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Chapter 430: Analysis of the origin of the Qilin bloodline

Although I don't know exactly what's going on, there is one thing that Lin Yi is sure of.

Whether it is the Queen's statement that the meteorite is in the Kingdom of the Western Queen, or the high priest's nearly perfect analysis of the ancient Zhou Tian Gu hexagram, they are all correct!

Not only that, in the original work, everyone who enters behind the Bronze Door gains different abilities!

It should be similar to the situation of the Queen and the High Priest.

Because they thought so, their imagination came into reality, and the bronze door gave the most perfect answer!

In the original work, Chen Wenjin learned the answer to healing his body after coming out of the Bronze Gate.

After the black blind man came out, he had an ageless physique similar to that of his younger brother.

The Zhang family in Changbai Mountain has guarded the Bronze Gate for generations, and every patriarch has entered the Bronze Gate.

So was the Zhang family's Qilin bloodline obtained for this reason?

Perhaps, a long time ago, the ancestors of the Zhang family did not have the Qilin bloodline, but the bloodline evolved due to the entry of generations, or the Bronze Gate gave them a more powerful bloodline, and after changes again and again, it became the Qilin bloodline.

, and then be able to sit next to King Wannu on the altar?

Now in my younger brother's generation, after entering the Bronze Gate again, I have an almost perfect immortal body!

If this is really the case, the Zhang family's Qilin bloodline was given by the Bronze Gate.

Naturally, it is completely different from his own true Qilin bloodline.

In this way, it can also better explain why Bronze Sect will not hesitate to kill its own henchmen when it senses that it has released the Qilin bloodline.

Similarly, the Zhang family is of Qilin bloodline, but why do the people born into the Zhang family have Qiongqi bloodline after intermarrying with foreigners?

Qilin has a head like a dragon, a shape like a horse, a shape like a deer, and a tail like an ox's tail. It has colorful hair patterns on its back, yellow hair on its abdomen, it can spit fire from its mouth, and its voice is like thunder!

On the other hand, Qiongqi is as big as an ox, looks like a tiger, is covered in hedgehog fur, has wings, sounds like a dog, and makes a living by eating people!

These two things are clearly out of reach. Why is there such a distinction between pure and impure?

Now, in Lin Yi's opinion, before the Zhang family entered the Bronze Gate and were given the Qilin bloodline, they should have been given the Qiongqi bloodline by the Bronze Gate!

Enter the Bronze Gate again and obtain the Qilin bloodline that surpasses the Qiongqi bloodline!

And intermarriage with foreign races will lead to the impure blood of the next generation, thus degenerating into Qiongqi blood!

So if a person of Qiongqi bloodline marries an ordinary person, what kind of bloodline will the next generation have?

But when Lin Yi thought about it carefully, Zhang Dafo Lord Zhang Qishan and his adjutant Zhang Rishan had never heard of any descendants saying this.

These two people are both old monsters who have lived for a hundred years. It is abnormal to not leave one or two descendants.

Are they deliberately hiding the next generation's life experience, or are they saying that intermarriage between Qiongqi bloodlines and foreign races cannot give birth to the next generation?

In this way, the purity of the Zhang family's Qilin bloodline can be guaranteed!

Ji Lin Yi is not sure what the specific situation is, but it is very likely that the Kirin bloodline was obtained through a method similar to that of the Queen and the High Priest!

This time after the little brother enters the Bronze Gate again, will the Qilin bloodline in his body evolve again?

Or is it that I got something else?

And Wang Zanghai, he was also the one who entered the Bronze Gate, so he should have gotten what he wanted, right?

What else did he gain?

On the contrary, it was Lin Yi himself...

He was a little speechless in his heart.

After everyone entered the bronze door, they all got a great opportunity!

It just so happened that he, with his true Qilin bloodline, was not affected by the Bronze Gate's ability and could not gain anything.

It's too much, it's too much!

Is it bullying?

Sooner or later I'll take you in!

"Ding! We are about to leave the Bronze Gate. The world-class mission about the bronze artifact has been triggered. Do you want to accept it?"


Said Cao Cao Cao Cao has arrived.

The world-class mission is finally here!

Isn’t this a coincidence?

After completing the world-class mission, you can take possession of the nine bronze artifacts for your own use!

Does the Bronze Gate bully people?

When the time comes, let’s see if you still bully others!


Lin Yi accepted it without hesitation.

World-class tasks, as the name suggests, are super tasks that can change the entire world!

There is no conflict between world-class tasks and main and side tasks!

Moreover, the world-class mission of the Bronze Artifact even requires the cooperation of side missions!

Now, he has explored the bronze sacred tree and is the first stop to complete the world-class mission of the bronze artifact!

Now coming out of the Bronze Gate, the side mission of Yunding Tiangong has been completed, triggering the world-class mission of the Bronze Artifact. At the same time, the second stop of the Bronze Artifact's world-class mission, the Bronze Gate, has been completed.

As for why the world-class mission is triggered at this time, it should be because the Bronze Gate is the mother meteorite?

In the next third stop, Lin Yi also has something to look forward to!

The Mother Kingdom of the Western Queen!

The Queen Mother of the West was able to come here to steal the meteor jade, which shows that she can be said to be the first to know about the existence of the bronze artifact.

Lin Yi remembered that in the original work, it was also mentioned that there was a huge meteorite beneath the Queen Mother Kingdom of the West!

And the Queen Mother of the West brought the meteor jade to the Kingdom of the Queen Mother of the West. Without the interaction of the bronze artifacts, she probably would not be able to truly practice the art of immortality!

Therefore, the Queen Mother Kingdom of the West must have a bronze artifact!

At the same time, the side mission of Yunding Tiangong has also been completed, and the reward is the qualification to guard the Bronze Gate.

Previously, Lin Yi thought that people with qualifications as gatekeepers of the Bronze Gate could enter the Bronze Gate.

Now it seems that this thing is of little use.

It's just a bronze door, how can I, Mr. Lin, guard the door!

In the future, please continue to work hard, little brother!

Not long after, Lin Yi stepped out and finally left the bronze door and entered the ancient tomb of Yunding Tiangong.

However, at this time, the little brother had disappeared. I don’t know where this guy went.

He is mysterious and mysterious every day, and he does a lot of things. This time behind the bronze door, he probably found out something, and then disappeared again.

As for King Wannu, who left the Bronze Gate first, he didn't know where he went.

King Wannu has taken office this time and has been dormant for seven hundred years. If he comes out again, he may cause a bloody storm in the world.

Of course, Ji Yi doesn't care. Just don't cause trouble for him. Otherwise, he doesn't mind and allows his grandson to return to his hometown and practice his account again.

After leaving the Bronze Gate, Ji Yi immediately checked the surrounding situation.

I found strange birds and dead monkeys everywhere.

He had guessed in his heart that these things must have attacked Lao Hu, Fatty and others after he left.

However, he was still very relieved about Lao Hu and Fatty and was not worried. Now the four Lao Hu should leave here and go to the ground.

Lin Yi immediately used the insect control technique and sensed the existence of Xiao Tuantuan.

Immediately, his body flashed and he arrived at the strange bird's nest easily. He looked at the strange birds around him who were looking at a nest with vigilance and did not dare to move forward.

Lin Yi laughed dumbly. These things seemed to be tortured by little groups.

Then he used Qing Kung Fu to fly over and landed in the nest where Xiao Tuantuan was sleeping.

This chapter has been completed!
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