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Chapter 89: Queen Jing Jue is a Banshee?

Behind the stone gate is a wide stone chamber, with a length and width of fifty or sixty meters, and a height of three or four meters.

There are so many bones on the ground that you can't even find a place to put your feet. It seems that the bones are all from animals. They are extremely loose and will break when stepped on. Dozens of wooden pillars stand around, with dried human bones tied to them. Look.

They all have the physique of a strong man.

Xue Liyang looked at the mummies and sighed: "It's so miserable. They are all slaves or prisoners who were buried in the grave. It's really too barbaric."

Lin Yi looked at the surrounding environment and said: "It seems that this is a place to hold sacrifices to important deceased people. It should be the custom of Gumo in ancient times. These individuals are all criminals. They were tied up in the desert and died of thirst. They were completely tortured."

After they were dried, they were placed here, and then the blood of the slaughtered animals was poured onto these mummies."

Lao Hu lamented and said, "Although they are criminals, it is too cruel to do this! Hey, the position of these pillars seems to be a little special, it looks like... it seems... it seems to form a pattern!"

When Shirley Yang heard this, she immediately sketched a pattern of all the pillars in her mind.

This pattern is very strange. It looks like a six-pointed star. There are also strange lines inside the six-pointed star. It is unclear what their purpose is.

Lao Hu was confused when he saw this pattern and had no idea at all.

But Shirley Yang has accepted Western knowledge and has some understanding of this. "This is... the tarot divination magic circle! Strange, why does it appear here?"

Tarot divination magic circle!

Originated from the exclusive formation patterns of Western tarot fortune tellers!

Seeing this complex magic array, Ji Yi suddenly realized.

According to the plot he learned, a fortune teller from a distant country once came to Gumo Kingdom. Prince Gumo also listened to the fortune teller and hid a specially prepared chronic poison in the golden lamb meat, and then paid tribute to the queen. Soon

News of the queen's death spread in Hou Jingjue's palace.

The huge magic circle in this sacrificial room should have been set up by the fortune teller, and after years of sacrificial rituals, this well will never dry up.

"This fortune teller really has something."

Ji Yi once heard about the profession of diviner, which has one to ten stars. One star is the lowest and ten stars is the highest. If you want to set up a magic circle with at least six stars, it is estimated that the magic circle that is huge and complex like the sacrificial room will be that person.

The fortune tellers who come to Gumo Country should be at the level of Seven Stars or even higher.

There is a fortune teller of this level in the Gumo Kingdom. No wonder he can conceal the truth. Even Queen Jingjue died in his hands.

However, if you think about it carefully, it would be wrong. If Queen Jingjue really died under the fortune teller's plan, how did the Jingjue Kingdom manage to pull the coalition forces of other countries and bury her in the desert?

It is also possible that Queen Jingjue took advantage of the situation and pretended to be poisoned to lure the coalition forces from various countries to attack.

Regarding the demise of Jingjue Kingdom, it seems to have become confusing again.

Soon, Lao Hu discovered that there was something wrong with the floor of the stone chamber. They pushed aside all the broken bones on the ground, and a large stone slab with reliefs was revealed on the ground, with two pull rings on both ends.

Lao Hu said excitedly, "Great, the ancient tomb must be inside!"

Lin Yi and Lao Hu each pulled a ring and pulled it to both sides. After a while, the large stone slab of the stone chamber was opened!

Shirley Yang saw that it was dark under the stone slab and could not see anything clearly, so she threw a cold firework in.

Lin Yi possesses the special power of Yin Yang Eyes. Even without Leng Yanhua, he can still see clearly.

Under the big stone slab is a tomb chamber that is about the same size as the sacrificial room!

In the very center of the tomb, there is a coffin!

This coffin is extremely special. Unlike ordinary coffins that are rectangular, this one is square!

The key is that there are complex and mysterious Tarot patterns engraved around the coffin!

Prince Gumo’s coffin and tomb should have been carefully designed for him by a tarot fortune teller!

"Good guy, everything has changed!"

Lin Yi thought to himself.

In the TV series, the existence of tarot fortune tellers is only briefly introduced on the murals around the tomb.

Prince Gumo's coffin and the sacrificial room on the first floor have nothing to do with fortune telling.

Now that I'm here, there seems to be mystery everywhere.

I don’t know if it’s already there, but the system is worried that it won’t notice it, so I’m going to remind you here.

Or it doesn't exist in the first place, because the existence of the system adds extra difficulty to myself.

Or, in fact, there is such a mysterious event, and the system not only reminds itself, but also increases the difficulty!

It's useless to think so much, just make peace with it as it comes.

I really want to see what kind of methods the fortune tellers from thousands of years ago had!

They went down to the tomb, took flashlights, and looked around.

That's a mural pattern!

Seeing these patterns, Shirley Yang shouted in surprise, "This...these murals are related to the ancient city of Jingjue!"

Lin Yi also looked at these murals with curiosity.

Although he knew the plot and what the mural was about, the tomb of Prince Gumo was now more complicated than he imagined, so he didn't want to give up any clues.

Lao Hu kept wondering about the treasures in the ancient tomb. He looked at the strange square coffin for a while, and then patiently looked at the murals around it.

The previous paintings indicate that the owner of the tomb was the prince of Gumo during his lifetime. Gumo was an elite vassal state and was greatly oppressed. Every year, a large number of treasures and cattle and sheep slaves were sacrificed.

Prince Gumo once went to Queen Jingjue to request freedom for his subjects. He went three times in a row but never saw the Queen.

The latter painting tells the story of Prince Gumo who was unwilling to be enslaved by his subjects, so he painted himself as a brave sun god, sneaked into the palace of Queen Jingjue and tried to assassinate the queen, but he saw a terrifying scene!

Shirley Yang frowned and stared at the mural behind her. She was very puzzled and said, "Why is this mural so weird? In the painting, the prince is hiding in the corner and peeking. The face of the exquisite queen is in the painting."

All the murals are covered with veils. In this painting, the queen only has her back. She lifted up the sand with one hand, and the person opposite, who seemed to be a slave or something, turned into a shadow...


After hearing this, Lao Hu felt a little creepy, with a slight chill coming from his back, and asked in surprise, "Is this Queen Jingjue a monster?!"

Ji Yi already knew what was going on, and then said calmly, "In the painting, the queen has lifted the veil that has always been covering her face, and the figure opposite her has become a dotted line. This shows that someone has seen Jingjue

The Queen's face, that person will mysteriously disappear, or in other words, that person will disappear after being glanced at by Queen Jingjue!"

Lao Hu asked in shock, "This... how is this possible? How could a living person be just looked at and then be told no and then disappear!"

This chapter has been completed!
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