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Chapter 500: The reincarnation of the gods, the reincarnation hall of the reincarnation sect

Ji Yi knows a god, that is my little brother!

This little brother is the God-giver of the corpse cocoon in the meteorite!

In the Tibetan areas south of the Kunlun Mountains, there is also a saying of heavenly instruction.

People in Tibetan areas call him a divine singer!

In the Yan and Huang era of the Central Plains, there was also a country in Tibetan areas!

That is the ancient demonic kingdom ruled by the Ghost Mother.

The ancient Demonic Kingdom possessed the Dap ghost insect, which used witchcraft to control the ghost insect, which frightened the surrounding tribes. They could only pay tribute to the Demonic Kingdom in large amounts of treasures and even slaves every year...

The vast snowy territory in the Tibetan area has been under the dark rule of the Demon Kingdom for thousands of years, until a person appeared on the snowy territory!

This man is the legendary hero King Gesa in Tibetan areas, the incarnation of the gods!

King Geza united Lingdi, Rongdi, and Jiadi to form a mighty army, and with the assistance of the saint Master Lotus, he finally overthrew the dark rule of the demon kingdom.

Become the greatest king in Tibet!

And God-given singer is a unique title in Tibetan areas!

According to legend, the heaven-ordained singers were almost like ordinary people. However, after some incidents or illness, they suddenly became familiar with various ancient deeds of the hero King Gesa. They called it "mandated by heaven" and continued to sing throughout Tibetan areas.

Teleport Sag!

This kind of thing may seem outrageous to many people.

But according to what Lao Hu said, in Tibetan areas, such divine singers appear every once in a while!

Many of these people developed dexterity when they were young, maybe only a few years old, and could recite "Sagar" backwards and forwards!

Some people say that this kind of heavenly teaching can also be artificially enlightened.

This is similar to the Panchen Lama. It is said that the Panchen Lama in Tibetan areas are reincarnated from generation to generation, so when a generation of Panchen Lama passes away, he will quickly come to reincarnate to have enlightenment.

The same is true for divine poets. If a person is a divine poet, he can be inspired by the older generation of poets.

However, daigo usually occurs in dreams!

After Daigo, he became a new divine poet.

Lin Yi also learned about the history of Tibetan areas from Lao Hu.

It seems that in the era of the Queen Mother of the West, Heavenly Grant was not unfamiliar!

If King Sage is really reincarnated as a god, it would not be surprising that he possesses abilities given by God.

Just like the corpse cocoon in the meteorite, the age of the corpse cocoon is obviously before the Queen Mother of the West, and it also has a heavenly gift!

"Is it a gift from the gods?"

Thinking of this, Ji Yi thought of the queen in the space ring.

The Queen and my brother have a similar situation.

Every once in a while, a lot of memory information will come into your mind.

Most of the information in the queen's memory is about the ghost mothers of the past generations.

If the queen is also given by heaven, then whose gift is it?

Snake god?

King Sage, the Ancient Demonic Kingdom, and the Mother Kingdom of the Western Queen, these three existed in ancient times.

Great things must have happened in that era!

"If we go back further, is it considered a prehistoric civilization? Perhaps, at that time, gods really existed in this world, but for some reason, those so-called gods no longer existed. Only then did the Queen Mother of the West and the Ghost Mother exist.

And King Sag.”

Under the leadership of Lao Hu, the two found the iron rod Lama Ake.

Ake was acquainted with Lao Hu when he was a soldier in Kunlun.

Before he became a monk, he was a divine singer who was well versed in the history of the Demon Kingdom and the Ling Kingdom!

But his gift from heaven is not like his younger brother, who can live forever. Now, decades have passed, and he has forgotten much of the history.

However, these poems cannot be learned, so if he wants to recall them, he can still remember them.

The World's Enemy-Conquering Orb, the King of the Great Army, and the poems about the reincarnation of the Jade-Eyed Orb...


These poems are millions of words long!

When he was young, he remembered it clearly and could recite it casually.

I heard that they are going to the territory of the ancient demon kingdom to carry out tomb robbing activities.

Tiebang Lama’s special support!

In the view of the Heavenly Singer, the Demon Kingdom is the mortal enemy of the King of Heroes, and it seals away demons. In history, many monks with advanced practices wanted to eliminate demons and protect the Dharma, and completely eradicate the ancient tombs of the Demon Kingdom to prevent the evil god from returning to the world.

It's a problem, but I don't have any clues. Since you are willing to go, it is a good deed of immeasurable merit.

According to Tiebang Lama, this demon pagoda enshrining the "Glacier Crystal Corpse" is at the top of the snow-capped mountains.

So, after Lin Yi met up with Fatty and others, under the leadership of Tiebang Lama, he packed up mountaineering equipment, oxygen bottles, etc., and set off towards the snow-capped mountains.

On the way, Tiebang Lama narrated the poem "Sage" and the battle between the Hero King and the Demon Kingdom, and everyone listened with interest.

On the way, we passed through an ancient ruins and crossed the ancient ruins. After another day, we finally reached the ancient city.

This ancient city has been developed and protected by the state and can be regarded as a cultural monument.

The ancient city is not big, it is a hillside of more than 300 meters.

Except for the temples with relatively strong structures, most of the remaining private houses have collapsed, and some only have some earthen walls left, with the remains of city walls and watchtowers on the outside. The entire royal city is built on the mountain, with the palace on the top of the mountain at the highest point, the temple in the middle, and the temples at the bottom.

It is a residential and peripheral defensive building.

Due to altitude sickness, Uncle Ming and his party were in a trance, but Lin Yi and the others were fine.

However, Uncle Ming took the Scripture in his hand very seriously and was only willing to read it by himself, waiting for him to recover.

Then I remembered that it was recorded in the scriptures that the Guge Silver Eye they were looking for was in the Samsara Temple in the Guge ruins!

Tibetan areas are areas that believe in Buddha, but their Buddhism is different.

There are four major sects of Tibetan Buddhism!

Nyingma sect, Kagyu sect, Sakya sect, Gelug sect.

If it is easier to distinguish, it can be divided into four religions: red, yellow and white flowers.

They have different sects and different temples based on the colors of their clothes.

According to Tiebang Lama, this Samsara Temple is a temple built by the Samsara Sect, a small Tantric sect. It is different from the four major sects, and he can tell it clearly.

Pass through the ruins and come to the Samsara Temple and enter the Dharma Protector Temple.

Seeing the paintings on the walls of the temple, Shirley Yang couldn't help but blush...

This chapter has been completed!
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