up some old items in the village, and then work as a middleman to earn money for running errands.

Needless to say, Lao Hu is sometimes thicker-skinned than a fat man, and he pretends to have a nose and eyes.

While the fat man was still grinning and smiling awkwardly, Lao Hu had already spoken seriously.

"The three of us just feel that life is better than before, and we can't just live this good life, so we just want to come back and lead the villagers to get rich together!"

After hearing this, the fat man couldn't help but secretly give Lao Hu a thumbs up.

Be polite without losing your identity, be respectful without appearing pretentious.

These words are so true to his heart!

When he got excited, the fat man lost control of his mouth, opened his eyes wide, and asked eagerly.

"Old party secretary, I remember you have a lot of vegetable jars in your backyard, right?"

Hearing this, Lao Hu rolled his eyes in disgust.

This girl is too impatient.

It was as if he had never seen money.

Can't you be more steady?

"Why do you ask this?" the old party secretary asked in confusion.

When the fat man asked this question, he was about to speak, but was immediately stopped by Lao Hu, who then gave Ji Yi a look.

Lin Yi also understood what he meant.

Lao Hu has such a good face, but I'm embarrassed to say it. You can't say that our three brothers have been thinking about you for a long time, right?

Lin Yi didn't care about this. He smiled lightly and said, "Old party secretary, that's what happened. In big cities, there are everyone. It happened that the three of us met a friend in a big city, and he was willing to accept him. Old

Objects. In your case, you can only have a pickled vegetable stall. In other people’s eyes, it’s called a work of art.”

The old party secretary is old and slow to respond. Yanzi's father is uneducated and ignorant, and he doesn't really understand.

Ji Yi was not in a hurry and picked up the tea jar on the table in an orderly manner.

"Look, old Party Secretary, such a big old thing, do you know how much it is worth in a big city?"

As soon as the money was mentioned, Yanzi's father knew it. His eyes lit up and he immediately asked, "How much is it?"

Ji Yi smiled calmly, slowly put down the teapot, deliberately whetting their appetites, and said with a smile, "Hundreds!"

"What! How many vegetable jars do we have to buy?"

Father Yanzi felt his head buzzing.

Several hundred???

What a concept that is!

Eat good food every day and you won’t be able to finish it for several months!

Workers in the city only earn more than 700 yuan a year!

In a small and remote place like Ganggang Yingzi, if you can earn a few hundred yuan a year, you are already the leading figure in the countryside.

When I thought about how valuable the old objects in the village were, all of them were taken away by the national archaeological team in exchange for food stamps.

Father Yan's heart is bleeding.

"Isn't it?" Ji Yi glanced at Yan Zi's father, it seems that we have touched his heart!

Then he said solemnly, "When we three brothers come here this time, I want to take our jars, bowls, etc. to the big cities and sell them. After the money is sold, we will get some errand fees."

, all the rest will be given to the villagers! Otherwise, we want to make a fortune with the villagers~~"

The more Ji Yi said this, the more Yan Zi's father felt that he was at a loss.

In the past, every household had jars of various sizes!

If it had not been handed over to the state, each household would have earned thousands or tens of thousands!

Old people in the countryside like Lao Party Secretary have the most bottles and cans, which can be sold for tens of thousands.

At that time, every family in the village will have ten thousand yuan, and every family will have plenty of fish and meat.


He was taken away by the state in exchange for food stamps!


All gone!

Yanzi's father suddenly felt that the food was no longer tasty, and his face became as gloomy as water.

The old branch secretary was considered the most experienced person in the village. Hearing these words, he couldn't help but sigh and said helplessly, "You three, you are late. The archaeological team came last month and every household was given food."

The ticket said that all these things must be handed over to the state. All the people in the nearby villages and towns have been handed in."


The mature and steady Lao Hu was confused and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"All...all paid?"

The fat man asked, staring at the old branch secretary in disbelief.

The old party secretary didn't reply, and Yan Zi's father already said helplessly, "The old party secretary is very enlightened and has handed everything over to the state."

At this time, Lao Hu and Fatty were completely confused.

The ancient tomb in Niuxin Mountain was excavated by the archaeological team.

Now even the old belongings of the folks have been taken away by the archaeological team.

It’s so irritating!

The key is, how difficult is it for them to make this trip?

In order to buy gifts, even Lao Hu’s favorite watch was pawned!

When the results arrived, you told me that there was nothing?

Doesn’t this push people to a dead end?

The four people present each had their own concerns, and the situation became awkward for a time.

Only Lin Yi knew the plot already, and his expression was as calm as water.

At the same time, the voice of the system sounded in his mind again.

"Ding, the main mission: the second check-in location has been refreshed, Savage Valley, rewards..."

This chapter has been completed!
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