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Chapter 43: It's this stupid foreigner

"After processing the antiquities obtained from the general's tomb, you can check in!"

"Reward: 10,000 tomb robbing points."

Ji Yi was stunned. At first, he thought there were some special places or things to do before he could complete the tenth check-in and completely complete the main mission.

Unexpectedly, the tenth time I checked in, I just gave away the antiquities stolen from the general's tomb, and I was able to check in.

From this point of view, my main mission has a beginning and an end.

The reward is the same as the ninth check-in, which is 10,000 tomb robbing points.

Could it be that the system knew that I wanted to open a dungeon to gain access to tomb robbing points, and then specifically rewarded me with tomb robbing points?

Although 10,000 tomb robbing points are indeed precious, what Lin Yi is looking forward to even more is the reward after completing the main mission!

The full sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui secret technique, and the Qilin bloodline!

These two items are what Ji Yi dreams of!

In Lin Yi's heart, whether it is the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu, the Great Cave Sutra, the Golden Light Mantra, or the Black Gold Ancient Sword.

Neither is as good as these two things!

The Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique is something that defies the heavens. It covers thousands of things, including not only Feng Shui Technique, but also Yin-Yang Technique, as well as a large number of descriptions of the shape, structure, and layout of ancient tombs from various dynasties and generations.

All kinds of difficulties and dangers encountered during the reverse fight.

The half volume of Lao Hu's book only contains Feng Shui techniques and some experience summaries of Captain Mo Jin.

As for the Yin Yang technique in the secret art, it had long been destroyed by Zhang San Lianzi.

Ji Yi originally had no feeling for things like Onmyoji.

After all, this is a world of tomb robbers, not a world of zombies. Where do so many ghosts and monsters come from?

But ever since he practiced the "Great Cave Manual", mastered the Golden Light Spell, and experienced Fuso Onmyoji's soul-soothing technique, he became more and more interested!

In particular, the Yin Yang Technique in the Sixteen-Character Yin Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique was destroyed by Zhang San Lian because it was too unnatural, which made him even more curious.

What kind of secret technique would make even an awesome person like Zhang San Lianzi fear him?

There is also the Qilin bloodline. Not to mention anything else, the mere statement that it can lead to immortality has made countless people think about it like crazy. Many princes and generals in ancient times were fascinated by it.

Even if people who practice Xuanmen want to enter the immortal path, for what purpose?

After all, isn’t it still about immortality?

There are a lot of supplies in the underground fortress. It took a whole day to move them, but only a few tenths of them were taken out.

During dinner, Ji Yi and the old party secretary took stock.

The move is endless and the horse teams cannot carry so much stuff. It is almost late autumn now.

It is also necessary to leave one team of people to guard the place while the other team goes back to the village to deliver the things. The mountain road is difficult to travel, so it will take more than half a month to go back and forth. If it does not happen twice, the mountain will be closed due to heavy snow.

It would be better to bury the entrance to the fortress first, and everyone should go back to the village, and then come back and finish the work when spring comes next year.

After hearing this, Lao Hu and Fatty agreed deeply.

It has been almost a month since they left the capital.

It's not a problem to stay in the mountains all the time. The objects thrown out by the bucket have to be returned to find the Golden Tooth.

Before leaving, Lin Yi repeatedly told the old branch secretary not to tell anyone else about the Little Japanese Fortress and all actions must be kept confidential.

The old party secretary agreed immediately without saying a word.

When it comes to guarantees, I will be absolutely tight-lipped and won't leak a single word.

He also said that he would find two loudspeakers to burn incense, chant sutras and send paper money to the two ancient ancestors.

Anyway, the old party secretary patted his chest and promised to cover everything and not be vague at all.

Later, Lin Yi and the villagers drove back home with carts of supplies. The three of them stayed with the old party secretary's enthusiasm and ate and drank for three or four days before boarding the train south to the capital.

Before leaving, the old party secretary insisted on asking Lin Yi to take Yingzi with him, saying that she was going out to see the world and had nothing to gain from staying in a small village.

In addition, Yingzi also wanted to follow him back to Beijing, so Lin Yi simply agreed.

A group of four people just got off the train and went straight to Panjiayuan without going anywhere else!

"Hey, Master Lin, Master Hu, Master Fat~ This lady is..."

Seeing Lin Yi and the others, Da Jinya grinned, revealing his brilliant golden teeth.

"Yingzi, our friend." Lin Yi introduced simply.

"Okay. Come in and sit down quickly. I'm going to talk about something." Da Jinya quickly invited the four of them into the room.

Lao Hu and the fat man were not polite at all, and walked straight to a delicate nanmu lounge chair.

Now these two people carry heavy treasures with them, and they both look particularly confident when walking.

When Yingzi first entered the capital, her big, watery eyes looked wherever she went. She was full of unknown freshness to a big city like the capital.

As for Ji Yi, his expression was indifferent and he looked around methodically.

Even though the room of Dajinya is not big, it contains a lot of things.

Bottles and jars, antique calligraphy and paintings, the Jade Buddha and Guanyin, etc. are placed everywhere.

According to Lin Yi's speculation, 10% of the old objects in this room are fakes!

In the room, in addition to them, there was a man and a woman. The man was a foreigner and looked like a wealthy foreigner. The woman was round and smooth and was a foreign translator.

On the table in front of them was a piece of extremely exquisite porcelain.

Obviously, these two people came to Dajinya to buy antiques.

Don't forget that Big Jinya is smiling all over his face. He is very easy to talk to. When he lies, he just opens his mouth and his face does not change, his heart does not beat.

Da Jinya pointed at Lin Yi and the others, and said to the foreigner unceremoniously, "Look, I have a guest here again. Otherwise, you go back and think about it first, and then come back. I'm here

Don’t worry about buyers.”

The chubby woman translated for the foreigner, and the foreigner no longer hesitated. He took out the money from his pocket and said, "ok."

"Is it OK?"


The big gold tooth took the stack of U.S. dollars calmly and pretended to count the bills.

Seeing this scene, Fatty could hardly sit still!


A wad of money!

What’s even more special is the U.S. dollar!

Lin Yi rolled his eyes at the fat man and said in a low voice, "Fat man, be more steady. Look at your unseen look. Look at that old Hu..."

When Ji Yi looked at Lao Hu, Lao Hu was staring at the money in Big Gold Tooth's hand.

These two things...

It’s so embarrassing!

After counting the banknotes, Big Gold Tooth said with a friendly smile, "Okay! I'm lucky! I'm lucky! Come on, come on, handle it gently."

The foreigner bought this exquisite piece of porcelain and was very happy. Accompanied by the female translator, he left with the porcelain.

Seeing the foreigner leaving, the big gold tooth quickly closed the door and smiled proudly, the gold tooth in his mouth shining brightly.

"If you don't open for three days, you will have to wait for three years if you open. These stupid foreigners made two fake jars and it's like they got a treasure! Go back and cry."

As he spoke, Big Gold Tooth put the wad of dollar bills into his pocket.

The fat man's mouth almost drooled when he saw it.

This is too profitable!

Just get two fake jars and sell them for so much money?

Dollar bills!


Lao Hu thought to himself that after all, he came here to ask the big gold tooth to do something, so he couldn't say a few nice words.

"In ancient times, there was Huo Yuanjia who defeated the Russian strongman in a martial arts competition. Now there is Lord Jin who cleverly takes ill-gotten gains from foreigners and brings glory to the country. It's really, really high, really high!"

The fat man couldn't help but uttered a few words in a Beijing accent: "What a foreign slave, I'll beat you with a steel whip, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah."

Lin Yi looked at these two "dog-licking" looks and shook his head helplessly.

These two people were afraid that Golden Tooth wouldn’t find a buyer for them!

Da Jinya is also a very discerning person. He waved his hand and said with a smile, "Come on, gentlemen, please don't shudder at me. You three are the real gentlemen!"

As he said that, Da Jinya couldn't help but give a thumbs up to the three of them!

"I'll show you three something."

This chapter has been completed!
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